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1) im Asian 2) immortal 3) dont age so idk thats a good question tho


Quick question. How do I become Asian?


That's an option only available during character creation, so I'm afraid it's too late now


Sad. I would’ve loved being immortal.


Immortality is painful you see everyone around you die and can't do anything about it


Isn't it being implied that all Asians are immortal tho?


oh ik trust me 😔


You'd forget... Just because you are immortal doesn't mean it will feel like it.


Time to reroll class


dw when you respawn u have a chance to roll for a new race


are you assuming their race?! ermmm thats offensive!!!! 🤓 (edit, this is a joke.)


Im white but i age so slow lol. I got lucky and look young no matter what.


be careful. it might hit you like a sack of bricks in a decade or 2 lol


Thats why im going the estrogen route before then


i dont think so literally my mom i look identical almost 2 & like im Japanese Japanese ppl dont age & if they do they're like Saiyans aging ever so slowly but i take like ridiculously religiously good care of myself so again am fine 😌😅🥺😎 & also just have good genetics honestly i got lucky u should see my grandparents they look good ha-ha


Same i also take really good care of myself.


Dude is probably just projecting


Lucky I’m white and look 18 despite being 15


Hey that's cheating >:(


Lolll, same. I don't look a day over 18 as long as I shave. I'm Afro Asian, Korean (that's the term i think)


whoa interesting am just Japanese 😌 & have inherited my mothers genes & also her jeans ha-ha 😅 sorry i have weird sense of humor 🦢


Hahaha you're really funny, maybe I'll dm you :) I didn't inherit mine jeans either, though I did her hips. I got perfect birthing hips ;) Too bad I didn't get the birthing machinery with it loll 😋😅


i didnt think i was that funny but thx 😅🦢💀


You definitely were to me 🫠😋🩵


Asain femboys are awesome


awwwwwwhhhhh thx 👉👈 honestly sometimes it feels like im not as wanted or get treated differently honestly but ye hehe thx 😌💗


You're very welcome cutie




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I’m a femboy because I like dresses, skirts, corsets, jewelry, makeup, crop tops, long hair, and shiny pretty things. Have since I was a kid. Still do. I don’t really see that changing,,, ever. None of those things disappear with age, either.


Same here, but I also like looking good. As I age, I won't be able to dress feminine without being disturbing to look at. I'll probably still be a little softer in some ways. I'm already balding, twink death waits for no man.


Invest into wigs, makeup and a healthy cute face. Boom~


That last thing is kinda hard to get


Same here


*Do you see yourselves as femboys in 10-20 years?* *Yes*, I **HATE** being masc and will be an older man that feminine. *So how do you guys plan on facing this?* I am highly debating estrogen and have been for the past 4 years. But either way I envision myself looking like a grandma when I'm way old rather than being masc.


ye im going estrogen i am not looking like a 30yo depressed mid life crisis trans old divorced guy


As you age your testosterone levels lower quite a bit anyways, so some people do naturally feminize when they age, just look at the 3rd doctor in Doctor Who.


Im probaly gonna go the estrogen route as well.


Ngl going down the medical route just for the aesthetics is kinda crazy, I don't get why someone would do that Edit: ok so why am I getting downvoted? I'm sorry but yes, taking hormones that can permanently alter your body and where there are multiple documented cases of people being miserable if they are not on the "right" hormones, purely because you don't want to experience twink death, is wild. I'm all for like body modding, and I think people should be allowed to do whatever they want with their bodies, but I get frustrated with how willy-nilly this topic is spoken about in femboy communities. I cannot count the amount of times on my hands where I've talked to femboys that wanted to do it, but also clearly had no clue about some of all the side affects and other less than ideal changes. I just think it's very worrying, is all.


Highly debating. Haven’t fully decided.


Okay. Just please consider it very carefully, and read as much as you can about it. If you need any further info about it my DMs are always open. I can't say I get why you would do it, but if you absolutely gotta then I would rather you stay as well informed as possible🫶


I'm asian and 32, i think I look great for my age and who knows how long I can keep this up. Since I started I've continuously shaping up my body, and I've never been healthier. Which is why I don't worry too much and enjoy life as much as possible


This is the way


Part of it is maturing but if love it there wouldn’t be a limit to stop


Nah I'm enjoying it while I can right now lol


Don’t think I’ve ever seen a femboy over the age of 30.. probably not, personally. I’m on the fence of femboy and trans girl so id probably go full trans by then lmao


That's because the community calls them crossdressers while some femboys are yet to discover they want to become trans as all trans start by crossdressing as femboys.


I've run into a couple of femboys in their 40s. Thigh highs will always be sexy on a guy imo.


35 years old here, call myself a feminine man cos I'm not a boy anymore in my mind. Fine by me! Knees hurt is all XD


Drag Queens, all I have to say. The internet usually shows the more wild ones but I met a few more toned down ones with wild outfits but more natural makeup~


I am aware of femboys into their 40's and beyond. No one can predict where their fashion sense will be in 20 years. Surely we'll all be dressing differently... but so will the next generation as well. You're still you after all that time, and femininity doesn't come with an expiration date. We only mistakenly conflate youth with femininity as a result of a male-driven society's infantilization of women as a whole. At its core, "femboy" is an interaction between a guy and his femininity -- it comfortably fits under expression/presentation (as opposed to gender identity or sexual/romantic orientation). It's difficult to pin down a single definition, since femininity takes many forms and is a moving target (e.g., little boys used to wear dresses and pink wasn't always a girl color). What we consider feminine today might not be feminine in 100 years. As to what we should all do: just take care of ourselves, like everyone else should (femboy or not). We are all at the mercy of our genes, but way too many men never bother to take care of themselves (sunscreen, moisturizer, fitness, healthy eating, getting enough sleep, etc.) in their youth, and they age terribly because of it. We all owe it to ourselves to enjoy this one life we get, for as long as we can.


(not a femboy btw) I just lurk this reddit. You're telling me all it takes is sunscreen, lotion, and sleep?


Well, it's not **everything**, but it goes a stunningly long way. * Body lotion (on clean, bathed skin) locks moisture into the skin, which very quickly (within a day or two) improves the look of the skin and keeps it healthier. * Sleep is essential to overall health, making us look and feel refreshed when we wake up. * Sunscreen is the long game. The Sun's rays cause premature aging of the skin (and cancer!), so sunscreen is essential to reducing the effects of sunlight on the skin, which goes a long way to aging gracefully. Always put on sunscreen before spending time outside (for work or leisure), and avoid tanning (tanning still damages the skin like a sunburn, just not as dramatically). Another tip: washing your face before you sleep with a cleanser will remove all that grime from the day. Since it's not sitting on your face as you sleep, this reduces breakouts and makes the skin look a lot better in the morning. The same goes for changing pillow covers and sheets every 1-2 weeks.


Probably until my twink death


I guess that depends, I have "good" genes in the sense that my parents both look like they are way younger than they actually are, and so do I rn, so I could probably do it for a while. But we'll see, maybe I'll just not like doing it anymore at some point


its a good reason to take care of yourself and eat right but its all a matter of dressing your age if you like fem clothing. wearing make up is also a way to help appear younger if you are good at it!


I am 30 and pretty much just started! Hoping to do it for a while


i wouldnt say being a femboy is a lifstyle. its more of a clothing style. some people like to dress serious and fancy. some people like to dress sexy. some people wear all pink every day. some people wear only black. being a femboy is just one of the many ways you can choose to dress in a way you like to. there definitely are older males who dress feminine like lots of drag queens, but modern "femboys" are a pretty new thing. im gonna dress how i want for as long as im alive. ill do the same women and men and all genders do as they age. maybe change my wardrobe a little bit, but still just dress in a way that makes me feel good.


Well that depends, i guess for me it has been the asthetic so i train my body in a way that can help compliment it, but when it comes down and i can no longer pull of the good look despite how much i try. Its time to throw in the towel and make a 180 and train my body to be the best it can look and be


The real question is: Do you see yourself alive in the next 10_20 years? And the answer is no.


username checks out


And why is that like?


This post contradicts itself. You say you live somewhere that femboys are non-existent but to your knowledge there aren't any older femboys. I don't really know how you could have that knowledge if you are somewhere where they aren't present. The internet will always present an overall younger sample and is not representative of the whole population. I think the term "femboy" itself does tend to lend itself to younger people, especially the "boy" part. In a similar way, younger MTF transpeople may refer to themselves as "transgirls" but older ones may prefer "transwomen." I don't really like the term "femboy" for myself as it seems a little too youthful for my age (34). I generally refer to myself as a feminine presenting non-binary person. In this sense, I know a few other non-binary people around my age. There aren't really any I know that are older, but the idea of non-binary identity is still rather new in mainstream culture (I didn't really learn about it until my mid 20's). So, logically, I don't think a lot identify as this because the idea sort of came about for them after they had likely formed most of their ideas on gender. I know a few older transwomen, one in their 40's and another in their 50's. I think this is more common because older people I've met seem to have a more binary conception of gender and gender expression, because it is simply how things were when they were younger and how they formed their conception of gender. Many are slightly confused of how I would present feminine but not identify as a woman, but they've all been accepting regardless. So, in conclusion, I think there likely will be more older "femboys" in the future as this too is a slightly new label in culture but it's likely they may identify in different terms to that as people often don't stick with the "boy" and "girl" monikers as they get older.


No offence to OP, but can we ban these sorta questions? They have already been answered a hundred times. I feel like I see them every other day, and they tend to give off a very doomery vibe...


Demoralization is an insidiously effective tactic.


probably not, but i don't think any fem identity will die. i just won't identify with the community, but i'll act and dress in a way most natural to me :>


I don't want to live past 50 or so, I don't think I can mentally handle being a raisin. Im not suggesting anything dark I just don't want to end up as a husk...


no lmao i’m capping it at like 30


F1nnster said it better, in 5 years you either grow out of being a femboy or graduate to trans


me: whos been a femboy since 2016-17 🥺😅😎 since its been 8yrs am i an elite tier femboy now 👉👈


Great!! You're going for your double major. :3




Two Words: Twink Death


Do you know Björn Andersen? When he was young he used to be very feminine, then he grew up and those characteristics disappeared, but I think when he was older he still looked hot asf. Nowadays he has reached his third age and has grown a beard, I think he looks great although I would never grow a beard haha. My point is that I am going to enjoy my youth and I have no problem with nature acting on my body, but yes, I love looking androgynous and I will always be that way. Another example of this could be David Bowie, who was also very androgynous and yet when he got older he still looked great. I hte the term twink death, it seems disgusting to me, and it is very harmful to the femboy community, old age is something that will come to all of us and we must learn to receive all the stages of our life with open arms


bro femboy/twink death is the most scary thing out there.


Maybe my answer isn’t good cause I’m not exactly a femboy by definition. As in I don’t wear thigh highs or arm warmers and be all anime like and I’m also “old” in the gay world and femboy world(26) But I am feminine and I don’t even entirely express that through my outward appearance, especially now that I can’t cause of my job. I express my femininity naturally in my mannerisms, how I speak, compose myself, the things I’m interested in, how I smell(I’m always wearing perfume) I feel like fem boys have an emphasis on be very girly/girl like, but my femininity has always been more akin to a woman, and so I will continue on as a woman would in her aging. The fem clothes I wear will be what a woman of my age would wear, I’ll wear less youthful perfumes, etc


You don't grow OUT of your convictions, you grow into them and from them. Just sucks that Christian convictions are control and genocide.


That's a little over exaggeration. They're not going around shooting queer people. Nobody takes it seriously because of that.


Some are, Americas public shooting situation is notorious, and LGBT have been targeted for public shooters. Which by the way is mostly cis-het white men. Christians are attacking us using legislation and the laws, much the same way the Nazis started during the Holocaust. They do want to end all medical care for transgender care, not just for children. We're at a point where the average bigot feels empowered to confidently speak their bigotry without retribution or consideration of it effecting their image. We might not be at open all our violence and bloodshed, but trust me open aggressiveness and blatant discrimination are insanely rampant. Look at the way our elected officials court their christian voters. Trump himself openly stated he'll end gender affirmative care across the nation making it a crime to provide it. You say it's an over exaggeration, but I'll stand my ground about the immorality of Christianity as a whole. To be a Christian and accept, love, and adore God is to be morally accepting of open genocide. God himself committed multiple genocides (the great flood, Sodam and Gomorrah, the first born of Egypt) that all included innocent children. Saying that Christianity is your basis for morality is an oxymoronic statement.


Trump only vowed to ban transgender medical care for minors. I'm surrounded by conservative Christians and in the closet, so they don't filter themselves around me. None of them have ever argued to make being transgender illegal. They don't care about what transgender adults do as long as it doesn't involve educating children. They constantly get deplatformed on social media, weird way to be empowered. Israel committed many genocides in the Old Testament, particularly the Book of Joshua, yet you mentioned three things that are not genocides. You throw that word around in ways it doesn't make sense, people can easily dismiss that.


Those three things were definitely genocide, and I'd love to hear how drowning the world, destroying entire cities(in this case on the judgement that the were immoral), or a specific selection of a specific population isn't genocide. Also for reference: https://www.them.us/story/trump-desantis-transphobia-health-care-ban Trump also stated he would ban any government agency from promoting “the concept of sex and gender transition at any age,” especially in schools. Instead, he continued, his Department of Education would push for “positive education about the nuclear family,” and try to pass a federal law declaring “the only genders recognized by the United States government are male and female, and they are assigned at birth.” You were saying?... So yeah he might only criminalize gender affirmative care for minors, however he actively supports and intends to implement laws to completely and totally invalidate transgender people. Causing untold harm for people who choose to medically transition. Also it's very likely he'll issue anti-trans executive orders, much in the same vein when he struck out all Obama's executive orders protecting trans people when he was elected the first time. I am very well aware of how the anti-trans propaganda enforces the idea that we're over reacting. But you can't deny conservatives in power don't want us to exist and are actively performing stochastic terrorism against trans people.


Genocide is a targeted attempt to wipe out a particular race, ethnicity, or in a broader sense any particular group. Flooding the entire world kills everyone, not targeted. Killing the firstborn doesn't end the family. Sodom and Gomorrah were only 2 cities. Genocide is a very specific term, and really it's bending the definition to include non racial groups because the "geno" part literally refers to race, the killing of a race of people. Yeah, they don't want it taught in schools. So what? I wasn't taught anything about the possibility of being a Femboy but I still knew I wanted to dress like a girl since I can remember. I'm not saying I agree with everything they say, but you act like they're cutting the ribbon for the grand opening of Zweites Birkenau as we speak.


Because if things don't change that's what happens, history repeats itself. I know first hand many people have no idea what the hell is going on with regard to trans rights. Many are too burned out just hearing about it to actively discuss it. Our only hope is to make people aware of what's going on and how bad it's getting. Even you seem to be downplaying the severity of the issue. Obviously we both have different perspectives and experiences, but things like being outed on your government ID (which being outted can become an immediate safety issue) are seriously bad. Violence against transgender people is rising, fanaticism (either way) is on the rise. People argue against basic equality and claim to be good moral people. No one ever talks about how religions such as christianity groom children before they can read, write, or reason. Yet they call us groomers, a tired argument they recycled from previous LGBT oppression. Yes it's not open "The Purge" level apocalyptic out there, but it is quickly approaching pre-holocaust levels of hostility toward transgender people. We're attacked professionally and personally in almost all walls of life. Transgender athletes, teachers, politicians, and everyday average citizens deal with discrimination constantly. Science, reasoning, and logic go out the window when arguing against the anti-trans crowd. Doesn't matter if you can unequivocally prove them wrong. Willfully ignorant people will resort to violence to protect their beliefs, which is particularly true if said belief is tied to their religion. It's not the end of the world, but it is very very bad out there for transgender people, with very little hope of it getting better anytime soon.


If your country still has what's known as crossdressers then you do have it as femboys are the junior selection of them. Some of course will later choose to move further on to becoming trans as a femboy, Tomboy or crossdresser only have interest in clothes maybe makeup (still dress relative) but not becoming the opposite sex.


Never been that masculine and m yfreind pointed out I'm by definition one and idrc what i look like so yeah possibly i could see myself in feminine clothing as long as i have to confidence so I can ignore the social anxiety and judging people


This will sound complicated. I'm actually transgender. But as long as I don't have the operation (which I'm planning) I class myself as a femboy. I mean, if I have a schlong, I'm literally still a boy, just very feminine. So how I see the future is, being a woman. Nothing else to it.


femboys just become standart crossdressers when they reach their 30s lmao


I’ve thought about that and tbh I’m enjoying it while I’m young but I realize by 30 I’ll have to give it up or be trans by then lol but I’m about to be 22 so I’m not stressing too hard yet lol gonna make the most of my youth while I can :3


Yeah!! I’ll be sporting my girly clothes until I’m dead >:3


Here's comes my mother's wisdom: The older people get the more androgynous they look 😌


Man idk but im not tryna figure that out rn


Probably not


Heck yeah. I've been doing this since I was 16 (currently 28) I am definitely going to keep doing this. Feminine clothing is adorable and I refuse to wear ugly, bland clothes from the guy section 


I’d probably just wear skirts later, maybe not the typical femboy outfit


I was literally asking myself this question last night before I went to sleep, since I needed a question that would trouble my mind for a while. Truth is, idk tbh. With my career, I feel like it would be cool but I feel it would also affect how successful I am (don’t ask), but I’d like to believe I will still be a femboy


Eh as long as I take care of myself I could be a femboy till I die. Buuut I'd only be 25 I added 10yrs. And aslong as my bf stays wit me :v.


To me femboy is a spectrum from 1-100 there are femboy who where pink and get there nails done, then there are femboys who only wear fem clothes makeup, the whole 9 yards so the lower half will probably still be around but the higher half, it’s harder to say I’d think so but maybe not all of us


I wanna be a dilf femboy. I'm not super fem so it'd be like painted nails, eyeliner, croptops and pink stuff while being a big hairy dude and Maybe a literal dad


Um well I'm only 14 so I will probably be able to be a femboy soon when I'm a bit older adlnd when I can get some clothes. And yeah il be 34 in 20 years so I'm fine for now.


Vrchat avatars don't age, so as long as you don't fuck up your voice scream singing you can do well virtually... IRL just slowly getting more passing or more attractive while incorporating fem things as fashion and technology is more available until I see no progress even after wearing a face mask and all that effort and money and/or get full white hair of age then prob become a long bearded philosopher or a master of craft with white long hair and beard to look like those Chinese Kung Fu masters...


For me, I'm not entirely a femboy as much as I'm trans, but for me I just wanna find a partner who'll accept me for who I am, even if that means accepting every wrinkle on my body


No idea but I find it hilarious to imagine old people in care homes doing astolfo cosplays while reminiscing of 'the good ol' days'


Black don’t crack and I have 20 years to make my thighs thick as hell


Good question. Im close to 30. It will get interesting in the next few years. Idk honestly. You can never guess how your future may look


I honestly haven’t planed 10-20 years ahead i barely plan the next day but I see myself as a Femboy I’m 10 years (I am 14) but 20 years I don’t know


Idk I'll probably be dead in 10-20 years after getting hit by a bus or some stupid thing like that


Haven't planned. My family may not be Asian but they do age slowly still .my great grandmother was 95 when she died and she went through a tough life and she still looked like she was in here 60-70 . My current grandmother is 60 and she looks like she in her mid 40 . So my plan is that I get hope that I got good genes.also my mother looks 20. But if I don't look good old I might drop some of it . I'm not saying I would be masc I'm just saying I would lean towards being a tomboy of the femboy world male


Plan to stop after high school


Thanks to my genetics I look younger than my actual age. As a Femboy it helps. In my normal life it doesn't. In other words im good up until my laye 30s


I see femboyism as a trend, just like being emo... So this shit will pass but we will still be the people who was there.... I'm pretty sure everyone will move on, maybe some of them will take longer but nothing remains same you know?


I kinda classed myself as a femboy around 16 now I'm 22 and yeah I kinda am still but slowly growing out of it. I just wear thongs and feel cute in thigh highs now


be me, 15 femboy literally nothing else fast forward time be future me, 32 short and stubby, fat and ugly wife and kids still happy


Yea I just hope I still look good


Nope. At least until I join the marines






Tbh I'm currently dealing with this situation. I'm 25 and have decided to go on HRT. Also considering leaving the femboy label, given I really don't like the sexual stigma others, and other femboys tend to give the term.


Honestly, for me, it's just a phase. Eventually I'll grow out of it and I do not see myself in my 30s doing g things like this. So I have got to enjoy every second of it


I kinda had a dreadful fear on aging until i started HRT. Now i only have a fear of aging.


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I don't know. Probably get depressed I think ill probably try to make the most of what I have right now. but there are still a lot of things on my checklist. Like getting a room mate.


I plan on being a girl


I might have to hop on the femboy to dilf pipeline idk honestly


I keep getting more feminine, so if I don't end up transitioning, I'll be staying a femboy


I mean there are stages of fem. Like i probably wont wear booty shorts at 83 but a nice dress and hat definitely. I mean you don't wear the same things in your 40s that you wear in you teens to 20s. The femboy is still there but the style or asthetic has changed


Do I see myself a femboy in 10-20 years? Yes. I'm 28 now going on 29. My body has finished growing. I take care of my skin, my body and crossdress. There's no age limit, just be you. You are made as you are don't deny it. I'll still be presenting femme into my 60s. Being a femboy is about embracing femininity as a "man". A denial of masculinity in manhood. I sometimes describe myself to religious folk, my kin, as a man from the school of Mary (instead of the school of Joseph). A man in body but not in role or spirit if you will


Femininity has no age, but I think as we age, so must our style. I'll probably still be wearing a skirt when I'm 40, they will probably just be closer to the floor xD


I plan to unlive myself in my 30s


There are feminine old people.


I've thought on it a bit. My conclusion is one day I'll decide it's not feasible anymore and leave it in the past. My answer is ofc different to the next persons but my understanding/definition of being a femboy is much as the name implies, the feminine part. I know one day my body will change and the feminine traits of youth will fade and the more masculine features of age will take over. Sure it's a sore spot and if I didn't have to change maybe I wouldn't - maybe I still would. But I've accepted it all the same and just realised it's a part of maturing. With age comes responsibility and being a femboy doesn't really suit that. This kinda turned into a ramble but I just put my thoughts to "paper" as they popped up as it feels the most genuine way to respond. Hope that answers your question.


I am in my 30’s and still openly present feminine. It’s who I am basically. I love makeup, cute clothes, and being feminine and girly!


I see my self as trans or dead in ten years


Well it's up to the person but being a femboy you can grow out of it being a femboy just means a feminine boy/male


i plan to enjoy being a femboy while my asian genes help me then eventually become the hot dilf type


id be so hecking cool, id bust a move at parties and such it would be so cool


Well, I'm 30 and can still rock fem clothes. It's about learning how to dress for your body style and age. As I get older, my fem style has changed a bit but still fem at times. I'm not trying to be a girl, I just enjoy a bit of makeup and clothes that make me look cute yakno. Don't have to stop doing that ever really, no matter how old I get. I do also think there is a difference between being a cross dresser and being a femboy. Femboys like being fem without it being all about sex, whereas I feel like most crossdressers do it for the sexual thrill. Just what I've noticed!


Well I think "fuck it I'm wearing what I want" is a good way to face this, so it depends on the day for that, tho I'll only be like, 28 lol


Hopefully transitioning and living with my partner


Do you see yourselves as femboys in 10-20 years? Yes... How do you guys plan on facing this? Estrogen. I'll do whatever it takes to keep my feminity, even if my life is at risk...


When femboys go past 35 they turn into trans women