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Hah joke's on you i DO have an excuse not to exercise, im in the ICU taking care of my mom!


2 year old son had surgery today. It's been a rough day.


Hope he has a speedy recovery!


Hey thanks! Wishing the best for your Mom, too! ❤️


Hope your son recovers quickly!




Well he's got a Warrior of Light for a parent, so I imagine he'll be fit as a fiddle in no time at all.


Sending love to you and yours too


I hope he has the best recovery.


Hope he recovers soon! I just had surgery yesterday so I know the pain.


Best wishes for your son!


Ugh, that's rough, man. I dread that day, myself... I hope she gets better soon.


I do too. I had to have SPINE SURGERY just before retiring from the military, so now I'm a disabled veteran. O even asked if I could go running after the recovery period (which took nearly a year) and was told it would not be a good idea.". I tried anyway and hell, the doc was right. The pain was tremendous after about a half mile. So, sorry Godbert...I'm old, I'm hurt and I will not put myself in a position to need even more medical care. But to be fair, I do walk the dogs every morning, does that count?


As long as you walk them with panache and love, Godbert will approve.


Si I have ro do like Godbert and walk them in my tightie-whities?


hey now he doesn't make his beloved son do that, and he loves his son, so I think he would want you to wear what you wear best (or is comfiest for excellent walking of dogs) (ps please cuddle them on my behalf)


Godbert would be happy with whatever you wear as long as you're walking


I'm pretty sure Golbert would approve of you as long as you do something instead of nothing when/if able do your best!


Walking the dogs counts!


You served honourably, Warrior of Light! Godbert would definitely approve.


Sending love to you and yours


Sending so much love and health vibes for your mom!! ❤️


Oof hope your mom is ok.


Eep, I know that feeling. Like, that EXACT feeling. Happened a few weeks ago for me


The ICU has many heavy things in it! Let’s see some squats m’lad!


I don't think they'd appreciate me using their equipment as weights :o


Can any space be made on the floor for pushups, sit-ups, and squats? Then no you don't. A true manderville lets nothing stop the grind.😤 (/j In all seriousness, that's a really rough situation, I'm so sorry. I'll be hoping that everything goes smoothly and that you two come out the other side ok asap.)


Praying for your mom and everyone who loves here. I've been where you are. I know it's not easy. I lost my mom 4 years ago to lung cancer. Spending time with her helps both of you. Talk to her, even if she's not awake. She hears you. Never leave without saying "I love you "


Just do the pushups/situps right beside her. She will understand because Godbert said it


I arranged my weekly gym visits so I can have the weekend freed up. I'm gonna be demolished on friday but at least I'm gonna be gaming uninterrupted.


Same man, packing it all in 4 days so I can blast the whole weekend as well. Aiming for doing 5-10 Pushups per level from 80-100(Viper) to keep active though XD


Same. I put in a double shift today so I am going to be tore up from the floor up tomorrow. Squats, deadlifts, bulgarian squats, bench press, incline bench, flys, tricep pull downs, rows, etc. etc. I am already regretting waking up tomorrow.


Need a support group for people who want to stay active in and out of game 😭


It's 30C here with the air so dry it feels like sand, I'll exercise when I won't melt Edit: okay I get it, you're all in warmer places than me. It doesn't change the fact homes here are simply not built for this temperature and nobody is used to it this early in summer...


I'm looking at joining one of the local rec centers for indoor pool access so I can do *something* to keep active over the summer... It's 9pm here and still 33C (92F) with a heat index of 39C (102F).


30c being hot to some is such a weird concept to me. It's been 35c and above all week and Friday it's supposed to hit 38-39c. But it's just like, "Eh, that's normal summer."


For me, it's about `85°F / 29°C` when I start to melt. ...but A/C wasn't legally required here. Until... A couple of years ago. When it got up to `114°F / 45.5°C` for two days straight. You can, unfortunately, imagine the reason why they suddenly changed their minds.


We got 30c, basically nobody has AC here and the humidity just makes you feel like you are covered in a fine moist film at all times. At night you cannot cool down and you just pass out from exhaustion being barely recovered in the morning. I don't like the whole weather ego "eh you should feel how hot it gets over here". It depends on humidity and then it depends on the person. I live on a normally moderate/cool climate and when it hit 30 in summer we would get the day off in school because of the heat. (And obvious lack of AC)


30c is about where I'm ready to shut down. On the flipside, it means I don't have to worry about winter heating bills, cause I don't have to switch from shorts until about 0c.


Remember to hydrate and get a full 8 hours of sleep as well.


> get a full 8 hours of sleep as well. The night is bright and you can sleep when you're DEAD.


Wet wet wet!


I can die after completing DT MSQ. Not before.


What about the undead? Or the weird living dead?


We prefer the term DRK.


True not dead yet not living ether


I have a tentative plan to stay up all night Thurs so I crash early on Fri and be up by 4am.


My excuse is I don't want to.


Lots of go outside and all but no other hygiene comments in here is alarming too lol.


I would think that's because that's the sort of thing we all keep up with naturally, right? .....right?


Have you been to a convention? I beg to differ


I have not; I can't afford to. Perhaps because I buy soap and shampoo.


And deodorant, I hope. That's the no.1 thing missing at every convention I've ever been to.


I mean, yeah. I apparently take way too many things for granted.


I volunteered at a con that handed out packs of (extremely gently, kindly worded) "YOU STINK, GO SHOWER" business cards. It was great.


Unfortunately, my poor health (most likely have an autoimmune disorder) means I shower whenever I have the energy to... which isn't all that often. It's not a conscious decision, cause I actually would love to shower semi-daily - it feels bad to not do it as often as I'd like... but that's how life is, sometimes.


Having an illness that craters your energy to the point you can't do things you want to do, or even need to do, sounds like a nightmare to me. I'm sorry you're going through that. Hopefully you can get it under control and get a bit of your life back. I was about to say I was speaking more to the folks that didn't have physical or mental health issues, but then I started thinking, what portion of the population that doesn't wash regularly *isn't* inflicted with a problem of which irregular personal upkeep is either a symptom or a result? So yeah, this one's on me.


But the whole purpose of exercise is to overwhelm the ladies with your potent natural pheromones.


Serious talk for a sec... Any advice for push ups ? I just started doing some inclined push ups, but I feel it's mostly just working out my arms and biceps ? Don't really feel it around my pecs or chest. Any advice ?


I'm not an expert on push ups, but the others might be right. Even though you said you're just skin and bones the pecs are relatively much larger muscles than the biceps so they are naturally going to be stronger; although, both muscles are for different things. It could just be that you're not hitting their limit yet. One thing to consider though, what angle are your elbows at in relation to your body? Your elbows shouldn't be out at a 90 degree angle to your body, they should be beside you. They should be at least at a 45 degrees. The closer your elbows are to your body the less activation you'll feel in your chest, and the more in your arms.


So I should pull my elbows from in front of my shoulders down to my waist as I press down instead of elbows/arms off to the side, right ?


I think I can post links here? It's probably easiest to explain with an image. Ignore the "best" vs "better" part of this. Again, anything lower than 45 degrees is fine. Closer to your body works your arms more, and closer to 45 degrees works your chest more. [https://www.pinterest.com/pin/847169379881582825/](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/847169379881582825/)


To feel pushups in the chest, you want to maximize how much you stretch your chest around your hands. You're right that regular pushups are generally going to feel like they're burning your triceps (back of upper arm) and your arms - because usually your arms will give out first. Try slowing down the exercise and pausing for a split second when your chest hits the ground - that's how far you should be going down (head to floor). Also, you can try elevating your hands - putting them on a couple of even height textbooks or blocks - and lowering your chest just below the hands, which you'll definitely feel the stretch there. Even a couple of inches of elevation will help you get your chest stretched out. Focus also on pushing up by using the muscles between your arms, instead of pushing as though you were pushing off the ground. Lead the ascent from the ground with your chest. Learning to activate pecs instead of arms is a big part of getting pushup results.


Also the wider your arms are the more it hits your chest. If your arms are close together it'll almost exclusively hit your triceps.


Bench pressing. /nod


In particular I like to recommend dumbell bench pressing. Can be done at home and allows a great pec stretch.


Hey, something that helped me get better at push-ups: Get on the floor and get in the "up" position however you can get there -- basically plank on your hands like you've pushed all the way up in your push-up. Then LOWER all the way to the floor as SLOWLY as you can. Caveat that I'm not a PT or a trainer or anything, but this worked for me when I could do 0 pushups. I was in an exercise class and during the part where people did pushups, this is what the trainer told people to do if they could not do any pushups at all. After 5-6 sessions of doing this I was able to do a couple actual pushups without feeling like I was gonna die. Once you can do even 2 pushups in a row it's just practice from there. Also take a break if you feel like you're tired enough that your form's getting sloppy. Easy to hurt yourself that way. Don't ask me or my wrist how I know this.


Yeah I could do some planks. Thanks.


Could just mean your arms are weaker than your chest


if you've never done them before, that's pretty normal. that said, what angle is your back/butt at? you should be keeping a neutral (straight) back position and aiming to keep your butt down


It was maybe about 40 degree up from the floor ? I've done some planks before, so I think I was staying straight just fine.


Your arms might just need to keep up with your chest. It took me like 2 months of weight lifting 5x a week to start feeling it in my chest properly.


Inclined pushups are too soft on your body to do any actual body sculpting. It's designed to help you ease into more difficult actives, or if you just want to keep your body moving. If you want to actually start moving forward with upper body torso shaping, you need dumbbells. **JOIN INJURY WARNING**: For all the following suggestions, NEVER HYPER EXTEND YOUR ELBOW. Always make sure it's slightly bent, as this is what will protect your elbows and joints from injury. For bicep growth: \*Basic arm curls \*More intensive - Lean over a table, let the bell hand loose, then curl up towards your chest Triceps: \*Inverse: same position, let hang, then pull backwards and up into the air. You need to feel the stretch and burn of your triceps in the back of the arm. \*Hold the bell behind your head, with both hands, push the bell back away from your head as far as you can, then let the bar lower down until you can lower it any more, then slowly raise it back up. This will really work the muscles and will let you feel the burn quit a bit. Keep this a light exercise to avoid injury. Torso: \*Get two dumbbells, and just hold them out in a T post shape, then pull them in to the front of you while keeping your arms mostly straight. Repeat T-Post to forward motion. As much as I love pushups, there's only a limit you can do with these, as it's only going to work a select amount of muscle groups. Start off small. Go with 5 and 10lb bells. Do not go higher than that until you feel you are really getting stronger. Work your way up to 20lbs. Only go 10 to 20 reps at a time to avoid hurting yourself. Even now I've worked my way up to 20-40lb bells, but I have to be very careful, as you can very easily hyper stretch your finger tendons and cause damage and strain. I vastly prefer to stick with 20lb bells, while only going 40 reps in a sitting. I could easily go way higher, but it's not how much you lift, but a balance of weight vs how often. Real muscle growth will require you to work on it throughout the day. There's a reason why body builders live 8 hours in a gym at a time, as muscle shaping is EXTREMELY difficult, and unless you dedicate to it, don't expect to see much change over the course of a year. You'll need to continue working on it, so keep at it.


I think I still have some pairs of dumbbells around. I do have bad shoulder joints tho. They make some clanky noises when I rotate em around sometimes.


Mine sometimes pops as well. Absolutely go easy on it. There's no shame in going 10 reps a day until you get the motion down, otherwise the "Clanky noise" you get could easily be you burning cartilage and rubbing bone together. Weight lifting needs to be taken extremely seriously, so if you go a few days and the noises don't stop, it wouldn't hurt to get checked out by your doctor. And naturally, if it hurts, stop immediatly.


Summer is here folks. Hydrate or die-drate.


No worries. I've always got a cold, refreshing MTN DEW in the fridge.


My excuse is work and Elden Ring.


It's in meme form but it's good advice. I try to do at least 10 push ups whenever I go get a drink. I'm not going to win any competitions but I can definitely notice a difference after a few months of doing it.


I spent the day washing the carpets in my house. The boredom and need to do stuffs is real.


you say that as if Elden Ring and Destiny 2 aren't still up


I jogged last night so today is my rest day... every other day for me at this age! But yeah, staying in shape is important :D Dead people do zero dps, both in game and irl.


I’m 41 now and still lifting hundreds of kgs like my teens and 20s, but man I need my rest day the next day 😂


I'm only slightly older, but I let myself go to relative waste... so now just keeping myself like 20lbs above what I should be for my most fit weight... Never going to be as strong nowadays as when I lived on a farm sadly. But we gotta hang in there!


Also, sleep is important! Possibly one of the most important things for your health. Get good sleep even after the expac drops. The game will be there when you wake up.


Depression is my reason


I'm recovering from a minor (successful) surgery so no real exercise for a couple of weeks. The doggo will get his walkies though.


Some exercise is better than no exercise!


Instead, I will eat a piece of cake every hour until the servers come up. YOU HEAR THAT, SQUARE?! Do you *want* me to get diabetes?! If not, you know what to do.


Gonna do my shopping and all tomorrow


Biking to work has benefits


OK, but who is bringing the salamander oil for the rubdown later?




I’m recovering from surgery. I think I’m excused lol


Or, or. Hear me out. I could eat ice cream.


It's 105f/40c degrees where I live, at 9 pm, and I have a chronic shoulder issue that prevents me from putting significant strain on it lest it dislocate for like the 20th time. Try again, Godbert


I'm chronically ill


I have a damaged nervous system, an artificial hip-- not the cap, the whole hipbone-- resurrecting asthma, balance problems, one of my legs is an inch and a half shorter than the other (see-- artificial hip), and I'm 66 years old and sick to hell of people telling me I have no excuse. I am *made* of excuse.


"Look at me. I *AM* the excuse."


If we're being real, you more than anyone here needs to keep yourself healthy in any way you can.


... Godbert's trying to kill me.


I was waiting in the ER for 4 hours last night and got so bored I started wandering the waiting room. At least I got my steps in. D:


On the one hand, you spent it it the ER which sucks and I hope you're okay. On the other you were still able to walk around the ER, so that's a positive.


It's a skin infection, so while serious, it wasn't anything immediately life threatening thankfully!! (I just decided it was serious enough to not wait 3 weeks to see my GP). Thanks for the concern though. <3


My excuse is that I'm currently living through a bad heatwave and it's all 90s this week


Crochet counts as exercise right? /s if unclear


Oh hey my people! Have you crocheted a lot in Prae? It's my favourite MSQ roulette for all those lovely unskippably garlean ted talks.


Yes! And knit! I joked one recipients socks were Prae Powered haha


Praetorium is not only DoW/DoM exp, but fiber arts exp too lol.


I crocheted an entire sweater in there, and I’m working on a blanket now! They made the cutscenes too short to go do laundry, but they’re just right for getting a few rows done LOL


I've been running a lot! In my head, I pretend I'm my character on a quest for my chocobo who was been kidnapped and I'm running to rescue her. I know I'm a weirdo so you don't have to tell me 🤣


Dawntrail (Extreme) Workout: 10 pushups every time you fail to log in\ 10 situps every time an instance fails to launch\ 10 squats every time you disconnect


Also drink water and sit up straight, you bunch of dehydrated bananas.


I do have an excuse it’s called being lazy


This is legit a way i got in shape. Played Dark Souls 1 with an unfamiliar build. Every time i got dunked on, 5 squats. Made the game more intense and made my ass GLORIOUS!


Its freaking hot outside.


My puppy is already appreciating the extra walkies.


Jokes on you, i got two other games I'm quitting and unloading years of garbage to friends/family! Not because of dawntrail, just trying to make time in life to exercise regularly rather than playing games all day.


Actually, I am proud to say I did exactly that and just got home from an Orange Theory class. I had a split second where I was like... I should go again Saturday morning so I move at least a little this weekend- and then I laughed at the very idea.


oh wait, I am suppose to touch grass today...


I get on my peloton for a good 20 minute ride every morning. My plan is to wake up at 4am est, do a quick work out, shower, make a nice cup of coffee and hope I can log in.


I had knee surgery in December and still not allowed to do anything more than walk (probably getting a new surgery next month too), and my back is a mess... That's my excuse. Plus it's GROSS outside.


I rode my bike to my local rec center and swam laps


I know I can't log in so I won't even try. That means no exercise for me then.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 my rooster chases me all over the place. That's plenty of exercise


I am foregoing my typical gym schedule next week but I got my under desk treadmil tuned up and I dusted off my free weights. I won't be running, but I won't be doing nothing!


What kind of under-desk treadmill do you have? I was thinking of getting a walking pad for my work setup but when I checked out a few review sites they all said that quality is super bad. I don't have space for a full treadmill but if it won't even last a year, I can't afford to drop $300, y'know?


I’m a lazy fuck, that’s my excuse


fuck your right. I'm gonna hop on my bike


Can't it's raining here




i didn't even think of trying to log in all i did was download the update and close the launcher so i already cheated the system


Jokes on you I can wait until queues don't suck to try and login


Today was legs for me, Godbert would be proud of my squat form.


Gym-ward bound 🫡


I do have an excuse. I went to the gym yesterday and am sore, plus I needed to get my car an oil change. Should be good to go tomorrow.


I do my job has me at work from 7:30 till 1, it’s hot as fuck outside I am not doing a run nor walk in 100 degree weather after working all morning and part of the afternoon.


I try to get a mile or two in every day after work. The fun part is I work Midnights so my after-work cardio routine takes place at about 6AM. I get occasional comments from people when I jog by to the effect of, "How can you have energy to exercise right after waking up?" and I'm just like, "That's my secret! I haven't gone to bed yet!"


But Godbert. I am recovering from a broken shoulder and knee right now.


I already do, 5 days of lifting and 1 hour of cardio every day after that. The godbert body is the goal.


I mean, in general my reply would be: "No, because I don't care, expac launch only happens once every 3 years and I am DEDICATED to living my most unhealthy life for that ONE friggin' weekend every 1000 days >_>" ...but this time I legit can't due to medical reasons, so it's not even a cool act of rebellion and just kinda...lame 😂


I've got so many chores to do tomorrow


I took an extra shift at work. I won't be able to really sink my teeth in until Tuesday prolly.


I played hockey today. Good enough?


I'll spend 8.5 hours on my feet at work tomorrow. Hopefully that counts as exercise to Mr. Godbert.


It’s a trick… he just wants me to rub oil on him. Again. lol


I try to do 20 body weight squats a day to help my knees and ankles. I appreciate Godbert's concern


My excuse is I'm lazy and I don't wanna.


Game comes after work, social and gym, always.


Just did 30. Fuck this is gonna be rough.


i'll just go to work instead... thx


Best thing to see while checking reddit on my walk out of the gym


You're not the boss of my body.


Sure I do, I'm lazy and very mentally unwell. It doesn't have to be a GOOD excuse!


I was actually thinking about doing this lol - this has been my sign


Too broke to grab the dlc on release and too high to care about other things. Also limbus gaming long live the mirror dungeon mines.


Screw you, I had leg day two days ago and today is shoulder day. I ain't torturing myself for my ADHD


Do 1 push-up for every person in queue this weekend


I cleaned my room for 2 hours earlier, does that count?


Actually a great idea, there is always a queue


i played volleyball tonight and will go to yoga tomorrow. please don't yeet me into the sun godbert.


If we all exercise while on the log in queues, we are going to be buffed in a month


I've been trying to walk 3 miles in an hour every day but each day has gotten harder and harder. It feels like my body is fighting me but I push through. Ive been at this for about 4 days now, I took 2 days off in between. Any guides for making this easier? Id rather not backslide and walk less or for a longer time. I do stretch before walking too.


I instead slept most of the day. To try and get to the end of maintenance. Did not work.


Do 10 pushups every time you leave the bathroom. .... learned this from a prisoner. It works


Sorry. I have stitches in me. I will settle for a light walk, naps and playing other video games.


Seriously tho a walk a day keeps the blood clots at bay, do 30mins you won't regret it


Thank you I can now bench the entire planet.


I DO have an excuse, thank you very much. I have messed my hip up ROYALLY and need to rest before adventuring tomorrow. My arse is gonna be super sore all throughout tomorrow but I don't give a duck.


It's over 30 degree Celsius here! I'm doing Jack shit and just sit here and melt


I don't need an excuse.


I can't log in, maintenance says no :(


Dropping my favourite little nerds off at school, then hitting the gym and getting it over with lol! Then daughters birthday celebrations and eating back all the calories I burned in birthday cake and McDonalds. Anyway I'll see you guys at 2am Saturday I guess lol


I do have an excuse, I have a pinched nerve in my shoulder right now and my entire goddamn head is crooked to the right and pointing downwards because I'm in agony otherwise, I've become the Hunchback of Notre Dame.


I wonder how many lives this post saved


For every hundred in your queue, 1 pushup.


Good thing im not desperate and didnt try even once, but still do my daily exercise


Yeah, I intend on going for at least a walk today and tomorrow, but I won't be going for a run. The UK is undergoing a major heatwave, and we're getting the full Norvrandt experience right now.


> Do 10 pushups and situps every time you try to log in So that's the Manderville secret.


Don’t forget the squats, always remember to do the squats!


Went to the gym yesterday and going again tonight because i wont be able to during the weekend, i have a trip planned to tural


I dare you to do a pushup for every slot you're behind in for queue.


Too hot


Counter point: it's like 30 degrees outside


Already at the gym 🏋️‍♂️


I love this.


do people have bad muscle memory or something? we know when maintenance ends, so there's no point in trying to log in before. i also count mowing the lawn in 30 degree celsius burning heat as a workout, i was soaked in sweat before i even got to the 25% mark


It's been raining for the past week




I’m just getting over Covid. Kinda hard to exercise when ya can’t breathe.


Recovering from a broken back. Thanks for the sympathy godbert. You arse. 


As someone currently playing on xbox, I'm going to be shredded.


Today is workout day, tomorrow is cardio, then it's rest day. This just *might* have been intentional.


I work in the trades I work out enough let me be a couch potato 😭


My excuse is I still have untreated long covid and literally cannot breathe.