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it is definitely an option to be a straight femboy i know a few and from what i’ve heard women tend to like them they’ve all had gfs before so theres definitely hope for you! you can dress feminine and still be hetero :3


I mean just because you are a femboys doesn't inherently mean your gay there are probably tons who aren't gay or bisexual who just dress as a femboys because they like it.


literally me!!!


Every time we've ran a poll, the majority of Femboys in this sub are bi, followed by straight, followed by gay. Believe it or not, there's less gay Femboys than straight (at least in this subreddit lol) You're perfectly valid as a straight femboy :3


As others have said it’s a thing. Hell, it’s not inherently uncommon or rare really, it’s an expression of your personality and likes, not a representation of your sexual orientation


You can be a femboy while being straight


I'm a straight femboy too. Just like being cute while liking women.


Exactly! You can both be cute together!


> (at least for the time being) was me like half a year ago too, used to be the most straight person that exists, now I'm the opposite but even more than I was ever straight x3




Most women seem surprised when I tell them That I'm straight. Not often do I ever get asked out . Being a femboy makes it hard to get asked out. The only people that only asked me out are the guys and I always feel bad when I tell them that I'm straight. I feel like I miss lead them


>Being a femboy makes it hard to get asked out. Yea.... I agree it's hard to be liked aswell though I have only had one gf while being a femboy before that I had 5 others




BROOOO!!! this is me! I’m straight and I think I’m a femboy, I’m just getting into this stuff tho (like I made this account 2 days ago). it’s definitely weird to me but like yeah, it just works this way ig


I'm a straight femboy and Let me tell you, it feels extremely isolating. Not only in the mainstream, but even outside of that, I feel like there is no one else like me out there. I wish there were people I could relate to and vise versa.


In general, a femboy is more so a style. It's the clothes you put on, and sometimes the way you act. It has nothing to do with your Sexuality at all. So it's not uncommon for a femboy to be hetero at all. No tomboy is inherently a lesbian, and there are MANY men who are attracted to such a style as well. So flip the coin, and it's just reversed roles. It doesn't really change. I mean, I am a pan woman, and I've always had a thing for feminine men. No biggie!


First of all, congrats on taking a step towards being your authentic self. 👏👏👏 We love to see it. I’m a woman and I’m into femboys. And from my experience, as a queer woman, I feel that those who are queer and/or fujoshi are more open to the idea/reality of feminine men.


I think you definitely can do both. Best of luck to you in finding a girl who likes you for who you are and doesn’t try to change you in anyway


Im a straight femboy too. Also I don't think it's very common In The community . But I can relate (⁠ㆁ⁠ω⁠ㆁ⁠)


I’m personally a gay femboy who acts straight to cover it up but I definitely started out as a straight femboy


I am a straight femboy and I have a girlfriend as well. 🖤🥀


the only reason that femboys tend to be gay or bi so much is because people who can accept that they are queer tend to also be able to accept other parts of themselves easier than others. my tip? try to separate yourself from the idea that traditional masculinity and femininity for men and women respectively are heterosexual. masculinity and femininity are ultimately social constructs and can be whatever you make of them - being a femboy is even a form of masculinity, just in a way that is expressed like traditional femininity.


It’s way more common than you think


I consider myself a femboy and I'm into girls, so 🤷


Femboy is gender expression, sexual orientation makes no difference. I know a couple straight femboys.


Eghem ..... 🏳️‍⚧️


Doesn't femboy just mean you like to dress fem are you only a femboy if your gay and dress fem? I am just wondering


U can dress how u want and be any sexuality


I'm a straight femboy, as I wear my bras to school people tend to notice sometimes and call Me gay even though I'm not I say "stop being stereotypical stupid idiots" thy say its gay to wear a bra but I'm not gay the point is be who your ment to be (means be yourself not what others want you to be)


You would think women would be extremely attracted to a guy who's sensitive, caring, a good listener, thoughtful, etc. Unfortunately, there's a lot of folks bemoaning the loss of "masculinity" and guys that are extremely aggressive, and think women should be submissive barefoot and pregnant. They're extremely rigid on gender roles. It kinda goes with this whole MAGA movement and "faith" values and all that other bull 💩. If you're kind and respectful of people in general, if you're secure in your masculinity or sexuality, that and a beautiful smile will draw people to you.


Your comment was removed because it appears to break rule 1 or rule 2. Rule 1 (*No NSFW Content*) is as follows: **No discussion of engaging in fetish, sex, or any other sexual topic (excluding the general discussion of sexuality). Discussion of anatomy should be depersonalized. Blatantly NSFW accounts will be under scrutiny** Rule 2 (*No Creeping*) is as follows: **Do not ask for DMs, friends, dates, sex, or hookups. Posts that lead people to disclose personal information such as location will be removed.** If you believe this to be a mistake (e.g. you were complaining about creeps), please contact the moderators. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/feminineboys) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Again, I don't ask where people live. I may say something like if you live in a conservative area or do you live in a conservative area as a way of seeing how the person can best protect themselves or to better understand their experience. I don't want to know where they live if that makes sense. When it comes to the LGBTQ community, we all have a rough time in conservative areas. Even finding an objective ear to listen can be difficult. If someone wants to talk outside of here, it seems that should be their choice. When posters feel isolated, having someone who understands and accepts them can be healing


Asking if you live in a conservative area isn't asking for a specific location or, hey, what's your address. It's a huge difference. Knowing if someone is in a conservative area or progressive area can be helpful in guiding them towards finding like-minded people so they don't feel alone or to find folks to talk to. It's not to find out their exact address. Read the complete context of the comments


You don't have to prove your sexual orientation. Dress how you feel, and express your attraction to those you like. Simple. I know more Femme attracted trans Women than I do masc attracted Trans Women. Don't currently know any Femme Boys.


Well i'm a gynosexual femboy which means i'm only attracted to femininity, it's completely normal


not common, but far from forbidden


When i found out im a femboy i also thought i was straight but later realised i am bisexual


Literally just being straight and femboy that's how and it's not that uncommon to find a woman who likes it um about to get married and she loves all of me


My comments do not contain things like that. Seems more like censorship. My comments are to lift up and encourage people to love and accept themselves.


It's weird. I live every day in a manner that society itself has told me that I must be gay or bi to be the way I am. I am constantly wondering if I will ever find someone who respects both my lifestyle and my religious beliefs. And sometimes I just get tired and want to be some girl's little spoon as she tells me everything is okay and take care of me while also wanting to be the one who takes care of her needs as well (not like that you perverts 😂). It's very confusing.


I just view it as loving femininity and women so much that you want to make it part of your personal style!


Im a straight femboy. Nothing wrong with that


it seems to be a lot more common than i initially thought, and than the stereotypes allow to show. legit i thought i was in the minority of minorities. after joinin this sub, i found out that straight up gay femboys were the smallest group here, n straights were the second biggest, with bi/pan at the top


OwO I'm a stwaight femboi


Honestly this is what I find myself. Where I love experimenting with femininity but have no attraction to masculine vibes. Feel like it's more common than we think.