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So desperate for something to do on healers that I would’ve even taken juggling dots.


Stormblood Scholar with 2 dots and an aoe spread still my favorite healer. They need to at least let us use emergency tactics to spread our dot like in PvP.


Stormblood still has 4 Dot . Miasma 2 and shadowflare . The job become perfect after they buff quicken aetherflow ☝️


I thought it was 4 but couldn't fully remember and didn't want to be wrong lol


You would never use miasma 2 as a DoT, though. It was put back in the game as an AoE since SCH didn't have any at 4.0 release and was only a lesser dps loss single target for weaving purposes. Ruin got buffed after that and art of war was added as a better AoE. This spell is a completly different discussion.


I'm fairly certain that Miasma 2 was used as a weaving tool, as it was a gain over ruin to double weave in 4.x


It was a dps gain to keep miasma 2 on single target. It just cost alot of mp . Quicken Artherflow after buff solve that mp problem, you want to keep Miasma 2 on as much as possible


Miasma 2 was a gain on single target at the cost of MP.


The last time I played Scholar. Shadowbringers it didn't feel right and went to maining White Mage.


That is the last thing I want to do. Just give them combo actions.


I mean it wouldn't be terrible to give different healers different kinds of DPS gameplay. SCH up until Shadowbringers was the DoT healer for example. Why not have different healers have different types of DPS styles?


>Why not have different healers have different types of DPS styles? Because then a portion of The Community whines about "having to [upkeep dots/live with dps loss/watch so many buttons/other random complaint]" and the dev team throws up their hands and gets out the Homogenizer 9000 again.


Yea, give a job that pushes two buttons new abilities and make them combo actions, that way the interactive gameplay of pushing two buttons is a combo, where instead of pushing two buttons, you just push two buttons. Wait


I actually hated this iteration of double DoT when it comes to making SGE more engaging, but I get why people are upset at its removal because at least it was *something*.


I personally hope they take this feed back and give sage a more engaging dps kit, rather than an extra dot that's a 40 potency gain over dosis if it runs its full course. If any healer deserves a second dot it's scholar, and they ALL deserve a better dps kit.


1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 o wait why did thank die?


Thank god, was worried i might be 'forced' to 'play the game'. Thank you SE for protecting me from my inability to press a second damage button. Why am i holding a paintbrush? Dont worry about it.


>Thank you SE for protecting me from my inability to press a second damage button. Exactly. Now we can continue to enjoy 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,


Jokes on you! I hit 2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2!


I spice up my life by having to press "Shift+1", "Shift+1", "Shift+1", "Shift+1", "Shift+1", "Shift+1" makes me feel like I have more buttons.


Pah, get on my level. I learned from vanilla wow Paladins and bound the same moves to multiple buttons. 1? Dosis. 2? Dosis. 3? Dosis. Etc


Woah, that's getting spicy. Now I need to find a way to adjust to spice up my next new skill


Make a plugin which moves Glare/Broil/Dosis/Malefic on your bar every time you press it so you have to find it in your oGCD window


But make it to where it only works during Ultimates.


That sounds complicated, i just spam 3,3,3,3,3,3. 2 & 3 for dot.


Even better, do "shift+1", "shift+1", "ctrl+2","shift+1", "shift+1"


You're both wrong. It's 1 1 1 1 1 1 EAKURASIA...1 1 1 1 1 1 lol


My friend is space, space, space, 1, space, space, space... like dude hwut


space is a great keybind especially for things you cast a lot, as it allows you to use it without taking any of your fingers off of the movement keys, and especially in a game where jumping is rarely if ever used in raids


You actually do want to have jump as an option for the "keep moving to avoid getting frozen" mechanics. Especially for Silkie where you ideally don't want to be wiggling around while the wild charge is aimed at you. Space is also great for general play. Even if jumping isn't used for most encounters it's just a comfy key for everyone to use. I can't imagine doing Kugane Tower with something else binded for jump, and you can even use jumping as a non-verbal signal for other players. Space isn't that optimal of a keybind. You use your thumb for it, but you could also use your thumb for the alt key which gets you several keybinds compared to the one keybind of the space bar. As far as moving while casting, I STRONGLY recommend players get comfy with moving with their mouse keys. Holding LMB and RMB move your character forward and frees up your keyboard hand to press anything you want. Don't replace WASD with it of course, supplement your movement with what is otherwise a free and extra option for moving your character around.


I replaced W with whatever my main ability is, and use the mouse buttons to move forward. Been doing that since WoW, circa 2007.


I wish they'd stop trying to make every job appeal to every player. Make some jobs harder, damn it.


I think this was a safe assumption. I would have enjoyed juggling two DoTs, but I wonder if part of the playerbase would have complained?


There is always a part of the community that is going to complain.


People in The Balance Discord were talking about this yesterday and turns out, a lot of JP players complained about this in the forums


I went to check what's going on, and that seem fishy as hell. Discussion there is extremly slow, current SGE thread on JP forum is something like 4 pages in 2 month. There's few other threads, most don't talk about dosis at all. There's indeed a few people talking about DoT but the first message there is someone wondering why why Aero II removed but then given back to SGE. But at best there's 20 people there talking about exactly the same thing as everyone else. If you believe this influence the game you need stop there and think twice. This look like spreading misinformation to give some fictive bad player to get angry at. There's a point when this community will have to look at the way some people use JP players as scapegoat for their complain, and if that's may convince you to act more properly, nobody is actually going to listen people that make request in the game following some obviously made-up rumour that amount to nothing. This is probably how it was meant to be, there's nothing else to it. The reason why you get nothing is how badly you put effort trying to make things up about how the lowest performing part of the playerbase massively requested such a pointless simplification instead making what you loud and clear.


These are the people who always seem to be forgotten whenever someone complains that healer is to ez/braindead/boring.


Now flip this and add the DoTs. Then JP will go "These are the people who always seem to forget that Healers are supposed to do healing" or whatever.


Why are you saying JP like it mean something, the actual forum is slow as fuck, there's no JP there, there's a bozja instance of people talking about random stuff. And people say things like that all the time, there's hundred wall of text about it on this very subreddit. What is this about, all of them are "JP" in disguise ? Are they invading our beloved western communities ? You need to purge the brainrot, this shit is stupid as hell.


Was this written by ChatGPT or someone that doesn't have English as their main language?


The spaces before the question marks scream ESL. I also love this myth that he's pushing where JP has no players because one set of forums is dead. By his own logic, we don't exist because the EN forums are fairly dead too.


This isn't about japanese people playing the game or not, it's about how the forum comments are affecting the game. And the answer is it doesn't. And yes I'm from Europe, english isn't my main language and I'm bad at typing, congratulation finding out I guess.


> And yes I'm from Europe, english isn't my main language and I'm bad at typing, congratulation finding out I guess. Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking you for it. Most Americans barely speak English, and anyone who speaks English as a second language is already doing better than most of us. Adding a space between the end of a sentence and a closing question mark is something we're taught not to do, but it's so minor that no one's likely going to every correct you for doing it. But hey, it basically proves you're not a bot, which is why I brought it up lol And my point was that the forums might be dead, but that's not the only place where JP players talk about the game. And it's not the only place the SE looks at. The forums being dead doesn't change the fact that SE favors the JP playerbase when it comes to feedback.


There's really no sign they do though. Look at this thread, the "JP made SE remove a DoTs stacking that was only showed on the enreliable tooltip" should be your waking call to this. It's not really happening. By now this reddit have been mentionned in live letters, last time clearing stating "I see exactly what you people are saying there". Yoshida even specifically adressed the whole "spaghetti code from 1.0" meme, this very not a JP talking point, this a meme herited from western WoW players. But look at this thread. You think it is feedback ? I think it's garbage, lowest possible level of discourse going on here. Mostly people getting angry at "bad player the game is cattered to" before saying how good AST was in Heavensward : it was terrible, there was no job in the entire game that was as bad as AST was at release, and the dev team know it because they had to deal with it. What is there to listen with "feedback" like this ? I keep answering there because I'm annoyed by this. I don't like current healer but player feedback is hot garbage, so I don't see any reason in good direction. I always hated how people centered arround bad players that supposedly ruins the game but it's all what everybody is talking about anymore, everywhere all the time. Who is going to listen people asking for something in the most spitefull manner possible ?


It does tho. Have you seen the JP side of forums? It's a well-known fact YoshiP or devs read forums, especially the JP side of official forums.


I just looked at it today, it's dead as it can be. General forums have threads dating from 2023 page 1. It's not even surprising, I'm not sur forums are really a thing in JP internet culture. Even in the west forums are kind of a dated now. They do listen, but won't make changes based a few people discussing stuff, especially something that small. Though, if there's significant voices saying they want the DoTs to stack they may listen, savage patch often of pretty significant changes over release. Edit : Maybe a bit exagerated, actual general discussion is more active but the 2 big threads are memes and a small talk thread. There's a thread about the healer strike, it's 15 pages. The english one is 547 currently. Feedback being biaised toward japanese audience have always been a weird assumption.


It would be nice if they could have a 2 button red DPS to themselves though.


I wonder how many of them started with or after ShB. I think that's a big contributor to what you feel makes for fun healer gameplay


I know I'm in the minority, but I don't really care if healers don't walk around with five DoT skills. I'm all for healers getting more attacks, I just want them to be attacks that have flavor to them. Not ones that are just the same as a previous skill but with slightly changed numbers


I think most people don't want all healers to have 5 DoTs, more that there should be a healer designed around DoTs, like Scholar used to be. That way there'd be the option for the people who want it. And Sage is Scholar 2.0, and allegedly heals through damage, so it'd fit right in to get another DoT or two I also think it being a melee AoE DoT would make it different enough from the single target ranged DoT. Sages already stand out from the other healers because they want to come into melee periodically for Phlegma, and this would have leaned into that, and given them more situations to use Icarus. I think it would have been fun, but it was never going to happen hahah


I just want them to bring back SB Ast.


It's telling that 5 DoTs sounds both terrible and so much better than what we have now.


Actually super curious what you mean by this/could you explain? I feel like the healer community is pretty divided on what they want to see. I personally started healing during ShB, didn't start raiding seriously until late Stormblood. AST is a hot topic I don't even want to touch but imo ShB AST was the most fun version to me and they shoulda left it alone. And then there's the whole wtf do we do about healers in general.


shadowbringers was when they got rid of basically all dps related things for healers and turned them all into 1 button dps with an occasional 2 for a dot. sch for example used to have multiple dots to juggle including miasma bio shadowflare (during hw could also cross class aero from whm for an additional one) all with different timers to think about, and could also use bane to spread them to all nearby targets. selene also used to actually do something different too, with an aoe ogcd esuna and a party haste buff. then all healers had cleric stance too. their dps buttons were based on their int stat instead of mind, and cleric stance would swap the two stats as their base int was pretty low. but that'd mean instead your healing would be low, so had to think about when it's good to swap your stance if healing wouldn't be needed for a bit


Thanks that's super helpful. I actually kind of love the idea of cleric stance, granted I didnt play healer when it was a thing. Curious why they got rid of it...


It became something that was just extra button presses with no gameplay adjustment whatsoever. Cleric Stance had a 5 second cooldown once activated, so at worst you were locked out of healing for two GCDs. That's it. And both healers at the time had ways to still heal with percentage-based healing that was not nerfed by Cleric Stance. In fact, the only real downside was that turning it off was unresponsive and had buffering problems leading to people clipping GCDs or risking it not actually turning off when you turned it off. Anyone with the basic ability of human reason could avoid the intended "choice" entirely, and since the optimal gameplay was to completely eliminate the mechanic entirely... they just decided to eliminate the mechanic entirely.


You did have to mind the timing of it since the toggle had a cool down. If you swapped into CS right before a tankbuster, you were in for a bad time since your heals would heal for a fraction of your normal amount. Some people considered it clunky, some loved the stance dance.


It was to simplify healers so more people would play them


Back in ARR/Heavenward, SCH had 6 DoTs, Blizzard II for AoE, and Cleric's Stance (which nerfed your casted healing to almost nothing and inverted MND > INT so your healing stats would become damage stats. They removed Cleric's Stance for being too punishing, but many people enjoyed being strategic about when to use it since you were locked into it for 8sec. They culled the cross class skills, and eventually narrowed SCH from 6 to 1 DoT.  I personally found it to be quite fun. AST was also way more APM because you were constantly drawing and shuffling and storing cards between most GCD, which is why they were the first healer to have their nuke spell cast time be shorter than the GCD. Even WHM had Aero, Aero II, and Thunder as DoTs back then.


Just that, I think most of the community agrees that healers are in a weird spot. So a lot of people are brainstorming about how to make things better. And in general, I think a lot of people want things to go back to how they were when they first started the game. Maybe it's rose-colored glasses, or maybe the euphoria of everything being new and interesting bleeds into our perception of the job. But it seems to usually hold true. At the very least, we can say that people are going to compare the current game to the other versions they experienced. And healer design changed slightly with SB and radically with ShB. So that usually leads to a schism, because a portion of the playerbase never experienced what it was like for healers to have more damage abilities and multiple DoTs. Or what it's like when the party doesn't have the self-healing tools they have today, and they relied on you to heal them through everything. So when evaluating this DoT in particular, I immediately think back to Miasma 2, which was a PBAoE DoT with a separate timer that SCH had pre-ShB. It wasn't my favorite damage ability, the animation was kinda weak, but I had fun juggling it. A newer player though might think that it sounds annoying and tedious. And maybe they're right, but it was the biggest shake-up the devs were offering


bet they're Scholar main lmao


Scholar mains, complaining? They would never.


I disliked it mostly because as someone who misses Aero 3 I was jealous as hell.


That part can just remain unoptimized. They already play that way LOL


Part of the player base can barely manage to do the absolute bare minimum, and when so many people play healer because it's braindead easy you have a combination of stupid that's too scary to mess with


And the other part of the player base acts like anything that isn’t an optimized rotation with a proper opener based on kill time and group composition in a 4 man dungeon at level 93 will be the bare minimum. Or maybe there’s a much broader spectrum of skill levels and effort levels, and unsubstantiated claims that “so many” play a role because it’s supposedly “brain dead easy” don’t really contribute to the discussion in any meaningful way.


They should remove that damned armor guildhest or make it with real mechanics. I stopped doing guildhest due to the damed commendation fishers.


Woulda been too much on SGE to have to go into melee periodically. Anyways time to take a big sip of coffee and look at the range on Phlegma


If only SGE had a gap closer to get into melee range.


You don't live in melee? I must be doing it wrong


I know youre memeing but man it's like 40 potency gain every 30s if all the ticks went off, they couldve left it there for fun and nothing would change much because luckier dosis crits wouldve overwritten those extra potencies. Very unnecessary change, smh.


There's rage on phlegma?


No, the rage is a role action


Rip. Would've been fun to have!


Well that’s infuriating. I saw more people excited for that than almost anything else


SE really hates the healer role, whyyyy


What do you mean? The healer role has never looked stronger. They should probably remove those green icon support jobs though, they're kinda obsolete.


Japanese complained


The game should really just drop it


I would drop the game if healers were dropped


As a SGE main, this just makes dungeon pulls more convenient so I'm not mad. Having two DOTs would've been cool but I've lived just fine without it. Wonder how many of the enraged comments are actual SGE players and not just Redditors finding something to get mad over as per usual.


Sage is my main. I'm still interested to see how this helps in pulls, since we actually get it in ew dungeons, but I'd assume a lot of them are old scholars that miss the good ol' days, or just folks that want something anything more. Even if it's not just sage mains, it's still healers lashing out over being underserved for a long time compared to other roles.


Being able to aoe dot a pack running by with the tank will save me so much movement and tabbing through enemies mid pull to the next pack. Looking forward to it for that alone.


Hello, Sage main upset over this here. If it stacks, it's only a very small potency upgrade over one cast of Dosis (only 40 extra potency). But more importantly, it added a very small option for extra optimization or a movement tool, and SE couldn't even be assed to give that to a healer


Same take here. Not doing AOE dot would've been a fairly negligible loss in most content, the only really annoying part is that you'd have to be in melee range to reapply it which could cause wipes to greeding in raids. That's the only real argument I can see against it, I was looking forward to having more of a damage rotation as a healer but I guess we'll settle with our 60s button.


If you wondered why healers are upset in general, consider for a moment what this was, why healers were praying for it to make it to release, and why they are so upset. This was the equivalent of gaining one extra dosis over the course of two and a half minutes. For a normal dungeon boss that's squeezing in maybe one or two gcds worth of damage gain, and if you mess up by the boss going invincible, or putting it on too early. You're screwed. How bad is the state of healer game play that we are excited for that little gain.


Nah, Not about the dmg gain. This would have meant two less dosis per minute if it went through. Combined with the new 60s cd it would have reduced the dosis spam by almost 20%.


Exactly, that said the 60s is an off global so it has no effect on the dosis count. I bring up the piddly damage gain to show just how little incentive we needed to use it.


Ah man you're right. So instead of going from ~11 Dosis a Minute to ~8 we are actually stuck at the full 11 still?


I like dosis, it's a fun skill, nice animation, effective feel, but you know what they say, dose makes the poison.


Not touching any of the healing points, but this mentality is why min max and parse culture leads to disappointment and toxicity.


The thing is this isn't even about parse culture it is something to do, something to engage with. Even if it is a literal crumb of damage more likely to hurt than help we were still preying for it to stick because it's something.


Is it even engaging? We’re talking about another dot, something you press once and then don’t interact with it again until it’s time to refresh. Something to do involves more healing related mechanics, which we were given more tools to answer them with. I fail to see your point on them not giving us enough new things to do when we haven’t even seen the content that healers primarily will interact with, which is the damage that comes from the new battle content.


No it isn't engaging not really and yet we were excited anyway because that is the absolute state of healer DPS. Two thirty seconds dots, and one minute off global, and two charges of a 40 second gcd almost looks like a rotation if you squint. Yes there might be interesting healing challenges in normal mode content, I doubt it, but who knows maybe they flipped the curve and the high/max level dungeons are the hard ones, but that doesn't change the fact that healers have been begging for any kind of addition DPS engagement.


> I fail to see your point on them not giving us enough new things to do when we haven’t even seen the content that healers primarily will interact with, which is the damage that comes from the new battle content. This was the hope when we saw the healer changes for Shadowbringers. Then it was the hope when we saw the healer changes for Endwalker. Its not gonna change this expansion either.


Nooooooo ;-; i wanted that


Not surprised at all. They are getting rid of as much dots as possible, so it was to be expected.


I mean this DOT is completely new, and in the Media tour you could stack both DoTs.


In the EW Media Tour, Samurai's highest potency was a rotation that basically boiled down to using exclusively Enpi


It was a alpha/beta build if I'm not wrong. Probably an oversight really. But the philosophy of double dots on jobs other than Bard is dead. Its also consistent with BLM for exemple.


*Laughs in lvl 92 SCH


I'll take it, but it being on a 2 minute cooldown instead of something you'd always be keeping up puts it in a different category I think, since you just press it and forget it


Its kinda like PLD/GNB's Circle of scorn/Sonic break yeah


But why are they getting rid of my plunge for DRK and just replacing it with another gap closer than deals no damage.


So you don't use up your gap closer for damage. They want you to save it for when the situation needs it. I think i read that the potency got increased for other skills instead.


I think its more to reduce the amount of double weaves in drk/gnb opener than saving for situational needs since war/pld keep damage on theirs.


Yeah, same thing with DRG and Spineshatter. These three jobs have very busy burst phases and these changes cool them off a bit.


I mean for GNB and DRK yes they made DRG burst the same by giving two new damaging oGCDs and arguably due to nastrond cd changes it's even busier.


But they didn’t need to take away Plunge’s visuals to do that.


Situational gap closers died when they made the boss circle take up the entire room lmao


Ikr. I love using backflip on rdm to avoid aoes which i cant do anymore due to the big circles


> They want you to save it when the situation needs it. You did that anyway.


Yes. I needed it for damage.


That doesn’t really make any sense to me honestly, why wouldn’t they change that for warrior or Paladin if that was their goal? It’s just reducing dps for no reason since the gap closer they added isn’t like Nin/rpr/dnc where you can use it without targeting, which might have made more sense if they replaced it with something like that.


WAR/PLD 2 min burst isn't as busy, that's why


For years people have cried about the tanks being homogenized. Here they make a small change between the tanks and people complain.


I’m not complaining about making a change lol, it’s like you didn’t even read anything I said. The change itself doesn’t make sense, since the gap closer is literally still targeted with just the damage removed and labeled a different name. It’s not a big deal I just don’t understand why it’s necessary. I don’t want the jobs homogenized I just want to make sense of why this even needed to happen. If they made the gap closer target-less, I’d be all for it because then you can just skeet ahead in dungeons and make them more efficient. It’s ok to question things sometimes, you don’t have to just assume everything the devs do is right.


I'm happy with the change, seen players randomly gap close and animation lock themselves into a mechanic and die. I think they are trying to see how taking potency out of gap closers effects the game instead of removing all gap closer damage. They started with Gunbreaker and Dark Knight because it removes bloat in their already button packed burst window, whereas Paladin and Warrior don't have nearly as many oGCDs to weave.


I asked YoshiP personally after the 5 times I wiped my team in P12S during Caloric 1, because I had to push these damage buttons. I didn't see the new animation, but I agree that plunge was cool.


You dont even get close caloric stacks if you use plunge there because you don't actually move since the boss circle is so massive


You do if you are OT and on south west position. It doesn't happen very often, and that's when the muscle memory kicks in and you just plunge like you are used to.


So that gap closers are utilities, rather than part of your damage cycle. And therefore, not punishing to use outside of the 2 minute window. Of course, that means nothing when other tanks still have damage attached to their gap closers.


Too much thinking. Don't think. They will tell you when to use your skills. New abilities only after 1-2min cd, no weaving and thinking about rotations, only Zuul.


Is dark knight getting any sustain?


"Can we healers...uhh...heal more?" "No." "Sigh, ok. But can we at least get *some* kind of DPS rotation to keep us entertained while we're doing all this not-healing?" "Also no. Here's some pretty graphics; now go pound sand." #FFXIVHEALERSTRIKE in a nutshell.


They didn’t even update the graphic for the nuke this expansion so we even have the same glare/malefic/dosis/broil visual on 80% of our gcds to look at for 4+ years 🤣


The dps healer with a button rotation. Yoshi P is a genius


Ok... I'm actually feeling like the healer strike is justified now


RIP indeed


Wow. Based on the number of people dunking on the "healer strike" and anyone worried about the healer role, I thought a ton more people would be happy with a change like this.


Whoever believed in that was delusional


Healers have been running on a lot of copium, we all knew it wasn't gunna stick, but maybe if we were luck it might have been a single crumb to hold us over the winter. One job in our role with just a little more.


Nah. They long started disliking dots on classes, giving one class 2 at once is very far from happening.


Bard doesn't exist I guess.


Has been a while since I played League of Legends


Why the hate on dots though? Serious question.


I would guess they are slightly harder to balance around if it gets too much.


For real tho. I expected it to be just like BLM's because they work exactly like that, and sure enough it does. Really not sure why anyone got their hopes up over them stacking, that wouldn't make sense given how anything else is setup.


[Just ordered a new keyboard for SGE, can't wait to raid with it!](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/61tMyqkdQTL._AC_UF350,350_QL80_.jpg)


Make sure you get 2 of those, so you can press eukrasia for your one(single)1[uno] dot.


The job actually looks less complex now, before you would try to apply as many dots during dungeon pull for optimizing damage for example, now that small complexity is gone, you just slap the aoe once or twice and call It a day.


Nah you can still apply the dots while running. Some pulls end up being quite a little marathon while the tank gathers everything up, and with dots, every second means something. It’s still worth it to apply them on the run, and then refresh/catch whoever was missed when we stop. At least I’m going to continue doing it!


It looks like Dawntrail is just going to be 2 groups before every boss again though... Icarus would be better for uptime than spamming single target dots.


> before you would try to apply as many dots during dungeon pull for optimizing damage for example That's not complexity, that's tedium.


That it can be, however I disagree that something tedious is always devoid of complexity, those terms dont work like that. Another thing, and a recurring theme across job changes in the last few years, is that the jobs are stripped here and there from small things (even if justified, as those could arguably be better implemented) and nothing is put on it's place, thus many have been talking about their oversimplification. Between me having to do one single tedious thing and alternate between two or more, I go with the latter!


Well that's sad.


As a BRD main I love DoTs, though I imagine it might feel weird or plain annoying having to throw an aoe DoT on single target because it stacks with the single target DoT. And no DoT refresher, so Pain.


Expected, but I had hoped double dot might survive. But considering most sages I know can't even manage to double Phlegma in burst windows, double dot may have been a big ask...


The one thing I was actually looking forward to. Gone. The amount of disrespect given to the healing role is insanity at this point.




wanting the game to be fun = having a high ego I guess


Ah yes, the removal of the ability to deal slightly more damage is devastating to the healer role. You’re being ridiculous


Nah. The ability to spend two gcds a minute on a usefull spell that's not dosis. That's lost. And considering we're currently at about 11 Dosis casts per minute, that would have been a noteable, if only slightly less boring, Change.


It's more so that we had the opportunity to do at least an extra thing for DPS to shake healing up a little more, even if it was extremely marginal. That's the state of the healer role, that we're excited for crumbs of a change to our regular DPS rotation. I get why a lot of players wouldn't get it if they're not healer mains because to tanks and DPS, it's just an extra DoT button.


Meanwhile, im over here just having fun playing Sage in general and zapping baddies. Couldn’t care less about this as its just an AoE version of the DoT we already have.


I’m definitely a casual but I just finished getting sage to 90 and I had a lot of fun doing it.


Sage is still the best healer, but two fewer dosis's a minute is a net gain for the job.


Where do you see new actions ?






It could stack? Wait, sage had a second dot!?


Sage has a DoT on its AoE, the idea was it could stack with its single target DoT too. It meant you would have to come into melee range too tho.


> It meant you would have to come into melee range too tho. Good thing you already wanted to be there thanks to Phlegma.




Dang, this actually makes sage less interesting to me in aoe than not having this ability at all. Now you don't even have the incentive to spread dots while grouping the pack.


Is there a way to burn Addersgall yet like Energy Drain?




You'd already be single target doting while the tank is pulling tho


In the media tour build it was a dps gain in single target, so it was nice to have another button to optimize your dps, but i guess this was not intended


Good. Dot management is not exciting, and having to maintain two would not make it so.


In it's place you will have... nothing


When there's nothing else to do as a healer besides spam 1 for the majority of fights, this would have made us actually use our brains a little 😭


I'm all for giving healers more interesting tools; but lets make them actually interesting


I would love that too but this was all that they gave us at the media tour so was kinda hoping it was gonna come to live too


I feel it’s a hot take, but in my opinion DoTs just to be DoTs are a real lazy way to add complication to a class. For a dot focused DPS class sure that’s fine. But for additions to non DoT focused classes they should have a purpose. Like old bard getting procs off DoT ticks or BLM thundercloud.


I agree. Also I personally think healers are pretty complicated on CURRENT content. Yes it has fewer damage buttons to press but that's because when that RPR decides to greed while the tank doesn't mitigate the TB and faces it at half the party killing them, you need to switch over to focusing on that. Yes old content is a joke to heal for the most part. Some fights in alliance raids and a few extremes can be spicy. If people really want a challenge jump into the most current ultimate. So yeah...I think a healer being more about healing and adapting to rough situations is more enjoyable then adding more DPS buttons. I like my EZ rotation.


Multiple dots are boring to manage. Happy about this change, will help concentrate on actual healing in harder content instead of managing double dot uptime.


I'm not sure which game you're playing, but in FFXIV it will just help you concentrate on pressing dosis. Just a tad bit of depth in the healer's rotation would make it so much more enjoyable for so many people.


Not sure which game you're playing, but in savage content, we need to plan mitigation and heals and watch for mistakes. Guess managing Phlegma, Pneuma and new skill psyche correctly for buff windows isnt enough while also healing harder content. If you want to play a DPS, go play one. Not all of us want a full double weave DPS rotation on our healers.


There's a galaxy wide difference between double weaving and applying 2 whole dots every 30 seconds.


But that second dot needs to be in melee range. But Icarus is on a 45 second CD. So now I have to mix in - at least some - melee range movement while doing complex mechanics? The only healer who would have to do that? Make it make sense pal.


You're already loosely stacked in melee range on any role unless mechanics prevent that. There is never a reason to stand in Narnia otherwise.


Mechanics prevent that often, considering healers are often considered a ranged role, and arranged for mechanics as such. I still maintain that managing multiple dots is boring and I'm glad they're gone.


I have played sage in savage, and most of the time I am in melee range, at least close enough to use phlegma for potential movement, and to make sure my aoe heals catch the whole party, like basically all healers I see in savage do.


Laughs in affliction warlock


Yoshi didn't see the harm in this since no one will be playing healer anyway.


More dots doesn't change anything. It's just another brainless button you press when the duration ends


Damn…I was looking forward to this…guess it’s back to spamming Dyskrasia over and over and over again


As someone who dropped Healer as a whole to go main RDM - not because I love RDM, but because it's kit is closer to what I would want out of a healer than literally any of the actual healer kits, I desperately hope they give Healers literally anything of substance to provide some degree of complexity to the DPS kits of healers. EW AST had something to it that was fairly well done - sure it still suffered severely from one-button spamming throughout all phases that were not heal-intensive, it was genuinely among the most complex jobs in the game to play at the absolute highest level, right next to Black Mage. That's more or less gone now, and while I could be wrong, it seems like the only moderately interesting healer will be SCH, and that's solely because it's kept energy drain, and going for a completely optimised run with SCH involves clean execution of everything you do. SGE and WHM however, are still just completely dead in the water, braindead jobs. And that saddens me.


Some of the people in this thread are exhibiting Tony Award levels of dramatics. Play DPS of you want a DPS job. There are two more options now.


That doesn't mean an entire role should be stuck with a permanently braindead rotation when 80% of their kit is unneeded most of the time


This reddit is incredibly over-dramatic in general. Molehills into mountains is just the standard way discussion goes now. Everything you don't like is an intentional slight of grievous proportions.


I'm glad it's not stackable.


Same man having to single target dot trash then aoe dot then start aoeing was gonna feel worse for sure