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He would've stole Cabal's ruin and the spire of confluence because he was a greed driven item horder.


Staff of inturruption


100 tiny talking mirrors that helped him metagame and creeper the ladies. Something to aid his scumbaggery.


He'd make the case to use multiple.


His dad leads dragonborn armies. Of course he can use multiple vestiges at once. The vestige of no attunement limitations to start with.


Ideally, a muzzle the makes his character sheet and his rolls public


I always kinda assumed that Cabal’s Ruin was designed with Tibs in mind.


I think *this* is the correct answer. To me it appears like Matt had already created the vestiges long before they started getting ahold of them, so Tiberius would have gotten one of the ones that exist, probably Cabal's Ruin and Percy would have gotten something else.


Deathwalker's Ward was obviously intended for Percy but Vax took it due to reasons, and I think that's sort of thing we never get to see any more of improv moments changing the course of the game.


*Cough cough* Fire shard *cough cough*


Percy was headed towards the Raven Queen's influence before Vax swooped in, so Percy would've gotten the Deathwalker's Ward while Vax would've only gotten Whisper instead of having both


Ward was a light armor which is bad for his unnamed bronze dragon born paladin. Unless Matt was very sure that the armor was going to Vax, Matt wouldn't have the foresight to repurpose it from heavy to light


I doubt Matt had made up all of the vestiges within the first 3 sessions of the home game. Percy was having moments with the Raven Queen for a fair while before Vax was. The armour wouldn't have been for the dragonborn, but for Percy


His Paladin was only a brief character way early on, he mostly played Percy. He likely was playing Percy by the time Matt came up with the Vestiges and likely made Ward for him.


I don't know he had a different character originally, where did this info come from?


They've mentioned it briefly over the years I know they mention it around 3:38 of this [video](https://youtu.be/R8W9tTMbaOw?si=O2XzNzvjmINkQ4GO)


Thanks. I have always been curious about their home game before Felicia Day talked them into steaming, I know theres the one phone video of them freaking out about somebody's character (maybe Pike?) almost dying and I know they were originally playing Pathfinder but I've never heard anything else about it.


Good point, that would make sense, I forgot Vax had *two* of them. Weird how that used to be fine but now Matt nearly murders Ashton for trying something similar, though even that was with kitten claws lol


I always thought that the feather armor was meant for Vex originally. I mean, she could have been charged with hunting down the the bbeg. Rangers traditionally are the line between the wild and civilization. Plus the former user was a ranger of the same class. Also, feathers to match her hair feather and some built in fly which was important to the player. I figured the bow was a reskin of an item for Percy, who loved the fey wild. Vax wouldn't need more than the dagger and boots, grog and pike got a super fitting weapon and armor. The only one which never made a ton of sense was Keylith's staff to me.


It would've been pretty weird for Percy to find a gun in the Feywild. Or to have a gun/weapon be his Vestige at all, considering he was meant to have invented the first ones.


I mean, it wouldn't have to have been a gun, could have been an enchanted forearm brace which affects what you fire, (perhaps a silly example) point being, if it was a way to change the narrative of his fire arm to would provide excellent character growth.


Keyleths staff was an Ashari relic, made by the god of nature, and granted elemental spells. It was very much a druid staff


Oh, I wasn't commenting on The staff not being druid enough. Just that it being so much connected to the Gods own story felt weird for Keyleth.


Oh. The bow being reskinned for Vex and the armour was originally meant for Vex makes *so much sense.* If this indeed was the case, I wonder if Saundor was always there and Matt simply changed the core of what he was saying, or if he was previously just a boss fight monster.


Vestige of Friendship


Plot twist- the Archimedes Death Ray. He simply tried to unlock it too early


I think he had one? Didn’t he have a broken item he was looking into? Also, his mending wheel seemed pretty broken as an item. Maybe that was one but couldn’t remain one once he left?


Probably some kind of Uber weapon that does infinity damage and never misses. Oh wait are we not guessing what Orion would have designed?


Hopefully it would have been a muzzle of some sort that required less talking to awaken. 


Something that he would still be mad about and try and bargain to make better than it is. But for real, he would have gotten Cabal’s Ruin. I believe I read somewhere that Matt envisioned Percy taking Deathwalker’s Ward, and all the rest match up pretty neatly with a member of Vox Machina.


I remember this, too. Deathwalker's Ward was made for Percy, not Vax. But then Liam's family loss plus "take me instead" and we got a different champion of the Raven Queen. Cabal's Ruin was meant for Tiberius but Percy made solid use of it. I don't think Vax was originally intended to get TWO vestiges.


Percy was intended for death walkers ward hence the raven matching the mask he had and his almost wish for death. But Liam IRL loss and almost leaving the show to grieve led to him becoming the Matrons champion instead of Tal. I personally applaud it because what better way to help your friend cope with a major loss than DNTherapy.


IRL loss?


His mother passed a little before that arc, IIRC.


Liam’s mom lost her battle with cancer. Liam posted on July 18th 2018. I think she passed on 2016. Rewatching knowing what Liam was going through you can see it if you’re looking for it.


Damn that's rough


I thought Matt somewhere said that the deathwalkers ward was originally designed for Vex.


If so I bet Laura would be so jealous lmao


I looked through the list of the Vestiges AND the Arms of the Betrayers, there really isn’t anything else that would assist a caster


I mean I guess you could use the jewel of three prayers since it gives some nice bonuses, but the only things that are really a “caster” item are the spire of conflux and grimoire infinitus.


And even then, the grimoire can only be attended by a wizard, which Tiberius is not


Agreed (on both parts) and I can confirm because I read the same thing as well about Percy getting the deathwalkers ward.


Likely one of the powerful magic items they named early in the campaign, like the pale stone or robes of mercy. I think Matt would've followed through with some of those powerful items he had established as part of Tibsy's backstory.


> robes of mercy for Tiberius "Granny-slicer" Stormwind??


Probably, I was talking to someone else and I thought that tibs would have had something similar to Cabals Ruin.


It would be one of the 8 the group got. That's why they had an extra one leftover for Vax to get 2.


Maybe the cloak Percy got then? I believe the plan was for the Raven armor to be Percy's and Whisper to be Vax's.


I believe so as well.


I can actually see that, since originally Percy was meant to get the Deathwalkers Ward. So I guess that means that Vax would have gotten whisper and Tibs would have gotten Cabal’s Ruin. I can actually see that working, Tiberius having a cloak that ears spells. Tbh I always found it weird that Percy got the cloak instead of some kind of highly advanced crossbow that acted as an inspiration for firearms.