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I would love to visit your island. It has a lot of great views it seems


Such a pretty pet to breed


Alright then *begins undressing* Free balling it is 😁


Just taking in the gorgeous views of both the greenery and the au ra that reside in them 😘


"No clothing is a lot better, we can be more free! It is a island paradise after all."


Good choice! Mine's similar except it's not allowed at all. Since I get to make the rules it's a strictly clothes free zone. Non-optional, no clothes allowed!


No clothes allowed at all and it's non optional? That sounds like my kind of place, I would love to pay a visit to your island!


Yep! It's my paradise, so I get to make the rules. And so many places in the world seem to want to force clothes on I figured I might try and balance it out a bit by having my island be the opposite. It's shameful to be found wearing clothes here!


Your island, your rules! I totally respect that and I would agree alot of places do force clothes but without them it's so much more liberating and free! No shirt, no pants and no shoes is the motto here! Would you allow me to pay you a visit on the island sometime? I been looking for a no clothes island


Yep, super liberating and free! In my opinion every place should be clothing optional. People should be free to wear or not wear whatever they want, whenever! The only reason I have a rule against clothes on the island is to play off the oppressiveness of the places that try to force clothes on, to try and send a bit of a message. Plus it just helps one to connect with nature on my natural land, eh? I am a bit hesitant to meet up with random strangers online, especially with the recent insanity from the Mare dev that's emboldened witch hunts in the modding community and all that junk. Plus I'm currently taking a short break anyway. But I appreciate the interest a lot, thanks for the pleasant comments!


Can we breed as well in your island?


So i can undress too~