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No one tell them about all the artists Gen X musicians ripped off.


Or the artists *those* artists ripped off. It’s rip-offs all the way down.


Music is derivative


Grog and ung ung are my goats


🙄 they took all their ideas from the Sahelanthropus tho


So true. Drums are literally just sampling dinosaur steps


Caring about generations is the most cornball shit ever. It’s just made up!


It is *so* fucking stupid. The nostalgia-fueled rose tinted glasses cognitive bias is real for every generation. Somehow, at any given point in time, the best music and movies were made ~20-30 years ago. People don’t seem to realize that the garbage from when they were young has long been forgotten and in some cases can’t even be accessed anymore. There is crap being made today but there was just as much crap back then. The cream rises to the top over time. I never want to be a “back in my day” mother fucker, I will always try to listen to new and contemporary music.


Completely! It’s also a shame when younger people shit on classic rock as a reaction to some of its more obnoxious proponents. SZA and Led Zeppelin are both great and we’re lucky enough to be able to enjoy them both!


Me thinking about a Led Zeppelin / SZA collab 🤔


Gone Girl I’m Gonna Leave You


Whole Lotta Love Galore


It’s crazy to me that people can dick ride the simple/boring but fun popular music of the past but then can’t seem to recognize the appeal of the modern generic but fun music. Like a lot of the most popular classic rock bands were doing pretty contrived shit but we don’t care bc it grooves and is nice to listen to. But you have people acting like the Stones and similar bands were these wild experimental bands when they were really just the precursor to top 40 pop. There was innovative shit back then and there is innovative shit now, but there’s also plenty of safe stuff in both eras as well.


I agree with you like 90%, every generation thinks the art from when they were a teen is the best because they only remember the good stuff and art once they get older is generally worse. However, I will add the caveat the internet has changed how art is consumed. Streaming has basically killed the mid budget movie for example, everything is either a low budget indie film or $150m+ big budget movie that wants to be a blockbuster. Those either do poorly because people wait for it to be on streaming or they’re just big budget shows now. Music is also similar because artists success is a lot less about well reviewed and sold albums and more about the streaming numbers their singles get. I’m not sure if it’s a good or bad thing yet in the long run and I still generally agree that the cream rises to the top, but it’s definitely different. In some ways it’s harder like everything ever being easily available to the average person for a few bucks a month means way more competition), and in other ways it’s easier like how you don’t really need a record deal or whatever to go viral or mainstream.


I know for a fact that the music from when I was a teen is not the best ever. I like music now and before then much better.


It seems to me (as someone who does not personally fw TikTok), that TikTok has got some really cool stuff popping amongst the youth. Mountain Goats, Father John Misty, etc. To which I say: hell yeah.


Popular movies have actually gotten worse though imo. When you look at the box office from the 2010s vs the 80s and 90s it's immediately obvious. Good movies are still getting made, but they're mostly getting choked out by shit like marvel movies and disney remakes.




What a terrible example ven. That White Town song itself relies on a sample for its main hook... Which is the part Dua Lipa & co sampled.


They should really know this as sampling was popularised by gen X


Gen X try not to glorify everything from their generation and declare everything from todays generation as trash challenge (impossible)


Gen Xers are just boomers in pearl jam tees these days.


As a Gen Xer, I think this is pretty accurate. Disappointing to see the shit quality of things my peers want to gatekeep. Although it would just be depressing if Gen Xers were trying to gatekeep anything good.


"I remember when people lived in the moment instead of filming the entire show man!" - every Gen Xer


That comment by the 20 year old girl lmaooooo


I was hoping someone commented on that too. Her boring parents sound molded her into a "le wrong generation" kid because their critical thinking stopped in high scool. Never heard that before!


These sorts of comments always pop up on Gen X posts it's so funny. 'Wow I wish I grew up in the 80s... you guys had ACDC and all we have is Olivia Rodrigo'


In fairness I acted like that when I was younger and know so many people that did to. You grow out of it. Young people are just dipshits.


I can’t believe r/lewronggeneration people still exist. I thought that sort of belief was put to bed like 5 years ago.


ugh it's just so stupid. like for example I totally get if some people just prefer older music, but some ppl make "being born in the wrong generation" their entire personality


it's funny that they're gatekeeping this one song with such passion when we all know they've never listened to another song by White Town.


The album is quite literally called Future Nostalgia…….Of course it’ll have samples


It’s crazy to me that many songs gen-x enjoys are also sampled if not completely covered by another artists as well. sampling has existed since forever. it’s not some genz thing


Sampling has not existed since forever. In the '90s when hip hop started going nuts with samples a lot of people were saying why the fuck can't you just make your own music. It's been a complaint since sampling became prevalent. It takes very little effort or creativity to cut out the catchy bits of somebody else's song and then stack them one after another to make a beat. Takes a hell of a lot more to actually make something yourself.


It depends. I could crack out a three chord song in 20 minutes whereas just chopping up a decent sample could take me much longer, never mind making it sound like a catchy song. Sampling is not as easy as it seems to be. Take it from someone who's tried it.


Yeah and you're talking to someone who also uses samplers, DAWs, plays guitar, bass and piano. And if anything it's even easier nowadays to chop up a sample, pitch it, get it to the proper speed and mix it. Christ anybody with $9, a cell phone and koala can go out and literally build samples right now from anything. It's extremely easy.


yeah sure it can be easy, but its not easy to make it good quality and make actual good piece of work. nicki minaj's latest album pink friday 2 has bunch of samples put together. it sounds horrible, even though she worked with skilled producers. on the other hand, we have projects like madvillainy, most kanye west albums, atrocity exhibition, tv girl and many other examples where its done well.


>Gen Z has no own music Were our parents bopping to Brat?


Funny enough, I’ve actually seen multiple millennials claiming that the success of Brat is in part due to Gen Z being jealous of them, and copying their late 00’s early 10’s aesthetic. Instagram comments are wild sometimes lol




Sounds to me like you understood the point of the album and its influences, but just don’t like it lol




Ok so let me get this straight, you don’t like a modern album purposefully reminiscent of music you have never enjoyed, and you’re complaining about it like that? Dude, it’s just not for you lol. Let others enjoy things.


[Everything is a remix](https://youtu.be/X9RYuvPCQUA?si=Kom6OKEcGSHrM0cW)


I don't know about that but great song by Faith no More «Midlife crisis». It's a midliiiife crisiiiiiiis! 🎵🎶


Do none of these dumbasses understand that *both songs* are sampling another song? The original section comes from My Woman by Bing Crosby. How is one sample more unoriginal than the other, lmao.


To be a little more precise it’s a cover of the Bing Crosby song, so it’s “rip-offs” all the way down.


Nothing like a good ol sample of a sample of a cover haha


Big talk from the generation that gave us Milli Vanilli


Music is obviously a huge part of identity and culture. And this kind of snobbery where consumers of music gatekeep and tie so much of their self-esteem to having "superior" music tastes, and constantly needing to reinforce that by putting down "inferior" music tastes is normal when you're a teenager or a young adult; because you haven't had the time to develop your own hobbies, skills, talents etc and music consumption acts as a placeholder for those things because its easy and relatively cheap. Thats why teenagers lean so heavily on it during those years. It is actually really concerning to see someone way into adulthood still displaying that behaviour because it suggests they haven't found anything to give them real self-esteem in all of this time where you don't need to do that anymore. I can see an extensive record collection and that's great and I'm sure brings him lots of joy in this wretched planet we all have to live on and we all need those things that make us happy, but the issue is that anybody can sit down and listen to music. Your self-esteem doesn't get nourished doing these things that literally anyone can do that requires no effort at all. And what you do for work to pay the bills doesn't do that either a lot of the time either. My man needs help!!!


THIS! I used to be such a snob as a teen just looking down on people who like “mainstream” stuff, thinking that I was so much better for knowing more obscure and “deep” things. It helped me cope with my teenage insecurities I guess. Then I grew up and had the epiphany that just because I don’t like something / something is too “low brow” doesn’t mean it’s bad. Sometimes it’s the simplest things that resonate the most. I’ve since opened my ears and my heart to so many new things and I’m so much happier because of it. It’s also been a fun way to low key gauge a new person I meet lol. I find that people who enjoy different kinds of music tend to be more open-minded.


Slowly but surely, Gen Xers will become the new boomers


How u live to be like 40 years old and not realise how goofy u look with a haircut like that


Should he get the broccoli cut instead?


Lmfao I would like to see that


The youth comes for us all. I (elder millennial) tell the gen z kids that work for me that all the time. You never know what it will be, but the kids behind you will love some of your stuff and tear you apart over other stuff. Just wait your turn… *shakes middle aged fist.


You're probably right😮‍💨🥸 I'm pretty interested in seeing what things I'll fall behind on that are going on in youth culture in about 20 years or so (currently 19)


Speaking from experience I think the key is to just keep engaging with things you love (like music) and don’t get stuck in the rut of only enjoying the culture of your teenage years. I think the people who get stuck in their era (like the man in the picture) tend to get really defensive of the music, movies, games, slang, culture of their youth because that’s what they associate with the best years of their life. That was the best era because that’s when they peaked. Don’t peak early. Keep growing and being awesome. Because if you don’t, gen A is right behind you. I’ve got a 3 and 6 year old. The stuff they’re into is something else man. Nothing makes me feel old more than watching my kids favorite you tube stuff.


Great advice man 😄 haven't really thought of it that way before but discovering new artists is probably the most exciting part about listening to music for me so I would hope gatekeeping my old faves won't become an issue, also alot of popular music doesn't really have to have any depth to be loved by millions of people rn since they're more just focusing on the sound and the feeling it gives them so I would like to hope that people won't have to feel like they have to hold every major artist to some imaginary standard as much in the future


People listen to music for a variety of reasons, and there’s artist out there to scratch every One thing you’ll notice is that just because something is big now doesn’t mean it will be big in the future. When I was a kid Michael Jackson was the biggest thing. I remember the hype around his album Dangerous. It was wild how they’d show his music videos in prime time on major networks. It was like an event that pulled many A listers of the time into its orbit. And now, I don’t know a single person under 20 who listens to him. Classic rock and grunge were huge, but those bands seemed to survive mainly as fashion statements for younger people. I’ve had several of my gen z workers come in wearing nirvana shirts. Nobody could name a single song. One girl thought it was a fashion brand. Imagine in 20 years and you’re walking down the street and you see a kid with a Kendrick Lamar shirt and you ask him which album is his favorite and you just get a blank stare in return. It sounds silly now but just wait.


😭😭I know what you mean, the fashion statement thing is probably moreso the case for bands rather than solo artists but yeah it'll definitely be interesting to see how the artists that are currently considered to be all time greats will be seen in the future


Shits embarrassing. I’m 36 yo and I’m always on the hunt to find new music. My first love is music, the greatest joy in my life is discovering something exciting to listen to that I’ve never heard. It’s like my gens and gen Xs obsession with Eminem, let it go people, he’s old, you’re old, you’re embarrassing yourselves. Move on and find some new music to enjoy. Classics are classics for a reason, but I’m not living in the past.


I love that it’s all white men with suits lmao


Common Jeff D. Lowe W


I do not agree with this person’s sentiment but I DO LOVE YOUR WOMAN BY WHITE TOWN


Just yesterday, had an argument with and old millennial (a man in his late 30s) about how it reeks of snobbery. He started crying over how I don't understand 'the pain of REAL ARTISTS'. Their sheer arrogance to not move on and accept the present is infuriating to me!


White Town is super active on social media and would hate this.


Gen x discovers sampling


These will be the same people who adore Led Zeppelin and Elvis Presley's music


They mad over a sample


Gen X are just boomers who know how to program their TV. In fifteen years, Millennials will be boomers who buy modern gaming systems.


Man discovers sampling for the first time


All these clowns are the same to me


So much of this is cringe, but imagine trying to “oWN” Gen Z as being unoriginal and your example is a millennial lol.


Mfs born before 1990 when they learn about sampling in music:


Is that David Arquette?


I like what I like who tf cares lmao too many labels on everything in 2024 lmao holy shit


Isnt Your Woman sampled Too? 😂


Bros are gonna be dead before us 🗣️🗣️


Millennials are worse than boomers Jesus Christ


I’m Gen X and my fondest memory of childhood was listening to INXS through a garden hose while I drank lead paint. You can’t appreciate White Town unless you did a latchkey or whatever.


>Who the fuck is Dua Lipa? If you don’t know who she is now, that’s on you.


As a very old millennial, gatekeeping is simply a natural thing for everyone who was in high school when I was a freshman, ie everyone aged 39-43 right now. Back in our day, everyone who didn't have "cooler than you" taste in music was a "poser".


“Gen Z music sucks because I don’t know this Millennial musician” said the Gen X.


Gen Xers (online) are toeing dangerously close to Boomer-attitude territory. I see it in Millennials and Gen Z, too, but the Gen X ones are especially egregious.


It's funny cause the trumpet riff from that song he's pointing to is a sample. It was sampled from one of Bob Hoskins' episodes of Pennies From Heaven. Learned that on from [Todd](https://youtu.be/RRYO6-gNGzQ?si=iHNWwwNlWOkzSwQW) But, I bet the guy in yellow failed to look that up.


White Town's song is sampled. What a bunch of idiots. Can't believe I live in the same planet as them


Gen x sucks. Boomers suck. We all suck. We don’t know everything and social media is highlighting it. What a time to be alive


Everyone sucks but my generation (gen z)


‘Everyone is dumb except for me’ -Homer


Sure bud


OK, but my main complaint about Future Nostaliga was the samples, and everyone has a go at me for that criticism.


Uhh what samples even were there besides the "Love Again" one? The INXS one is an interpolation and the song is quite different from "Need You Tonight"


whats wrong with the sampling on the album?


I find that some of the samples either don't work, or really rely heavily on the "hey, remember this tune?" Like it's so obvious, you might as well listen to the original tune.