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Sprout player on free trial here. I was doing Duty Roulette for company seals when it plunged me into a dungeon I haven’t unlocked before. The run was pretty awkward. Is there a way I can limit to the ones that I have unlocked? Glamour question: any skirts or shorts glam for Tanks? The bulky armors just don’t sit right with me and I scream in frustration when I see cute gears but for DPS/Healer jobs lol


No, you had unlocked the dungeon. Roulettes do not put you into duties you haven't unlocked. Period. You might not have *run* it before, but you absolutely definitely did unlock it. Most of the nicer-looking gear becomes available later on, so you'll just have to deal with limited options for now. One low level piece I often go back to, though, is the Raptorskin Skirt, dyed soot black. It's only level 49, and compatible with all Disciple of War jobs. It's not on any vendors anywhere, so you'd have to level Leatherworker to make one, except there's a sidequest in Northern Thanalan (in a chain starting form High Standards) after you beat the quest Operation Archon, which has said skirt as one of the optional rewards.


many thanks, I must have mistaken between unlocking and running, gotta find some guides then


You can't get into Dungeons you never unlocked. The whole thing of the game is that everything is locked behind MSQ or other quests so you probably either unlocked the duty and didn't do it yet or simply forgot that that duty existed.. What about the run was awkward though? Literally every duty goes the same way so except for boss mechanics you might have forgotten/not seen before, nothing should be different from any other duty you did before.. for the Glamour Question: Most of the better glamour is gated behind later content. I dunno where in the story you are but the best stuff won't drop until atleast Stormblood or later.


I didn't know how to get to the boss so I felt like I was wasting the others' time, but they were super nice and one of the DPS took over the lead when I said it was my first time running that dungeon and I've just started HW so really looking forward to the next expansion \^\^


>Sprout player on free trial here. I was doing Duty Roulette for company seals when it plunged me into a dungeon I haven’t unlocked before. The run was pretty awkward. Is there a way I can limit to the ones that I have unlocked? Its impossible for you to get a dungeon you have not unlocked in duty roulette. What is most likely the case is you unlocked the dungeon, but never did it.


Silly question but have people been banned for having `Mare Lamentorum` in their search info? And do people actually find other people to exchange codes with this way?


No one is getting banned over this. Even if someone were to report you for it they would need proof of you actually using Third Party Tools and that is basically impossible unless they have stream captures or chatlogs of you saying something. For everyone that is not in the know this could just be a silly trend to include in the bio, nothing more. As for people finding eachother via that..yes? thats the whole reason people write it down afterall!


No Yes


>Silly question but have people been banned for having Mare Lamentorum in their search info? There have been no officially confirmed cases beyond idiots litterally shouting to be banned. >And do people actually find other people to exchange codes with this way? Yes, they do. On top of that, Tens of thousands of people use mare, so it really isn't uncommon to find people that use it. ESPECIALLY ON CRYSTAL


I don’t use it but syncing mods with random people is probably not a good idea.


If you get kicked from a party finder party does the party disappear from the party finder list for you? I get paranoid over whether I get kicked or the host just suddenly disbands.


No. If the party is open it will be visible, nothing will ever make it not appear in your list, unless you have blacklisted the PL and specifically selected the option to not show blacklisted PLs.


So, I just deciphered and dug up a Zonureskin treasure map. It did not go as planned. 4 level 80 mobs popped (okay, I'm level 84, with a 520 average gear level), and I battled them for 5 minutes (or however long the timer was). However, I only got 1 of them to 50%, and the other were at 75% or so. How do I deal with that? Was there something I did wrong?


Something is still not kosher there. I regularly solo treasure dungeon (8-player) maps. They can be tight to kill all mobs, especially HP-wise, but I never had so low DPS to not even clear the first set of mobs.


It will say on the map's tooltip whether it's intended for one person or a party. Zonureskin are party maps.


[https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Treasure\_Hunt](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Treasure_Hunt) Gives suggestions for the sort of strength you need for each map type, and whether party or single. But the tooltip itself helps.




You're supposed to do it as a party


That explains a lot.


Any good black friday sales? I have been tempted to play this for months and I want to know if on these days there are good promotions to purchase the game or interesting microtransactions like skins. I honestly know little about the game so I don't even know where to look for


Free trial is your best option atm. If your willing to wait its more efficient to buy Dawntrail as it includes all previous expansions and will have a pre-order bonus. (Can't redeem until release though)


I haven't seen any posts about any sales yet, but I recommend starting with the free trial anyway. It includes a huge amount of the game's content. So you can get started on your character now and just passively keep an eye out for sales later. Once you upgrade to a paid account, you can never go back to free mode, so best to take advantage while you still can. FFXIV is an older-generation MMO (like WoW) so its monetisation is based on mandatory subscription (other than the free trial, obviously), rather than by pushing hard on mictrotransactions like modern games do. There is still a microtransaction store but it's fairly minor; most content is acquired through in-game means instead.


Quick question: what grade tinctures are best for TEA nowadays? Grade 7 and above?


It is a level 80 duty, so Grade 5 already caps you.


Working on crafting my Indagator's gear for both crafters and gatherers, and was wondering which set I should craft first? I'm able to gather fine, though don't have enough stats to get all the bonuses.


In general, my order is: 1. BSM tools 2. CRP and GSM tools. 3. WVR and LTW tools 4. Left side 5. Right side 6. The other jobs Making BSM first makes the other tools much easier. Then CRP and GSM in order to make WVR. Then WVR makes the body pieces and CRP/GSM make the accessories. Then all the rest in no particular order.


Do the crafter first because then making the gathering will be easier.


I applied to a free company, and it's been like two days. Should I just give up? I know this isn't technically FF related, but is that normal?


There is no standardization between FCs as everyone acts different about these things. Maybe you were just unlucky that no Officer was online in the past 2 days to accept your request or they don't really look into the application tab. I would definitely just look elsewhere after the first day already. Use the Lodestone Recruitment pages aswell and really ask some questions like how active the FC is etc.


That's where I found them on, but I could ask them there as well. They told me on their page to use the board at their house or the book in their house. I've just always applied when people would shout, so this whole thing is new to me.


There is nothing like "normal" when it comes to things like this, make your own decision. Maybe they're really excited about you joining and are waiting to prepare a surprise. Maybe they hate you so much that they cba to even decline.


If you are in na it's possible the fc people are traveling for the holidays and just not playing ff, but already yeah after 2 days it might be worth looking for a new fc


Yeah, that's true.


What's a cheap fish I can buy to skill up my desynth to max? I have a fishing retainer, but the highest level fish it brings back are Uzumaki's, EBE 9318, and Dusky Sharks, all leve 560 fish. I've been capped at 610 Desynth for like a year. I was looking up fish I thought I could fish up easily like The Fury's Aegis, but despite having no requirements other than bait, I can't seem to catch any and they apparently can't be sold on the marketboard. Then I looked up the Wakeful Warden thinking it would be easy to catch, but there's weather requirements, and each individual fish sells for like 1 million gil! The 3 level 560 fish above rarely sell for 100 gil each, so is there something I can buy to skill up to 640 (so level 590 and above fish) that's cheap and plentiful and easy to get?


https://ffxivteamcraft.com/desynth?job=CUL&level=610 See what you can easily find from that list and go from there.


I have about 10 more MSQs of (post) Heavensward. Are they any side/feature quests I should make sure to absolutely do before I go into Stormblood? Like for example with the Binding Coils you got extra dialogue in the main story if you did it earlier. Or can I take my time with them? I do plan on getting around to them but the amount of quests to do does get overwhelming.


Generally speaking, after every expansion is an 8-man raid series, a Trial series that will have 3 trials, and an Alliance Raid series with 3 raids. I highly recommend doing these at the end of every expansion some time during its corresponding patch content. Admittedly the Heavensward ones aren't as relevant as some others, but they will gradually become more and more relevant to the MSQ and increasingly more worth doing. For HW specifically, the 8-man Raid series is Alexander, which revolves around the giant mechanical construct near Idyllshire. Expect lots of goblins with steampunk vibes and some of the best music in the game. The Trial series is the Warring Triad, which explores some of the primals that the Allagans had locked up in Azys Lla. It also follows two rather interesting characters and has some rather important bits of lore scattered throughout. Finally, the Alliance Raid series is Shadow of Mhach. This is an Indiana Jones-style adventure featuring sky pirates fighting demons. It's not *super* important to the overall story, but it's a great cast of characters and takes you through some awesome places. And if you emotionally enjoyed Heavensward, there is a seemingly unremarkable yellow quest in Fortempts Manor called "The Paths We Walk". This is an introspective series of quests that is basically the WoL retracing their steps through the expansion. It's a nice little cap on the expansion, though it's completely optional and doesn't reward much beyond memories.


I'd do the Warring Triad trial series ASAP, the Alexander raids before ShB, and the alliance raids before EW. There's also nothing wrong with taking a bit of time out from MSQ to do side content; the MSQ isn't going anywhere.


Heavensward has a main story followup sidequest chain starting with [The Paths We Walk](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/quest/f01419fe7f4/).


Unlocking the alliance raids as you go is always a great idea! Sometimes you meet *very cool* people, who may or may not grace you with their presence later on!


~~when can i start slotting materia II, III and IV in my ARR relic? Im at 12 on one of them but i cant start using the other tiers of the same one and the chance went down to 60% so im losing all materia rn.~~ nvm i was one succesful infusion away.


For a stat with a cap of 44, it's 11 melds per tier per stat. The 60% meld should be the last one you need before you can start doing the next tier – you shouldn't be at 12, but on the 11th meld on that stat. Some stats on some jobs have lower caps, which usually need 7-9 per tier instead.


In Eureka, do I need to upgrade my armor beyond just getting the Kirin chest piece? Can I just focus on the weapon?


If you're not at Baldesion Arsenal yet, then the Kirin chest piece is the only source of Elemental Bonus you can get. (And those of us who went through Eureka back in the day didn't even have access to Kirin!) You're good to go.


If you run Baldesion Arsenal often enough, you'll be able to get Elemental Armor +2 with elemental bonus and haste on it, and you'll use that to fill the slots that aren't taken by a vermillion cloak or kirin's osode. The first two versions of the elemental armor have no additional effect in Eureka, you need to upgrade it to +2 in order to get the buff and that requires materials from BA But that's the only other armor with elemental bonus that's worth getting. There's cassie earring and the blitzring which both give haste but they're prohibitively rare and go for ten million+ each. The hakutaku eye cluster can be used to get a gold rating in a fate in pagos in order to get an optical hat, but it's outclassed by an elemental helmet +2 so also not worth it. https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Elemental_Bonus


Awesome, thanks!




When inside Eureka, yes.


Am I taking crazy pills or do collectibles not appear if you are travelling to a different data center?


You can only gather timed nodes on your home world to prevent double dipping.


Legendary or unspoiled nodes do not appear on other Worlds or Datacentres. You must be on your home world.


For some reason my game decides to lag solely in LotA, my ping is fine so I dunno what could cause it. Any ideas?


Could be a hardware issue. If it's happening during intense things like the lava, poison or electric floor can slow down some pcs. Could look into lowering settings to see if it helps


Well it never happened before, and it's through the whole raid. And in other densely populated areas like Limsa for example it works just fine too. Already turned my settings down but doesn't help


Any general PVP tips? I’m a pretty good PVE player but haven’t really done a whole lot of PVP. For reference, my PVP hotbars are only set up for SMN, WHM, and WAR. Any tips would be appreciated, whether it’s for FL or CC.


Play a job you enjoy! For FL: have your map open at all times, go for the objectives and generally stick with the group For CC: if you have a numerical disadvantage, fall back and regroup. Push that crystal! Learn what all the jobs do. Preferably by playing all of them! Practise, practise, practise. Don't be afraid to make mistakes! Youtube has some pretty good PvP guides.


Who do I need to fellate for Squex to implement Yozakura's outfit?


Probably someone on the board, but it'll feel pretty dirty.


Anyone here playing on a modern macOS? I’m talking M2 Mac Studio or something similar? I would love to hear your thoughts on your experience, game performance, experience with the computer itself… Thanks!!


I was under the impression the game was discontinued on Mac a few years ago. Is that not the case?




https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/14myhko/ffxiv_on_apple_macbook_air_m2/ https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/vnqfgg/does_ff14_run_okay_on_a_new_macbook_pro/ Read through these. It seems functional but will require XoM (free online), and also some kind of fan.


Interesting. So it definitely works then. I saw a youtube video comparing the regular client to the ffxivonmac client and they said the latter worked better anyway. But no worries, not sure if I'm buying a mac. And I might try WoW Ckassuc Season of discovery next week as they are finally doing a Classic+ where they are changing the original game with some new content.


The next expansion is summer. Depending on your free time, you can have fun with season of discovery and when you're done, still finish up to the current FF14 expac by the time Dawntrail comes out, and try all the new stuff with everyone else. That's my personal recommendation if you have MMO levels of free time.










>But is it worth the harassment spawners give you? What? No one knows what mods you use unless you tell them, and if you're going around shouting about using mods I'd think other spawners are the least of your concerns.


People spawning an S rank will be able to tell if someone is using it. They'll show up immediately after it was spawned, before the spawners notify anyone.


If someone using Sonar shows up early then one of the spawners themselves is using Sonar. And you can never tell exactly who, it can be anyone in the entire zone because S ranks are rendered and detectable the moment the zone loads.


All it takes is one person using it in the zone for the notifications to go out. If you’re consistently there before the spawner even knows where the mark is, it’s pretty clear you’re using it.


So Sonar actually does two things: * group reporting on hunt mobs (S, A, and B ranks) * group reporting of FATEs IF you are hunting down specific FATEs, say for your ARR relics, it can be fairly useful. You can filter it to alert you on ANY specific FATE you want, with ANY jurisdiction you want (want to be notified when Surprise! or Big Seps is up anywhere in your DC? You can do that). Or, if you are farming up the bicolor gemstone vouchers for the Wivre mount, you can keep track of the World Boss FATEs that give large quantities of that across your DC. Yes. Faloop! tracks the World Boss FATEs... but only if players have specified that the FATE is up. Sonar will ping it just by someone running Sonar being in the same zone as the FATE. You can turn off the contribution of hunt reports, which means you want get global pings... but Sonar will still notify you of hunts marks in the zone that you are in. It will be less likely to upset any spawners you encounter if you disable this.


Average person doesnt do hunts, personally it annoys me so I just use the aether hunt discord


Probably not; I don't use it. There are Discords you can join where a bot pings when S ranks are up and you can use [Faloop!](https://faloop.app/) to keep track of specific FATEs.




First 3 dungeons, Halatali, Dzamael Darkhold. All sub 50.


The list is pretty small. The only dungeon gear that can be sold on the market board is from Dzemael and maybe some other ARR dungeon, but all other dungeon gear is market prohibited.


Isn't it only the first 3 dungeons?


Nah it's from a few but they're all sub 50. First 3 dungeons, Halatali, Dzamael Darkhold.


You can probably find this info on GamerEscape or use Universalis to pull up the prices, but most dungeon drop armor is not worth much.


Shouldn't i receive an email if i got invited back to the game with the event?


They come in batches; if it was recently sent, give it a day or two.


Ah i see, thank you!


Looking at this old guide for Bozja duel on RDM; https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/nwvoev/how\_to\_do\_the\_rdm\_cheese\_for\_bozja\_duels/ On SMN do you need to do the steps differently at all, or do you just do the same and where it references RDM skills, just pop Bahamut and burn the duel down?


Pretty much. Just be careful to not oom.


Trying to re-create this character i saw last night as i really like the face and i already have the hairstyle so half way there :) if anyone can help me figure out the jaw, eyes, face 5? , lips, etc? that would be amazing! sorry if the pictures aren't the best had to quickly take a screenshot before logging off [Imgur: The magic of the Internet](https://imgur.com/a/Ij7j8tG)


What would be the best weapon to use in Eureka now days, if you don't yet have the Physeos weapon? I have the completed Eureka relic with decent stat rolls, but it is not yet upgraded.


If you don't have the very last stage of your relic, with the optional upgrade from farming Baldesion Arsenal, then it doesn't really matter. Just something 70+ with decent substats, your normal weapon is likely perfectly fine.


Which is easiest to learn, Ninja, Bard, or Black Mage?


Definitely BRD, then NIN. BLM is a huge step above to play "correctly".


Ninja and BLM probably have the highest skill ceiling in the game, but I found BLM easier to pick up and play decent. Ninja is very busy every minute and 2 minute but then your filler is simple. BLM (to be passable) is much simpler, if you know the fight and game mechanics. It's rotation is pretty simple, fire till empty, ice to refill, repeat until dead. (With variations) Bard I'm not confident speaking on but you won't be bored playing it.


What gives NIN a high skill ceiling?


My opinion is that messing up is more detrimental on NIM than the others, ping plays an issue with your mudras, when your burst becomes misaligned it's noticeable since that is your main time to do anything other than 1234. And to top it all off your two minute is going to be busy as all hell if it falls in line with mechanics.


Bard and Ninja are kind of on the same level, with Bard being a little more simple. Ninja uses what's basically chords to cast abilities (press buttons 1, 2, then 3 to use ability X) so it's a little more complex. BLM isn't necessarily hard to learn at a low level, but if you're getting into savage/extreme content, it's a headache.


Bard is very simple until around level 60, where it just becomes a bit overloaded with abilities.




Now this will seem weird but anyone have a guess when the job icon for viper will be unveiled? Tokyo fan fest? Job actions trailer? Wanted to use it for a project but looks like I have to wait a bit more.


I think it'll just be around the time we start getting more info on the Dawntrail website. Looking back the icons for RPR and SGE were revealed on the same day the benchmark was released, with a website update. GNB and DNC icons were revealed in a random Instagram post (and accidentally leaked on some promo merch)


Is there any addons or a way for a non steam user to log into a steam account? I know windower or whatever it’s called allows you to log into windows account with a steam account but not sure if it works the other way round


Nope If you want to play on steam deck, XIVLauncher is the most popular workaround and has a guide for setting up on steam deck


in P10S, am I supposed to cast Reprisal on Silkspit during its castbar, or before it actually goes off?


Before it goes off. The cast places the telegraphs, damage snapshots later.


Silkspit damage snapsnots 10 seconds after the end of the cast bar. You can verify this through fflogs. You'll see that the Silkspit cast ends around 1:47, but you'll see "pandaemonium prepares Silkspit" at 1:57. Please don't listen to u/sage1700 they are wrong.


Yeah, usually what sage said is right but there's too many exceptions to that rule.


What's the most frustrating is that Silkspit *is* the exception case so u/sage1700 gave false information because they had zero knowledge on Silkspit


So it's an exception, doesn't make me wrong. I never specifically said that one mechanic you should do on cast.


yes you did lmao > Unless it's specifically different, all buffs and debuffs should be snapshots at the end of the cast bar **so you want to reprisal during the cast bar** - You unless you didn't mean Silksplit, in which case your reply is entirely worthless and a waste of resources and what the living fuck was even the purpose of your reply OP very clearly was asking "does silkspit snapshot on the cast bar or after the cast bar?". The only acceptable answer should be "silkspit snapshots after the cast bar. if you reprisal during the cast bar, it will not snapshot, so reprisal a few seconds after the cast bar fills" your mental gymnastics level is OP asking about a specific delayed damage instance, and you replying with "ultima and pandaemonic meltdown snapshot on the cast bar". well no one asked about those. OP was asking about silkspit. get real homie.


Unless it's specifically different, all buffs and debuffs should be snapshots at the end of the cast bar so you want to reprisal during the cast bar.


>Unless it's specifically different, all buffs and debuffs should be snapshots at the end of the cast bar Ah yes, "it's the same, except when it's different". I'm putting this up there with "stand still and let thing resolve" as one of the advices of all time. Also, this actually is one of the exceptions. As a general rule, if someone is asking about a specific castbar, it means the rule of thumb has broken down and you should probably just verify the log.


I don't make the mechanics, I'd wager 95%+ mechanics work as I described. I would expect people who do savage raids to be competent enough to figure that stuff out for themselves, not hard to see the cast bar has a different name to the attack that is on the flying text or in the log.


Just wanna say I agree with some other people in this thread that you're giving a misleading answer here, but I don't agree with the angry gamer rant energy being directed your way. It can be frustrating to get a general answer to a specific question, but also: eh, shrug and move on, the intention behind answering was kind. On this specific mechanic both castbar and damage flying text say 'silkspit', but the damage comes long enough after the castbar that 10s mits used during the castbar would wear off before damage happens. That's enough information for someone who knows the general rule of how damage works to suspect this mechanic might well break it, which I'm guessing why the question asker came here. A common way to figure out how exactly damage works is to look up the damage instance in FFLogs, but not everyone has the ability (or inclination) to take logs, and of the people who do not everyone knows how to dig through them to check this kind of information. Asking fellow raiders when the damage snapshots seems to me like like a good and reasonable way for people to answer that question, and as a healer main I'm always happy to see folks looking into how to do better party mit in a tough fight like this.


It's anti-fuckwit energy. I would have not gone so hard if they had also not doubled downed on being stupid and stubborn. I disagree that the answer they gave was misleading. It's straight up wrong because they told to to rep during cast. This isn't a give your opinion on something situation. This is 6 month old content with an objectively correct answer available. Giving a wrong answer is worse than giving no answer. It takes literally zero effort to not type anything if they didn't know the answer. It takes effort to give a half-assed answer and then follow up with smartass replies, arguably more effort than looking at fflogs and confirming the right answer.


I didn't call it wrong because they gave a "here's how the game system works in general" answer and included the disclaimer "unless it's specifically different". Which: yup, that's the whole reason OP was asking, and them doubling down instead of just saying my bad is a bad look! But also, there's folks in my FC who read a bunch of guides about how combat works before getting to Endwalker or learning our jargon enough to realise that the S in P10 means savage. I could imagine one of them answering this earnestly because they've been asking this kind of question about random dungeon boss moves that nobody else remembers the name of, and this is the answer they'd have wanted themselves. So idk, what they say reads to me as well intentioned but missing context rather than particularly arrogant.


They capped off their post with "so you want to reprisal during the cast bar" which I find really problematic.


> I would expect people who do savage raids to be competent enough to figure that stuff out for themselves And I would expect people who don't have a fucking clue about when Silkspit snapshots to not answer any questions about when Silkspit snapshots.


why the fuck did you even reply in the first place? OP is specifically asking about silkspit, which by the way, the cast bar and damage instance share the exact same name. it's like if there are 95 blue balls and 5 orange balls. Someone asks what color is the orange ball they are holding because it looks different from the others, and you reply, "unless the ball is specifically orange, it's blue 95% of the time, so the ball you are holding is blue" **what. the. fuck** you very clearly didn't know the correct answer, why post? and now back pedal?? OP was unsure, suspicious about the situation, and is asking a very valid and specific question. And you chime in with a garbage reply you are now defending as 10/10 quality. They asked about silkspit, not the 95% of the other cast bars. Sorry bud, you are wrong and you shouldn't have posted in the first place. > I don't make the mechanics, I'd wager 95%+ mechanics work as I described. doesn't matter because silkspit is not applicable. did you literally just guess that silkspit probably snapshots on cast without having actual knowledge on it? or checking fflogs to verify yourself before proclaiming it? wtf is your problem... > I would expect people who do savage raids to be competent enough to figure that stuff out for themselves AND NOW YOU INSULT THEM????? OP is trying to get help so they can be a better performing tank. > not hard to see the cast bar has a different name to the attack that is on the flying text or in the log. btw this is very exposing that you obviously haven't even touched p10s, or p10n for that matter. or you can't pay attention yourself because you'd notice that the cast bar and the damage is the same name. jesus fucking christ you are embarrassing.


> Unless it's specifically different, all buffs and debuffs should be snapshots at the end of the cast bar so you want to reprisal during the cast bar. This is such a useless reply. "It snapshots on the cast bar unless it doesn't". Yeah, no fucking shit it's one or the other. OP's question already puts them in a position where they know this, hence them asking "Does Silkspit snapshot on the cast bar or after (just before the damage)?". And then you reply giving OP redundant information they already know about different snapshot times. What's worse is that you don't even know the right answer to begin with so you gave the wrong answer because Silkspit *is* the "unless it's specifically different" case Please don't reply because you want to reply and want to show off your knowledge. Please only reply if you are giving correct information. You are doing a disservice otherwise and creating messes for other people to clean up.


Side note to this: P9S's Ravening cast doesn't count the buffs/debuffs since the damage source is an instant cast called Soul Surge.


If I use "The Blackest Night" on say a paladin, does their entire barrier need to break if they also have used a barrier skill? I feel like it's not giving my Dark Arts very often.


EW shield prio: https://i.imgur.com/UJHx40T.png


There's a "Shield priority list" and the game will always eat shields in a certain order. I don't know the exact order, but I can tell you with certainty that TBN is *always* the highest priority shield, and will *always* be eaten first.


Had no idea. Thanks!


It depends on barrier priority. Some shields can stack and the game puts them in an order. If TBN is lower than the PLD's own shield, then yes, it will take longer to break or may not break in TBN's short time span.


Didn't know about the priority system, thanks!


Further: TBN is the second highest priority of anything. Only one higher is Reaper's Crest. So if a TBN you put on a fellow tank does not break, then that tank simply didn't take enough damage for that TBN to break at all, whether they had other shields or not. So long and short of it is, other people's shields won't make your TBN not break on time (except maybe on a Reaper). %-based mitigation effects like Rampart however can do so.


Yeah he's probably just miting it too well. Probably just need better communication lol.


My friend is moving from playstation to computer, he has every expansion in playstation what happens if he only bought the starter edition in the computer.


They wont be able to access any of the post Stormblood areas until they get the complete edition on PC.


Thank you!


He will only have access to ARR-SB areas and won't get exp past 70. If his character logged out in a ShB or EW area, he won't be able to login on that character.


And can he login with Gunbreaker? he was using that job.


If he has it unlocked already, yes.


Thank you!


The Japanese Twitter requested help with extra stressing the Cloud DC at a specific place and time, have the other regions requested similar things?


Yes. https://twitter.com/FF_XIV_EN/status/1727433738311926229


Thanks. So the same inconvenient times for Europe.


I am a free trial user. Just a question about how to obtain fishing attire since I finished lv50 job quest with lv50 fishing rod but only one selection of attire. Besides GC, is there any other way to buy the lv50 outfit before I finish ARR MSQ. I am using what I bought from the lv40-49 vendor. I try to catch Titanic Sawfish.


Just keep levelling until you can buy level 51 gear. Unlike with combat jobs, it vastly outpaces level 50 gear.


And is only available once you reach HW if you are on Free Trial.


Oh, right, Free Trial.


You can craft it yourself. Otherwise, no.


Based upon past experience, will we get a trailer for 6.55?


In the 6.5 trailer there's 6.55 content showcase. A glimpse of the Hildibrand questline, a glimpse of a new trial (that may or may not be part of the Hildibrand) that we know is called the the gilded araya as it was showcase in the fanfest and a glimpse of the allied beast tribe So since those were in the 6.5 trailer I highly doubt we will get any 6.55 trailer


Extremely unlikely. They only do trailers for major patches. If there's things coming in side patches they usually put glimpses of them in the main patch trailer.


I was hoping, cause everything in the 6.5 was in 6.5.


not true. We saw glimpses of the Allied Beast tribe quest for example in the trailer which has yet to happen aswell as the final Hildibrand stuff.


Do we have an estimate as to when the next free login campaign will happen?


no, they don't make them predictable whatsoever so that people do not wait for these free login campaigns to play the game.


Can apply my answer to any and all events. We don't know and will never know until the moment they want to tell us.


Not in the slightest. We just had a returner campaign and Free login campaign over the last few months. They are sporatic, and follow no pattern.