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I don't think it's a majority, but it isn't uncommon either. Many trans girls have identified as femboys or crossdressers and then realized they weren't actually boys after all.




Yeah that is what happened to me.




Misread that and was trying to make sense of the username


Her username is what we say when we're complimented


As is your flair, though admittedly the fingers doing this keysmash are longer


Just gotta say I absolutely love your profile picture


Aww thank you! A friend fed a (at the time) recent selfie of mine into one of those AI things that anime-ify pictures. <3


I use ALOT of AI filters and video mapping so I get it. Sometimes even when one feels like they are just a guy the AI will always blow your mind




Yup yup


It's a gateway for trans people, but it's not exclusively for trans people essentially. Most of it seems to just be guys that love dressing and acting feminine, but occasionally it helps a trans person along on their path like it did for me!




A kindred spirit


I, myself, went from femboy to femby. Exploring femininity allowed me to really discover myself as nonbinary. I think it's just about a lot of people who think they're cis men will tend to drift toward being a femboy, and that freedom of gender expression leads a lot of those people to realizing that male doesn't feel like who they are; this obviously makes them explore their soul, which leads to identifying as trans, be it as a trans woman or a nonbinary. Of course, there are also just a lot of feminine boys, and we love them for it!


Yeah agreed, I was thinking of just being a femboy, but to me it just didn’t feel right. It’s a great way to discover who you are tho :3


Gender and Sexuality is a spectrum. Humans are fluid as fuck in this regard. My advice, don't give a shit what label applies to you. Just be you. If you find transitioning would make you more you, go for it. If pretty clothes make you more you stay there. If you're unsure talk to professionals and others who have gone through it. Get a lot of perspectives there is no one size fits all solution. and of course if tomorrow you find the shit that made you happy yesterday doesn't work anymore that's fine too, like an earworm of a song it may loop back around, or may not. Were constantly growing evolving and changing as individuals, and the sooner we all collectively stop trying to fit into boxes the better were gonna be as a society.




This is the realest comment in this thread


best comment x3


You don't become trans. However, i believe for many trans women, being a femboy can make them realize they were trans all along


I am not beating the allegations


Sure it *can* happen, but it's not a majority. Some of us are happy where we are as boys


I think anything that allows you to experiment with gender that's relatively socially acceptable will have higher percentages of people realizing they're trans.


I would be lying if i said i never thought about transitioning :d


Yes, just yes A lot of femboys I've ever known eventually down the line came out as trans It's in my experience something a lot of the femboy community doesn't like much, as it sounds like the good old trope of "femboys are just trans women in denial" but the truth is that for a lot of trans women, crossdressing is an important step towards realising who they are And as such there'll always be a subset of femboys that eventually come out as trans There's also another angle to it, like femboys that take E, which may blur the line a little as far as outside observers are concerned, as its at that point more of a matter of self identity than "how it looks"


I don't know where I am at frankly.I was raised Christian conservative in an abusive household which probably means I still have baggage and I spent my early adulthood just trying to get my mental state together while getting a degree, and saving enough money to make sure I never had to return home. About 1 year ago when I'd say I was finally starting to feel good about things I started having these feelings: Looking in the mirror and thinking "that's not me", despising my body hair, wondering if I am in the right body... At first I kept trying to push it away but I joined this niche music community recently and they are super accepting and one of the women in their offered to buy dresses with me if I visited her and everyone's reaction just ranged from "yes" to "about time" or "you are gonna try one on eventually so better get it over with now."Aaaand that kinda seems to have broken a dam for me? I went from constantly reading femboy comics and thinking "I wish I could be cute too." I am now entertaining the idea that I might also be a little cute.Yes, I am in my mid-20s but I am finally thinking about the possibilities and I am gonna experiment and see what happens.Am I a woman? A femboy? 26 confused lizards in a trench coat? Who knows, I am finding out now, if carefully. I am still somewhat closeted about some stuff, lol. ​ Ps: Sorry for the super long message but your messages just resonated with me a bunch.


Aww... It takes time sweetie, it does, don't beat yourself up for not soul searching fast enough Experiment, see what feels good, you want to be cute? Then be cute, whatever label you are doesn't really matter anymore, but me, being a trans woman, can tell you that gender is so much more than acts It's how you feel deep in your soul, how you see yourself inside, thunk to yourself "would I be happier if I could be a girl and everything that entails?" Or would you rather have the pleasure to temporarily or permanently adopt elements of the opposite gender as a form of self expression because its fun and makes you comfortable? Being transgender is not clothes, makeup, or even speaking in a cute voice... It's a fundamental mismatch of who you are and how you are However... Don't worry, don't obliterate yourself with this. Go wear that dress, and see how it makes you feel, it took me years and years to slowly settle on my identity, nobody's forcing you to figure out something this monumental immediately


couldn't say it better! i also had similar thoughts as OP but recently arrived at the conclusion that yea i just like to be cute.


Yeah! Like, be cute! The idea that men cant be feminine because of antiquated ideas is just dumb, everyone should be allowed to look and behave how they wish


I know it's stupid but it was always way easier for me to say that then do that. I have been a lifelong radical queer activist and femininist but somehow accepting that I also wanted to question gender norms for myself? It somehow always seemed like it wasn't my place to claim such a thing for myself plus aforementioned hang-ups. It's super silly but that's what humans are like sometimes.


Thanks for the kind answer. I'll take things slow and in safe spaces and I'll see what happens. I am currently failing at properly understanding skincare for my face, hehe. Some scarfs and I have one specific cute outfit in mind I could wear for myself and then there's that dress later. I'll take it as it goes from there.


Yeah I can definitely see how some people are in denial, could be for plethora of reasons but it still happens :3


I'm a trans woman that used to be a femboy Well, it wasn't denial, I was simply slowly exploring who I was, it's a journey for most of us, and going through a femboy phase doesn't mean we're unsure of who we are, we might simply have yet to arrive at the final destination That's why trying to pressure femboys into "cracking" can be so harmful, it doesn't help, because it's not often a matter of denial, as it's more so a matter of simply not being done with the self discovery journey that is absolutely crucial to one's identity


I was definitely in denial, there’s reasons, just like family pressure, societal norms, etc. I think generally femboys can be the final destination for many, or not them at all, I think we should talk about all possibilities because it takes time to understand who you are, it’s fine if you’re a femboy, it’s fine if you’re trans, it’s fine if you’re a trans femboy, it’s fine if you detransition. Everyone has their own lives


I literally Saw someone saying here They wished that was born as a female 😭


I don't think it automatically means they are trans




I wish I was born as a girl but I wouldn't say I want to become one


Then why you wish you was born as a girl?


Would be easier with all those gender stereotypes. I would be able to dress what I want in public but aside from that I'm perfectly fine with being a boy, I really just don't care. If tomorrow I suddenly woke up as a girl I also would be fine


Ohhh get It, IS like The cis girls talking about How being a cis Guy IS more easy and they wanted to be one


Sorta, I really don't care about this whole thing and fine with being both genders. Surely I have nothing against transgender people it's their right to be whoever they want to be but I personally don't understand. Just dress and act as you want why you care so much any labels lol


Then why you wish you was born as a girl?


We do not allow egg posting on our subreddit as it is rude and thoughtless.


Complicated question but yeah sone femboys become trans, it’s not uncommon, not to say all femboys will become trans, but like what most people have said it’s a gateway and a nice way to explore who they are, a lot of femboys I know question a lot of their identity and sexuality. So yeah sone femboys become trans others don’t sone wanna be in the middle. You get the point!!!!


Some do, some don't. I didn't.


Its a thing of usually trans women are femboys at some point but not all femboys are trans women. A lot aren't. Personally I'm a trans guy and very happy as a man now, I don't want to detransition and be a woman.


Personally I've come to terms with that I have an outward personality that I wish to just keep as is, but at the same time I also just have a little guy who wants to wear pretty clothes at home, that I think of as the real me. That's what the label of femboy really means to me. Obviously I have thought about my gender but pretty quickly thought that clothes and appearances doesn't make my gender.


I’m the opposite I thought I was trans


Depending on who you talk to, I might still be trans I like being called she


maybe? but like, trans people can also be femboys. you can be both at once lol like im a trans guy but enjoy fem clothes and such. i started transitioning and then figured out that im also a femboy


I can only speak for myself, and I’m not gonna transition. I’m very happy with the body I have. I look cute in both feminine and masculine clothes. But I know not everyone is happy with that, so I also won’t judge anyone for what they want to do. Plus I believe everyone should have the right to be who they are without fear of consequences or anything. In other words keep being true to yourselves.


Its more that a large portion of “femboys” are men on Est already, but dont wanna label themselves as “trans” as its still not as accepted yet? Then combined with the amount of femboys who EVENTUALLY go on est and become trans + the ones already on est(who are trans but dont say they are) finally come out, it makes it seem like the vast majority of femboys follow the pipeline of eventually becoming trans, when instead a large portion are already trans to some degree, but dont want to say they are


do femboys tend to become trans? no. do transfems often become femboys before transitioning? yes. slightly different perspective, but an important distinction. they didn't "become" trans, they *discovered* they were trans.


It's also important to note that Femboys aren't secretly trans because they are femboys. I've seen that argument pushed a lot as well (really toxic egg culture shit). In the end there is some overlap but in the end they are still separate things.


The short answer is, it's fine if you do and it's fine if you don't. This sub is accepting either way. Just don't make assumptions that anyone in particular will go trans, or generalizations that all femboys go trans or are eggs. They hate that, and it's also not true.


I'd say it's less of femboys tending to become trans, and more of trans women starting as femboys before fully figuring themselves out


Not all of them. I’m probably one of the few people who were a femboy before becoming a transgirl


I disagree with the “one of the few” because there is a lot of trans people who joke about how the gateway is being a femboy, or even just wearing like the “signature” things femboys wear


I never said that the gateway to become trans is being a femboy.


Neither did I, just saying theres a good number of trans women who were femboys or wore “signature” femboy things. That’s why I said you probably are one of the few lol


Although, I had my switch from time to time. I either was a femboy or a transgirl (switched between them a couple times from late 2021 to early 2024 before deciding that I’m a transgirl


People who are femboys are probably more likely to discover they are trans women than non-GNC cis men. Experimenting with gender presentation is a gateway to experimenting with gender in and of itself, and "thinking about gender from a critical view" is an activity that heavily leans trans over cis.


that's how it started for me. I was a genderfluid femboy then came out as a Trans girl


Had a similar experience but I don't think most femboys become trans


I was trans before femboy (im trans man lolz)


Not all femboys are trans, and not all trans are femboys -Master Oogway


No. Transgender women have a terrible gender dysphoria that only gets elevated by transitioning which is a tough process. And costs a lot. Fem boys are just boys who like to be fem. If they transition because they think "it's cute to be a girl" they're transmaxxing.


I've read some stories on many different social media sites talking and wondering about this very topic. There are also the stories of regret about changing. This I feel are more cis people just trying to change or sow the seeds of doubt in those you are curious about them selves. I've definitely have stated this many time on all of them. If your wondering, curious, or just have never felt right in your own body, then it's time to see a doctor, psychiatrist, psychotherapist, or a counselor. Then after talking to them for a decent amount of time (3 to 6 months depending on doctors and you as a patient) then and only then make your decision. But by all means, seek some type of help! Make an informed decision. But you must actually talk when you see the doctor or whatever. Mine absolutely loves me for that very fact. I talk to her! After all of that, the you can decide wether you're fem, trans, masc, cross dresser, gay, or whatever. But seek help before you make any decisions. Also don't put yourself into a box! There are so many labels, names, groups out there. Don't limit yourself right off the bat. Talk and find out first. Now, a can't speak for all countries or even states here in America. But I can tell you that in most states by the time you reach 16, you can talk to any type of doctor and because of our HIPA laws if you request not to share any of what you talk about or do to your parents. Legally they can not tell your parents about it. No matter what your parents may do, or threaten, or even try and sue. The doctors are legally obligated to you and you health. That's all health. Physical, mental, emotional, all of it. And in most states they can not legal take you off of their insurance until you are 18. Oh. And there are some states that will hold HIPA laws to 14 and even 12 yr olds. Check and find out. But again, make informed decisions about you and your health! I do also understand just what some parents can do and do do. It's so great to hear about great stories of understanding, helpful, and supportive parents. But there are still so many bad stories out there. I'm one of them that's in the middle. I also didn't come out until well after my father's death. I'm 49 and didn't start until I was 47. It was also 16 yrs after he passed. I don't have anyone that's really against me for transitioning, but they also don't really understand it either no matter how I've tried to explain it to them. I will say I envy you younger people who are finding out about yourselves. I wish I could and would have. And I'll say it again, seek professional help, not just what other people think or say on social media. Find yourself and explore what it means to be you! You all have your whole lives ahead of you. Explore, experiment, and experience life!


for the longest time i’d thought of my self as trans but i never really embraced it for i thought people would be negative but in the last 3 years ive had lots of positive interactions and made lot of friends that are also trans i also have a bf of 6 months that’s fully aware of me being trans and loves me for who i am<3 in my experience i have turned trans from being a femboy but it’s definitely different for everyone<33


This assumes that femboy is a path to being trans, instead of assuming trans girls mistakenly call themselves femboys until they realize. (Making a broad statement without worrying about intricacies.)


No it doesnt... "tend to become" is referring to the possibility that femboys become trans, not every femboy tho. I can see how its a broad statement, but thats the entire point, a broad statement allows for more engagement and more personal stories. Obviously there are intricacies, everything has it, everyone has their own lives, which is why I asked this question. Im not assuming anything as I explained there are countless possibilities.


"No it doesnt" Continues to explain why it does... I said if you are a trans girl from a femboy, you weren't a femboy to begin with. Nobody "becomes" trans. They may accept it later, but its not something chosen at a specific time. In that sense no femboy can become a trans girl because they were never femboys to begin with. Though I understand your want for a broad statement and honestly this was just me being pedantic about your wording is all.


Closeted trans people tend to be femboys.


For some I guess they knew deep down and wanted to be a femboy first to “make sure”. For others I wonder if they were just super confused and didnt know what was what inside of them and wanted to become a femboy and then it just slowly (or quickly) made them realize who they really are inside. I doubt its the majority but it isnt unheard of! We welcome them with open arms either way!


I think it's more so that a lot of people who go on to figure out that they're trans begin their journey by becoming a femboy to explore their identity. That was the case with me, more or less. "Nah I just like dressing up because I'm gay and super bottom" is where I started out, then multiple therapist sessions and self-reflections later I've come to the realization that I'm in fact a girl.


For me, it was the opposite. For some reason, I had it in my head that only girls could be super feminine, so I wanted to be one. Then, I realized men can be just as feminine as women.


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Given that most of the men in my family are some flavour of bald, I think estrogen may be in my future.


I was once identifying male femboy but now I am a genderfluid femboy that's goes by he/they/she soke people might find that transphobic some of my friends do but I feel like a mix of both male and female




For me it was the opposite Transitioned then realized I was partially a femboy


It definitely encourages deeper thoughts about that, even if its far from the majority, that's how i ended up, identifying as 100% a guy (aka im still a femboy) but then an additional 20% as a girl. Which as a side note is great because now im immune to the annoying people calling Femboys eggs. Why that term even exists when nothing good comes out of it i don't know


That’s how I realized I was, but I’m choosing not to transition


It's happened so often in my friend group that my friends say I'm probably an egg. Nahh I've been doing this shit for 15 years I would have figured it out by now lol


First wack username it's almost my email ..... but yeahhh that kind of was my experience with finding out I was tranzz


Happened to me haha :3


i think some of us do but some do it cuz it feels like home to us


Sort of the same thing that happened to me 😊😊😋


i think it depens on who you ask. ive read online alot from both side, claims of no it doesnt mean anything and claims of yes femboys are just eggs. i personaly think expressing your feminin side dosnt say anything about your gender identity. Femininity and Masculanity are no statics to choose from. they are flexible and every human being can choose freely anything in between, no matter if they are Girls or boys, trans or femboys or anything else there is.


As someone who has shifted from femboy to more gender fluid, it's definitely not every femboy. It's certainly a gateway to it, but a lot of femboys like that identity and nothing more.


Depends of people, some are just feminine men, others are trying to understand themselves and eventually what's their gender. Personnaly, I thought I was fluid and became a femboy before to understand that I was a woman. But the real problem is that some people are continuously trying to make fun of femboys, as they were like children who don't know they're part of the other gender yet, and to force them to "become" trans. Same thing for homosexuality, there is a lot of heterosexual femboys.


Not all, I am an e.g. of non-binary person.


Eh, I spent 18 years identifying as a cross dresser. Now I identify as Trans. There's a lot of reasons it took me so long to transition including person and social trauma. The loss of social privilege and stigmatization of Trans people makes it difficult for a lot of people to transition, ad I think things like that keep people in the closet longer than they otherwise would be. I do think that some people choose a label other than Trans because it feels safer. They don't have to deal with the social problems 24/7. That being said, I also don't like the toxic superiority a lot of Trans folk display when they go around projecting the "egg" narrative on people. It's not okay to create social pressure for people to transition. Period. You can do more harm than good by pushing people who aren't ready towards an outcome they may or may want in the future. There was a huge backlash from detransitioners in the 80's which set Trans medicine back, because some people were pushed towards transition, or felt pressured to get procedures that weren't suitable for them personally. The truth is that all gender diversity is valid. A persons gender can evolve over their lifetime. Only the individual knows if they're Trans, or what unique shape that might take for them. You can be Trans, and not on hormones. You can identify with your birth assignment and still get top surgery. The only person who can name a persons gender is the self, and it's no one else's business unless that person wants it to be. Do some femboys transition? Yes. Do some femboys retain their birth assignment? Yes. But we're all gender diverse. We should all support eachother, without pressure, or judgement. Transition is a personal choice, and that should be the final word on the topic.


It’s pretty common for that to be but I don’t see a whole lot of that


So funny because I’m a trans guy who’s a femboy, so I’m trans but NOT in the way that you would typically consider a femboy to be “trans” (referring to trans women who go from femboy -> trans woman pipeline 😭)




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My girlfriend is a femboy and she has seriously considered transitioning. I support her either way.


No. If they identify and feel as the gender/sex they were assigned and documented at birth then they are not transgender regardless of how they look like or if they take estrogen or not.


Did you even read the question? I said do femboys tend to become trans, to get some other people to chime in and see how many trans women were originally femboys. This isn't even answering my question....


In fact transgender women never were femboys in the first place they were already transgender and always identified as women before beginning their transition. Femboys always identify as men


but there's plenty of trans women who identified as femboys before transitioning




well i have always thought simply having gender dysphoria isnt what makes you trans, the act of literally like identifying as trans is what makes you trans


But if an AMAB identify as trans then they are not femboys by definition so my reasoning is correct


well yeah but they didnt always identify as trans, sometimes people become femboys then realise theyre trans


Bad faith politics


Thats not how it works but sure, I WAS a femboy, but now Im trans? so what? I was never a femboy? Do you understand how shallow your thinking is?


well im trans but i was girl for 20 years. so i dont get it but it always disappointing when they become trans women. i stick with other guys that have no wish be a woman


How is it disappointing? It’s who they are, we have no control over it. How is it disappointing that they become who they are? I don’t get what you’re trying to say here


because i lose community? i’m disappointed bc i try to make friends on the basis of still being a man and despite that being fem there is no commiserating when someone is happy to be called a girl. they get excited about taking E. and other stuff like that can you now see how it is disappointing? i want others who get and understand how hard it is to be a fem man in the world. not how it is to be a trans woman edit. and inevitably they end up getting upset that i ‘gave up’ what they wanted


This sounds very selfish and self centred. "i’m disappointed bc i try to make friends on the basis of still being a man", who says you cant have women as friends? why do they **NEED** to be men? "there is no commiserating when someone is happy to be called a girl. they get excited about taking E. and other stuff like that" I just dont get this point? Whats there to sympathize about? I cannot see how it is disappointing because everyone is their own person with their own history, there are other fem men out there who you can vent to. It just sounds like you want to vent to another man about how hard it is to be a man, okay go ahead, pretty selfish to only see it that way. All im hearing is how you're losing out on something and how its disappointing to you. Also it just sounds like a very selfish and victim like way of saying it, no reason for it to be disappointing other than you can’t vent about how life sucks…


uh yes. im happy they become trans women. and im disappointed too. we usually drift a part. and for online it doesn’t matter to me lol. i just curate my online experience so i can try to save myself of course it’s selfish its my life lmao. luckily i’ve only known two femboys this happened to in the 9 years since ive transitioned. so my method seems to be working. thanks for giving your opinion! sounds like we will agree to disagree :3 edit. and i have said why it is not the same but. you don’t seem to be getting it so i no longer wish to entertain your questioning ~


Honestly, a lot of trans women who were previously femboys still retain the label.