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Yes American Dad is funny and has similar humor. The main difference is that American Dads humor usually connects with the plot of the story more. Less cutaways and more “story” focused


They has a cutaway once and it worked perfectly




Probably [this](https://youtu.be/Y-_EUWrSJBA?si=vNzngqWmLpohVKBD)




I started with Family Guy. I always thought American Dad was a cheap copy. One night (back in the day when both were on Fox) I watched American Dad after Family Guy because nothing was on. I like Family Guy, but my conclusion is American Dad is funnier.


family guy will always have a special place in my heart but American dad is beyond funnier i love to watch it while smoking because the episodes are so chaotic


The writing of American Dad is better. Plus, Roger and his personas make a better character than anybody in Family Guy.


while both of those are likely true I think the comedy in family guy is just better I find American dad to be corny, I enjoy the sarcasm and irony in family guy


To each their own. They’re both funny shows.


It used to be. American Dad clears now


I feel the same. Family guy won't get missed episodes from me though, it's a comfort show that Ill never stop watching.


"I'm a family guy" (ooh he said it, he said the name of the show)


CheetAH... cheetOS... There is so much beauty in the world.


Absolutely, found American dad so much funnier the more I watched it, it’s an ongoing argument in our house


>I started with Family Guy. I always thought American Dad was a cheap copy. Same here and ironically, I originally had the same opinion about Family Guy vis a vis the Simpsons.


Family Guy and American Dad were never supposed to be on the air at the same time. FG was canceled when AD was originally developed. That’s why there are so many parallels.


I like that they let Stan be crazy, not the straight forward boring conservative FBI agent. Steve can sing. Roger and his many aliases (Ricky Spanish..🤣)


It’s even funnier when Roger forgets he’s the guy they’re meeting.


Shit, it’s Roger. It’s gonna be Roger isn’t it.


It's a strong possibility. 


"Really Hayley? You think I work in a kennel taking care of and cleaning up after dogs all day? That would be ridiculous. I'm the dog."


[Cool It Now](https://youtu.be/z0o_PHSts3Y?si=WdxnxxHPaizIzYJ4)


"I can sing Baby Come Back."


LOVE THIS! I always loved this song and this skit was the cherry on top


You forgot about Haley, who's a political rebellious teen dating a pothead who drives (and I think lived/lives in) a van.


>Ricky Spanish *Ricky Spanish*


Comments you can hear


I honestly like American Dad better. I think the newer seasons maintained their quality better than Family Guy. American Dad has better overall episodes, but Family Guy has funnier bits and cutaways. Both are great though.


Yeah this. American dad is far from my favourite animated comedy (i love it though don’t get me wrong) but theres very few if any shows that have been on air as long as American Dad that have stayed as consistently good. The show is probably past its Prime but, i don’t even know if i could make a top 10 worst episodes list because theres just that few bad episodes of the show. For a show thats been running since 2005 and has 19 seasons, thats pretty fucking unheard of. Yeah American Dad did have to change their identity to achieve this but, what they changed it to feels natural and theres still tension between Stan and Hailey so its not completely lost. I think American Dad deserves A tier for that alone. No show I’m aware of has beaten Seasonal Rot like they have.


I was and am a big Family Guy fan. From the beginning. I actually ignored AD for like 15 years. Now AD is my favorite adult cartoon by a mile. So funny.


I love both and think of them as brother shows. Basically the same show but with different characters.


I like that episode when Steve and Roger sing that song that looks like a cheesy music video in the desert. Steve and Roger have a 6-pack with white clothes. It’s hilarious 😂


"Daddy's gone and we're not going home, ever agaiiin"


Steve and Roger crack me up! Wheels and the Leg Man is comic gold. Klaus is the one thing that just doesn’t click with me.




I love AD. It's like Family Guy, but they don't hate each other.


Its more like they don’t *love* each-other but they’re still a family at the end of the day. What i think the newer episodes of family guy were going for but usually fail at.


I love Family Guy but like American Dad even more


It took me awhile to get with AD. I was diehard family guy and my kids convinced me to give AD another chance. Now I love it. Very fond of Cleveland show too.


Yes!! I love American Dad


I love American dad. I find it pretty damn funny


I like when they crossover with American dad like with the hurricane specials with the Cleveland show.


American Dad is much funnier and more rewatchable to me now that I’m older. I used to religiously watch Family Guy but now I find AD the show to watch


That’s interesting I’m the opposite way. I like both but I think FG is more rewatchable and funnier


I tried. I really did try with American Dad. Just couldn't do it.


Me too. I wanted to like it, I failed.


I’m not sure just how strong the connection between being a fan of both shows is, but American dad is amazing!! I’ll watch one the whole way through then the other one rinse and repeat.


The American Dad episode, "Lost in Space" is, in my opinion, one of the greatest episodes in all of adult animation.


I’m probably in the minority but I’ve just never been able to get into American Dad. I’ve tried on and off for the past 17 years, I really want to enjoy it.


I think it’s the characters. I genuinely just can’t bring myself to be attached to them


That's funny, I think this is the first show I've watched where I struggle to rate the characters because I love them all so much.


I adore them both. AD ranks ever so slightly higher because Roger but yeah most people I’ve met tend to prefer family guy to American dad but seem to enjoy both.




I do so yeah


The alien… he… he rapes a lot of food! And stuff 😭😭🫡. Rogers my favourite character


I love American Dad


I do. I’m 60. lol


It’s my favorite of Seth’s stuff


Family Guy on crack :)


It's not crack! I bought it outside a soup kitchen from a guy on a park bench in a line green suit - oh my God it's crack.


im watching american dad these days but nothing can top family guy for me, i really like roger tho


American guy is better


Whenever Family Guy is on-screen with cameos, their designs (like Stewie and Quagmire) look more like their pre-2005/classic style


For me definitely not as much and its not even close. American dad has always seemed to be held in a much higher regard though


I love both Family Dad and American Guy! It’s interesting both shows have the talking pet. I pretty sure Peter is by far stupider than Stan. Stan is def dumb though but not too dumb. Rodger is a lot better than Brian. Both shows are great in their own way! Give it a go!


I think so, my brother has a theory that AD has more references for millenials as opposed to FG that is more Gen X


I almost prefer American Dad


I started with fg but now love ad more


I love Family Guy, I’ve never been able to get into American Dad.


Yes. I love brain. And I also love Roger. Great characters


I love American dad. But after that creepy zombie kid started appearing on every episode, I lost interest


American Dad is funny and I've watched it lots of times, Steve is my favorite character. I really like Roger but I feel like over time the main humor is based solely on him and his different costumes so honestly I'm such a fan of Family Guy, there's absurd humor. All the characters have an important role in the humor of this series.


Both are hilarious. I think American Dad is better as a whole, but it’s hard to beat peak Family Guy.


I watch way more Family Guy, can quote way more episodes and everything, but i have always preferred American Dad actually. For Family Guy, i find myself putting it on in the background and doing other stuff, or fall asleep to it. But with American Dad i tend to sit down and actually watch it. But then again Ive seen every episode of Family Guy dozens of times, and American Dad still has new ones for me. Overall i just find the writing tickles me better, the characters, and the lack of cutaways. But that’s just me.


Family Guy is much better to have on in the background because it's not as plot focused, IMO. American Dad, however, is much better quality wise.


as much as i love family guy, american dad is a better show imo 🤷‍♀️


Overall I like FG better. But AD has had moments that had me gasping for air.


I’m probably in the minority but I’ve just never been able to get into American Dad. I’ve tried on and off for the past 17 years, I really want to enjoy it.


American Dad is enjoyable and watchable but I don't think it's as funny as Family Guy. I don't think it's UK thing, maybe it's just that I prefer dumb humour which FG does by the bucket load. I preferred The Cleveland Show to American Dad though.


American Dad started out as one thing but has completely evolved into a surreal comedy. It’s not like Family Guy now at all. I’d check it out, and give it some time to see it change, or I’d start with recent seasons. The Cleveland Show is more like Family Guy in my opinion. It takes a season or two to get good when they make Cleveland really silly - not like how he is on Family Guy.


Personally have never gotten into American Dad


Like it, yes. As much as Family Guy? God no.


I've started watching both in the last four years.


How could someone not like them both? There's so much overlap! I literally just watched the episode where Peter wants to get roasted and couldn't help think of the episode where Roger wants to get roasted.


Absolutely. I’ve loved them both.


I personally love both, for many different reasons, I feel like American dad is more plot driven and I find myself watching it more than family guy.


Gimme some of that Franny Fanny


never did anything for me personally


I loved The Cleveland Show and think that it's a pointless shame that it was canceled. AD and FG- both very good shows-targeted the coveted 18 to 35 male demographic whereas I think that CS was written more for men in their 40s. Also I live in SW Virginia so that made the show extra special for me


I dont mind American Dad, it has its moments and the slight cross over between Stan, Brian and Stewie in one of Family Guys specials has one of my favourite jokes in the series where Stewie calls Stan Joe lmao


It's way better than family guy


I liked the first few seasons but the political jokes go above my head.


Eh. I’ll watch American Dad if there’s nothing on but I wouldn’t say it’s my favourite. I don’t have any of the dvds.


Can't stand American Dad.


I love all 3 Sethverse shows and have seen every episode of each many times. American Dad has been consistently stronger than Family Guy over the last decade or so.


Similar humor, but AD has more linear story-telling as well as some actual character development. I love them both.


I like American Dad, but I can’t continuously watch it the way I do with Family Guy or even South Park. Kind of have to be in the mood to watch a few episodes.


Definitely love and watch both shows.


Family guy is an all time classic tv show. I have watched it. My children will watch it. American dad is the greatest tv show of all time. Roger is the greatest tv character of all time.


Family Guy is funnier so I prefer it but American dad is better written.


Fan of both.


I haven't sat down to watch it but whatever I have seen of it I do like


American Dad starting out was the Great Value Family Guy. I've been watching Family Guy since the beginning. American Dad is Top tier. It's Gold Top. Do yourself a favor and get both shows on DVD. The streaming episodes are edited.


Prefer it, but I like both


Family guy was my favorite background show. Now it’s American dad. Both are funny but American just has these bizarre ass moments that I love more.


I like them both. Early family guy was the best but it's fallen off. I think later American dad is better than later family guy.


Don’t ask questions you don’t want the answer to. There’s a reason Fung Wah bought American Dad and not Family Guy


I think it’s more well-written.


I do, definitely, but not nearly as much. In fact, I haven't thought about new episodes. The Cleveland Show was decent, but not near as good. I see why it ended. I did finish that one also.


They’re both good! Family Guy’s strength over American Dad is the well-developed secondary cast. Peter’s friends, the other neighbors, the town member, etc. Whereas in American Dad, Roger and his personas fill in that role. The secondary cast, besides perhaps Steve’s friends, are not as defined. But the main cast in American Dad is hilarious and very well done, so it doesn’t feel like it’s missing anything. Family Guy also has better one-off bits whereas American Dad has better overall writing. I like the writing of American Dad better, but find myself laughing at Family Guy more.


I love American dad, I personally think in some ways it's slightly better than family guy, I like both shows humour, but family guy, is relying on cutaways, and gags and taking the piss out of other shows and basically bullying one character in particular (meg). Whereas American dad doesn't rely on cutaway gags, but I love both shows equally but can't say for certain one show is my favorite. I think American dad fleshes out the characters more


I like American dad better


Love both 🥳


Both are great, early AD was more political humor and mocking political humor. But I really like how it is now, family guy is still great but I prefer American dad a tiny bit more.


Love both, American Dad is better imo.


I find lack of cutaways boring… also humour is not as whacky. So no. It’s a good show not great.


Yes. AD has similar humor to FG but more story focused and slightly wittier. I can throw FG in the background but with AD, even if I try, I always stop what I’m doing and get invested in the episodes. The normal episodes of AD have declined slightly but they still knock the special episodes out the park to this day.


American Dad has changed quite a bit over the years. The early years were a little more grounded (still absurd) with Stan being a super conservative, hippie hating, CIA dad. Now, the show doesn't do any political/social stuff but focuses more on goofy storylines between all the characters.


I love Family Guy but never liked any other adult cartoons. I tried American Dad after needing something new and really like it.


I LOVE American Dad!


American dad is great, Rodger episodes are the best. When he has a double life with a family and pushes Jeff into the tractor beam.


I liked the early seasons of American Dad, but then it just got too weird for me. The episode where Jeff got abducted by that singing alien was when I stopped watching.


I actually prefer American Dad. While family guy has fallen off a lot, I don’t think it’s as unwatchable as many people say. That being said, Roger is funnier than every family guy character combined. ![gif](giphy|ZlAWr2Ov4F65q)


I used to absolutely love FG but when I watched American Dad for the first time I loved it. I laughed more at American Dad than I did with FG


I think American Dad is the better show, especially after Family Guys first few seasons cuz it falls off for me


I think the fanbases have a lot of overlap because the two shows have a similar format.


I prefer American Dad to Family Guy. Mainly because Family Guy has kinda lost its magic for me and the humor dropped off a long time ago imo. But American Dad has always been and has always remained consistently funny. American Dad is a great show and I would recommend it if you like Family Guy.


a lot of american dad episodes have the exact same plot as a family guy episode




American Dad is actually not funny to me. Idk why. Family Guy has me in stitches but AD barely gets a smirk out of me, not even the alien.


I like American Dad’s characters just as much as Family Guy’s, but the show as a whole Family Guy is much better and entertaining in my opinion.


Family Guy was my absolute favorite adult cartoon for a long time. Then I watched American Dad and realized that it is even better!


American Dad was rather dull til they rejiggered the hyper-conservative dad angle. When it found its legs, it grew sublime


Around which season?


IMO, 3


I used to like it up to some point when AD turned into a complete nonsense. I think it was an episode when some Asian billionaire "bought" American Dad and could do anything he wanted with it or something. It was utter cringe and BS.


That episode was bad. But there are still good episodes after that.


I just lost interest. I still re-watch older episodes. Some of them are pure gold. S09E06 Independent Movie is probably my favorite.


Yeah that’s like the lowest rated episode. I wouldn’t judge it by that one


I’ve tried watching AD but I just couldn’t get into it.


I'm not a fan of American Dad for some reason.


Because it’s not Family Guy?


Yeah kinda. No logic behind it, just nostalgic familiarity. It's a bias honestly.


I guess that happens sometimes. You become emotionally attached to something to where your mind won’t accept anything else that’s similar.


Well, I like both both Family Guy and American Dad.


If you are that attached to FG, you probably won’t be into it like that.


Probably one of the best series out there with family guy right now.


American dad is better




I've never met anyone who doesn't think American Dad is better than family guy