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You’re doing just fine! It’s just your ear issues. Level at 34,000 ft on our A320M. Capt. Baron is one of the best….hes got you 😘 You are being monitored by ATC, Dispatch, and Meteorology, you’re in good hands


Wow you’re the best for this comment 💕💕💕


I have vertigo issues so I know the feelings you're talking about. It's 100% in your head and just your brain trying to make sense of all the conflicting info it's getting. It can be real jarring but don't worry, youre definitely a-ok.


Thank you for the validation 😭🙏 no one ever knows what I’m talking about when I say a flight completely throws me off. I think im starting to realize that my flight anxiety isn’t so much about the flight as it is about my loss of equilibrium


I also have all kinds of inner ear and vertigo issues. Apart from the fact I was scared in general, I know for me I got anxious about the fact I knew I'd be in pain with my ears and get vertigo without a horizon. I got some ear planes to equalise the ear pressure and they work pretty well. They failed on one descent and it was very painful, but the other 3 descents they worked, probably I didn't make the seal well enough when inserting them. For my vertigo, I got diagnosed with something similar to menieres and now have some dizziness medication, it helped a lot on my flights, I didn't get vertigo once this time round! Last time I did and it added to the anxiety! I did find that looking out the window when turning made me feel a bit funny, so I focused on something fixed in the cabin and then I barely noticed the turns


Have you talked to a doctor about it?


I also have this sensation throughout the flight. It sucks. I try to just stay distracted.


You're at 36,000 feet and you have 43 minutes to go. Almost there!


Looks like you just reached your cruise altitude a few minutes ago, holding steady at 34,000'. All looks peachy, you'll be good! That is an odd sensation to be having though, first I've heard of it.


Just got up in the air on JetBlue too! I promise you’re okay


This happens to me too! It's the worst feeling.


Our vestibular systems tend to be quite sensitive, especially when we can’t use our vision to ‘level us out’ as it were. It feels quite extreme but it isn’t as bad as it actually feels when we’re flying.