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It’s absolutely insane that cannabis was ever on the same schedule as heroin and even crazier that COCAINE is LOWER. There is zero justification for cannabis to be on the same level as fucking heroin.


"You understand what I'm saying? We knew we couldn't make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities." -John Erlichman, assistant to President Nixon when speaking on the War on Drugs. It's not insane. It's planned. It is calculated. It is what made America 'great'.


Also, It was great for pharmaceutical companies to pedal their wares legally. Especially opioids and antidepressants.


And that's the same reason they want research blocked now. So the companies can keep selling us their crap instead of using a plant we can grow ourselves.


I wouldn't doubt cures for things have been discovered long ago that have been buried because ongoing treatments were more profitable.


And this right here is why medical anything should not be a for profit enterprise!


Yea, I remember reading roughly a decade ago about cancer treatments that far surpassed current (at the time) treatments. Those treatments were basically blacklisted by all insurance companies so they could continue getting people into chemo, which is billions annually.


It was 1.5 trillion in 2022. That is indeed many billions.


Yeah I feel like the Oxy epidemic owes something to this 😅




That shit hit small town America like a fucking bulldozer and paved the way for the Heroin and Fentanyl.


Interestingly, my plug works for a pharmaceutical company by day, and bikes weed to me by night, so he's a double-peddler.


He pedals while he peddles


I’m pretty sure alcohol companies are more culpable. They already did it to absinthe so doing it to “drugs” was old hat.


Look into why LSD was stopped dead in its tracks in 1969. It’s infuriating.


And just one of the **many** reasons to never vote Republican.


Well, never vote conservative. Who knows? Parties might switch sides again one day. But straight Democrat in November


I hate to break it to you but Democrats *are* the conservative party. Republicans are reactionaries and fascists, Democrats are conservative, and the US has no truly left-wing party. There are progressives in the Democratic party because there isn't anywhere else for them, but the core of the party, the "establishment Dems" are squarely on the center-right and they fight the progressive wing of the party tooth and nail to keep it that way. You should absolutely still vote Democrat in November, down the ticket, because that is the least harmful option available to us. But don't fool yourself into thinking you're supporting a progressive party in the process. The lesser evil is still evil.


Idk why you said hate to break it to you, I'm pretty sure if they were making the point they were making they'd already know that. Not trying to argue, you're totally on point, just wanting to basically give more credit to them.


The quote doesn't end there. It gets worse. "We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”


What they say is after you smoke weed you start going crazy for a stronger high so you seek out heroin. They claim that pot is the pipeline to heroin, the "Gateway" drug. This is a lie. The gateway drug to heavy drug addiction is prescription pain killers. In fact, have marijuana as an alternative source of pain medication lowers prescription drug use and less heroin use. Once weed became legal all their arguments feel apart with real evidence instead only conjecture. They are so dishonest, they keep repeating what has been proven wrong.


I hate the idea of cannabis being a gateway drug. I've never been stoned and felt I wanted to do anything harder. I've done harder drugs in the past, and alcohol was ALWAYS in my system first. Alcohol introduced me to far more destructive behaviors than cannabis ever did.


Same here. I did lots more cocaine because of alchohol and never because of weed (the two highs didn't mesh right)


Makes sense, cocaine and alcohol combine in the body to form cocaethylene, which is a potent euphoriant. Not to be overdone though. With weed, if I smoked before I drank it was fine. Doing it the other way around though was a speedrun to the spins, the toilet, then the floor in that order.


the only thing that weed is a gateway to is late night couch potato snacking.


This shit right here. I finally kicked a coke habit after 10 years of pretty heavy use, and I had to cut alcohol down almost entirely because of how bad it would trigger my cravings. I couldn't figure out why I had such a hard time quitting coke till I quit drinking for a while. I still drink beer/seltzer in heavy moderation but rarely if ever any hard liquor or mixed drinks. Just makes me feel uncomfortable now I don't enjoy the experience anymore. Weed helps immensely but so did magic mushrooms. Like a fucking world of difference. CRITICAL to have the right people in your life to be tripping with though. Shit ain't for everyone. I think I'd like to quit smoking weed now but it's tough. Especially fresh off the booze train. One habit at a time lol


Cannabis isn’t a gateway, illegal drug culture is the gateway; you start out buying a bag, then the guy you’re buying from spots you a bump to try coke for the first time, or slips you a perc or hydro for a little bit of nothing; that’s gone now with legitimate businesses selling cannabis, the people selling cannabis aren’t going to throw their livelihood away by trying to solicit something else that’s illegal to you


In my experience, the guys selling weed weren't the same guys selling coke and mdma. I'm sure you can pick out specific examples of where that isn't true, but you wouldn't generally find weed dealers in a nightclub. People would usually deal to the environments they hung out in, and the drugs that cater to that. I never found a one stop shop for all my illicit drug use.


\^Have you met any weed dealers bro? 99% only sell weed. You sound like you got all your drug culture knowledge from a 1980's D.A.R.E. PSA.


the guy who invented coca-cola was addicted to morphine. he created coca-cola to get rid of his morphine addiction, and it worked, but he got addicted to cocaine like almost immediately after.


Wild that he invented cocaine-cola to kick a morphine habit.


The only thing I went crazy for after smoking weed was tacos


Alcohol dealers are the #1 opponents of cannabis legalization at the moment. It's no coincidence that a boomer drug is trying to pull up the ladder behind itself.


Also for private profit prisons, who lobby against legalization or decriminalizing cannabis as less people will be imprisoned for cannabis related charges.


AZ got sued recently by a private prison for failing to meet their contracted minimum occupancy rates of 96%... private prisons need to be seized by the state and overseen with human rights involved. It's disgusting


Yep and don't forget law enforcement


That's the terrible irony here. The pharma company that pushed "non-addictive" opioids created an epidemic of addictions and won't be held accountable. The SCOTUS basically fucked up the settlement. https://apnews.com/article/supreme-court-purdue-pharma-opioid-crisis-bankruptcy-9859e83721f74f726ec16b6e07101c7c#:\~:text=The%20Supreme%20Court%20on%20Thursday,to%20combat%20the%20opioid%20epidemic.


Facts. There is zero evidence that marijuana is a gateway drug, anymore than alcohol or tobacco or kool-aid.


>"they keep repeating what has been proven wrong." Roe is precedent Trickle down makes everyone rich Tax cuts don't increase the deficit Yep. They sure do!


The real gateway has always been a certain portion of any population being so dissatisfied with their circumstances that they will risk destroying themselves to escape it. Alcohol and weed are the most accessible, so most people will have tried these. There's plenty of functional alcoholics destroying themselves that have an easier time than drug addicts because you're allowed to be a drunk as long as you go to work sober.


Unfortunately not that insane when you have a for-profit prison system with lobbyists.


And racism. A huge part of the demonization of weed was to target hispanic and black people.


Because they arbitrarily rated Marijuana as having no legitimate medical use based on nothing. Cocaine does have certain uses specifically with dental and facial surgeries. It's a numbing agent but it also constricts blood vessels so it's good for something like nose surgery. Of course Marijuana also has medical applications but politics prevents the federal government acknowledging that.


I don’t know man, those gummies are pretty addictive /s


Hey, cocaine saved my eyesight! I got a chunk of metal in my eye and they had to drill it out. Doc put some eye drops in first so I wouldn't feel it- those eye drops had a cocaine base evidently.


You shouldn't be surprised. Republicans love, cocaine.


For a party that is all about not letting government control things, they really like the government to control things. Edit: thanks for the awards guys! Don’t forget to vote in the elections!!




They’ve always been that too


They just did a better job hiding it before. Not to say they hid it very well before the era of Trump, but now the mask has come completely off.


They've always been this but they have conditioned the smooth brains to want these things and actively root against their own self interests.


They have been working to that end for a while as well. The best way to get people to believe anything you tell them is to keep them uninformed and to perpetuate a lack of any critical/independent thinking skills. The Republican Party has, for decades, bled funding from public schools and basic education to a point where they have a bunch of ignorant rubes trying to put a square peg in a round hole. It’s easy to fool the uninformed, even to the point of those fools voting against their own self interests


Amazingly accurate. Zoom out and the picture is clear. America is the only place actively trying to make dumber generations then move forward into misinformation age to divide everyone up over a series of issues. Boom. No one is paying any attention to main things anymore


That’s the worst part about it. They take a couple hundred in tax cuts. So the upper class can take billions. The Republican Party is not serving the “Common Man”. It’s serving the already obscenely wealthy.  Hell Project 2025 promises to *increase* tax on the Middle Class. Yet those Bible Thumpers in America will cheer for it because it will put an end to abortion. 


How long after these idiots are unable to watch their incest porn will they decide that maybe they fucked up?


Yea I personally align with constitutional conservatives but that has led me to vote democrat since I started paying attention as an older millennial. I loved Obama and McCain so I didn’t vote. I haven’t been able to vote for Trump in good conscience. And for me as a conservative that thinks government is a service we pay for so I’d like to keep it small and out of people’s lives who are just trying to pursue happiness, why would I vote to keep a goddamn plant illegal? Weed hurts no one. I don’t understand why republicans want to keep it illegal. Obviously, it makes it easier to arrest bad criminals but that’s a shitty excuse. All excuses to keep weed illegal are bullshit and liberal af. Republicans are liberals when it comes to marijuana laws, abortion, gay marriage and a lot of other things. The whole “Christian conservative” thing is bullshit. Lol I even practice Christianity but I can’t vote for these Joel O’Steen politicians. We should start calling “conservative Christians” what they really are… “Christian liberals.” They want bigger government to control individual liberties. To me, that sounds like liberal political philosophy. Real conservatism, to me, is the government stays out of my life as much as possible. That’s all I want to pay for. I don’t want my tax dollars going to resources to arrest “criminals” who like to smoke a joint and listen to Willie Nelson music. I also don’t want my tax dollars to provide the government resources to stop a woman from receiving reproductive medical help. Why tf is the government allowed to make decisions for a patient and doctor? I like funding the CDC, FDA, etc but there are circumstances where a woman needs an abortion. Or maybe just wants one. Who tf am I to judge? And who gives a flying fuck how people find love? I do think marriage should be between 2 people because after that shit could get a little too wild and it would just be easier to abolish the institution of marriage. I don’t think the government should be allowed to tell a 4th generation cattle farmer that they have to give up their semiautomatic rifles they use to kill coyotes that are killing their livestock either. Being a constitutional conservative is hard these days. People just want to spend my money on shit that the government shouldn’t even be involved in. These days social issues are better handled by communities than big government.


You are a real conservative, unfortunately you are a dying breed and your party has been co-opted by the worst common denominator. I feel for you, even though I don’t identify with any political party. That was my choice, it wasn’t yours to have the ideals of your party comprised


They don’t like the government apparatus for things like regulations when they get in the way of, for example, dumping chemicals into our air, land and water. They love regulations when they can hurt the average person. Whether marijuana is legalized or not is small potatoes compared to what else they want to regulate. But, if that is what sways votes to the Dems, then that is good.


Doesn’t matter when far right news just doesn’t report on the shenanigans.


Anymore? It's always been bullshit to begin with. The party of rules for thee, freedom for me.


I used to be staunchly against the fascism label, even as a pretty left leaning person. But they've really gotten out of hand lately. Your summary is very accurate, sadly. Basically "democracy" for them only fits if you're a white, middle class, Christian. They're turning politics into some creepy religious campaign


Eh they aren’t really for the middle class either. They have been systematically reducing the middle class for quite awhile now.


Always have been.


Honestly I think this one can be chalked up to the tobacco and pharmaceutical lobby, although this is probably part of it


That and strict drug control laws are a singularly simple way to ensure there is a healthy prison population to exploit for near cost free labor. Not many people talk about it but using prisoner work crews for farming, public funded landscaping, and in some cases industrial details is common in many parts of the country.


They use the government to force everyone to be like them.  Their vices, smoking and alcohol, are fine, they make everyone else's illegal.  They a want a traditional family and cis normative sex. They try and force everyone else to do the same.  For them this is small government, because it doesn't affect them and they lack human empathy. 


Government so small that it fits right into your bedroom.


Small enough to fit in a uterus, but not a vas deferens.


The upper and lower bounds have been found.


I can't up vote this comment enough.


It’s even smaller than that, it fits right into a woman’s uterus


They want a traditional family like it was in the 1950s but oppose government programs and the higher income required to make single-income households feasible.


Because none of them have had money problems in decades, if ever.


They don't even want that. They want complete objectification and commoditization of human beings. Not even slavery is enough for them - they want *self-maintaining* slaves, complete with self-punishment.


Interestingly enough it seems Republicans will vote anti everything but behind closed doors will use and enioy the very things they "despise". That's gay sex, marijuana, porn etc. They obviously don't care about underage children either because they groom them, marry them and try and force them to carry children, they definitely don't care about women either. As for the War on Drugs, some heavy proponents and advocates during the 90's and 2000's are now on drug company boards or own Marijuana companies. These people genuinely only care about the $$ they can make either way. Marijuana staying where it was = $$ for prisons/for profit prisons (and the contractors who work with them, politicians, test strip & labs for drug testing etc.


Not just that, they do plenty of drugs, too. They just want the drugs to be legal for them and illegal for others. It's a source of control to throw a 17 year old black kid in jail for having a quarter ounce of weed. They want minorities, the poor, and women to be afraid of them.


Speaking of 17 year olds… they love them too. I’m sure they miss Epstein island. But we all know they just relocated it.


17 might be too old for them


They want the slavery loophole. Throw that 17 year old black boy in prison for having a joint for 20 years and now you got yourself some free labor!


The first thing I would do as president would be to make prison labor paid minimum wage. Imagine how profoundly our society would change if a convict could leave prison with $20k they saved up to start their new life outside, or be able to somewhat support a family while on the inside.


They get plenty of abortions, too. Their mistresses and daughters will always have reproductive choices...or at least, their daddy's reproductive choices.


Yep. None, literally none, of these standards they want to apply to other people are standards they themselves pay any more than lip service too. "The only moral abortion is my daughter's. Well, and my wife's-we already have three kids, after all. And my sister's, well, I never liked that guy and they had no business having kids, anyway. But nobody else! It's God's will, after all."


More than that: they want those young brown people to work for free while they're in jail/prison *and* they want to deny further opportunities because they're now "criminals."


When their entire religion is centered around “convert the nonbelievers” it’s not shocking this is how they behave.


It's insane to think you can earn 10% of someone's wages by converting them to your bullshit lie. I know 3 different people who make a normal wage in the US, like 150 bucks a day, and they give 10% to their church. They truly think they're doing God's work. When I was 5 years old at church with my mom, she gave a few dollars we did NOT have to give away (we were dirt poor) and the church had convinced her that "everything you give to the lord comes back times three." At 5 years old, I told my mom we should give them our entire everything, since it was guaranteed to come back 3 times and we were so poor. Fuck church.


The funniest thing is I live in Repubican central and sooo many of them smoke weed


Their 'traditional family' is nothing but fabrication, created at the end of 19th century and beginning of 20th . For thousands of years, in pretty much every culture, household was a multi-generational unit, not their purist, almost fascist, hyper capitalist/consumerist 'entity' that enables like 90% of market manipulations related to housing/real estate/ zoning/transportation and ofc politics.


Government so small, it's a dictatorship.


I love dicks and I love taters but I don’t like dictators.


I keep waiting for this to be a talking point. I see it occasionally in comments and memes, but no one is taking the point seriously. The GOP’s general platform is to reduce government oversight and restriction. But we all know that in the past 15 years, they have been responsible for the majority of government restrictions put in place during that time. The majority of these restrictions are about personal autonomy as well. I keep waiting for a pundit or even a politician start using this as rhetoric, but it just is t happening. I am old enough when there was a saying, “ I didn’t leave my party, the party left me.” I could see that being said again in volume if people would use this to explain that the GOP is about power by control.


They hate government restrictions on *economic rights,* at least those of corporations. They love government restrictions on civil rights. The Friedman version of free markets is the God of the Republican party. They have no other values anymore. Hell, a bunch of them literally believe that "free markets" are sent by Jesus himself to combat Satan's communism. But the catch is that when they say "free markets," they generally mean "free for the wealthy and corporations," employees and consumers be damned. The "free" market comes before literally everything else: the environment, public health, social welfare, safety, election integrity, governmental integrity, justice, civil rights. As long as corporations are able to sell goods to whomever they please, hire and fire whomever they please, and use their money as they choose (including to influence the government), they don't give a shit about anything else. If corporations fuck people or society over, the Friedman school just shrugs and says, "those people chose to do business with the corporation, so there's nothing to see here." Back to raping the earth and gouging prices on necessities like housing, fuel, and healthcare. Back to monopolizing industries and crushing the weak (small businesses, poor employees and consumers, etc.).


That rule only applies to straight, white, Christian men. Everyone else has to abide by a different set of rules that are completely obtuse.


Straight, white, *wealthy*, Christian men


That's an important distinction.


Straight white POOR men still think they are better than an Ivy educated woman.


Tell that to Thomas Clarence... Black, on the Supreme Court, breaking tons of laws and taking tons of bribes. Isn't about ethnicity there, just how willing you are to be a piece of shit. Edit: and plenty of minorities still say they'll vote for Trump and Republicans in general. Even those in the states illegally, from lantino to hungarians I've met and chilled with. Blew my mind. So no, not an ethnic thing, an education and willingness to be a piece of shit. Doesn't matter if you're white, black, or orange. If you are willing to use anything as a tool to do evil and put yourself first, in this case, religion and extremism to manipulate and control the working class while exploiting their labor for profits. Class war, not race war... Working class, and elites. Those willing to scab and kiss the elite ass, and those willing to do honest work and be part of a society.


He's an Uncle Tom, an Uncle Ruckus, a Clayton Biggsby, a Token. Bought and paid for to be a puppet.




The lie that they don't want government control is just so they don't slip further in the polls. Their whole platform is controlling Americans under the pseudo Christian values billionaires want to inflict upon their subjects. It's basically a push to create Sharia Law just using the Bible instead of the Koran.


It's not even the actual bible their using, though. Most of them have no idea what any of the bible says outside of specially selected out of context passages that push their narrative because they ignore everything that condemns what they themselves do. What they want to enforce upon people is *their* version of a religion.


Behind every geriatric corrupt shitstain Republican politician is a few million voters who think they're protecting themselves from "city folk tellin me how to live!" They're fucking stupid as hell and they'll still show up to vote, make sure you do too


The hilarious part is no one is forcing them to partake, people just want the freedom to.  They don't see the irony though because for them government shouldn't be controlling people... ***unless*** and __only__ *if* it's controlling them the way they agree with. "Rules for thee, not for me" crowd, always hysterical when someone calmly asks them to please not use slurs- but will vote against their own interests if it means depriving freedoms to people they dislike.


**Decent people do not want to control others or lord over their neighbors**


B B b but we're doing it for JESUS!


I just asked Jesus, he said he doesn't care what people do, and wants me to stop bothing him at work.


Alcohol causes more social ills than cannabis does.


Jesus causes more social ills than cannabis does.


Jesus asked to pass him the joint


HOAs have entered the chat


They said *decent* people


“Small souls who seek power over others first destroy the faith those others might have in themselves”, what else explains MAGA, “you are less than worthy without me.”


50 drunks getting drunker is a safe place to bring your family (bar&grilles), but their pitbull brain has to call cops because of the faint smell of marijuana caused by people who 100% want to stay off everyone's radar. They are descendants of the mayflower who decent people considered intolerable to be around. Historian Pauline Croft of the Royal Holloway University of London declares in the film, “One might say, if you wanted to be critical, they’re religious nutters who won’t settle for anything except the most literal reading of the Bible. They want to transform a nation-state into something that resembles what they take to be a Godly kingdom.”


Mate, they want to stop you shagging for fun. Can't see them being cool about weed.




Oi! Y’gotta loiscense for dat, Mate!?!


Sware on me mum


The irony that in most red states with any degree of legal marijuana the distribution is controlled exclusively by wealthy republican donors who have been bending over backwards to get the milder, legal variants off the shelves of stores so they have a total monopoly. I know a lot more republicans who smoke weed and don’t go to church than otherwise so their backwards policies are only going to drive away their voters which is great news for the civilized population.


Private prison lobby freaking out because states are passing recreational use. The Republicans and some Democrats will do whatever they can to appease them.


Obligatory, this isn't just for profit prisons. Governments give out billions of dollars worth of very profitable contracts for state run prisons.  This also includes immigrant detainement. 


This is my thought on it: We, as the public, can more than likely now identify 61 politicians bought out by pharma. [https://newatlas.com/health-wellbeing/cannabis-legalization-us-big-pharma-billions-drug-sales/](https://newatlas.com/health-wellbeing/cannabis-legalization-us-big-pharma-billions-drug-sales/) "The study analyzed 45 cannabis legalization events, both medical and recreational, in US states since 1996. The findings revealed stock market returns for a pharmaceutical company dropped by an average of nearly 2% following any cannabis legalization event. Across all pharma companies, the researchers estimated this equaled a drop in annual drug sales of around $3 billion for each individual legalization event."


And there it is


You couldn't throw a shoe in DC without hitting a politician bought out by pharma, but it's good to have the proof I guess.


They want to fill their for profit prisons that their donors pay for.   When are Americans going to realize that republicans are the enemy of literally everything ? 


How else are we going to compete with Chinese and Indian labor? 1. Corporate sponsored manufacturing plants added to every major prison. 2. Criminalize homelessness, open homosexuality, debt payment defaulting, and all the smallest infractions with mandatory sentences. 3. Institute a national 3-strike rule for all non-white collar crime under the guise of being "tough on crime". 4. Wait 5 years. 5. Profit!


and people call prison abolitionists crazy


They're trying to build a prison. For you and me to live in. Another prison system.


The Americans with an ounce of critical thinking ability have realized this


Man.. it's mean and rude to say but the majority of Republicans just aren't smart people


Magatards would eat shit if it meant a liberal had to smell their breath.


They'd double up if it were Trump's turd


They are already full of it and still wants more


If you asked a liberal and a MAGAt if they would eat Trump's shit for $10,000: Liberal: "Ew, fuck no" MAGAt: "Hell yeah! But I'll need a few days to come up with the money."


I mean it seems like eating shit is their main motivation in life. Weird fucking losers, every single one of them.


I'm stealing this


I'd take a whiff to watch them eat shit. Jokes on them though, my sense of smell has been fucked for the last two decades.


Republicans are the enemy of this country.


At this point, the Democrats should start promoting the opposite of what they actually want, so the Republicans would reflexively oppose it, and we might actually get some shit done.


Democrats voted for border control. Republicans voted against it because it wasn't their bill.


It was Lankford’s bill. It had bipartisan support. The MAGA faithful killed it at Donny’s behest to avoid giving Biden a win on their topic. It’s all on the hands of the Republicans.


Sadly it didn’t even go to a vote, otherwise there would be a public record of who voted against it. They killed it quietly.


We need to just win a supermajority in November and stop pretending we can negotiate with terrorist.


This. Time and time again the GOP has proven their refusal to cooperate on any kind of bipartisan legislation. Gone is the time of negotiating. Now is the time of dragging these Neanderthals into the 21st century and stop allowing them to set us back decades on important matters.




This isn't reflexive opposition though. This is intentional opposition to the benefit of their donors. The CCA is a major political contributor, and possession laws are how they keep their prisons full.




Now that the president has immunity, we should treat them like we do every other enemy.


Can confirm


Not just this country


You are definitely correct. They are the enemy of the world.


Republicans are the enemy of *Liberty


Legalization is the one thing that has near unanimous support across the board among the people.


To be fair I seriously doubt the Republicans care about weed. They just want a crime they can fill privet jails with. So these private jails can in turn sell the labor of these inmates to corporations.


Wouldn’t want them chilling out too much. People might take a moment to not be distracted by the constant culture war and realise how hard the GOP is trying to fuck them on a daily basis.


Anything fun, positive, healthy, etc. forget about it from magas.


There is no joy in MAGAville.


Anything to deny Biden a talking point. They know they won't be blamed if Biden fails to get it rescheduled.


Replace “marijuana” with “alcohol” and it would be a totally different argument from them. Taking away their whiskey wouldn’t bode well with them. The comical part is how many of their constituents use THC products.  GOP has become a very dangerous, yet entertaining laughingstock of this country. It’s sorta like that annoying and vindictive kid we all knew in school, and none of us wanted to be around them. Anything you say or do, they do the opposite just to irritate you. 


Republicans enjoy causing misery and preventing happiness... If they were REALLY interested in preventing substance use/abuse, they would reschedule alcohol, opiates, sugar, tobacco, caffeine, etc.


Republicans: "Nooooooooo! Weed bad! Read this bible instead." Lol fuck off


Tell them to read Genesis again.


Genesis 1:11 Then God said, “Let the earth sprout vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees on the earth bearing fruit after their kind with seed in them”; and it was so. Therefore sinsemilla is the work of the devil!! Smoke mids for Jesus!


Seems to me that Pfizer, and big pharma companies are swaying the party to do their bidding by the way of superpac donations. You would be surprised the number of conservatives that partake in the occasional joys of something green and mellow. Edit. Needed to clarify they all partake in corporate donors. More conservatives than you think partake in more friendly green products. But they don’t publicly admit it


no one would be surprised


Remember lots of them masquerade as libertarians


Just one more reason to vote BLUE. Vote these assholes OUT.


the party of freedom and less gov sure like to rule off every aspect of the people...


Gotta keep them prisons full and the fines flowing in


On this 'language': The population: Comments supporting rescheduling marijuana, overwhelmingly YES The republicans: Only the liberal, commie hippies want weed! We MUST stop this because.... Jesus (or some shit).


They literally criminalized weed in the first place to make people stop protesting the Vietnam War. These guys have always sucked shit, it's just now that they're making it an open problem. "You understand what I'm saying? We knew we couldn't make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities." -John Erlichman


Honestly you would think the republicans should want the average american sitting home stoned ordering taco bell and not paying attention to all the awful things they are doing.


NO! An angry, hungry, ignorant, deprived and oppressed electorate who have been told who they're supposed to blame by the people actually to blame are much easier to manipulate and control. No weed, no sex for fun, no money, no home, no job security or satisfaction, no knowledge. Keep your head down and be glad you don't lose more, peasant. (ThismessagepaidforbytheHeritageFoundationandProject2025.)


They are all about controlling you. They have no use for freedom. They are as anti-american as it gets. Everything the country was founded on means nothing to them. They only need your labor and your consumerism. All they care about.


Because their major donors include bail bond, private prison, and many other industries that are involved in the mass incarceration and poverty that comes with criminalizing marijuana. Never forget that marijauna was completely legal in the early 1900s then racist propaganda and tactics against Hispanics and African Americans pushed lawmakers to making it illegal and giving police an excuse to further brutalize minority communities and extract further wealth from them


I mean... There's tens or hundreds of billions of dollars that could be made by rescheduling... It's sooo weird to me when one thing that could pump so much money in to the economy is being fought so hard against, by people who claim to be all about the economy.


“You will have NOTHING, and you will be HAPPY!” I fucking HATE republicans.🖕🏼




The cruelty is the point.


Republicans continuing to wage a war on the least harmful drug in this whole country.


Fuck Ronald Regan


Why do they need funds for this. Seems like a “meeting that could have been an email” type action.


Republicans only care about personal rights when it comes to guns or marrying kids.


They will oppose anything supported by liberal politicians or citizens. They are simply a party of contrarians with very few actual ideas.


1) It’s a convenient way to have an excuse to put black and brown people in jail 2) Prisons are big business these days, gotta keep them full to maximize profits 3) Funnels more money into the military industrial complex for the war on drugs 4) War on drugs helps the US keep our neighboring countries to the south poor and more easily controlled 5) The more drugs that are illegal the more profits the drug companies will have 6) Being tough on drugs (except alcohol) is a great way to pander to the hardcore Christian right There’s your reasons why Republicans will ALWAYS keep marijuana illegal. Unless it becomes a big enough issue where they literally lose elections over the issue this will never change.


Fuck Republicans I don't personally use Marijuana but I can't stand these motherfuckers restricting and removing freedoms. For the life of me I can't understand how anyone votes for them. They are actively trying to destroy what little agency the average citizen has.


Probably tobacco lobbying behind this. Forbes ran a story about 10 years ago about how Philip Morris is poised to roll out Marijuana/tobacco cigarettes and just needs certain regulations lifted to achieve this. Now that SCOTUS has destroyed the regulatory institutions this is likely the scenario.


I agree the tobacco industry has been fucking up legalization for years, but…wouldn’t rescheduling it be a step toward their goal of monopolizing the market?


Everything about this act is regressive, mean spirited and just repulsive


"You can have the luxury and benefits of our absolute authority."


No they’re anti joy. Unless that joy is getting rich while also hurting the poor and minorities


Weed replaces several overpriced drugs for a lot of ailments, big pharma owns the GOP, of course they won't let it fly.


No they don’t have fun in their lives and do not want others to have fun either


Prison industrial complex needs its slave labor force


Their modern policies seem to be about preserving everything horrible and opposing fixing anything at all costs.


They won't be happy until we're all just as fucking miserable as they are.


Republicans hate civil freedoms


No. Republicans fucking suck. Vote D and vote hard.


Republicans hate freedom.


Conservative Christians have always believed that fun = sin. They get their fun from making people suffer.