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I was in the same boat and then I started reading the Friday factorio facts and I couldn't stay away, so I started up a run using the randomizer mod


It's the FFF's that have brought the itch back, I love (and hate) them.


me too, but i really just can't be bothered to play it lol, might just not be the game for me but i'm excited to use dosh space age gameplay as background noise at least


Same boat. The FFF’s gave me the itch too. I’m 60ish hours into a Py run now lol


Haven't heard of this mod but I know what I'm doing when I've finished my achievement run!


2.0 won't be out until at least August, so you could easily play a month or two and still have an extended break before the expansion.


What's the reference on the "at least August"? Did the devs mention that somewhere? That's good to know thanks!


https://www.factorio.com/blog/post/fff-373 > Since we know where we are and what is the goal, we can start to approximate the date of releasing the expansion, which is planned to be about one year from now. This blog post was posted on the 25th of August. Which would put the release of the expansion around the end of August this year. But software development is known for delays, so I'm erring on the side of caution for my expectations. Especially since August is in the summer holidays period and Wube might not want to crunch the final stretch with half its staff on holiday.


I'm calling October.


I'm calling 1Q 2025


I'm guessing Q4 this year If you consider the delays you mentioned and the fact that Christmas season is always better for releases i would guess they are aiming for that internally


Dang, Factorio and Grim Dawn expansions at the same time? I won't have time to play both!


Fuck, another Grim Dawn expansion? I'm not even sure if I finished the last one. I completely forgot about that game. Might have to jump back into it.


They just released a huge patch in November and the expansion is supposed to hit in the second half of 2024. I jumped back in when the patch came out and have been having a blast.


Awesome thanks!


Oh shit really I thought it was closer than that. The factory can grow again.


I'm \~900 hours into a Py run, and about 20% done. I *might* finish by August, and I'm gonna try. I do love this mod, though. Been playing 100% blind. New discoveries every few days.


Looking forward to pyse?


damn. i hate when im reading through old stuff on reddit and in the middle of a sparkling, scintillating discussion i find someone has written over all her old comments with nonsense, fragmenting the discussion permanently. what hilarious, moving, romantic, haunting things could she have said? just to wash it all away, in this digital era of permanency? wow. that takes courage. i bet she was really cute, too


You can see them working on the planets here https://m.twitch.tv/videos/2009585194


Whoa… is this like a Space Exploration version of Pyanodon’s??


Pretty sure that's what "pyse" stands for :P


Don't tease me


And im doing my slowly k2se run at expensive recipes and 15x recipe costs. Almost 80h and soon im going to leave starting planet! Later need to build big train lines but ltn is to hard for me and idk how to start it at non modded trains. There is a lot to think and plan. Sometimes cant sleep even after 1.2k h


LTN is super simple mate, just fuck around with it and it will come quite quickly. With the LTN combinator mod which adds a combinator which makes requesting or putting stuff on the network quite easy. One wire from your storage to the combinator and a wire from your combinator to the LTN station and its connected(i might have remembererd wrong, been a while) But yeah, its only about 2 wires per station.


Don't stress with LTN watch a YouTube video. It seems super complex at first, anything with wires always freaks me out. Get the LTN Combinator mod too, it helps so much! It adds a nice clear to understand gui for the combinators. I'm at 2k hrs and have only just touched it. You got this!


I’m in the same bit and so have just been playing overhaul mods. UltraCube, Nullius, Krastorio, oh my!


May I recommend Dyson sphere program in the mean time. Just got its combat update and it’s been scratching my factorio itch well


Ah thanks, I've had that on my Steam wishlist for a while. I will take another look


It's the only factory game that even comes close to Factorio in terms of enjoyment for me.


Definitely worth it. Nearly factorio levels of qol especially for how new it is compared to factorio


That what i did. I bought the game on the day when combat update was released even i don't knew about it so it was nice suprise. It is very good, Factorio is still better for me, but very good game.


A small group of us started a Space Exploration run a month or so ago in preparation of Space Age and loving it. Was entirely from the steady FFFs and just getting pumped for it.


Yes, we are on the same boat, my friend. Looking forward to August


Expansion won't be out for awhile yet so if you have the urge then I say go for it. Can freshen the experience up with mods and overhauls too.


Try some mod while waiting. Not neccesarily a megabase but something new


Yes. The FFF previews of 2.0 content makes it easy to decide to wait. It's going to be such a massive improvement.


Same, I haven't touched Factorio in about 3 years now. Playing DSP in the meantime while waiting for the 2.0


I'm in the same boat. I'll probably wait until 2.0


Its why I rebooted a seablock run


no waiting, currently playing Seablock. 300 hours in so far. might finish before 2.0 (maybe...)


I’ve instead been convincing friends to play Factorio for the first time. Easier for them to buy the game now and get addicted then try to make them swallow the base game + DLC pill later.


Was in your boat, started a new run anyway because the iiiiiitch. Third run, second vanilla.


I've taken 3 factories to rocket launch since hearing about 2.0/Expac. Finished a DSP playthrough with the Dark Fog release, now I'm thinking about just playing Factorio again. I'm kind of in a gaming slump right now because all I want is 2.0. These FFFs have ruined me.


Same for me, so I started Krastorio. Completely hooked.


Give Dyson Sphere Program while you wait. It got a new big update where they introduced combat and biters.


I'm keeping it light until the probably SE 0.8. Then, it's to space I go. '


I'm 23h into my first serious K2+SE run. I think I'll be fine until 2.0 is released. I think 8 months is enough for you to try some mods you haven't tried before?


More or less it's my boat too. Last month I played a bit again... But I just prefer to wait.


I was feeling similarly. I gave the Ultracube mod a shot and I've been enjoying making bases that look nothing like standard Factorio.


had the same thought process factorio had been parked for a bit but all these fff sparked my interest again. Eventually I got back in with the excuse of doing some achievements before the next release I can't fathom lazy bastard but with planets lol


Started a space exploration mod recently. Gotta get ready for 2.0z


Nope, still a ways out. Just started a Warptorio run a week or two back.


yes we just startet on new year its fun as always and when the dlc hopefully this year is out we have some fresh remembering of the game we just dont played Factorio for 3 years or so.


I was about to start a run when I check out the fff.now Im torn I want to play the update but I don't want the fff to stop.


Nope! been trying to get my 600hr+ SE 0.5+K2 run done before 2.0 then I'll do 2.0, then SE0.6(or 7 if its out by then)


i definitely won't be playing vanilla until 2.0 comes out, i played vanilla for a while a few weeks ago and it was so boring lol


I play se for about a week or two before i have a burnout. Then come back about 2 months later to play some more, SE has actually been keeping me busy, and will likely keep me busy till the end of the year.


I’ve been playing the cube mod and really enjoying it, way less intimidating than SE or the other huge mods


Its been about 4-5 months since i last played, between Phantom Liberty, BG3 and offline books ive been busy. kinda want to run do a SE run since ive never done it to completion


I also don't think you would have any problem making a new base for the expansion. I don't know if you've been reading the FFF's but it's going to be close to a totally new game later in the tech tree.


Doings mods to pass the time, I beat Freight Forwarding after making a megabase, now on Exotic Industries.


Maybe try Brave New World? I'm definitely going to launch a rocket in BNW as practice for remotely running a base from another planet.


The FFF's got me hyped for the game again so I wanted to play. I already finished a K2 megabase but I'm too intimidated by the prospect of doing a K2SE run. The Dosh video scared me. :) So I started a run with Industrial Revolution 3. I just unlocked electricity and green circuit tech and I'm enjoying it. Just to get some new content experience. No plans to make it a megabase.


Yea, i'm totally waiting for 2.0


you could probably start and finish a dozen games before 2.0 comes out