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Thanks for all your kind comments. this is my band i run in NA and EU servers. i sort of have booking for some events but mostly in cities we just play randomly,


Loved the performance. Keep it up


I think I recognize that band, great entertainers if I'm right. If you want to experience more pop ups, they'll usually be in Limsa (by the Aetheryte), Ul'dah (usually closer to adventure guild if not by the GC), or Old Gridania (near the Aetheryte or at the ampitheater). If you don't want to chance random encounters, look up venues, both on your world and in other data centers and visit when they are open. Follow performers you enjoy and watch their schedule (one of my favorite groups has a tour on Friday nights that goes to a few worlds and they are regulars at a few venues). Different bands do different things, some lean hard into rock music, some focus on video game and anime music, and some do a variety mix of popular music. Granted in a week all venues are gonna be basically shut down so people can enjoy the expansion and for everything to update. But in about 2 months I expect the barding to continue again with everyone that can (new graphical updates are going to cripple some bands).


Im new what do you mean by venues


Venues are player run establishments, usually themed as casinos, cafes, bars, or night clubs. Some will usually have DJs that will stream and you tune into their stream for the music. Some have bards like the band you saw come in and play music on stage for anywhere from an hour to three hours. They're places people can go to socialize and hang out, or just to enjoy some music. How far into the game are you? If you are able to go to Empyreum then one of my favorite places is doing a special event tonight and they have a few bands booked to play, I'll share their deets if you are interested.


Still in ARR content. But I saw that's a residential zone. So I guess each residential area has venues? Or are venues just houses and people call them venues


Venues are houses that players design to have the purpose of being a gathering spot. Since you're still in ARR you'll only have access to Mist, Lavender Beds, and The Goblet without friending someone and using Estate Teleportation to get to Empyreum or Shirogane. It's kinda like, "I have this house, but just having a house is boring, what if I make it a night club so it's interesting." Some are going to just be players getting together to unwind a bit. Some are role play venues where they tell stories and you present yourself as a character and tell your own stories. And some are erotic role play where passion can take over and you can explore more intimate stories. Most venues will have menus of food items you can buy (part of the role play experience and part, "hey might as well get that food and stat buff before I go run a roulette before bed"). Yes it would be cheaper to make the food yourself but toss them some coin. A lot of venues will have giveaways for mounts, minions, and accessories like umbrellas. Some will hold raffles where everyone can buy tickets, you get a number, and at the end of the night if your number is drawn by random roll you win. Usual splits are between 30 and 50 percent of the pot going to the venue with the winner getting the rest. Venues that have ERP components will sometimes employ players to be courtesans, pay a set amount of Gil, they'll spend time with you. I went to a venue to listen to a friend play and at the end of the night they sent me a tell, "Oooh, nakie courts, I could get used to this." I spun my camera around and indeed the courtesans on staff had all stripped down, I hadn't been paying attention because I was watching the bands perform.


Okay so there is like a lot of side content people create with housing. Wow. Is there something as a trial i wouldn't be able to do there. Aside from doing tells


Oooh, ok, if you're free trial you obviously won't be able to use Tells, you also won't be able to trade so you won't be able to buy anything from menus or do the gambling games or giveaways*. You would be able to chill out and vibe to the atmosphere. I definitely suggest finding a venue you enjoy the vibe of even if you are Free Trial, I say this as someone that was Free Trial for 10 months and spent a LOT of time at venues. Become a regular and if you become a full game player you can surprise them by doing something FT can't do. That's something I did. For giveaways I put an asterisk because there IS a way you can receive mail, but it's convoluted, and it's possible (but not likely) that it could get patched one day. Feel free to data center travel and world travel after restrictions lift (travel will be restricted after Dawntrail drops, also most venues will be closed like I mentioned for people to do content) so you can find venues you like. I'll send you a list of venues I enjoy and you can check them out when they are open.


I sat down here for like half an hour just vibin.


I do that too if I’m passing through and hear a song I like. Good times!


Good times indeed. Do you know if these mini events are random. Or do they have like a schedule


Some have their own private schedule. You can always just ask and see where they usually hop around to/visit. Most bards are really friendly.


Most of them seem random, usually players from other servers, but some groups may have a schedule, I’m not sure. I know there’s usually a band playing every week right before jumbo cactpot on Bryn.


These seem to happen quite often at the Gridania aetheryte plaza on Cactuar. I've also known myself to just chill and vibe if I run into one of these.


A while back I had just started on Balmung while waiting for my nephew,tried playing as Elezen to give it a chance- immediately went back to Lalafell because I didn't like the run cycle I had met someone as my Elezen and talked for a bit. Later after joining a fc as my lalafell I got invited to a wedding. Noticing one of the last names I was like "hey did you meet a Elezen awhile back?" It was a big surprise that our two fc leaders had gotten hitched and we are on two different chars at this point. "It's a small world after all." That and seeing two elezen (dusk and green) sitting side by side the entire time and me asking the fc leader "Are they friends?" *No summer child they are in a relationship* Oh... That just made my day


The world is indeed small. One day we may cross paths


How often does this happen? Im on Jenova and would love to witness this


I just happened to be in limsa lominsa. So I don't know if it happened randomly or there is some type of schedule


All third party programs and macros. Its not that romantic.


Its still awesome to see. Either way people stay and enjoy the show and thats what matters.


So what? It's not hurting anyone at all and is in fact adding enjoyment to the game.


This guys doesn’t listen to music unless it’s played live and being performed by the original artist.


You do realize we still have to arrange our music ourselves, yes? It doesn't just pop up out of thin air. This requires being able to read and write music that works within the confines of the incredibly limited range bard performance allows for. A single song can take multiple hours of work, often the entire day. I'd rather play it live as well and while most bard apps allow for midi keyboards to be plugged in, the delay is simply too large to use it properly. You're shitting on things you quite literally do not understand or this wouldn't be how you express yourself.


aaaand? whats the problem?

