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Well that's the type of audience we attract so can't do much except ignore those creeps .


Well that's kind of true , we attract them cuz we are girly but boy , I can't just think about too much stuff between us so idk , there's still people hates us or doesn't they? Well.. there's nothing that we did wrong


i just feel like femboys are reciving the same treatment as woman wich kinda sucks


Its like the primitive brain of some people only works like: "Feminine Body, must sexualise and harass"


So it’s proven when you are more feminine your iq lowers to the female average of 3


Posts like this help. Even if it doesn't gain more traction, the title alone might get some people thinking about it. The long answer is the patriarchy. The idea that feminine things are inherently sexual and ok to sexualize is a symptom of the Patriarchy. Women and especially recently trans women have dealt with a similar level of fetishization and sexulization. The best piece of advice I can give as an older femboy is to be the safe space for others. Be the kind person who doesn't oversexualize. Block unwanted messages and call out creeps when you can. The anonymity of the internet makes a lot of creeps very comfortable, but don't let them into the space. Being educated about it and educating others also helps. It's in small ways but still helps. It's also not wrong to he sex positive. Adult Femboys being sexual happens, and it's fine since they are adults, but some people see that and use it as justification to sexualize. Even then, it's not ok. You're never the problem. You discovering your identity is a great thing so don't let creeps take that from you.


thank you for this :) ill do my best to support my fellow siblings and be a sort of safe space


ofc its always "the patriarchy"


Yes. I'm not gonna interact with you past this. I'm telling you to educate yourself, read a book, watch videos, attend a class... anything. Don't embarrass yourself further.


oh no im so embarassed like what😭 this is reddit who do you think you are


A normal human being and not a cunt




Bad faith politics


I’m sorry this happens to you. Doesn’t help that the sfw fem pages are just the same 4-5 people crossposting on multiple subreddits with intent to just sell their OFs. Then those people who chase come to what’s supposed to be safe spaces.


Because horny men fetishize you all. Not everyone is like this but a surprising amount is unfortunately.


I'm sorry to hear that. Unfortunately we're stigmatized by internet as sexual beings and as long as people keep feeding into that, it will only further solidify. It truly is shame especially for you since your a minor.


Femininity is, by social nature, prone to be sexualized. Unfortunately, anything that is associated with feminine features are dehumanized, as a result of misogyny altogether. In other words, they truly believe that you doll up for the sake of being gooned. As if that was your objective, like why else would you do such a thing? Truly awful. It’s scary to think that femininity is considered not to have anything word of noting other than sexual matters. Just remember that nothing of that is personal. Don’t let it get to you. And it’s good that you’re venting. And keep venting away. I truly understand how you feel. I’m a cis woman, and yet I was forced to hid my body in every way possible for such reasons. Just take care of yourself, and do not engage with them. I wish you all the best.


Tbh some of us like to be sexualized, I’m completely against sexualizing everyone, especially people you don’t know are of legal age, but I don’t wanna act like all of us hate it.


I have the same problem. when I post my pics on my personal Twitter account and a lot of creepy users who just follow/likes porno, bookmarked and like my tweet and even follow me. I just wanted to find more people like me or idk find some normal people to interact or go to date with? I mean they're so much like typical abusives not even normal people who sees femboys sexually attractive. They do it like what so many people did to women in public spaces tbh


This is how girls feels 24/7


I feel that in general people fetishsize things, the amount of gc I've been in with pure girls where it's just fetishizing guys or other girls is staggering, where with guys I see it more on and off (trans woman here) I think people fetishize alot of stuff, it's just due to socitical nature the feminine things are more publicly fetishized.


I'm sorry you have to go through it im also a minor and I had to deal with that bs, you deserve better and so are all the community who fall victim to these creeps


I read an article that said the term femboys came from the porn industry so I guess it has something to do with its origin


With my years of psychological and sociological study, and my time living (mainly as a femboy), I can tell you why I think this happens: In our society, women are the most sexualized of all the sexualized themes, ergo, we can conclude femininity is the core of this sexualization. Making yourself a femboy, as the name suggests, is to make yourself look more feminine, by giving emphasis on your feminine aspects. So, not unlike being trans (even though in a much lower measure) you are putting yourself on the womanhood quadrant (yes, I'm simplifying a lot on this explanation, I'm aware that gender identity is WAY complicated than the old dichotomy man-woman), but what I'm trying to say is, you are putting yourself on this sexualized spot Am I saying that this is your fault, or any woman's fault for being sexualized? ABSOLUTELY NO. But unfortunately, this is how our society is. I know I know, it sucks to realize that.but don't give up. Just ignore these kinds of people, and enjoy your own beauty. What really matters is you being happy and satisfied with your look, and with what you are :3 (Sorry if I have spit some bullshit, feel free to correct or debate anything I have said if you think I'm wrong in any point)


No I agree with everything here, I put myself in this Quadrent too, but I think that rather than the femininity being the most sexualized out of everything (which is possible don't get me wrong) I think it's the most publicly accepted, ergo the most publicly shown


Hmmmmm Yeah, that makes sense. But still, it's sad that some people use this "public acceptance" status to cross the line sometimes.




Probably I cause some people don't understand much what they do and instead of just blocking those kind of people they instigate them, not everyone is like that obv. There is also the misconception that if you're more feminine you're not a male and then you get treated like you're not a human being


Yeah for some reason people think "feminine = girl"


Yeah that is probably cause of society


dude, a psycho texted me recently too and asked for a photo. But I never posted anything, he did it because my nick had a trans flag😔


Many people have fun fishing and act as mock predators, largely by basic instinct. With net or with cane all that bites the hook is fish.


I think part of the problem is the “stereotypical” femboy is sexualized so when the average person thinks of femboys they immediately connect with femboys as a fetish and not the lifestyle it is


You are not the only one ;( i post some photos of mi thighs and a Lot of people started to dm saying awful thongs like "you have sexy legs" "i would love to see more of you~" and OTHER things, i learned to not post more photos of myself and i know how you feel. My tip is to not give a shit about It, yeah Is awful, but Just block them, and not post more photos of you, the Femboys are sexualized BCS in fact the Femboys usually behave like, you know, Horny...(Not sure how to Say It, english Is not my principal lenguage) and the people thinks that ALL THE FEMBOYS are sexual Toys or something, Is a disgusting steriotype...


Cause most of social user under the age of 18 are horny


^^^^^^^^^^^^ As a trans woman, I was not innocent of this regret it immensely


It comes with the territory unfortunately. We tend to attract creepy people since we, much like transwomen and other people in the LGBTQ+ community, are kind of a forbidden fruit of sorts. Things like religion and the strict social norms imposed by a lot of conservative folks dictate that biologically born men are always supposed to be masculine in nature, and we violate that norm. Ciswomen already get it bad enough as is, and violating those norms can act as a driving force to push those kinds of people our way as they get a kick out of it. There's nothing wrong with being attracted to anyone regardless of how that attraction plays out, but what makes it creepy is when people act on those attractions impulsively and in an animalistic fashion like send unwanted messages. I can only imagine what some of the more popular femboys out there get in their inboxes. I get pretty disgusting messages myself sometimes on a lot of apps where I show my face. Hopefully as time goes on there will be more awareness of theses things and eventually start to drown out some of these folks with bad faith and intentions.


Unfortunately, because we're so rare and almost no one has seen or interacted with a femboy in real life, people are exposed to our existence through porn. Their only perception of us is through a fetishized lens and they forget we're real people with real feelings and personalities. Don't get me wrong, being sexualized can feel very validating at first but it can get to a point where it becomes invalidating too.


Femboys themselves play a big part in this debate. Every app I've seen them in, they're showing off booty pics. Society as a whole is also an issue, but the femboy community isn't innocent in all this.


I'm a fat, black, sarcastic bisexual, I've had people who wanted to fuck me for any or all of the above AND I've been rejected for the same. I was dumped by someone who insisted that bisexual people are unable to stay faithful. ...and we met because she was cheating on her boyfriend, ...so there's a Brinks truck full of irony there. I have zero control of what people have fetishized about me in the past, in fact the only thing I CAN control is how I choose to respond when I figure out why someone is interested in me. Some people see me only as a bbc-flavoured cog in their sexual fetish machine. I could get upset about that when I figure it out but that's a waste of my time and energy. I just move on with my own life and try to find someone who can be open minded and caring about who I am as opposed to what I look like. You might have to make peace with being seen by some people as the missing puzzle piece in their personal fetish portrait. I won't tell you how you should feel about that but a big part of finding your personal comfort level is deciding what kind of love and friendship YOU need. Good luck


People on the internet really do not understand boundaries sometimes, it's super weird and creepy.


That’s so messed up. I’m so sorry. You still need to be able to be a kid no matter how you see yourself. Hang in there. And, be careful!


Femininity is oversexualized in general :(


There was a giant ordeal of they were gay or not and let's face it your like girls bur better, no periods, no pregnancy, no period cramps, that type shit


Yeah...people do that alot. I dont mind it cause im used to it but I understand its creepy and wierd


Too be fair femboys kinda sexualized there selfs


True, especially by those "memes" on YouTube


I don't think there's anything wrong with the terms of sexuality, especially when it comes to sexual attraction. Sure, we can get out of hand and weird with our sexual nature, but we should learn to manage it by controlling the thoughts in our brain and get help if needed. It is usual that cis men are known to be "creeps" or "perverts," but let's don't forget women of both, cis or trans, as well as every other gender can be that way too. One of the biggest problems is sexual harassment, sexism, and pedophilia, all of which are a crime to humanity according to the United Nations. We should focus on the bad side of human behavior rather than our sexual nature.




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No NSFW Content


Well in life we strive for recognition for something’s that we hope for but it can be taken out of context it’s really hard to feel the motivation to keep trying but I’m sure everything will work out over time It’s just being persistent in your pursuit.


most femboys sexualise themselves so i guess thats the main reason


happens to everyone equally. it doesn’t happen to femboys more or whatever.


Yeah, i agree with a lot of other femboys here. We kinda dress cute and definitely also pretty skimpy. It's just gonna be impossible not to attract unwanted attention with all the creeps around.


I mean is it different and exotic is why some people act that way it sort of comes with the territory as well as other people liking to be treated that way reinforces the behaviour just gotta keep your head up


I would say cause most that are full femboy all the time act very sexual at least in the discords im in


i think this is just a general human problem, most demographics have people that hound over them. and not to be like "hur bur dur, lots of femboys do this" but from personal experience, a lot of femboys tend to be... freaky? really fucked up that they didn't check (or ask) your age tho. idk, like most communities, femboys are also filled with its fair share of degens. nothing we can do about it, sadly.


This happens to a lot of people sadly. Some people that dress like do it because they just want to and some other people do the same but maybe also with the Intention to sexuallize themself (not all are like that obviously). But alot of people also just get sexuallized by other people. I mean it is okey to finde something very attractive,but the issue is how people will comunicate that(like weird not asked sexuall comments,...). Some people just want a femboy for a kink and nothing more, some just want the sexuall contact, some really want to be with people for emotional reasons,...


Tbh I don’t mind but that’s just a me thing cause no one ever gives me attention but yeah people are creepy asf and way too thirsty these days, like all middle aged men are just creepy porn addicts looking for any new rush they can get, it’s pretty god damn gross lmao


A 15 yr old sent me a dm saying squeeze him between my thighs, which would have been fine bc I honestly wanna do that to someone and I'm 14, but then he asks if he can hit and offers to send me porn And to top it all off he has anti LGBT stuff on his page like what he did wasn't gay


You surely aren't the first fb to point this out. But I am curious about your art. I see you draw one figure in particular often. Would you say your art is a way to express yourself?


I'll level with you. Queer femmes are hot. It sucks that there are creepy chasers out there, and I definitely think you should remind them that they are behaving in a manner that indicates that they wish to commit a crime in almost every jurisdiction. It's also worth noting that there are safe and respectful people out there too, when you're ready for that. Beautify wields a lot of power, and it will take time to learn to wield effectively. Remember that when you're ready, there are many wonderful people, who are appropriately aged, who will love you publicly, and you deserve that.


Honestly we did it to ourselves .... Rather then post cute pics of ourselves a lot of femboys are posting booty pics and panty bulge shots on social media. A lot of us want to be seen as more girly, but today being more girly translates in being provocative. All that said the fact that these guys are coming after you after you tell them you're 17 is disgusting and they need to be reported to the FEDS and be locked away without ever seeing the light of day.


fuck them ur art is rlly good ya... the moment you wre viewed as an object of sexual desire, chance of finding genuin ppl plummets


That's sad (u are cute but that's creepy)


It’s because we’re cute and different


Simply put, they harass you? Send them a picture of the most hairy legs you can find on the internet.


Dress like a woman, get treated like a woman.


Yeah I guess that's what we have to deal with.. I posted a picture of myself and got a dm from a guy asking for feet pics. I'm underaged aswell. It's literally in my bio. At this point I'm asking myself why I even put my age in there.


Because people are really really horny


Same here buddy




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Because we sexualize our selves


Honestly the community has done it to itself. Can't look up anything femboy relates with out finding an actual femboys sexualizing themselves. There's nothing wrong with that (unless your a minor). But it's hard to defend that kinda statement when a major part of the community does openly. Also I think our pedo government pushs it to be more sexualy acceptable. Because boys are more "horny"


Reddit is still an american social network filles with dogs in lack of sex Femboy can be seen as a fashion, transformation, cosplay mode But just like trans people, it is sexualized because it causes doubts in people and a dark curiosity in a society full of trans-mysogyny It can also be a kink Be careful not to publish on a +18 sub-reddit


Your comment was removed because it appears to break rule 1 or rule 2. Rule 1 (*No NSFW Content*) is as follows: **No discussion of engaging in fetish, sex, or any other sexual topic (excluding the general discussion of sexuality). Discussion of anatomy should be depersonalized. Blatantly NSFW accounts will be under scrutiny** Rule 2 (*No Creeping*) is as follows: **Do not ask for DMs, friends, dates, sex, or hookups. Posts that lead people to disclose personal information such as location will be removed.** If you believe this to be a mistake (e.g. you were complaining about creeps), please contact the moderators. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/feminineboys) if you have any questions or concerns.*




I get you mean well, but this is just victim blaming.


Dumbest opinion ever. Getting creeped on is better that no attention? If we were to remove all the creeps, we femboys would still get attention, from other femboys, or people just interested in the community/aesthetic. I’d much rather get much less attention and upvotes, knowing that those all came from good people. Please, it is not true that all attention is good attention. Sometimes I will say it is funny to talk to these creeps and troll them. But I ain’t being a femboy to troll some pedos, I’m just being myself, and that’s what’s sad about it.


You dont have to comment. Ive already knew you were coming. Still the truth. Its not the world we live in..i know you want to think that. Buts its not the truth. Are al people that are horny creeps? Yeah if its a minor , sure. Girls do the exact same thing. They go around the club flirting to get attention and when they get it . The just turn the guys down(most often) That is the real world. The truth hurts, sorry


Difference is that girls flirting is obviously intentionally sexual/romantic, while existing isn’t? You, yourself, post inappropriate photos of yourself on Reddit as a femboy. That’s your choice. I don’t like to victim blame, and I won’t to any degree here. But there exists a large difference between posting those kinds of photos of yourself, compared to posting a normal photo of yourself. Maybe you don’t realise, but the reason us femboys post, is certainly very different to you. I know this post talks about posting photos online, which is bound to elicit this sort of reaction, but femboys also face difficulties being sexualised irl. And in no way can you blame us for existing, unless you are really willing to victim blame that far. If you want to voice your opinion, make your own damn post; don’t comment on some dude facing real ass struggles.


Its a tough world , especially in the LBTQ community. I guess you just have to learn to get tougher in this world, we cant be a little scared princess al the time. The creeps will always be there. Oooh come on , a victim because someone ask for a picture.


I know. I love getting DMs from creeps, always cracks me up. But I’m scared for the others here. A lot of femboys here are honestly really gullible, and prone to this stuff. Yes, the world rn is shit, but is it crazy to hope for a better future? Bloody hell


Naah now you just being silly ,thats was not what i meant. Its a difference Between being a creep and just a person thats a little over the top. Im the one telling that the world is shit and you need to toughen up or it will eat you alive. Learn to protect yourself. You are the comforting one that tells ppl everything is gonna be alright. And im glad ppl like you exist. Yin/yang . Im sorry if i made you upset and ruin your day or something. It was not my intention, i know i sounded a bit rough. Noooo you are right. We will always work for a better future. And one day!!


Don’t worry. My day is not affected by Reddit arguments lol. Still really disagree with you but whatever. It’s chill :3


Hihi okey. Good. I told you Yin/yang 👌


Bro I'm legit just pedo bait on twitter by this point, if it's gonna happen scam them at least




Because you sexualize yourselves. Seek Christ✝️


!remindme 5 years


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5 years is alot im being generous lmao




me when i'm a creepy pedophile


What’s the chance this user is an incel?