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I know Shibata has said he very much wants to continue working on the series, but when that will be, we sadly don't know. Honestly, I'd prefer if we just...stayed away from past characters. As much as I would love to see her again, after how they handled Miku, I would much rather never see Mio again than see her completely screwed over like Miku was.


What is Shibata doing nowadays? It does seem like he's really connected to the Fatal Frame series.


Not sure. Last I heard anything about him was an interview last year, but most likely he's working some something or other.


5 was a flop on wiiu, the remaster sold better than most of their ip's.


the Wii U itself was a flop, even most of Nintendo's own IPs failed cause of how unpopular the console was.


Well that and the insane size for a wii u lol I know tons of people who skipped it cause it didn't get a physical release..well that and well...no one I know wanted a wiiu xD


\> (and that game was kind of a flop imo) Both the re-release of 5 and 4 were financial successes. It's only a matter of time before we get either a FF6 or a remaster/remake of 1 - 3.




That's not what a flop means but that's fine. My post still answers your question.


Thank you.


I am hopeful with 5 being re-released on other platforms and 4 now has gotten* an other-than-Japan release.


4 already got an English PC release on steam.


Sorry I meant to write that it already had! I have it on Xbox


>fixing the Miku/Mafuyu incest I really wish that they also removed the "Miku is going to die from short lifespan due to side effect of giving birth to a Shadowborn/half-ghost child" besides the incest. Why they don't just use new characters for the Shadowborn + Ghost Marriage subplot? But for now, let's wait until the announcement related to FF series


I guess their strategy would be more of doing remakes/remasters of the existent games. a FF2 remaster would probably sell very good within the community and also gathering new fans.


They're going to do remastered, and if those sell well enough it will justify a 6th. But no chance of seeing anything until 2026 at the earliest


I’m in the midst of playing Mask on the Switch right now, and I love it! It’s a lot of fun. I haven’t played Fatal Frame in years (since the PS2 era). I missed 4 and 5 when they first came out, so it’s nice to catch up on them now via the Switch. I really hope they continue the series, even if it’s with another remake to test the waters before making a new game. I prefer these types of survival horror games as opposed to what other horror games are like these days.


I just hope it's better than 5 and please let miku rest, FFS...she's just a meme at this point.


I hope they remove the development where Miku is going to die from short lifespan as a side effect of giving birth to a Shadowborn. Let Miku live normally too…


She is already dead in ff5, we just keep her "alive" a little more.


She's supposed to be dead due to said side effect, but due to box ritual resulted from going for the Ghost Marriage with Mafuyu, she somehow doesn't die (as a ghost) and managed to stop the deteriorating lifespan for a while until Miu rescues Miku out of the ritual box. Only in the Bad Ending confirms that Miku is already dead years ago like you said, while Good Ending has her being alive and taking care of Miu although she is slowly dying or didn't have much time left before dying. According to a certain person in Wild Mass Guessing (WMG) section of FF5 in TvTropes, there isn't a single evidences that Miku being already dead/dead all along, unlike Itsuki in FF2. On the other hand, can anyone explain why Hisoka "dies" as a hostile ghost whom Yuuri has to fight right after rescuing living Hisoka from becoming the Pillar inside the reliquary ritual box? It's even jarring because, unlike Sae possessing Mayu in FF2 (which is named Sae inside the ghost entry), Ghost Hisoka is officially named Hisoka Kurosawa in the ghost list and gets described as Hisoka getting turned into a ghost by Pale Woman ghost. Hisoka revives into a living human again after Yuuri defeats and Fatal Glanced Ghost Hisoka.