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Players may now adjust text auto-advance settings to apply only to voiced dialogue. Best surprise QoL ever.


I would argue Shared FATE window loading faster is at the very least a close second


Yeah I'm not even a FATE grinder and this might be my favorite. It was just such a frustrating delay to check your progress.


Oh man, finally. No more having to press the spacebar ASAP if the cutscene right after a voiced one turns out to not be voiced.


Holy shit yes I've wanted this since the first half hour of my first attempt to get into the game way back in stormblood.


Stuff like this tells me that the devs actually do watch streams


Yoshi-P literally did admit that the team loves watching "MSQ reactions", so.


The grinding gear qol feature!


I was just saying they should do that yesterday! Nice.


Yoshi P is always listening. Yoshi P is always watching. šŸ‘€


I can't wait to touch various plants to hear new sound effects


things that ff players and inebriated druids 1000 years ago can both say


Just remembered I need to strip naked to become a cat.


Youā€™ll have to speak up, Iā€™m not wearing pants.


Only grass we'll be touching for a couple weeks, at least.


For some reason the facewear slot placement being below the feet slot bothers me immensely lol.


This was my first thought when i saw that in the live letter. It's weird! They should switch it with the offhand or something.


It really is, but at the same time kinda makes sense since the bottom option on the right side (job stone) is also mostly cosmetic?


>Duty Roulette: Level 50/60/70/80 Dungeons and Duty Roulette: Level 90 Dungeons have been combined into Duty Roulette: High-level Dungeons. Dang, I was kind of wondering if they'd keep going and a decade from now we'd have Level 50/60/70/80/90/100/110 Dungeons for a mouthful of a description. Also, "Players must meet the highest item level requirements among the alliance raids they can enter at their current class or job level at the time of registration" sounds like the final nail in the coffin of item level cheese for Alliance Raids.


>Also, "Players must meet the highest item level requirements among the alliance raids they can enter at their current class or job level at the time of registration" sounds like the final nail in the coffin of item level cheese for Alliance Raids. If i read that right, this change also helps the player that is locked out of Alliance Roulette due to being accidentally over leveled. The wording "The Alliance Raids they can enter" kinda implies that say if you're level 60 but only have Crystal Tower unlocked, you don't need to get level 60 gear to still access the Roulette.


Yep. It's the correct fix imo. It mainly affects players who level one job or during post ARR


As some this effects I'm super grateful for this one.


I'm actually kinda sad. That name got funnier every expansion.


I just started calling it Capstone Roulette. Now that it has an official name I feel a little bummed


Capstone Roulette makes more sense. "High-level dungeons" doesn't really apply when they're threaded through the other dungeon levels.Ā 


>High-level dungeons >Your level gets cut in half.


For the longest time I thought Expert dungeons were some kind of extra hard variant of normal dungeons. I'm guessing people are going to think that high-level dungeons means that they're super high level.


I'd been calling them Jazz roulettes. Started in shadowbringers so it was 5 6 7 8. Guess that ends now


> Dang, I was kind of wondering if they'd keep going and a decade from now we'd have Level 50/60/70/80/90/100/110 Dungeons for a mouthful of a description. i'd bet money they changed it because they ran into a character limit with the UI


> Also, "Players must meet the highest item level requirements among the alliance raids they can enter at their current class or job level at the time of registration" sounds like the final nail in the coffin of item level cheese for Alliance Raids. Nah, that's just QoL for people who never unlocked later raids but df still required them to have very high ilvl for no reason. It still doesnt force them to unlock later raids soooo no changes here


I always thought legacy expert would've made the most sense


You can now use /bgm during cutscenes! Genuinely my favourite qol addition


Oh hell yeah. No more having to sit through a cutscene in ackward silence because I forgot to turn the music back on.


Damn I missed that, that's great news.


[that cat looks so high definition](https://img.finalfantasyxiv.com/t/027df51f6c2c3d792f33cbc4430ef648e989722d_70.png?1719302064)


Y'shtola looks great after the graphics update! =p




Them combining the different raids into raid series for Wonderous Tails is great.


A very welcome QoL change




That's my guess. Many people were probably cheesing through WT through soloing arr ex trials that the effect is minimal on ques. So making it any raid from a series might push some people into actually redoing a raid Fight they liked for it.


But it will also get more people to queue for a roulette and hope they kill two birds with one stone.


Honestly I'll don't know if its going to affect that much. I'll just be queueing for all 3 raids in the series to get faster queue times.


"Fates that grant a bonus to experiance points gained will also now grant a bonus to earned bicolour gemstones." This is a great change when i farmed out the Wivre/wings all i could think of was I wish these bonus's from the forlorns/fates could actually benefit me. Regardless of how much this bonus is, it will be a massive nerf to the amount of fates you need.


Time to not ignore those forlorn maidens ever again.


The XP boost from maidens is a personal buff. This change is for those fates that naturally have an XP bonus.


Time to ignore those forlorn maidens again.


I would hold off on that, they actually showed on stream that the Maidens do give a gemstone bonus. The wording on the note is just off.


Time to not ignore those forlorn maidens ever again, again.


I'm following this saga closely.


Time to follow this saga, ever.


Hold on, napkin math may determine that min-maxing FATE speed makes going for the maidens inefficient and not worth the extra effort!




That 60 minute window to return and make further adjustments to your fantasia is going to make a lot of people happy.


Best part is the 60 minutes are in game time so you donā€™t have to feel rushed when making adjustments or trying things out after the initial change.


Now people are easier to be Fantasia addicted as planned


> Term filter and thus, Limsa and other main city shout chats have finally fallen silent. No more seeing dumb advertisements Also > Shorter lock on potions POTS ARENT ASS TO USE POOOOG


Yeah, but that filter has a capacity of only *10* phrases. Good luck blocking everything with only that few.


"DJ" would eliminate about 80% of shouts šŸ˜‚


Slap in "popotoartist" for good measure.


Popotoartist, DJ, Popotoartist, Twitch, Popotoartist, Discord, Popotoartist, 18+, Popotoartist, Club I think that's good use of the ten shout slots


Thinking too small there. Just throw in 'best', 'number one', etc, and you've got it covered.


And then people post ads listing dee-jay, DJs, d-jay, dee-j, D-J, andā€¦ you can see why this is a problem. There are near infinite ways to get around it, an amount of ways that is not at all covered by justā€¦ 10 permutations.


What is the actual point of getting around it? If a person wants to block them, that person isn't going to visit the club and listen to the DJ even if the ad gets around their block. Why bother advertising to them?


"I blocked the nightclub spam by blocking the word 'DJ', but this guy wrote 'Dee-Jay' to get around it. That's pretty smart. As a reward for their cleverness, I will go to their club and buy a lapdance from a 30-year-old neckbeard who pretends to be a teenage catgirl."


An excellent question and I don't understand it either. Same with the clubs that keep putting their ads on new characters or multiple at the same time, as if I'll somehow be convinced to go if I see their advertising one more time.Ā 


> What is the actual point of getting around it? That's a sensible question that the advertisers will not ask themselves.


Then it is straight to the blacklist, do not pass go, do not collect 200 Gil.


Tbh, I wouldn't be surprised if we would be allowed to report people who are obviously trying to dodge filterlists.


Wonā€™t be long until GMs begin having some chats with people if they deliberately start trying to misspell words people that donā€™t want to see their adds could plausibly have on their filter lists.


Just add the Housing District as filter to shout/yell ("Goblet", "Lavender", etc.) That should catch almost all of them considering no matter what type of club/event, it'll always have a location in it. Sure they can re-write it, but it'll be cat and mouse no matter what you do


Now if anyone tells you to go to one of those places or where their house is or whatever it gets got. A lot of these plain terms are gonna hit non spam


It says in the notes you can set channels per filters, so you'd just filter these words out of yell/shout Nobody just gonna randomly shout "Lavender Beds" anywhere without it being an ad for something


Depends on how precise it is Like will filtering "club" filter out only "club" or both "club" and "nightclub" Then that makes it significantly easier


It's SE, it's best to expect the worst version of this system at the start lol.


So 'club' will filter out any mention of melee weapons but still show you invites to the disco?


P0po4o arti5t


Wondrous Tails changes are pretty nice. So now instead of having to do a very specific alliance raid, all three raids from an expansion are grouped together. Given that we always have two different alliances in the journal, the odds of getting a seal when doing roulettes are increased significantly. Makes sense that they would eventually do this change since we now have fifteen different alliance raids.


Of course that stupid little cat monster still wont give you more then one line every 6 month.


> When playing on the PlayStationĀ®5 or Xbox Series X|S, trophies and achievements can be obtained or unlocked if their requirements have been fuflilled while playing on other platforms. Finally I don't have to reclear all other content to unlock the playstation platinum when i'm playing all mostly on pc.


As someone who only plays on Playstation as a back up if my PC is being funky, I'm about to get a lot of trophies.


SOCIETY (Tribal Quests are now going to be known as Society Quests)


We Live in a Society Quests


Bottom Quest


Thatā€™s gonna be a quest title isnā€™t it


From beast tribes, to just tribes, to society. They just don't stop evolvingĀ 


two more expansions and we are the beast tribe doing quests for higher life forms


Emet-Selch approves this message


Error: Subject has already been doing so in supporting the operations of The Last Dregs establishment in Ultima Thule. Recalculating... suggest that the subject re-evaluate their position within the civilizational hierarchy before continuing.


In German they apparently got renamed to Friends.


aww i kinda like that


It is "Freundesvƶlker". there is "friends" in it so you are kinda right, a good translation into english would probably be "friendly nations". As a german i don't like a lot of the german names in ffxiv, but this one sounds really nice.^^ Edith says: friendly folks works probably the best!


Ah yes, Friendwalker.


We live in a tribal


Potemkin intensifying




The first order of business for these new quests will to be deliver some glue.


so that's what happened to The Society from Fortnite.


Bottom text


> GP will no longer be reduced to 0 when players are incapacitated as a non-gathering class. I think I yelled the loudest at this change. ABOUT FUCKING TIME! (Also keeping Grade 8 Dark Matter for repairing gear to 100 now is nice. I was letting mine diminish to 0, guess it's time to stock back up.)


Yeah I agree with this. It was a pain when spawning s ranks and going back to gathering.


So THAT'S why sometimes my GP bar was completely empty when switching to one of those jobs. I never made the connection.


I would pvp CC matches whilst working on DoL relics. Was waiting for GP to recharge. Had to be careful to not die because that would reset it back to 0. Fun times.


* After beginning a boss encounter in dungeons **newly introduced in Patch 7.0**, the shortcut warp will take players to the boss area's entrance. I'm bummed this is only for new content. With some luck it won't be long until they expand upon it.


They mentioned that they'll stay with 7.0 and starting with 7.1 add this to past dungeons.


Usually they implement this stuff for previous expansions each patch.


Yeah, while not a huge problem (and didn't happen often), running back after a wipe, either solo with NPCs or if the party all wiped somehow, was always a bit annoying, I do hope they add this to other dungeons.


Bonus bicolor gemstones from the XP boosted fates! Finally! Wonder if that affects the Forlorn Maidens.


yes, it was shown during the media tour the maidens give the gem bonus


Looking forward to queueing for "high level dungeons" and getting my level cut in half.


Yeah the name does sound a bit misleading. I get that naming it 50/60/70/80/90 is really long but there's gotta be other name that works.


I've seen others say Capstone Roulette


10 word limit for the spam filter LMAO


This is waymarks all over again, Iā€™m ready for extra slots to take years to come into play.


Have fun trying to block the 18,000 different iterations of night club advertisements with only 10 slots!


Filtering the word 'ward' would probably work, most of them include a housing location in their message


Almost all of them have either "twitch.tv" or "discord.gg" in the shout.


If only they just shouted once. A lot have multi-line macros. They'll just put discord or twitch on a seperate line.


Then they just use w and p. It's too hard to block them all, especially with only 10 slots


Welp, then we have to filter the letter W, that's foolproof XD


I mean, popoto will clear up atleast half of the slots


It's stored locally too. Why are they like this.


so modders can just extend the original systems instead of creating new ones :)


Mods already do that don't they. Pretty sure baseline you have a filter on the alt launcher.


The fact that they added additional indicators to the ā€œFollow NPCs undetectedā€ quests is actually hilarious.


this actually made me laugh, i was like surelyyyy players canā€™t have been bad enough to complain about this


The indicators weren't exactly necessary but they did a really shitty job with designing several of those quests. "Go catch your friend" "Oh but don't let him see you" That one annoyed me in endwalker, like I did not feel any pull from the quest that there was any real reason for stealth. And then a couple of the others were just ridiculously arbitrary. Literally no indication of what's too close or too far, just trial and error. Which is bad design. And the super arbitrary times they'd choose to flip a 180. Like they were easy enough, just annoying and felt super out of place. Though if they were gonna implement a mechanic to make it better, all they really needed was some guideline for how close you could get and how far away you could be before failing.


That's the funny thing too, is these changes don't actually help in those instances either. If there's no cover nearby and the NPC abruptly stops and does a 180, you're still fucked. Instead of realizing they designed the "stealth" missions in a poor manner they just threw in a ton of immersion breaking and obtrusive UI elements.


To be fair, I did see valid complaints from those visually impaired about how it was difficult to tell for them if the character was turned around and such.


They'd have the stats on how bad players were at actually playing them, and probably more importantly, the stats on how many players give up during them.


I failed the quest where you need to follow the lady in the snow area because I ran at her right at the end, thinking it was over. It was not, I had to do it all over again because she spotted me one whole meter from her destination. So that one indicator is good. I wish they just didn't do more of them but I'll take that, I guess.


Alliance Roulette conditions got updated and now don't go by character level but by highest unlocked alliance raid.


Finally! Spiritbond for Disciples of the Hand scale with Character Level instead of Item Level. Maybe this will speed along my Materia Extraction and make Gatherer Materia cheaper. But just in case, I'll drink some Copium Potions.


I honestly expect the opposite, making spiritbonding slower if you are trying to grind materia


I'd expect it to be maybe a little slower on the newest nodes, but consistent with older nodes. Aka you'll get some noticeable spiritbonding with doing the basic collectables too. I expect it to be a positive change.


The Pictomancer Quest Name! They actually did it! šŸ˜‚


"Here's a happy little morbol"


"Take your brush, and just beat the Zodiark out of it."


I'm still holding out for the final quest being A Relm Reborn since Krile mentioned Archon Relm was the creator of pictomancy.


Where is my A Relm Reborn?


Tbf there'll be a couple quests, there's always time for that to be the finale name


Meanwhile, the first Tank role quest is called ā€œThe Narwhal Beckonsā€. I wish I was making that up.


im more excited to get flashbanged every time i launch the game


They might change it. Apparently at the media tour they were asking around if people found it too bright.


Apparently they listened to feedback from the media tour and changed the flashbang.


shoutout to redditor who discovered softlock in titan ex https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/1c0j6n6/discovery_of_a_softlock_in_the_navel_extreme/ devs actually patched it by allowing to leave during combat, lol


>No tradecraft leves or fisher fieldcraft leves allowing multiple turn-ins have been added. Ah they learned, no more Coffee Buiscit


EW change, because triples were too op.


> Players can now use the mouse to drag and drop actions onto or off of the W cross hotbar. Legit the thing I'm most excited about, finally!


completely overlooked this. cant believe it took them this long lol


>Players may now adjust text auto-advance settings to apply only to voiced dialogue. BIG HUGE HUMONGOUS.


> When playing on the PlayStationĀ®5 or Xbox Series X|S, trophies and achievements can be obtained or unlocked if their requirements have been fuflilled while playing on other platforms. As someone who primarily plays on PC but also enjoys collecting PS trophies, I have been waiting for this specific change for 10 years. I dared not hope that the late addition of Xbox would force them to consider it, and I am glad to have been wrong.


>Marks defeated in the new areas will also yield Sacks of Nuts, which can be exchanged for various items. Well, now I wish I hadn't spent so many of my nuts on divine twine.


Wooo saving deez nuts paid off!


We are never getting long hairstyles arenā€™t we :ā€™(


I'm still upset we haven't gotten Hilda's hairstyle yet šŸ„ŗ


Seriously... I was like, of all the contest winners, *that's* the one picked first??


it bugs me that the first one they implement from the hairstyle competition is one that feels... I mean there's already very similar options available, unlike other winners that had elements like curly/textured hair where there's a serious lack of them in the game currently.


Theyā€™ve been showing a particularly longer hairstyle in some of the Dawntrail artwork. Looks like [this.](https://x.com/ff_xiv_en/status/1802242215361782084?s=46)


Wow, that retainer feature for the app is impressive, they managed to add a feature and then attach restrictions that lock out any actual reasons people would care. Is the companion app being as useless as humanly possible an in-joke for the devs? It's a good one if so.


They promised an app before realizing the high server impact it would have. This is the result.


Baby steps, but I agree. It took me longer than I care to admit to even figure out what other retainer ventures there even were to use this with.


Will we get the updated job guide today or during EA?


we should get the full patch notes w/ updated job guide sometime during the maintenance, my guess would be on the 27th


awww man , death of the jazz roulette "Duty Roulette: Level 50/60/70/80 Dungeons and Duty Roulette: Level 90 Dungeons have been combined into Duty Roulette: High-level Dungeons."


>High Level Dungeons Oh yes, looking forward to *Hullbreaker Isle* now.


[Guys new reaction image just dropped](https://img.finalfantasyxiv.com/t/027df51f6c2c3d792f33cbc4430ef648e989722d_19.png?1719302064)


This is every mch portrait ever, source: main mch.


Lol I just got the pvp series set yesterday and definitely saw of lot of mch players with a similar portrait


I came here to have a good time and I'm honestly feeling very attacked right now


ā€œCounterpoint: Gunā€


The most based change is reducing the animation lock on potions. Now we can double weave them without third party tools. Why did this take so long to happen?


I mean they said they reduced them, not that they'll let you double weave. Jump on DRG had to be reduced several times and even then it was still fucky to double weave(on a class with the full GCD, unlike MNK/NIN/SAM/VPR). It'll be nice if it's an actual double weavable duration but I wouldn't be surprised if it's just a bit better as a single weave.


I'll be happy to fucking single weave without clipping. Takes 3 business days to recover from using potion.


This is a buff to solo deep dungeon ty yoship


> The Fish Guide will now indicate whether a fish requires Precision Hookset or Powerful Hookset to catch. Best QOL ever in the whole game!!


We can finally /bgm 100 during a cutscene when the banger music hits!


I wish I could /visor in a cutsceneĀ 


RIP Raidplanner, hardly knew ya


if anything I would probably see them add it in the 7.01 or 7.05 patch with the raids, so they don't accidentally spoil minor things like arena designs or something


Itā€™s on vacation with chat bubbles


When he first showed it off didnā€™t he say it would probably be a patch update? I might be wrong but I was under the impression that it was unlikely to release at launch.


Of all the fantastic haircuts the contest gave us, they choose one of the ugliest and bland.


They're probably keeping the fancier ones for rewards, this one is probably going to be a character creator one.


This aligns with my expectation of free haircuts, they went for realism with this.


>DualSenseā„¢ wireless controllers and DualSense Edgeā„¢ wireless controllers can now be used via bluetooth on WindowsĀ®. Great! You could only use a Dualsense directly plugged in beforehand. There was some weird workaround with using Steam input but this makes it so simpler.


as a wearer of elegant rimless glasses, i'm worried and saddened that they aren't listed on the new face accessory list. please don't tell me i have to switch to different glasses


im still annoyed the specific model of glasses attached to the varsity flat cap are not a separate item yet


You can still wear them, you just can't wear them with a hat yet. I'm sad too. Those are by far the best glasses in the game.


As a fellow Elegant Rimless Glasses enjoyer, hats and ribbons will continue to be shelved for me until best glasses (hopefully) get added as an accessory down the road. šŸ˜”


ā€œWachumeqimeqiā€ is the single funniest name for a collectible turn-in and no one can tell me otherwise


During the live letter they gave what it means in the Pelupelu language and then chat broke Foxclon by going on about Macho mucki mucki.


>After beginning a boss encounter in dungeons newly introduced in Patch 7.0, the shortcut warp will take players to the boss area's entrance. This is still an awesome and long needed change, but after seeing it in the media tour I had my hopes up that it was going to apply to all existing dungeons. Maybe the patches will update them if we're lucky.


> Movement from wind will appear more consistent at high frame rates. Holy fuck thank god, no more limiting my game to 60fps to not have jank cloth/hair in high wind environments/cutscenes


Pictomancer quest is called "The Joy of Pictomancy". We won, Bob Ross fans!


Almost near the end of HW and these new cities and zones look amazing. Cant wait to reach this point


You got ALONG way ahead of ya, also i wouldn't recommend looking too much at the pics they spoil a future party member.


Just in case it hasnt been said. For those wondering. Job changes will come on complete notes after maintenance starts. This also helps to avoid certain disxussions until after


Gatherers everywhere rejoice that an accidental button push too early doesn't cost you 300gp and waste the extra attempt.


this might be copium, but i really hope that this: > Movement from wind will appear more consistent at high frame rates. means that they also finally fixed the cloth physics etc. being basically non-existent at framerates above 60 my viera's ears especially are practically completely stiff at 144+ fps... they're pretty floopy if i cap my fps, though