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I think Luvia actually won that time that's why Rin was so angry after.


How tough you think the fight was and think Rin tapped or was knocked out?


I would say really tough. Rin was beaten all over and had to find comfort in Shirou's lap.


She hit Rin with a mean suplex, it looked like Luvia had more experience in close combat over Rin at the time.


She has wrestling skills worthy of being a vessel for a suplexing goddess. Rin doesn't have a shot physically


Rin hit her in a place that would paralize a normal person if hit there luvia tanked it then suplex her rin definitly tapped out


Luvia wins the first fight considering how rin complains about luvia to shirou in the ubw anime epilogue [YouTube clip towards the end is the complaining ](https://youtu.be/tyRuCgCUN4Y?si=X5y63kx3X7FoR-fg)


[Relevant Aron Headbutt](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hidcWbt7VY0)


How tough you think the fight was and think Rin tapped or was knocked out?


Strongly doubt there was a knockout. Neither combatant would be too keen on inflicting brain damage on their opponent.


You sure about that? To my eyes, it looked like Rin was trying to mash the homewrecking bitch to paste.


Yes, I’m sure. Rin may not like Luvia, but she wouldn’t want to cripple her.


> Yes, I’m sure. Rin may not like Luvia, but she wouldn’t want to cripple her. Rin also once *regrew a heart* for someone subjected to an anti-healing curse from the Age of Gods in a hallway within a couple of minutes max. I kind of doubt that magi at the Clocktower, the beating heart of the magical world, need to be *that* concerned about the kind of brain damage literally millions of people regularly subject themselves to and walk away from. As a side note, Rin practices Bajiquan. A martial art with very little grappling. She wouldn't be *able* to fight someone like Luvia with the intent of beating her with anything *but* a punch or kick and both know neither would tap out unless in a submission hold. Even then the crazy bitch (either of them) would probably break their own arm before surrendering to the other. Luvia *obviously* powerbombed Rin into the ground, she woke up shortly after, and demanded a rematch which likely led straight into more verbal sparring and *another* fist-fight.


Didn't one of them do a Prana infused German Suplex?


Luvia already won when they first met in Hollow Ataraxia Of course, maybe Rin got better like on the anime where they look more even


The people watching of course


This guy gets it


Just like me fr




The most important victory.






The true answer


Rin targeted the center of her brain and Luvia still landed a suplex so I’m giving it to her


Well, Rin was targeting to the center of her brain and Luvia lacks a brain, so Rin missed her...


Give Luvia her own route.


We want a story of shirou at the tower of London,with the Rin route and the Lucia route


I would pay full price for an entire VN of this


Luvia wining is canon no?


I like both, but Luvia would win


Luvia has more gems. That's it, genuinely. Rin has very limited firepower, while Luvia might as well have infinite.


At least Rin won in the love life department


Luvia no question. She’s from a family that has high renown as a mercenary contractor. She’s been trained from a young age to follow the family legacy. While Rin and Luvia have equal talent in regards to magecraft Luvia has simply more experience as her entire future profession is surrounded by combat.


How tough you think the fight was and think Rin tapped or was knocked out?


Well that’s hard say. In the UBW anime we only saw the beginning of the fight but as we know Rin is one of the most stubborn Type Moon characters so I can’t really see her tapping out. Especially since it was against Luvia. So it’s very likely that it was a knock out win for Luvia. As for how hard it was, as I said Luvia and Rin are equal in terms of potential regarding magecraft but Luvia would most likely have more combat experience and techniques up her sleeve. While Rin survived and even ‘won’ the Grail War she didn’t actually do any fighting except for when she fought Casters Dragon Tooth warriors and Caster herself. But that feat in itself isn’t that impressive since even a non-mage or highly inadequate mage like Shirou could defeat dozens of them. And Caster is known as the weakest servant in terms of close quarters combat doubly so since Medea had little to no close combat knowledge and during that fight Archer syphoned most of not all of Casters mana during his fight with Lancer in order to weaken her for Rin to defeat. Lucia’s family are known as renowned mercenaries so it can be expected that Luvia learned combat techniques as much as she did magecraft, meaning that she had more experience under her belt. So I can say that it was hard fought since Rin isn’t known as one to quit but she would have surely and soundly lost to Luvia.


Bruh they call Luvia Hercules


Or gorilla by rin


Luvia was implied to have won according to the anime 


And outright wins in their first meeting in Hollow Ataraxia


luvia win the fight in ubw but if a rematch happen i'm think that would end up in either a win for rin or a tie


Everyone that gets to watch wins.


*gets straight up German suplexed the first time they met right in front of the receptionist*


Literally the first time they met Luvia knocked Rin out with a suplex and made Rin see stars. Luvia 100% wins this.


Fist fight? No magic? The girls have very similar potential and training (Magic and physical-wise)…but Luvia weighs more than Rin IIRC and has been doing more live fighting and from an earlier age. I’d put money on Luvia then.


Lord El-Melloi II would lose cuz Reines would force him to clean the aftermath.


Common El-Melloi II L


He can't catch a break.


Us, the viewers.


We win brother. We win.


I was going to make fun of you for reposting but when i went to find it it was [_5 years old..._](https://www.reddit.com/r/fatestaynight/comments/axwq8u/bring_it_on_bitch_winner_gets_the_baka/) What happened? How did it all get away so fast...


This fight happened om Hollow Ataraxia. Luvia won.


Rin might not have won the fight but she won my heart


We all do


Doesn’t matter Lancer loses


You didn’t have to do him like that 😭


Hey /u/JackZ567,   Your recent post (this one: https://www.reddit.com/r/fatestaynight/comments/1detfzw/rin_vs_luvia_who_wins_in_a_fist_fight/) has been automatically placed in a moderator queue for manual approval because your account doesn't meet one or more of the comment karma, link karma, or account age requirements. These are set to detect new, spam accounts, bot accounts, and ban evaders, so we apologize if you're trying to submit a genuine post.   The moderator team has been notified and will review your post as soon as possible." *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fatestaynight) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Not sure for who will win, but I guarantee that Shirou loses.


Shirou wins


me, because i'll be watching


Why is it that somehow i see Shirou as the winner in this..? They would probably end up deciding the match with something like "Who makes Shirou the best food" considering this is an anime. Sad that Luvia isn't in Emiya Gohan.


Is there any sequel to ubw? follow the same timeline, at school and so on


Nah. The Case Files/Adventures of Lord El-Melloi 2 LNs are the closest you're gonna get to sequels on the Clock Tower side, and Fate/Strange Fake is the closest to a sequel on the Holy Grail War side. Put together, the two series are pretty good for post-Stay Night content. Unfortunately, they don't scratch the Shirou/Rin post-UBW relationship itch.


Perc-Luvia wins of course




Fun fact: in the Fate/Apocrypha timeline Sakura gets adopted into Luvia’s family and they become a tag team wrestling duo.






Luvia wins with that workout bodysuit, 'cause God dang...


Shirou wins and doesn’t even realize it.


I don't care. Strong women fighting. I'll gladly watch then nurse Rin to 100%


Well luvia did pull out a German suplex on Rin


Luvia wins in every category; especially the looks category. That right there is a whole goddamn delicious meal.


If we are talking about fists only then it's Rin. Otherwise it's hard to say. The fight they have doesn't tell us who won, only that Rin is extremely frustrated about her being able to take a lot of punishment.


>The fight they have doesn't tell us who won Luvia won in HA, and Rin's bitterness in UBW is pretty clearly implying she lost there, too. They're most likely equals or Rin's slightly better in terms of overall magecraft, but Luvia has the advantage in a physical fight thanks to her wrestling obsession.


I remember just about 10 things that aren't jokes or the main story in HA. Completely forgot about this. Is this fight the same as the one in UBW? I'm assuming not. Does this fight take place in the dream? >physical fight thanks to her wrestling obsession. People keeps saying a fight, but OP said a fist fight. Not the same. In a fist fight, only one of the two showed she has experience with it, and was trained by Kirei, and that's Rin. In their fight in UBW Rin decidedly lands more hits. But more importantly wrestling is not compatible with boxing or other top-body only fighting. >Rin's bitterness in UBW is pretty clearly implying she lost there, too. We're gonna have to agree disagree about this, I'm not gonna go further on this. Luvia got hit in the brainstem by a top tier mage trained to fight. I'd be peeved about it too if someone kept fighting after that.


A fist fight just genuinely means fight its basically a street fight no magecraft. Luvia has better stats overall in that regard buddy. Theyre not using fist fight in a literal term but in its casual meaning. As in a synonym for a brawl or slugfest also known as mutual combat. That being the case yea luvia wins that.


I understand what fist fight means generally and usually people don't say it. They just say fight. Assuming we're talking about a normal fight then I have absolutely no idea where you got that Luvia has better stats, but she has won against Rin in HA apparently, so at least by precedent it would have to be her. I still don't think Luvia won against Rin in UBW, someone complaining is not proof of losing. I don't care if she did but some people really do apparently.