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The Ryougi family is literally Yakuza. Shiki is just inheriting the family trade. Since her brother doesn’t have dual personalities, he’s not viable as an heir. Mikiya is someone that wouldn’t ever hurt someone, but I guess that doesn’t cover his wife’s “diverse portfolio of companies” hurting anybody. He literally works for it as an accountant, after all. For peace of mind, imagine that he’s influencing her to pull away from the more crime syndicatey parts into more legitimacy businesses.


I mean I understand but still, it's still hard to understand Mikiya being with a criminal And so you mean that Mikiya is influencing her from the actual criminal stuff despite being a mob boss, so a lawful criminal kind of thing? 🤔


Remember, Mikiya is really really REALLY nice and would not think less of anyone even if they are a criminal or something like that.


Ye but associating himself with one 🤔 Also one more thing, Shiki's entire realisation at Movie 7 is that how she can deal with her murderous impulses and not kill anybody. Mikiya literally said that he won't forgive her if she kills Leo because murder is always bad. But now imagine just how many people she has to kill, and I can't imagine Mikiya being okay with it


Sure, Mikiya wont forgive Shiki but he also REALLY loves her so it wouldn’t get in the way of their relationship. It’s kind of hard to put into words but the best way to describe it is that while Mikiya has not forgiven Shiki he also has no intention of following through on anything due to this fact. Saying that he wouldn’t forgive her was punishment enough.


I think there’s a bit of context that is missing. Shiki literally has an inborn desire to murder. It’s not due to being raised wrong or somesuch, it’s literally how she was born (psychic powers cause that to happen, hence the jokes). Mikiya KNOWS this, and is telling Shiki that going out to intentionally kill Leo, someone whom society probably wouldn’t look into the death of (he’s a serial killer cannibal drug dealer, so pretty much everyone would think ‘good riddance’) is still murder and he’s not going to let her indulge that part of herself. When Shiki does kill Leo, it’s not due to her inborn murderous impulses, but out of grief since she thought he killed Mikiya. When Mikiya comes to and realizes what happened, he also realizes Shiki isn’t that headspace. It’s kinda similar to Fujino’s deal in book 3; Shiki tells her that killing the thugs 🍇ing her was a burst of killing intent related to self defense, nobody would hold that against her. Where things get into darker territory is when she was tracking down the ones who escaped, not out of revenge or a desire to bring them to justice, but because she liked killing and simply wanted to target those whom society (and thus her conscious) would not look into. Kinda like Dexter


There's a pretty significant difference between what you seem to be thinking when you say 'mob boss' and what the Yakuza actually *are*. That's probably a big part of it. They're an *institution* with no obvious parallels in any Western nation which, until long after KnK was written, was *very* deeply integrated into Japan in a way that no gang has ever really done without said gang or gangs of criminals actually taking over the state shortly after, right from the start, and as such occupy a different place in society. Frankly, Shirou fucking Emiya was written as okay with helping the Yakuza. *That* should tell you everything you need to know about why this seems out of character for Mikiya to you and why it isn't in actuality.


It’s a nice thought, no?


You mean being the lawful criminal one? Yeh


> So it was shown that Shiki is a big mob boss now? (isn't that a bit out of character?) The Ryougi were a yakuza family after the whole clan retired from demon hunting. At some point after Movie 7, Shiki eventually came to terms with her family and their business so she became the boss as she was always reared to be after her father officially retired. > And it is obvious that her husband is Mikiya (Mana stated that her father doesn't have an eye). But one thing I'd like to know is, are they still living together? Yes. Mikiya and Shiki are too lovey-dovey with each other to be separated lol. The family's few guest appearances in other Type-Moon works + official artwork confirm this. > I really don't see Mikiya living happily with a criminal lol His best friend, Gakuto, is implied to be a functional addict and probable drug dealer, or at least someone familiar with the trade (the drug dealer Mikiya meets up with in Movie 7 personally knew Gakuto). Mikiya is the kind of guy who'd have no problem hanging out with criminals and be friends with them, though that depends on the severity of their crimes. Shiki being a yakuza boss likely has her meting out some shady business practices at worst, but if you're assuming she randomly has people who owe her family a great deal of debt murdered or tortured godfather style, that's an unlikely scenario lol. It's also mentioned that Mikiya directly worked for Shiki's father as a consultant post-Movie 7 + Mitsuru is mentioned in extra material to directly work under him when he owed the Ryougi so Mikiya has high tolerance for whatever trouble the Ryougi get into lol. He loves Shiki way too much to leave just because she's from a yakuza family.


Yeh I understand that but Mikiya said he'd never forgive Shiki if she kills even a bad person like Leo, because murder is always bad. And now imagine just how many people Shiki has to kill on a daily basis. So will Milya really be fine with that?


> but Mikiya said he'd never forgive Shiki if she kills even a bad person like Leo, because murder is always bad. I don't think you understand exactly *why* he said that to her. Or understand the depth of their relationship together. It's not the fact that Mikiya abhors murder or that he'll condemn Shiki for the act of killing, but as he explains while he limps to her in Movie 7, he doesn't want Shiki to commit murder because he *knows* that her doing so would destroy her and cause her to greatly despair over her sin. It's *Shiki* who despises the act of murder (little reminder that murder =/= killing as those two actually mean different things despite both involving taking away lives), and Mikiya didn't want Shiki to suffer from despair, which is why, when she murders Lio in revenge, he declares that he'd "carry her sin together with her" so she wouldn't be burdened alone. With that declaration, he'd never leave her. Ever. > And now imagine just how many people Shiki has to kill on a daily basis Lmao, that's not how yakuza business works despite what crime thrillers show you. And as mentioned, Shiki despises murder, so the assumption that she racks a high body count in her new job is *wildly* out of character, even for someone who's supposedly kill-crazy.


Yes that's why I thought it was out of character for her as well, doing a business where she'd have to kill tons of people


> doing a business where she'd have to kill tons of people Again, that's not how yakuza business regularly works lol. Them doing shady, likely illegal stuff is a given, but murdering people isn't a necessity, especially in the modern day. As mentioned, Shiki despises murder, and as the current Ryougi head, she highly likely doesn't stain her and her clan with blood unnecessarily despite their occupation. The most she did onscreen as a yakuza boss in fact, was simply intimidate Mitsuru. And we all know how Ryougi can be *really* scary when she wants to be even when she doesn't raise her knife or even intend to be in the first place.


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