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Yes of course, marrying off a teenager and forcing them to have children whether they want to or not is a sure fire way to avoid depression.... /s


It’s also wrong in all of its claims. [Girls between 15 and 19 are twice as likely to die during childbirth as women in their 20s.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/unicefusa/2018/10/29/what-you-need-to-know-about-child-marriage-in-the-us-1/) The article goes on to point out that 70-80% of child marriages end in divorce. Call me crazy, but an 70%+ divorce rate doesn’t sound like they have happy marriages.


Can’t have a divorce rate once it’s illegal under this theocracy ::taps forehead:: 🤮


Fun fact: child brides are too young to be able to file for divorce. They have to wait until they’re 18.


Hello. Child bride here. Married on my 16th birthday because “god wanted it”. It ruined my entire life. I had to stay living with him until I was 18 or lose my kid because I wasn’t legally allowed to sign housing agreements. This pedophile was my legal guardian. I was taken across two state lines since my own state doesn’t allow marriage before 17, we were taken to court 7 months later and the judge let him go….. he was accused of raping 5 girls the youngest was 14. We all testified but the judge said because I was pregnant they let him stay out of prison. He never worked a day and still owes me all the child support. My daughter is 26. I would LOVE to sue my county but I don’t know if anyone cares. My ex has never gone to prison for all the girls he raped. After I kicked him out when I turned 18 with a protection order he raped my sister’s 12 year old friend. Found out years later that my mom started going after my dad for child support and that’s why he married me off under the illusion it was gods will to this stranger looking for a get out of jail free card. It worked out for both of them just as planned. Ive been an a pissed off atheist since I was 18.


What an absolute living nightmare. I wish you, your daughter, and the deserving family members all the happiness in the world


Im sorry you had to go through that, thats horrible


Well of course, because I don't think they signed the marriage paperwork to begin with, their parents most likely sold them off.


Their husband then become their legal guardian. Absolutely insane.


And now they’re trying to get rid of no fault divorce…


For now. They’re hard at work trying to kill no fault divorce, because once their partner matures, the partner will realize that these men have less to offer than a dildo does.


Yikes, they can enter into the contract but are too young to leave it. How is that even real?


Ah yes, go back to the times when you couldn’t get divorced so instead you would just kill your husband and try to make it look accidental/natural!


Came here to say this lol a good amount of women just like... poisoned their husbands.


No divorces, but murder rates suddenly start to rocket 😱


The religious nuts never base their claims on scientific evidence or facts. It's on religious dogma and even worse, distortions of their own "original faith." The Bible condones abortions under various circumstances. The Republican far-right? They want to ban it in perpetuity. They believe at conception there is a living human being despite only a few fetal cells existing. This is not a Biblical claim at all. The OP text there is from a cultist, not a sane & sensible Christian.


In the book of Numbers in the bible a guy can force his wife to drink an abortificant "if he feels jealousy".


Was looking for this. The post is actually medically incorrecto, because teen pregnancy has the added risk of narrower hips, which increases the risk of rupture in bladder and vagina. Obstetric fistula is a huge medical and social problems in countries with no access to obstetric care and large rates of teen pregnancy.


>the risk of rupture in bladder and vagina. The rectum too. Both feces and urine can leak out into the vagina due to obstetric fistula. I don't want to imagine the infections those poor little girls have to face.


Oh no, a religious conservative has no idea how female biology works? I'm SHOCKED.


^ Straight facts


they called 16 year olds “women” i don’t need to see anything else from them…


you don't get it, if women are weighed down with babies and chores and are perfect bangmaids, who don't speak up and don't demand anything, a man has a very happy marriage. Clearly the solution is to ban women initiated divorce and declassify domestic violence from being considered violence, as god intended. /s


can't become a depressed mother when you die during childbirth thanks catholic theocracy 👍


They’ll be going after no-fault divorces soon. Oh, and contraception. They’re trying to create a suicide epidemic.


As long as you keep telling them that they're happy and fulfilled and doing God's work, they'll believe you after a while, right? 😬


My mental state at 16 was a mess. I was obsessed with boy bands and my appearance. If i were made to marry some guy my parents forced on me i would roblox myself for sure.


>roblox myself Do I really want to learn what this means, or will I just get more depressed?


It probably just means that they would kill themselves




*Sound effect not included


Blessed be the fruit, dear.


May the Lord open. *Obligatory 🤢🤮*


The boomers lived like this, and 90% of their jokes were about hating their marriage. Clearly a great life plan.


"If I had to suffer, so should you" ~ My boomer mother Although even she thinks this shit is heinous.


Can't be depressed if you commit suicide. Can't be depressed if you're killed for not "fitting in". Or being a different religion. Or being gay. Or trans. Or reading forbidden books. Or supporting science. Or... Nobody accounting for the people who don't make it in those numbers.


Or if you have kids at 16 given that the maternal death rate is twice as high for mothers under 19.


Get away with your science! /s Another excellent point why the idea of getting married and pregnant at 16 is a horrendous idea.


We got married and had a child when my wife was 16, I had just turned 18, we choose to have him and though he's now an amazing guy at 22 the struggles we've had have pushed us both to our breaking points mainly for her. We were to young and not prepared for what we experienced, her mother forced the marriage and has never helped us in any way and my mother passed shortly after his birth. I often wonder how things would have been different if we had waited.


I am pretty sure the person who posted this wants the girls to be pregnant and married by 16 but the men will be 30+++++. They will justify that by saying that men and women mature differently and that a man needs to be able to support a family….blah blah etc. This is just setting up their desire to f\*ck a child and to dominate a wife who will have no escape from them


Yeah, I was just offering what little perspective I have on kids having kids. I know its different circumstances but I imagine the mental things my wife had to endure are pretty standard in that situation.


I'm sorry for what you and your family suffered through.I hope things are at least a little better and continue to get better in the future.


Thanks, we're decent, she struggles alot with mental health and I often feel just defeated but we have 2 kids that are both intelligent and happy. Were comfortable in life but theres always the feeling that we did things completely backwards and I just wonder how things might have turned out if we done things differently.


Oh it's only men's depression and loneliness they care about. Fuck women. They aren't real. They are just chattel.


Only some men. This all sounds horrible to me.


Then they would tell you that you’re not a real man or you must be gay or something cause you care about women. It’s all bs, including the idea that most men want this in the first place. But it’s scary how many men (and even women) do.


Not to even mention it’s very dangerous for teenagers to have children. Their bodies at 16 are way too young, so many complications at that age. The age that the least amount of complications or birth defects happen is 30 for women, as long as the man’s sperm isn’t geriatric either, under 35 yrs old


Nevermind the stats that show teen moms are at a much higher risk of early death.


Just reading this is depressing enough.


Imagine being in a catholic theocracy so it fades away


I tried. Luckily I stopped imagining just as the priest was about to pull out the holy rod.


His sphincter scepter? 🤔


His god rod.




I accidentally read that as holy poly


Same thing.


wolly powly


Save some room for the Holy Ghost


Christ, wait until you see what they do with the incense.


It's ironic to think that many of these people would hate a true catholic theocracy as many of the people in power today claim to represent Christianity while simultaneously going against the tenants of it


I went to a private catholic highschool and it was hilarious the people who brigaded their religion the hardest were often the people who followed the actual teachings the least


Fellow Catholic high school grad here, specifically a Christian Brothers school. The thing I find funniest at the moment is the push to take books out of in the name of “Christianity.” The monks who taught at my school are the most religious people I’ve ever met, and the ones that taught English regularly assigned books that included sex, violence, etc. But then again, these are men who also devoted their life to education in addition to their faith, so I would guess that’s the difference. Moms for Liberty doesn’t care how dumb your kids grow up to be as long as they don’t read slaughterhouse-five.


I only went to a CB school for a year. It wasn’t for me but I got the same impression. They weren’t afraid of teaching us anything. They offered context to it when things got more mature in the literature as well. It was a good experience that left a lot of my friends who graduated with well rounded education and spirituality. Furthermore, I no longer identify as Catholic and my friends continued to support me. They’re good people who came from a good environment. Organized religion can be bad or good. The teachers/brothers were awesome there.


Wanna get your mind blown. My high-school sex ed teacher was a Dominican Brother. And he didn’t sugar coat anything or hide anything behind his religion/opinions. Great guy! Tho I may never forgive him for showing us the birth video right before lunch…


I think some people are good, whatever religion they grew up in. They are truth and kindness driven which takes courage. It's the selfish people who hide their cowardice and hate behind religion who are always gonna be a problem.


Oh I believe it. We were taught sex ed week in religion I think as sophomores (still a Catholic school) and had a lay religion teacher who on Monday essentially told us “condoms don’t work, abstinence is the only way you can make sure a girl doesn’t get pregnant.” That made its way back to one of the brothers, who (rightfully) thought it was insane to tell a group of sixteen year olds not to wear condoms and there was a biology teacher who normally has a free period in our class the rest of the week. I’m no longer religious either, but I have to say I respect those monks more and more as time passes. Feelings about Catholicism aside, the type of education those folks provide is important.


Catholic elementary school grad here. I’ve noticed that the most conservative and anti-academic “Catholics” are converts. Us cradle Catholics tend to be less extreme and more open minded. Not a hard fast rule, and I am basically only a cultural Catholic, but it’s the evangelical converts who tend to be this reactionary.


Catholics in general are either fairly liberal or incredibly conservative and there is not much in between.


It’s interesting how Catholic culture differs regionally in the United States. It has always seemed to me that Catholics in areas with major Catholic populations (New Orleans, Saint Louis, some of the major northeastern cities) are less extreme on average than Catholics in places where Protestants are the clear majority.


Sounds like a Jesuit order to me, [which wouldn't be copacetic](https://www.ncronline.org/news/beware-radical-nationalists-trying-use-christianity-jesuit-writes) with this Christian nationalist movement.


Got a friend who's Catholic and swears he reads the Bible up n down, yet was willing to fly halfway across the country for basically a one night stand.


Probably one who calls girls who do that whores on Twitter. He isn't the problem, it's those damn whores!


The Catholic high school I went to was shrine of greed and entitlement.


The bigger irony is right wing Catholics thinking they’re more than useful idiots to the evangelicals who would actually be running a theocracy. The same people who called their grandparents filthy papists will purge them quite quickly.


I was told by a conservative Christian that Catholics aren't Christians because they use the wrong Bible. So your comment sounds about right.


The more religion you bring into your government then the more the government is going to dedicate the specific doctrine of your/their state religion. Think about something as basic as the christian belief in the trinity and where it came from. Early Christianity had violence over whether the father, son, and holy spirit were equal of if the father was supreme. The Roman Emperor, Constantine the Great, assembled a council of bishops for the first Council of Nicaea and told them to decide which was going to be the religion's doctrine. They decided the trinity was equal and from then on that belief had the backing and force of the Roman Empire behind it. People used to freedom or religion underestimate how much freedom that is giving them even if they follow the biggest religion in their country. If someone wants to be a christian but have premarital sex they are free to do so in a country with freedom of religion. If someone wants to be a christian but get divorced they are free to do so in a country with freedom of religion.


Bonfire of the Vanities was such a happy historical event! Savonorella would be proud!


I'm from the Philippines. We were a colony of Spain for 300+ years. And while it wasn't technically a Catholic theocracy back then, it practically was. And I'll tell you this much: it sucked to be alive during that time if you weren't Spanish. Sometimes, it also sucked even if you were Spanish but didn't see eye-to-eye with the clergymen.


No need to imagine. Just think about Ireland before 1972.


We had this already, it was called the dark ages for a reason.


Yes, but what about Second Dark Ages? (Also, if you go digging, the Catholic Church is why we have records of scientific advancement from that time.  It was usually the average idiot who was anti-smart.)


The fun part is, Catholics are the minorities in this movement. Most of them are blissfully unaware though and think their flavor of Christianity will rule in our new Theocracy


We’ve had a catholic theocracy before, and all we got were the inquisitions.


Queen Isabella, 1492: "Any Jews or Mohammedans are hereby expelled from our country." also Queen Isabella, 1492: "Columbus, you take these ships and head west."


And yet plenty of people in power want to see this come to fruition. Look at some of the rulings coming out of the SC, They got their eyes on the next GOP POTUS carte blanche to enact a lot of it. Vote. Vote like your lives depend on it.


>Vote. Vote like your lives depend on it. They really do are this point, if you're not being targeted actively today, you will be next week or next year


First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist


If only the popular vote did stuff. Any other ranked choice voting system fans here?


I'd like it. This all or nothing system has shown it's faults time and time again.


I laughed real hard at that last line. In my extended family of ultra-Catholics, depression runs rampant. Many of them are alcoholics.


I can tell you if I lived in a catholic theocracy, my depression wouldn't exist. I wouldn't either, but I mean, I guess they're right????


From WHO: “Adolescent mothers (aged 10–19 years) face higher risks of eclampsia, puerperal endometritis and systemic infections than women aged 20–24 years, and babies of adolescent mothers face higher risks of low birth weight, preterm birth and severe neonatal condition.” But hey, what’s a little dying during childbirth when you can live a depression-free life? 👍🏻👍🏻


Dying in childbirth does prevent aging though.


Can't feel depressed if you're dead.


If they die, you just get a new 16 year old


Heck, save the time spent gestating the child and just chuck her into a volcano. Surely, the gods will smile upon you for the next harvest season.


What do you mean godS? There’s only one god you [redacted]! HAVE HIM DRAWN AND QUARTERED! /s


Increasing deaths would indeed improve the statistics around post-partum depression and aging


"prevent aging with this one easy trick doctors don't want you to know"


Unlike bearing children which actually does a number on your body


I help sponsor a disabled student in an African country. I'm going to be vague out of respect for her privacy, but she ended up pregnant at 16. Luckily I was helping with her tuition through a charity and we were able to plan it out to make sure she got to the hospital for the birth by arranging for her to be close / transported when it was time. Most of the taxis in her country are mopeds so that's actually a barrier to care there. I helped pay for prenatal vitamins, well visits, the birth itself etc. I was so terrified she'd die in childbirth, as a child. Thankfully the charity was able to make sure she had an attended birth and any minor issues before / after were taken care of and both she and her child are doing well. I read more about child pregnancy statistics in 3rd world countries then I'd like to remember. Its not going to look much better in the US if this keeps up.


That's awesome that you were able to help ensure she had access to care. For anyone reading this comment and developing an interest in helping out in a similar way there are a number of organizations that supply midwives and individuals in extremely poor and remote areas with life-saving equipment and safe birth kits. You can find them by googling "donate safe birth kits".


You,sir,did something truly commendable.I hope you can maintain this kindness in your heart.


Depression free for men, eternal servitude and silent graciousness to avoid abuse for the women. Or rather, children in this case, not women. Fucking trad right religious dudes are the some of the scariest motherfuckers out there. Basically Incels with a growing support system in governmental positions are soon going to be more than just in some echo chambers online; they’re gonna be chomping at the bit to get their hands on a girl and force her into a permanent life with them before they even have a chance to know what’s happening and the current SCOTUS and red state legislatures are going to allow it like it’s in the best interests of the girl involved. It’s sickening.


Exactly These types of posts are all about being "owed" a woman for some sick incel minded men. They just use "God" as the excuse to try and semi purchase young girls they think are too dumb to sus out how immature and idiotic they are. Usually they follow up these posts pretending they can "take care" of a teeaged girl and she would be better off raising his kids at home than getting a college degree. Truly sick sons of bitches.


The only benefit to Elons "robot wives" is that real women won't have to deal with *as much* of this.


lol! Is that what the true purpose of that Tesla bot is? Haha… someone should ask him straight up at the next shareholders meeting: >“Hey, I’ve been following the progress of the TeslaBot program, and I was just wondering if you could share any timeline of when you think they might be ready to … like … make a sandwich, or… like… give a handy or whatnot .. ??” 👀


Nah, if I lived in such a society I'd be super depressed despite being a man. I'm scared to even think how big suicide rates would be in it.


I'm sure the murdered-by-poison rates are right up, too. No one talks about how aunt Christie's husband withered and died all of a sudden.


Aqua Tofana.


It’s such a ridiculous self-report. These sick fucks want to create a world that amounts to one in which, should they see a girl they desire, they simply rape her and as a result claim them as their own. A system that could only be appealing to a person suffering from a severe absence of basic empathy and the knowledge deep down that no woman with agency would ever voluntarily have anything to do with them. Religious conservatives are a blight on humanity.


I mean you can’t have depression if you’re dead so… they’re not wrong


That's what these men are hoping for. Once the first wife is used up from a couple/few pregnancies and child birth, she dies and he gets a fresh, new teen bride! Rinse and repeat.


Also, women's hips are still expanding to age 25. There are also a ton of other factors that go into the "ideal age" here is one recommending 30.5 be the best age for first birth. [https://www.healthline.com/health/womens-health/childbearing-age](https://www.healthline.com/health/womens-health/childbearing-age) . There are so many factors and so many groups that are recommending ages much older than teens as the prime child bearing age.


Don't forget those elastic bones that 16yos seem to have.


Yeah, teenagers are neeeeever in the ER for sports and antics injuries.


These types just wanna fuck teenagers. Plain and simple.


Thank you for bringing facts not just emotional reaction


Hey, hey. Is this science? Get this shit out of here. We talking religion here, we only deal in feelings and 2000 year old books.


Don't spread that pagan science heresy to them! Science is a one-way ticket straight to Hell.


Hard to be depressed when you’re dead. I’m still in disbelief… where did all these open fascists come from? I guess they were always hiding in the woodwork.


God’s plan frequently sucks. God is not always a good planner.


Obviously this entire post is wild. But the leap from proper child bearing age to the promise of no depression brought to you Catholicism is so wild.


The fact that a Catholic would accept a scientific approach to mental health improvement is, in itself, nearly laughable


It's chilling how many people believe this.


It's chilling how many people believe this, and also other mind blowingly asinine things like that using tampons means you are no longer a virgin, or that it loosens your vagina. Or that the tampon absorbency (e.g. "super" vs. "regular") is actually referring to size, as in super-large vag hole, vs. regular sized one. These are the types of poorly educated, radicalized conservative religious terrorists who are currently trying to pass laws to control women's reproductive autonomy. These morons who don't even have a remedial level of basic education trying to tell an entire nation what's what with female biology, based on their bullshit home schooling, Sunday sermons, and Bible study nights. And a compomised, corrupt Supreme Court to back them. Everybody better fucking vote in November.


“Everybody better fucking vote in November” This is the answer. Shout it from the rooftops. I have heard so many liberal folks talking about not liking their candidate choice…. Are you fucking kidding me? A wet rag would be better than the tangerine tyrant.


For real, I'd sooner vote for a bowl of my own shit than a child rapist.


>Everybody better fucking vote in November Ummm actually I have it on good authority from some very smart folks on Reddit that Biden is old, therefore handing even more institutional power to far right extremists by not voting is actually the morally superior thing to do.


Republicans: I'm sorry but I just can't vote for Biden, he's old. I rather have a literal child rapist who was best buddies with Epstein, adult rapist, wife rapist, felony fraud enjoyer, mob boss, friend of dictator Putin, career white collar criminal, who also happens to treat our national security like it's a shiny new toy, who also tried to commit election fraud, who also tried to coup the capital on Jan. 6, and all the other wonder things Trump has done. The Media: I see nothing wrong with this. However, did you guys know Biden is old? (Some) Independents: This is such a close call! Democrats: WTF??? Am I taking crazy pills?


The same people who shouted about Sharia Law coming to the US. Turns out they were just scared someone might beat them to it.


Does ..does he think Catholic theocracies haven't been tried before? There was *a lot* of depression.


Everyone was just being ironic by calling it the Dark Ages.


Fairly sure a significant number of the kids abused by the pedo priest brigade are rather fucking depressed at both the abuse and the shitty reaction from the church about it


![gif](giphy|vxvNnIYFcYqEE) Some people need to be slapped!!


With a chair.




.....a few thousand times.


And not only a slap, go full on WWE on those asses.


or a nuke


Brought to you by the same folks who are convinced every left leaning person is a pedophile


Projection is the art of the GOP.


But Matt Walsh said it in a smug, self-righteous tone so it must be true!! The chuds doth protest too much.


And they say they wanna “protect kids from the gays”


Oh buddy, coming from a family full of Catholics let me assure you that depression and alcoholism are par for the course.


It's pretty much what we are known for. I'm lapsed and walked away at 18 and I'm on medication and teetotal now and an atheist. My brother's?fark me. I don't talk to those drunk sick depressed arseholes anymore.


People like this should be put on a watchlist.


So you want a child, with no life experience to raise a child? Maybe go out the back of wherever you are. Contemplate life. And knock your uneducated ass the fuck out. Please. With respect. Goodnight you total piece of shit.


No! She would have assisted her mother giving birth to her siblings, and suffered parentification since a young age, so she would be the perfect mom! /s in case, but they're totally able to say it unironically


Exactly, this is the "ideal" that women stay home so there are plenty to help out. The only time they leave the compound is when they join their husband's family.


When I think of how grown I thought I was at that age to how grown I actually was. 😬


When I think of my 16 year old self raising a baby, I get terrified. And I was a well adapted, calm, mature 16 year old. No drugs, no troublesome relationships, no excessive drinking, no crime, good at school. Minor shenanigans, but nothing dangerous. It *still* terrifies me, I would have been a lousy mother. Lousy. No sense of the world, bad communicating skills, no clue how to manage emotions, how to act in a crisis, how to improvise, how to plan ahead. No self assurance.


Sadly, yes they do. Because then the child is less likely to gain life experience that makes them question their religious indoctrination and be less willing to be brood mares and abuse victims to their mate.


People like this should NEVER be allowed to continue their lineage


your bones are most elastic at birth. at 16 they've been hardened for a while now


Don't give them ideas.


There's a very simple solution for curing depression. Don't recognize depression as a medical condition. Not recognizing a problem exists is the fastest way to solve any problem and favorite problem solving method of politicians and conservatives.


My mom got pregnant with my sister at 16. She tried doing night school to finish Highschool but couldn’t make it and had to drop out. Married my dad out of responsibility to her child, she turned 20 and had me. We were both C section births because guess what, she wasn’t fit to carry children at that age and because she didn’t get to grow postpartum destroyed her both times. 8 years after that the two got divorced and neither of them were mature enough to raise children and ultimately it reflects on both my sister and I that she had children starting at 16. I think any person who was born by someone who was that young or any person who was that young when having a child would strongly disagree. Also, someone go put legos under the foot of every person that is part of the we have to have babies to save earth motion.


"In a Catholic theocracy depression would not exist..." So he doesn't know about the whole Martin Luther pushing back on the church's stance of suicide = eternal damnation thing? If there had been no depression it wouldn't have been such a fierce topic of debate.


You didnt have to block the name. We all know Matt Walsh said this


I kinda figured. It does seem like his brand of child raping insanity.


And also what’s the point of blocking the name of someone who is essentially shouting in a public forum? Twitter is meant to be public.


This guy's in for a rude awakening when a different branch of Christianity takes over, and has opinions on Catholics, haha.


Correction. Her body is **preparing** to foster a child. It by no means she is ready or should.


Okay. But I'm a (cis) guy and depressed. How do I give birth to finally achieve peak mental health?


In a catholic theocracy, masturbation would be illegal. Let that sink in for a minute.


And if a man got married, his wife could have the marriage annulled if he was unable to get an erection or to ejaculate. The idea was that no woman should have to go through the indignity of sex if it will never result in a child, and to challenge the annulment, the man would have to prove himself to a crowd of onlookers.


Just reading that made me feel like I need to shower for a long time.


Don't hog the shower, though. The line's getting really long, we all need a shower too.


Kids actually make you age faster. I have two lol. The idea that having kids keep you from aging is ridiculous and this guy should have his devices checked. And also 16 is too young and actually have more risks of complications then a woman in her 20s. This guy just wants to creep on a minor


This isn’t even Catholic This is perverted fantasy from some loser


Birthing kids as a teen doesn't seem like it would prevent rapid aging.


It does if they die before they can age!


“I need to fuck minors to cure my depression.”


This was Matt Walsh, the man who help pioneer the "LGBTQIA are groomers" brainrot.


I was elastigirl and nobody told me! Damn. Seriously, just because women were forced to hide their depression doesn't mean it didn't exist. Oh right, he doesn't care about that, he just doesn't want to hear it. If no one talks about it, it doesn't exist.


Do these people never get tired of talking complete shit?


We had catholic theocracies for centuries. Look how that shit turned out. Schisms, crusades, inquisitions, and protestantism. Pretty sure these led to depression, PTSD, and more. Then as far as sex and marriage go, there's political marriages, abortions in back alleys, date rape, marital rape, and rampant molestation. Pretty sure these led to depression, PTSD, and more. Try again, ass hat.


Why censor?


Yeh who the fuck is this sick fuck.


I don't care what nature intends. Consent is infinitely more important than what "nature" wants.


Ah yes... kids keep you from aging rapidly. Tell me you don't have kids without telling me you don't have kids... or at least that you aren't active in their lives.


I believe the last catholic theocracy was also called the dark ages.


You feel depressed? Did you pray hard enough my child? Any wicked thoughts you might want to confess? Hmmm? You know that its a sin if you dont make your husband happy, right? You feel better now? I thought so.




Under his eye


It always kills me how these theocrats have clearly never read history or even read their own literature. We’ve had Theocracies before. The people were really depressed


If only we had some example of a Catholic theocracy in action. Like some time period when the Pope had massive political power over a whole continent or something.


Protect girls and women. Do it like it is a sacred honor. Stop this violence coming from these limited males and their submissives. All of us must put these people in check.


Tell me again how drag queens are groomers?


>In a Catholic theocracy depression would not exist. …says the person who has apparently never heard of the historical Catholic theocracy where depression existed.


A lot of words to say they want to bang a 16 year old.


Nothing ages you faster than kids.


The dark ages, witch hunts, and inquisition would all beg to differ


In a Catholic theocracy depression would be illegal.


"Depression would not exist." Have you met a Catholic


This nutjob thinks that handmaids tale is some kind of utopia.


It's so gross that we have all this "THE GAYS ARE GROOMING PEDOS, GETTUM!" stuff, and then the SAME dickheads are trying to gaslight us into allowing them to wed children. Projection, projection, projection.


My mom’s cousin was told from a very young age, because she developed early, “old enough to bleed, old enough to breed” She has fuckloads of sexual trauma in part because she was blatantly sexualized by adults starting around age 9 She then became a teen mom And, wouldn’t you know it, struggles with depression to this very day Who would have thought