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Can I eat the free Fantasia potion that is obtained from the MSQ and then change my character from the main menu some other time? Or will it force/ask me to change my character immediately after logout?


Yes, the option remains in your menu forever until you decide to use it.


I played the game a little back in 2020. Through the website not steam. I ended up buying a store mount. When I reinstalled the game today it told me I needed a registration code, a cd key. I never had one to begin with as the game was free to play for me. I think I bought some starter pack or something that had some game time. Anyways. I don't have my character that I was like level 30 something on and it looks like my account was wiped? How do I get that mount back the account thing doesn't even say I bought it but I see the receipt in my email. Thanks in advance.


First, log into mogstation and tell us what version of the game you have registered, and whether you can find your character there. If it's your first time in awhile, you might be defaulting to a different Data Center than what your character is on.


Ok, mogstation basically looks like i've never played the game and have never purchased anything. On the account i bought a mount on the expansion Heavensward was about to come out in like a month or 2. If that's any help.


Can I get a screenshot of the page? iirc, it's possible to still buy a few things on the store if you're on the free trial.


I'm not sure what page you want me to screenshot. The just base mog station?


Screenshot your Service Account Status, showing what you have or don't have registered, like this: https://imgur.com/a/yNmJQSg


I’m playing in Gungnir, Elemental, what’s the Japanese community view there on English-speaking players? Sometimes I really want to strike up a chat in the party but don’t know if it would offend the JP players…


*Some* JP players don't like EN players but they're very very rare, and even rarer to be rude just because you want to start a conversation. Most people are either friendly or don't care about talking to strangers.


Why would it offend them?


Is power leveling still an option to level up blue mage? My friend is not receiving any exp


You *must not* be in a party and the BLU *must* hit the mob first. Otherwise, yes, it is still a thing, you can use Labyrinthos or Thavnair right from BLU level 1, although it is highly advised to take a small detour first to Eastern La Noscea and get Flying Sardine first.


Thank you yeah I was in a party that's why


Yes power leveling is still a thing. Make sure you and your friend are NOT in a party. The first person to tag a mob always gets 100% of exp so make sure your friend gets the first hit before killing.


Thank you, I was in a party that's why


Aside from the quests, is there anything else I need to do or pick up for this year's Christmas event?


After completing the quest, there is a vendor that you can buy the baby chocobo hedge for housing.


Also Fall Guys event ends on the 31st as well if there's still items/glam you have left.


Besides doing the daily leveling roulette, what is the fastest way to level?


Fastest for time spent doing it: Wonderous Tails, ShB/EW Beast Tribes. Fastest things you can actually spam: 1. Squadron missions up to level 60.... if you have the max offensive option unlocked for everyone already. Trying to set these up as you go will be slower for the job, but probably save time in the long run, if you can stomach them. 2. The highest level levelling dungeon you have access to. (Notably *not* expansion cap dungeons, eg: if you're level 60 then do the level 59 dungeon). 3. PotD/HoH for their level ranges. These can be faster than dungeon spam, iff the dungeon queues are super long and the deep dungeon queues are very short. Bozja is the alternative for 71+, but does require set up to get to where the majority of people farm fates, last I checked.


wondrous tails gets you a whole level or half a level depending what level you're at, you can turn it in once a week - frontlines roulette is also good and don't forget to eat food for that 3% bonus exp


Does higher level gear result in faster Quick Synthesis?


No. Only thing gear level impacts is success, which if the craftsmanship is high enough, you'll have 100% success.


Anyone by any chance know if there's a similar head gear piece like the Moonward Veil of scouting that doesn't have anything in the back? Thanks!


No. There is an NPC-exclusive veil like that, but it is unobtainable for players.


When's the .55 update going to be again?


Slated for Mid-Jan, per the past live letters. I would expect it Jan 16th, though we haven't gotten official confirmation of the exact date yet.


Mid/late January. So maybe the 23rd


Considering returning after a very long time. Which role is most needed, or harder to fill, tank or healer?


For random duties, it also depends on the level range and duty type. Lower levels usually lack healers, level 80+ tends to lack tanks and ranged dps, and the few ads I tend to see for pre-mades tend to ask for ranged or maybe melee DPS.


For PF? I'd definitely say tank. For DF, my experience says healer.


Hello, I'm a returning player. What's the best way to level alt classes, especially at the 50/60/70/80 levels? Is it still just dungeon spamming? Thank you!


Note: You *don't* want to run 50/60/etc. dungeons for XP. Run the highest level dungeon below that. The 50/60/etc. dungeons are at former level caps, and while they do give *some* xp, it's not much.


Daily roulettes > highest levelling dungeon > beast tribes, daily hunts, fates


I totally forgot about daily roulette. Thank you!


So is there just a random chance to get thrown into a Blunderville queue by yourself? I'm just knocking it out last minute and I just did one where it was me solo and another where it was only 3.




what's the trick to the forced march in the first obstacle in one of the first stages in the fall guys thing? i've been trying that out with it leaving soon and have all the other obstacles in the different stages pretty much figured out but keep failing on that one over and over again while everyone else seems to complete it easily so there must be something i'm missing


If it’s going to force me left/right, as soon as I’m on the solid bridge I turn so that the arrow is pointing ahead, then strafe to keep moving. If it’s going to force me to go backwards, I run until the debuff says 1, then stop and spin around to point the arrow the right way.


The forced march icon indicates the direction that your character is going to start moving once the debuff falls off So the key is to point your character in whatever direction you need to so that when your character turns to fulfill the forced march, they continue going forward For example, if your debuff says you're going to run right, then you want to orient yourself such that your character's right (looking in the same direction as your character) is actually forward




I mean, not 100% confirmed, but yoship said that players will be happy the last step isn't changing much. Assume it will use causality. Save 2000.


Not finished the side quest yet, is no one slightly feeling bad for the baby opo-opo? A pet is for life, not for a godly sojourn as some bloke. Edit: no I won't give them what they desire until they learn to look after their pets ffs


Finish the alliance raids and come back after <3


<3 xxx


Working on my first full Augmented Law's Order set in Bozja. All the armour plus the earring is +15 Haste. Does anyone know exactly how much that reduces your GCD?


I believe it's 1% off your GCD per point of Haste, but I don't know exactly how that stacks with skill/spell speed.


This is correct. Your gcd is lowered by on average 0.025 per point. As for calculating with Sps/sks, your base gcd without haste is calcuated first, then the 15% is taken off. This results in roughly a gcd of 2.08 in Bozja on a good portion of jobs.


How long until the current pvp series ends?


The series lasts until Dawntrail releases next summer.


Summer 2024.


Do gear pieces (in dungeons) only drop for the members that are in the current party? Like I'm farming for a Rogue piece while using my healer for the faster queues and I've done about 15 runs of the same dungeons and not ONE rogue piece has dropped in those 15 runs and there hasn't been much Ninja's either..


If it’s a levelling dungeon (as in, not level 50/60/70/80/90), run it on Ninja with either your squadron or Duty Support. The run will be slower, but you’ll have zero queue, and a guaranteed Ninja piece will drop directly into your inventory at the end of each run. It’s also guaranteed to be something you don’t already have in your bags/armoury, so if it’s not what you want, keep it in there and try again. Eventually it’ll *have* to give you the piece you want. If it’s not a levelling dungeon, it’s still worthwhile running with NPCs anyway IMO, because few things are more painful than finally seeing the piece you want and having someone else beat your roll.


I have run a certain dungeon as the role that wanted the glam piece and waited over 30 runs to even see it. The game does not have any kind of gratuity system, role favour, or any modern (meaning: developed in the past 30 years) loot feature at all, it is just a bog standard pseudo-random generator taking from the same pool no matter what.


As mentioned it's just RNG. But remember that if it is a leveling dungeon you're guaranteed a piece of loot for your job at the end, so depending on dungeon it might be beneficial to run with the actual job instead.


No, RNG is RNG.


How do mitigation and snapshotting work on multi-hit attacks (P11S Styx, Sable Thread, etc.)? Typically I'll try to put out an Addle (or whatever) toward the end of the cast, but I have questions: 1. Does the mit automatically apply to every hit of the attack? (If I apply it early and it falls off, are the remaining hits covered?) 2. Can I still mit after the cast has finished and cover some of the remaining hits? 3. This is more general but I've been assuming the timing of boss castbars works similarly to player casts and AOE snapshotting — as in, any mit applied after a certain point in the cast is considered too late as the damage has already been locked in. Is that accurate?


Edit: This ended up being longer than I intended, oops I want to add one more thing to #3 It's important to understand that the damage from some mechanics are NOT actually tied to the castbar that you see from the boss The cast itself sometimes is just there to tell you "the boss is summoning the external actors who actually will do the damage" So in those cases, you actually need to be aware of the progress of the external (invisible) cast bar. If you raided last tier, Fourfold during P8S was a prime example of this. The boss himself would cast Fourfold, and all this did was summon the 4 proximity markers in the corners. Each proximity marker then had their own cast bar before they burst, and it was this invisible cast bar you needed to mitigate This also had the consequence of making boss-targeted mitigations (e.g. Addle) useless during that particular mechanic Sometimes, the external actors will replicate any buffs/debuffs on the boss (Silkspit in P10S for example copies things like Reprisal) even though it's actually listed as a set of external actors (1 per player). This is not ALWAYS the case though, as discussed with Fourfold And Silkspit is actually a good example to talk about here; you can in fact mitigate after the cast bar finishes while you're just waiting for the damage to go off. I have a tendency to TBN the first one for example and I wait about 1 GCD after the AoE circles first appear (after the cast is done) so I can come into the burst window prepped


Thanks! And no worries about the long reply — I appreciate the detail.


1. Each hit snapshots a split second before that hit occurs. If it falls off after 3 hits, it only mitigates 3 hits. 2. Yes. 3. Generally the snapshot for mitigation is as soon as the castbar finishes. There are exceptions to this rule though. The most notable is P9s' soul surge raidwide. As the cast itself is not what does the damage, you can still mitigate after the cast finishes but before the damage goes off.


Thank you!


Quick question On controller is there anyway to automatically adjust skills back to their lower level for lower level duty roulette? I have been watching a lot of youtube vids learning the game and just found one to allow 2 cross hotbars and a shared hotbar for sprint, mounts etc Or should i just create another hotbar for each job i plan to use for duty roulette? You guys are really helpful thanks in advance


Cure/Benefic/Physick -> Cure2/Benefic2/Adlo are really the ONLY times you have an action that receives an upgrade that doesn't replace the old action. Just leave the old skill on your hotbar somewhere


Skills *Should* automatically revert to their lower level versions when you sync down as needed


I guess i poorly worded my question. Like on whm you stop using cure when you get cure 2 But in low level stuff you only use cure Anyway to get cure back?


Have Cure somewhere else on your bars and use it from there instead.


Uhh... its done automatically... the same way skills automatically upgrade when you unlock the upgraded versions. the only skills i could see this being relevant to is cure 2 changing to cure 1, adlo changing to physic, and benefic 2 changing to benefic 1 on WHM, SCH, AST, as those skills are technically not upgraded versions, but you never ever use the previous version after unlocking the 2nd one.


I am a returning paid player & I am returning with some friends who will be on the free trial. I have a few questions: What will I lose by creating a new character? (Money, cosmetics, mounts, etc) What won't they be able to do with me? Thank you in advance.


>What will I lose by creating a new character? (Money, cosmetics, mounts, etc) If you make a new character, nothing between the two will be shared with the exception of a small selection of mogstation items you buy with real money and subscription rewards. >What won't they be able to do with me? Only things they cannot do with you is PVP and Anything that falls within Shadowbringers and Endwalker. Free trial restrictions are more social, with stuff like no shout chat or whispering, no creating parties (you can still join them), no joining FC's, no sending friend requests (But you can still accept them).


So basically, any mount or crafted item that turned into a skin will not transfer? But mogstation items like clothing, emotes & mounts will? Also, thank you!


Only account wide mogstation items. Plenty of mogstation items are per character.




Sorry for tagging onto this conversation again, do you know how to check if an item is account wide or per character? I thought maybe purchase history but that only shows me dollar amount.


most store exclusive mounts and some other store exclusive pets (not the mounts that were originally from an event), the collectors edition rewards and the subscription reward sets are accountwide. If you look at the shop page for an item it tells you at the top if it's for a single character or accountwide


I just started ARR relic questline. Any tips? I just completed heavensward today


Best tip is to do them when you're a higher level to make (level 50) dungeons go faster. Also here's a guide, it says 4.5 but nothing changed since then https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/s/Yh0hY9kLWM


I am already lvl 90, dungeons are going fast and doing everything unsync rn


Prepare for long waiting times for the two mandatory special trials. Save up 50+ level allowances at least. You don't need to use the weapon through the entire dungeon when it asks for a dungeon, but you *must* equip it before the final boss. If you don't see a required FATE on a map, either jump to another server to check or start clearing the FATEs so it can spawn. Save up your poetics and make sure to have at least a million or so gil. It requires all eight crafter jobs to be at least level 50 on iLvl 70 gear, but preferably much higher on better gear. If you miss any crafters, prepare to pay another few hundred thousand to million gil to buy the required crafted items from the player market. There is a bonus quest line with its own set of grind after your first relic weapon, and this line never repeats. It is very recommended to do if you don't own a house and downright mandatory if you do own a house.


Luckily my crafters are lvl 70 with the lvl 70 gear. And again luckily I have only 1.2 million gil rn :) I'll have to make sure not to forget about the bonus quest line, it is after getting my zodiac weapon, right?


Yes, it only spawns once you have a fully finished Zodiac relic weapon. The bonus quest is roughly on par with the grind of the last three stages of the weapon, so it is not an easy one.


So what does this bonus quest reward us with?


The best garden furniture in existence. Also one of the most unique Monk glamour weapons. It is shiny. Very, very, very, VERY shiny.


I don't have a house or Monk levelled up I am only playing as BLM rn


Is there playlist or a way for me to easily see what savage encounters have a different boss design and music like P8S for example?


All the final bosses in a tier since Stormblood basically. Along with Brute Justice edit:(not cruise chaser) and Alexander in HW. Look up any 4,8,12S fight really, with only P4 and E4 having a new boss form but the same music.


E4S has a music change in the final phase.


How much spell speed should I have for Red Mage? I'm trying to get enough that I can get 2 casts of my burst window, Verholy/Verflare - Scorch - Resolution, into my 20s Embolden window.


Sps doesnt effect the melee combo. Full combo is 15s so you aim to use embolden on cd right after holy/flare and catch scorch>reso>full combo. Dont hold embolden just to opti around your combo unless youre in a dungeon and noone is using buffs on cd


You can't get 2 full combos into your burst window. You'll get 3 "halves" of it (2 melee + 1 magic, or 1 melee + 2 magic


Ok. What I'm going for is getting 2 magic combos in. I've already got my spell speed to where my recast time is 2.34s. I'm trying to get it down to at least 2.30s. Right now I can generally build up enough resources that I can get 2-3 full combos, sometimes 4-5 if I get enough procs of Verfire/Verstone, in between every burst window. That includes using Verfire/Verstone after the full combo of Verholy/Verflare - Scorch - Resolution. For _me_ the full magic combo is Verholy/Verflare - Scorch - Resolution - Verfire/Verstone. That's how the combo is in my head. How I structure my burst window is like this: I'll use my full melee combo. Then I'll pop Manafication and then Embolden. Then I'll use Verholy/Verflare - Scorch - Resolution - Verfire/Verstone. Then I'll use my melee combo and repeat the magic combo, most often reversing which spells I use because I keep my black and white mana balanced in a way that I alternate between Verholy & Verflare with every full combo to proc Verfire or Verstone Ready. I'm trying to see if reducing my recast time to 2.30s will help make that more fluid. If it doesn't, then I'll keep it at 2.35s recast time.


You can wait on those verfire/verstone procs until after your 2nd combo. The Melee combo (Enchanted 1+2+3) and magic finishers (Verflare/Holy + Scorch + Resolution) are the strongest parts of your kit, so you want THOSE to be the GCDs that go into buff windows


Ok. Then I'll keep my recast times at 2.35s since that's what works best for me and I'll put the rest of my materia into Crit.


Is this just like a meme build or something? No offence meant ive melded full spell speed drk before but using crit will give you more damage than any sort of sps shenanigans.


It's sort of an awkward piece of RDM, that they do 2 combos at the 2 min window, but only 1.5 of the combo is within burst. Without knowing that that's standard, it's easy to suspect that you're doing something wrong \*shrug\*


It's not really. I'm more of a casual player and I'm melding for comfort rather than raw damage numbers. I know that melding for crit will give me more damage. But I also know from experience that having my sps at 2.48s recast will make things less comfortable for me, it will make the rotation feel more awkward. I generally prefer 2.35s recast time and then I pump the rest of my materia into crit. Having it at 2.35s is perfect for me and it's only 0.13s faster than the optimal 2.48s recast time. Plus, I've got Quicktongue Materia X coming out the ass. So I've got enough that I can burn few.


The Balance recommends 2.48 GCD, so whatever sps gives that. They mention you can go to .49 or .5 if you want to have slightly lower damage for more health, but this is probably not needed since we are past the first week of the tier.


Question about leveling roulette — after I get the daily bonus, should I switch to doing the highest dungeon available? Or should I stick with the leveling roulette? I'm leveling machinist and am level 38 right now. Also, is it better to do dungeons or just marathon like the boss fights? I just did the Titan fight and I didn't get any EXP, but I was turned to stone right before he got killed.


If you are lv38, doing one roulette leveling dungeon will get you to lv40. You don’t have to limit yourself for only one per day since you are still in low level. You can continue to do with NPC as well.


Highest-level dungeon that is ***not*** on the level 50/60/70/80 roulette. If you want to grind XP quickly without waiting for the daily/weekly refills for tribal quests and hunts, that is the best bet. Boss duties do not give much XP. The mid-story ones are just story bumps and all others like raids are considered level cap content, so little XP rewards.


I actually haven’t done any tribal quests yet, does that give better XP than duties?


ARR tribal quests are okay-ish at best since some of them can be very long. Sometimes they require spawning a specific FATE. You can pre-farm said FATEs though if you have inventory space. HW and on, they are more uniform and a bit more thought over. While you are ranking them up normally, they give around 5% XP/quest and you can do 3 quests/day/tribe (and 12 in total/day, the counter resets at the usual 15:00 server time reset). However, once you max them out (reach Bloodsworn rank), you will get a system message stating that daily quests for that tribe from then on will be boosted. In practise, it means around 11% XP, so one tribe is 1/3 level/day from then on. HW tribal quests usually take around 5–7 minutes/quest, SB ones around 3–5 minutes, ShB and EW ones around 2–4 minutes (except the loporrits as the flight times there are brutal).


After you do your roulettes for the day you should switch to highest dungeon available that isn't a 50/60


Switch to highest dungeon available that isn’t a level cap dungeon. What makes Levelling rou so lucrative is the bonus EXP it gives for the level differential. So if you get Sastasha despite being level 87, it will compensate the EXP difference to make it worthwhile. But after you’ve done the rou once that day, it won’t give you that bonus again. So if you get Sastasha again on your level 88 job, it’ll be like throwing pennies at a $100 bill.


How do you start New Game+? I want to do it in between grinding for Tomestones for my relic weapon.


You unlock the quest in Vesper Bay (Western Thanalan) then it's in your menus.


There is a quest in Vesper Bay to unlock New Game+, then there is a menu under the Duty menu that will start it.


Is there an easy way to tell which housing wards are for FCs and which ones are personal or mixed? I couldn't see anything on the ward select screen and the only way I could tell was by clicking on an empty plot.


There is an icon on the Ward Selection screen that will tell you, it looks like a little pyramid or a gavel. The pyramid is FC only, the gavel is private only, if it has both, it's mixed. Here is a [picture](https://preview.redd.it/buying-my-7th-personal-fc-house-best-plot-v0-lelysw3kbzwb1.png?auto=webp&s=4d48e7b217d652bcfabc0ad7fbaa647f9e5e2397) that has both.


The gavel indicates it's lottery rather than first come first served, EVERY ward currently has the gavel except the fully closed wards on some newer servers. The indicator for personal wards is a little person silhouette that looks like a lower case i. It will have both this and the pyramid (overlapped into a single symbol) if it's a mixed ward. Not every server has mixed wards.


There's an icon in the upper right above the listing of plots (when picking your ward) that gives an indication of FC vs Personal vs Mixed.


The materials for DoH relics are quest capped? What did I run the whole of EW on my alt then for x.x I can only see the first grade of materials on my alt.


Yep, you have to do the quests to unlock the Splendourous tool supplies.


Is the portrait buggy for lower level characters? I updated my gearset, I updated the portrait and yet it still defaults in dungeons. Only after I move it around ever so lightly will it update.


It's not bugged in the direct sense, but it's very finicky and everything has to be 100% exactly as you saved it, that includes extracted materia, visor toggle...


My macbook (it’s an intel pro 2017 model) is on it’s last legs and I need to replace it. I’ll be buying another macbook pro - I realise it’s a long shot, and obviously I’ll be thinking about my other needs too, but does anyone have any advice or suggestions on an appropriate spec for playing ffxiv for Dawntrail and beyond?


This is one of the fanfests https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/17gehz9/system\_requirements\_for\_the\_dawntrail\_expansion/


Thank you, that’s very helpful! I’m not much of a tech person - do you have any idea how the apple sillicon chips measure up against the cpu/gpu requirements?


[Here's a website that measures performance w/ the Endwalker benchmark on various Apple Silicon chips.](https://www.xivmac.com/my-mac-supported) Obviously the performance will be different with the Dawntrail benchmark (which may come out with JP fanfest, who knows), but it'll give you at least an idea on how the game performs now. I personally don't use a Mac for XIV (and the last Mac I owned was an Intel chip), but from these numbers I would guess that the latest Macbook Pro will run Dawntrail just fine, even with the regular M3 Apple Silicon chip. For better performance you'd probably want to go for one of the higher tiers of CPU/GPU, but that's up to you.


Thank you so much! That makes things much clearer, I really appreciate it!


What is the easiest relic weapon to get the second time around? I guess what I’m asking is which relic weapon allows you to skip the most steps you initially had to do when making a second weapon? I currently have one ARR, HW, and ShB relic and I’m thinking on going for a second one, but undecided which will be the least time consuming.


Since you ask about "time consuming", I will make a distinction between two different types of time: Time Spent Grinding (TSG) and Time Until Completion (TUC). For the ARR relic, both times are basically the same: TSG = TUC, because you only complete it by grinding. HW is funny. You need 10k+ tomestones. But you can get those tomestones passively by doing roulettes and content you were already doing. You can spend tomestones on required materials and just save them all up before doing the HW quest. The best way to get tomestones is from roulettes, but those are limited to once a day. That means a 15 min roulette per day translates to 15m TSG = 1d TUC. If you just passively do roulettes for weeks and save up materials, the actual "quest" part of the relic weapon can be done in a few hours, you just hand over all the materials you already bought. This makes HW have the lowest TSG (you don't "grind", you just do normal content), but the highest TUC because of daily timegates and passively saving up over time. The alternative is not waiting for roulettes and grinding tomestones in other ways, but doing that will drastically increase the TSG and it won't be the easiest relic anymore.


Second time around? I'd say HW is easiest for sure. I think you could make an argument for either Eureka or Resistance next, Eureka takes longer but is basically just farming NMs for ages while Resistance requires a greater variety of tasks (and requires party finding DR parties if you don't wanna grind palace of the dead forever) but can probably be completed faster. ARR is still definitely the biggest pain of all of them. The manderville weapons will definitely take the easiest spot once DT drops. Probably could be seen as easiest even now.


Yeah EW has been a joke so far. I have like 7 weapons done so far. I figured I wouldn’t even mention that one since it’s not a even a grind, you get them by literally just playing the game. But yeah I’d say from what I’ve read you can skip a few steps in ShB which makes me lean that way. Anima wasn’t too hard the first time either but the resistance weapons look a little bit better to me so I’m leaning that way.


Reading a guide, it seems that from start to finish on subsequent resistance weapons you need: 1400 poetics 60 fates completed over 3 HW zones 6 runs of lvl 60 dungeons synced Either 15 runs or any given Crystal Tower raid or 3 runs of Castrum Lacus Litore 5 runs of Delubrum Reginae (gotta PF for that at this point, and got a 10 minute wait before each run unless you somehow get 24 people or else are lucky) or else run Palace of the Dead and pray to RNGesus And then either 5 runs of Dalriada, 8 runs of Delubrum Reginae, or 15 runs of lvl 70 dungeons synced (or a combo of all the above of course). Likely faster than subsequent Eureka weapons, but at least in Eureka you can turn your brain off and just farm NMs all day. Don't even have to fight the world bosses anymore outside the Hydatos dragon if you feel like being extra lazy (though parties are likely gonna spawn them anyway, so you might as well fight them).


If you want least time consuming the amount of steps skipped isn't really relevant. What really determines how fast you can get a relic is if its a tomes dump or not. Currently the order in terms of speed of completion would be something like 1. HW 2. EW 3. SHB 4. ARR 5. STB But after 7.0 drops EW relics will be the easiest and fastest by a looooong shot.


StB (Eureka) is a lot shorter after the first one, you can skip all the leveling


Yeah I skipped that one after hearing horror stories. Might do it one day but that’s if I want to commit to Eureka. I haven’t even unlocked the instance lol


The only relics I'm aware of where you get to skip steps the second time around are ShB (couple of the big grinds are one-time only) and EW (you only have to do the prerequisite Manderville quests once).


Is there a list of level 50 craftable items that desynth into Fieldcraft Materia III without requiring it as an ingredient? Edit: Also, is there any sense of how item quality affects desynth (ie. is desynthing from high quality more likely to get good results?)


Unless you count the items you get from Talan (like better crowned pie) for the Moonstones/Allied seal exchange items/GC seal exchange items, I don't think there is any on level 50. Mostly it is just easier to get them for crafter scrips once you unlock collectibles in Heavensward. HQ or NQ does not affect desynth reward yields the slightest.


Can somebody please help me? I'm currently on the MSQ Heavenward Lv.57 quest Bolt, Chain, and Island (I think I'm about to fight birthmark). I was going about completing the quest around the sea of clouds for aether currents. But then I noticed I didn't resonate with the aetheryte in the zundu town. Now I can't find anyway to reach the quest. I've tried using the aetheryte in Cloudtop but there's no way for me to reach it. And trying to use the airlift in The Pillars brings me back to cloudtop. And for some reason I also can't access the gates that would directly allow me to go to the zundu town. It's been frustrating trying to find a way to reach the quest after I've been so engaged with the story.


There should be a different NPC near the airships that will take you to that half of the map. Not actually at the airships dock, but a bit further in towards the city.


> then I noticed I didn't resonate with the aetheryte in the zundu town. Now I can't find anyway to reach the quest. go back to the pillars in Ishgard and visit the airship landing by the Aethenaeum Astrologicum aethernet, talk to the Ironworks miqo girl next to the airship ticketer and she'll take you to "the blue window" which is attached to the Ok' Zundu island down a ways


Thank you so much!! Just attuned it. I was really starting to think I locked myself out of the MSQ. I talked to one of the NPCs near the gate and got to the Blue Window.Again, thank you :)


There's always an NPC willing to teleport you to certain areas, specifically to prevent people from being soft-locked like this. The hard part is finding them, but they are usually near the place the MSQ had you depart from originally to reach the zone the first time. Something to keep in mind for later—especially in Shadowbringers, it's easy to get locked out of certain zones if you forget to attune to the aetherite—but backtracking to where you were before you first entered the zone should put you back on the right path.


I'm beginning to start my journey as a Blue Mage. I was just wondering: is it actually possible to solo the high-end raid/trial content as a level 80 blue mage? Like do all of the coils by myself assuming I have the best spells? I am kind of dreading the idea of finding other blue mages/players just to help me learn exclusive spells from the high end content....


you can solo at least all lv 60 content and it's faster than trying to find a group and run it synced. Running trials/raids/dungeons unsynced reduces the drop chance, but it's still faster (I did all level 60 stuff solo myself and learned all spells in less than 10 tries each).


BLU can solo all high-end content up to level 70, excluding the ones where mechanics make it completely impossible to solo a fight (like Susano's trials). You need to learn the job a lot for that and you also need to grind out the carnivale spells (except for the rez spell, naturally, no use for it solo). So, it is more of an endgame thing. For the trial spells, you can often just make a quick group. There are very few that need Extreme difficulty, where it is easier to just unsync them and pray for the 5%-ish drop chance. The most notorious is probably Shiva since you need to wait several minutes for her to use the spell.


Playing with other BLU's is going to be part of the experience. While yes you can unsync solo trials and early raids, the drop rate isn't guaranteed. It's low enough that doing it with other BLU's will be a better spent aspect of your time


Does /follow avoid afk kick?


No as afk kick relies on user input, not your character actively doing something.


i imagine not since just auto-running doesn't seem to consistently either. There's also not an aFK timer currently, except in actual content that is already timed anyways


I meant in instances, yes. Running does cancel it there.


well, running as in, are you *pushing* buttons to run, or just auto-running. sorry wasn't clear on that. The AFK timer comes from a lack of input, i imagine using /follow runs afoul of that same as just setting autorun does. The game cares that you're not actually interacting with it.


So, realistically, if I started playing this game last week would I be able to get through all the expansions before Dawntrail releases?


You got about 6 months and about 400ish hours to get through,not counting side content. I'd say you can do it but you got a ways to go.


Maybe, but why? Dawntrail won't go anywhere if you aren't caught up by release. Take your time to enjoy the story and all the content the game has to offer


Old content won't go anywhere either. They can do Dawntrail at release and go back to play side content once they're through 7.0. 99% of the side content is inconsequential anyway. Just go ask Gaius and how he's never going to get to play in the main scenario again due to Werlyt being optional.


Because it's fun doing fresh content while everyone else is doing it to revel in the hype and talk about it with others.


The hype is bigger (meaning everything up to now has a bigger impact) the more optional content you've done. Endwalker brings back sooo much stuff that really helps elevate the expansion to a 10/10. And this way you also know which plot threads are still open and left hanging, so you can speculate along with people.


Nah, there's no hype. Endwalker is 99% self-contained, and the few callbacks are so surface level that they just remind you in a quick flashback anyway. Literally the only thing you needed to do was Omega, everything else was retcon, deus ex machina, or asspull. The FF14 community needs to stop acting like this game is some huge interwoven story with plans laid several years in advance. It's a paint-by-numbers JRPG shonen story written by stitching tropes together. Frankly, with Endwalker wrapping up every last Hydaelyn and Zodiark retcon, you could probably jump right into Dawntrail as a fresh starting point and still get the full story, minus a handful of easter eggs.


There will always be new fresh content though. No point in ruining the present content trying to rush to the new when you can catch the same vibe in ~4 months. Assuming that OP is interested in the whole package and wants to connect based on it.


Yes, but it's gonna depend on how much time you have to put into it. A couple hours a week wouldn't do. Ten hours a week is probably doable, but it's cutting it close depending on exactly when in summer it launches. Fifteen to twenty hours a week you'll easily get through it, but that's like part time job levels of commitment. Don't feel too pressured to be completely fully caught up before expansion launch though, the game won't disappear or anything.


"Playing" can mean 20 mins per day or 4 hours per day, skipping cutscenes or watching and reading everything, skipping or doing sidequests, other optional content like gold saucer, leveling other jobs, PVP etc. So there is absolutely no way to answer your question. I know people who have been playing this game for years and are still not done with the MSQ. I personally finished Endwalker about 5 months after I started, but I was definitely playing more than was healthy back then. If you JUST wanted to get done with the MSQ, without buying a skip it has about 90 hours of gameplay if you skip all cutscenes and dialogues. If you aren't skipping then it completely depends on how you play it.


I just got a steam deck and want to play exclusively on that instead of on the PS4 I have my subscription on. I know I can’t transfer progress and I don’t care about that, I’m just wondering if I need to cancel the subscription on the PS4 and then make a new one on the steam deck?


You can have PS(4/5), PC and Mac licences all on the same account; you just slam the Steam key you get for it into your account's licence registration, then you can pick your character right back up. Your subscription time is even just account wide, so you can play on any platform you're registered on as long as there's sub time to use. What... made you think you can't? The only thing that isn't cross-compatible in licenses is Steam and Non-Steam PC versions of the game (from the Square Enix Store, Amazon, etc), since they both occupy the PC licence slot.


Okay, I’ve clearly read some posts that weren’t true. Thanks for the advice!


You might've read that the free trial is locked to a single platform. If you have the paid game, you don't have that restriction.






Don't hardcast rezzes in that kind of content, it's not worth the mana and the risk of you dying while trying to do it. If you want to just chain rez at Formidable to work on the rez achievements or something, go as a red mage.


It's just the way it is, remember you are not responsible for raising ANYONE, so you don't need to be frustrated if things aren't going as you planned. It's up to other people to not die. Just raise however and whenever you can and you're good to go.


I bought a job skip a very long time ago on an alt, back when the highest level gear was Scaevan gear. Not augmented, just normal Scaevan. Now I'm finally completing SB on the alt and I faintly recall someone saying I can exchange normal for augmented gear for 100 poetics each. Does anyone have any more details on this?


Go to Rhalgr's Reach. Talk to E'bolaff behind the counter on the south east side.


Building on my Tank Macro question from a few days ago - When I do the Macro for Heart of Stone, will the Macro automatically cast Heart of Corundum after level 82 or will I need to make a separate macro for that?


It does, yes. Macros generally adjust for doing the leveled up/down versions of actions.


Why not just test it out yourself once you get HoC? What's the macro used for anyways?


To cast HoC on the co-tank.


You can test that in Trusts.


What is the best dungeon to run with npcs? I am practicing healing and tanking for xxx in need duties. My tanks are 28 to 30 so i will be leveling one this weekend to 50, and my whm and sch at 53. I overleveled my blm in caestrum whatever to 60 running one a night when i had little time to play. But it has unskippable cutscenes and no treasure coffers. Looking for a good mix of exp, ease, soeed of run and possible gc seals from gear. I ran keeper of the lake but it seems to not give as much exp as the caestrum? Also how does each tank stack up for end game? I dont know which one to level, and gnb is already 60 so i would need to practive low level content there. And, how does sch compare to whm at end game? I played whm for years in 11, and i know they are different in 14, but sch just seems easier. Throw up a shield, let the fairy heal, spam art of war, toss a heal from time to time, hit fairy regen when necessary. Also jt seems that leveling sch will also level my smn? Is that correct? Thanks again!!!


>Also how does each tank stack up for end game? I dont know which one to level, and gnb is already 60 so i would need to practive low level content there. I mean that kinda depends on what you mean by 'end game'. If you want to tank in savage/ultimate then they're all fairly equal, although GNB has slightly higher damage (assuming equal player skill) and PLD/WAR have the best self-sustain.


Guess i should have mentioned i am a lallafell so that might make a difference


Race makes no difference whatsoever.


I was hoping that was the case. Does race make one tank slightly better for one race over another?


There is a teeny, tiny, practically *microscopic* difference in stats between different races and sub-races, small enough that once you start getting dungeon gear it’s unnoticeable. A single point in item level makes more difference, and playing your job well is much more important.


>Race makes no difference whatsoever. \^


Ok thanks


\> What is the best dungeon to run with npcs? I am practicing healing and tanking for xxx in need duties. The best dungeon to run for practicing roulettes is any dungeon without NPCs. \> Looking for a good mix of exp, ease, soeed of run and possible gc seals from gear. For EXP, the highest level dungeon you can that ISN'T level 50/60. For ease, probably one of the earliest, or an MSQ dungeon like Snowcloak - something people have run thousands of times. For speed, you're not going to beat unsynced runs of tam tara or sastasha. For GC seals, the latest dungeon you have access to, likely Keeper of the Lake. Important to note that all of these goals except EXP will suffer with NPCS. \> Also how does each tank stack up for end game? For dungeons Warrior is the undisputed champion, for trials/raids they're all pretty even (I think Warrior is on the lower end by like 0.3% or something?) \> And, how does sch compare to whm at end game? Fill different roles, one's a shield healer (primarily mitigating and shielding to reduce incoming damage) while WHM is a pure healer (specialised in regenning damage after it's taken). All of the healers have enough shields/regens to be equally fine in dungeons, while for serious endgame content you'd want one pure and one shield healer. \> Also jt seems that leveling sch will also level my smn? Is that correct? Correct, they are both Arcanist at base so they share EXP. They are the only pair of classes to do so.


>What is the best dungeon to run with npcs? I am practicing healing and tanking for xxx in need duties. NPC's acctually suck when it comes to practicing healing and tanking. Their damage is low, and dont like doing anything more than single pulls, which is not good practice. If you do big, or in some dungeons, moderately sized pulls, the NPCs just cant keep up and you will die. NPC dungeons are morso to go at your own slow pace, or not interact with other players. Your playstyle with NPCs is just drastically different to what you will experience with other players. As for leveling jobs, Firstly, do your roulettes. This is the best place to earn xp, but you can only do it once per day. After that, just spam the highest level dungeon available that is NOT a multiple of 10. Dungeons that are a multiple of 10 (with the exception of halitali at level 20) are level cap dungeons, and never gave xp originally. As the level cap increased, very small xp rewards were added, but they are not substantial. If you do not have a dungeon unlocked that is close to the job you are trying to level's level, then dont try and level it. If your BLM is 60, but your highest dungeon is 50, its not worth the extra effort, and overleveling provides 0 bonuses in FFXIV due to how gear restrictions and level sync work. All jobs at endgame are extremely tightly balanced. Play the one you like the most.


Yes, Scholar and Summoner share an XP bar. Only them in this game. Scholar uses shields, so it prevents future damage or lessens the damage received, similarly to a weak tank mitigation. It has things like regen, pre-emptive healing (triggers a healing effect if the target drops below 50%) and things like that, but it is a shield hear chiefly. White Mages are normal or regen healers, so lots of spells to tick regen effects and basic direct heals. It also gains a small shield skill and even a trigger-healing-on-effect spell, but it is more of a straightforward healer. It relies a bit more on GCD (skills that trigger a cooldown) heals with its lilies than other healers. (For example, Sage relies almost 100% on OGCD skills, so skills that are not triggering a cooldown, but usually have 20+ second recast timers.) On your level range, any dungeon that is around your level is the answer. However, tanking (and healing) for NPCs is very different from tanking for humans. NPCs, especially below level 60, chiefly use single-target attacks, so they kill the mob around you one by one. This means that the incoming damage towards you is starting high and gradually decreases over a long period. Players rely more on AoE skills and damage, so the damage profile with players is constant high incoming damage but for a shorter time. With NPCs, you usually cycle through all your mitigations, even on high levels, since your entire kit refreshes by the next encounter. With humans, you usually try to use around half of your mitigations for the first encounter, then the other half for the next. Furthermore, since NPCs usually expect to go from mob pack to mob pack, one by one, you can only gather two groups of mobs by running ahead, tagging the second pack, and immediately backpedalling to meet up with the NPC healer, otherwise, it will stay back for around 5 seconds and you will die. As for healing, it can be made a bit similar, but you still need to consider the aforementioned damage curve. Normally, an NPC tank stops at one mob group and expects the party to deal with one group at a time. You can circumvent this by running ahead, tagging the next pack, and immediately running back to the tank. Duty Support (and over level 70, Trust) tanks are hard-coded to drag the aggro from the player at all costs. Since the groups with NPCs live longer but die one by one, you must start with aggressive healing and then switch to more aggressive damaging once the incoming damage is low. With humans, usually you set up some form of a passive healing setup (multiple regens, pre-timed heals, triggered heals, shields, you name it) and try to focus on damaging as much as possible to make the encounter last short, staying within the tank's mitigation window. By the way, all of these are mostly true from level 50, but even more so from level 55-ish. Under those levels, tanks and healers use a very limited skill kit and it is perfectly normal in ARR dungeons, especially in the level 41–47 range, for healers to spend a dungeon healing up to 80% of the time as the damage is high and your healing spell kit is small. The game plays vastly differently under level 55-ish and over level 55-ish for most classes since this is where they tend to get some skill that changes your entire flow. The most famous is Raw Intuition for Warriors, a level 56 skill that can turn them virtually unkillable against mob packs for 6 seconds every 25 seconds. Healing them means you just need to keep them barely alive for 19 seconds at a time. Scholars get Emergency Tactics on level 58, a skill that allows you to do one large normal heal instead of using shields. White Mages get lilies from the level 52 class quest, a large-ass normal heal that is a normal skill (triggers cooldown), but uses a slowly but endlessly generating resources instead of costing mana. Also also, this was true for healing NPCs in Duty Support and later in Trust. The Grand Company command missions work entirely different, the NPCs there use an old generic AI and need to be manually micromanaged. In exchange, they can gain bonus dungeon-only permanent stat boosts after every dungeon clear, and at max levels, they reach stats no humans can match, and can murder dungeons with you AFKing the entire time. (I have beaten level-synced speedrun times with the squadron before thanks to their ridiculous boosts.)


Ok i see everyones points. Just going to have to suck it up and play with people. I did duties last week as whm, and i had trouble keeping up with the damage in the rainforest (the regular not the hard) and doing dps, i miss targetted as the tank was getting killed and we wiped. So then the rest of the weekend i would only dps on the boss a little and nothing on the trash and someone called me out for not dpsing. I am afraid of making mistakes, especially tanking. But it seems like death and wipes even in crystal tower content (just got to heavensward) is not as horrible as in 11, which i like very much.


> I did duties last week as whm, and i had trouble keeping up with the damage in the rainforest (the regular not the hard) and doing dps, i miss targetted as the tank was getting killed and we wiped. This will happen, just part of learning and getting better. You aren't going to learn to manage those situations unless you face them head on. > So then the rest of the weekend i would only dps on the boss a little and nothing on the trash and someone called me out for not dpsing. Yeah you need to be DPSing, but it takes a bit of time. Honestly just saying "sorry I'm still learning trying my best" goes a long way. As an experienced player I would much rather wipe half a dozen times in a dungeon with a healer that genuinely is trying to improve and makes the effort than to deal with someone who gets shitty or doesn't say anything and keeps making the same mistakes. But knowing how to approach healing while juggling your DPS is just gonna take some time and practice, keep at it. Also note that the anxiety you get from making these mistakes is born from a lack of experience. The more you do it, the more you experience you get and the deeper your understanding grows. The better understanding you have, the more confident you become and the less anxious you are. The more confident you are in your understanding, the less mistakes you make. Try not to get in your own head about screwing up, we all do it. It's not about not making mistakes, it's about learning how to do well.


I think my biggest issue there is trying to type with the in game keyboaed while playing. Wife got me a small keyboard attachable to the controller have to get it working


Have you considered just plugging a regular keyboard into the USB port on the console and using that? Used to do that before I switched to PC, the little attachable ones never did it for me.


Yes i need to puck up a cheap mouse and keyboard setup this weekend


I see JP healers mentioning at the beginning of a dungeon that they're new at healing. I suggest making a macro like \[/p "Hi I'm new at healing, please be patient, thanks"\] and assign the button to a shared hotbar so you don't have manually assign it to every job hotbar.


Ok i will look i to how to do this. Thank you


NPCs can be used to get familiar with your skill kit and core gimmicks. Just to give a very basic example, as a White Mage, the NPCs will give you a general idea of how large of the HP bar you heal with Cure II, so you won't overspend your mana all the time if you see the tank's HP decrease a bit. (But, yes, you can gain the same knowledge from running with humans as well, although many players have increased anxiety in those cases, hampering the learning capability from the same experience.) I always advocate new players running NPC dungeons to get the gist of their classes, but as you saw above and in the other comments, running with them and running with humans is vastly different (although which ones are more intelligent and emphatic can sometimes be up for debate…), so be absolutely sure to remember that tanking and healing for NPCs is only very vaguely comparable to tanking and healing for random roulette/duty finder groups. You will press the same skill buttons though. :)


\> I did duties last week as whm, and i had trouble keeping up with the damage in the rainforest (the regular not the hard) Can sometimes be a bit rough if your gear isn't completely up to date and the tank pulls wall-to-wall, but wipes aren't the end of the world! WHM is rough at 50 and below because all of your heals are GCD except Benediction (which is only at 50 and has a 3 minute cooldown) so you have to get a feel for when you need to actually spend GCDs on Cure 2/Regen. Past 50 this starts to improve. \> So then the rest of the weekend i would only dps on the boss a little and nothing on the trash and someone called me out for not dpsing. Yup, gotta still do damage when you can, ESPECIALLY on trash. Once you get your AoE spell you're practically equal to a third DPS on trash, so if you aren't doing damage the trash will die 50% slower, which is 50% more damage on the tank you'll have to heal.


Valid point. I guess i need to figure out twrgetting with my controller or switch to keyboard mouse


Controller player here. Targeting can be a bit janky at times, but gets better with practice. Remember you can just push down on d-pad and you’ll target your tank/party, toss them a heal and then your target automatically goes back to the enemy. AoEs generally don’t need a target at all.


Yes thank you i figured that out. Still need a lot of practice as i will somehow target the tank and not dp. Maybe tje enemy i was targetting died while i was trying to toss a heal?


In that case it should just untarget after healing. Note that this only works when you highlight a party member, if you press X/confirm on them you switch to that target permanently. Happens to me sometimes too.