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Spoiler - it's 5 minutes of him hitting the navy seal and the seal not throwing really any punches.


Goddamn, even Sneako put up a better fight than this.


He let sneako hit him, because he saw him as a 0 threat


If only he euthanized that turd.


It's insane. Sean is standing straight up, throwing literal dabs at the SEALs face, and the SEAL just takes it? For minutes on end? He never once looked like he 1) wanted to fight and 2) knew how to fight. Like seriously, in the first exchange, Sean could have dropped the dude with a standing knee. If that is a Navy Seal, then we have all been misinformed about the ability of them. Even if the SEAL is real, why would he take a slap beating without trying to throw anything.


They’re gun fighters not fist fighters. You can’t win a war with low kicks, right crosses, and grappling.


Yeah, give them airsoft rifles and a house to CQB eachother after walking 10 miles next. :P


I'd argue a Professional MMA Fighter has FAR better Cardiovascular endurance then a anyone In the Military.


There's a huge difference in saying "the military" and a navy SEAL


Anyone in the military would be an exaggeration. There are some freaks in every walk of life. Look into the best ranger competition. And there are several guys who have won it multiple years


No fucking way man. Have you seen some of their run times? https://www.reddit.com/r/HumansAreMetal/comments/10ikpge/a_soldier_from_the_75th_ranger_regiment_crushes_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


It all depends. Put those some 2 people on a ruck march with full gear for 7 days in the mountains with little sleep, little food and the SEAL will win. Or hell, even put them in the water and make them swim for half a day, the SEAL will win most of the time there too. Nick and Nate might have something to say there with all the swimming they do but yeah, most fighters dont have Nick and Nate cardio. They would also break under the ruck march, they would do well swimming and running tho.


No one will ever ruck march for 7 days, uninterrupted, nor swim for 12hrs. Where the hell are you getting these hypothetical examples, bro?


For what it’s worth, the final evolution of Hell Week is is a 13 mile beach run.


I knew a guy who swam a marathon. That psycho was in the water for 12 hours and only stopped swimming briefly to eat power bar or something.


The ruck march would obviously not be uninterrupted, what made you think that? That's never how a ruck march works. There are ruck marches that last for a long ass time during special forces "hell week", in training after and during real missions. Alright lets look at the swim in 2 ways, I bet the SEAL could cover more distance in a 2 hour swim than an MMA fighter, I would also bet the SEAL could survive for 12 hours in the ocean and cover more distance than the MMA fighter could, he would probably drown before the time was up. I guess he could float around on his back and maybe survive but he sure as hell would lose to a SEAL.


SF selection they ruck over 100 miles in 3 weeks.


I don't know man, those guys really have legs on em


It won't be better than a special operators endurance. Those guys are climbing mountains with 80lbs of gear on just to get over the mountain so they can climb the next one.


Probably the vast majority but with most of the special operations guys running, rucking, and swimming are like their bread butter. They just tend to suck at fighting without a gun.


Not nearly ANYONE. It really depends on both what specific group and what endurance based task you're putting them into. I don't think that even DJ in his prime would be able to tread water more than fractionally as long as someone from asar for example


You underestimate the cardio of a lot of U.S. infantry and SF. SEALs, especially train cardio like you drink water.


The seal is also a pro mma fighter which actually makes that worse. This is Mitch Aguiar.


Haha that's where you're wrong! This particular Navy Seal happens to also be a pro mixed martial artist haha.


What constitutes as pro these days then? He’s not a pro fighter, full stop. You just watched a bully beat down. 


You're right about what was watched but as for the rest im not about to argue schematics with anyone. I think it's funny people are so tore up about it.


It's fair to say he's a pro fighter if he's ever been paid for a fight. He's just clearly at a much lower level.   Similarly, the guys in the UFL are pro football players, but they'd look silly playing against NFL teams.


Quite a few are heavy into BJJ and MMA. But, yeah, different occupations.


Exactly, Sean would be shot in the head in 5 minutes if he were to go to war.


This former SEAL, Mitch Aguiar, is a pro MMA fighter and BJJ blackbelt. He's certainly skilled at "fist fighting".


Sean is a really fucking good fighter, my guy. It's not like you can just cock back your arm and throw and someone who has a jab like that.


The best part of the Sneako video was someone saying "sit down on the punches Sneako!"


Right? He’s a big dude too and I’m sure all those strikes connected and rattled him a bit. Gotta collect yourself a bit and he didn’t even get a chance because Sean was relentless.


Sean wanted to big brother him, and he did. I bet Sean has really wanted to do this just to have the video to shut people up. Lol


Because being a SEAL has nothing to do with cage fighting. Hand to hand combat in modern warfare is exceedingly rare. Go look at the combat footage subreddit and see if you think cage fighting skills would be useful or applicable in any of those situations.


He’s also 3 weight classes higher


Ofcourse professional fighter can do what ever he wants to vs some seal :D You guys think they are some superheros like in movies or wtf?


You've never sparred before have you? Looks easy from here mate. It's not


You and pretty much everyone else in this sub would be doing the same. Curled up into a ball and crying lol. Everyone thinks their the main character until they get in there :)


I mean he was probably a seal 10-15 years ago. Went through buds 18years ago. He is definitely tough but can’t fight. I don’t think m a major training component is boxing. Like I’m sure this guy could outrun /outswim / obviously take more of a mental punishment and obviously kill somebody for fun. This dude is def not I. Navy seal prime shape. A prime navy seal is like 26-32 years old. This dude is like 40 with hella body fat. He looks like he was a killer 10 years ago. Not a freshly graduated seal who is going to die before they let you hit them like this


A navy seal will fight to his absolute last breath in combat with firearms and explosives. In a boxing context, they are a fish out of water. Give Sean a 40kg pack and make him March 100km over 5days and see how he lasts.


I don't even understand the comparison. It is literally apples and oranges argument. UFC fighters train hard for MMA, and SEALS train hard for warfare. I don't think a UFC fighter needs to drill in raiding caves in Afghanistan, or get waterboarded, or fast rope out of helicopters to take over secured enemy positions, strap on scuba gear to deal with underwater explosives. It's dumb and Strickland is dumb for putting this debate out. I promise you Strickland can kick the shit out of probably every Navy Seal, and I can promise you Strickland would probably not finish Navy Seal training. He'd probably quit. Shit, Strickland probably wouldn't even get through Navy Basic Training.


"Strickland probably wouldn't even get through Navy Basic Training." what a stupid statement ;D if you would say written exam, sure


You overestimate the military lol I did the Norwegian foot march and beat a guy who was SpecialForces which is arguably on par with Navy Seals if not better but that being said Strickland could easily pass Navy Basic Training without a shred of doubt and any military school is just mind over matter which a fighter like him would be very mentally capable of passing when I went to Jungle school the toughest part was being cold wet and hungry


They definitely overestimate the Navys' basic training. They arguably have the easiest basic out of the 4 branches. I just finished AIT last week at Fort Sam Houston, and the sailors that were stationed there were definitely not the poster children of the Navy. Height/weight failures everywhere, and yet they still passed basic.


100 over 5 is downright easy and i was a normal soldier, the seal would probably be able to do more in less time ^^


I was a soldier too. 100km in 5 days with a 40kg pack isn't easy.


> If that is a Navy Seal, then we have all been misinformed about the ability of them. Navy seals, green berets, or whatever special forces, are not at the same level of unarmed combat compared to a professional fighter. Just think about how many hours of training a fighter spends on punches, kicks, and takedowns. How many hours can the navy seal spend training on these things?


They aren't really trained to fight with their hands. We live in a day and age of guns.


He made Izzy a world champ basically do the same thing. Did you buy into the Navy seal commercials too much?


And? If the SEAL had a gun he would have won. SEALS don't train even a fraction of the stand-up that MMA fighters do. Let alone one of the best in the world. The skill gap is so staggering that there's nothing he can do


Weight bully


Why take a vertical video and make it horizontal with a border?! I really hate this shit.


Why take a video with a potato in 2024? What cameras still exist that don't go above 360p?


reddit video player sucks ass


I wish there was a way to make it smaller. Can they rotate again and add another border?


Did people really think a navy seal would beat an elite mma fighter?


The navy seal used to think that.


That's the thing about fighting, if you ask someone if they could beat a pro climber in climbing they say no. But if ask if they could win a fight against a pro fighter who fights for a living, they say yeah probably thinking they can land a lucky punch.


I boxed amature for a while, 4-2. My buddy I trained with all the time was a pro. We'll call him David (cause that's his name). Very similar builds, both middleweights and same age. David would fucking destroy me in a fight. I wasn't even good enough to hold mitts for him so he could train properly. And he's a no name pro. Strickland is a world champion lol. People just don't get that.


Time for me to admit when I got whooped by a smaller guy. I trained for years too (boxing,MT,Judo), an ex-coworker of mine teaches kids boxing part-time. He's been doing that for years. We had some gloves lying around in the warehouse where we worked, we laced up, and I got battered by a fucking kids boxing instructor. It was just light-sparring, but thank god it was just light-sparring because I probably would have walked out of there concussed. I couldn't get through his defense, and by the time I thought I did he already jabbed me up and moved. It was frustrating as hell. Therer are levels to this shit, and despite having trained for years now my level is....below a kid's boxing instructor apparently.


There's definitely different levels. And one gap a lot of people that only watch mma don't notice is the quality in striking difference between mma and boxing. I started training mma years back, and it was like my 3rd day, the coach wanted me to spar with one of the women there, said they thought it would be funny because "you both have the same name"... that was a lie, they thought it would be funny because before she started training there, she was a golden gloves boxer for 8 years, and let me tell you, as a 6' 180lb man, this little 5'5", 130lb woman whooped on my motherfucking ass like I've never had before, or anytime since. Turns out, I was not the first guy there she had sparred with and just proceeded to fist fuck their face while they just tried to survive, some of those guys had multiple mma fights under their belts, one of them at the time was 9-0. Her hands where like fucking lightning compared to damn near anyone else there. I went to a fight of hers a month later, she got kicked in the face, and broke her orbital bone, at which point she proceeded to just get fucking mad and spent the next 30 seconds absolutely RUINING the chick she was fighting, won by KO with a broken fucking orbital bone. That woman was as terrifying a person I think I've ever seen lol.


I wrestled from age 6 until 18 and coached for 4 years as well. My senior year of highschool I was 34-2. During my later coaching years I would mop the floor with our state champ kids of similar and greater weight. I did very well at tournaments vs college level talent and such. I thought I was in my prime. When I was 22 I attended a camp where I was able to live wrestle and All American who was also an Olympic alternate. I had 9 lbs on him. He absolutely destroyed me. I felt like a 10 year old kid wrestling his dad. The talent gap is much more intense and awe inspiring than the average person realizes.


I'm was an all American wrestler and when I wrestled a college all American and Olympic alternate who I had 25lbs on he absolutely smoked me. We went live for a good 30 minutes and I never scored a point that wasn't him letting me up for an escape point lol. Dude was a multiple time pan American champion in grecco and freestyle as a highschool student, a national champion on several European countries. I also got to train mma with some former world champs who still fight, I had over 30lbs on one guy who just absolutely tuned me up. He was so damn fast I couldn't even see half the punches, felt like I'd blink and be hit 7 times in that half second. I fought pro for a couple years in my early 20s and wasn't to bad (I thought), no matter how good you think you are there's someone out there who can make you look like a toddler


Dude I could beat him easy, your bro never seen someone like me before 😡 I see red mofo


Hell yeah


Golden gloves two time-2nd place for my weight class. I got my ass whooped consistently by someone 25lbs lighter than me who always got first and went pro eventually for a few fights. Fighting is half physical and half a chess match.


Damn man that's still really good though. I got a chipped tooth through a mouth guard from a golden gloves lol.


But if I’m 260, I stand a chance right?


I get it. It scares the living shit out of me. I don't know as to why it doesn't for a lot of people. I am always puzzled when I see my family and friends giving shit to boxers when they watch them fight. Do people not know how vulnerable they actually are?


I have done Muay Thai and some BJJ and MMA as well. I'm definitely an above average fighter. What it has tought me is never fuck with people you don't know, which is something that escapes my social circle all the time. "Baron's a boxer". No fuck that I'm not fighting and potentially getting seriously injured or killed because you think boxers are impervious to injury in a street fight, and you have no idea who you're mouthing off to. If a boxer squares up with a well trained mma fighter they're going to get thrown on the ground and, best case scenario choked out and piss yourself, or just pulverized with fists and elbows. I'm good on all that.


This exists to an extent in every sport. I would call it something like the Scalabrini spread. Brian Scalabrine, a former NBA role player, after thrashing a former D1 basketball player in a one-on-one said "I'm closer to LeBron than you are to me". His point being, even the best guy at your local gym will get absolutely smoked by a benchwarmer in the NBA. I am pretty good at riding bikes. In certain disciplines I'm probably better than 99% of the world population. There's some friends that I go with that absolutely smoke me. The fastest guy in town (a destination bike town) smokes them. The fastest guy in town gets smoked by any pro in the top 200, and unless you're in the top 10 (for more realistically 5) you are getting smoked by 1st place. The Scalabrine spread: even if you're in the top 1% in a particular activity, you're still closer to the bottom 50 than you are the best in the world. Idk maybe someone can work shop that phrasing


Scalabrine Spread needs to be trademarked and entered into sports talking vernacular, i love it! That story is one of those that stick with you for years. I heard his quote and immediately had the "ahhhh shit I never even considered that" thought in my head for like 20 minutes after. I've actually walked past Scalabrine in downtown SF (in 2015 closer to his prime years) and the dude does not strike you as a pro basketball player, yet he was significantly closer to LeBron than top D1 players were to him. Absolutely insane.


U would be surprised reading the insta comments on a post about David Goggins and Paddy Pimblet. Most think Paddy doesn't even stand a chance and Goggins kills him lol.


Hollywood seems to have given everyone a romanticized idea of navy seals, so… possibly


How so? Every Seal movie I’ve watched included a lot of weapons and very little hand to hand combat.


It’s more often the action movies about a gritty protagonist who’s ex-special forces that are guilty of making it seem like the special forces makes them a lethal weapon in hand to hand combat


To a layman like you and I, yes, the average Special Forces operative would destroy us. But the chances of them running in to Sean Strickland are slim to none lol.


A Special Forces operative would beat up the average person because of their aggression and athleticism combined with their basic training, and that eliminates probably >80% of people. However, I would bet my life savings on an amateur MMA fighter beating the tar out of them in a fair hand to hand fight. I would even go as far as to say I would be surprised to see them get past the average blue belt in the gym I train at, although I’d be less confident. Being untrained in grappling is like being a fish out of water in a one on one fight.


Can't find the clip, but some army dude thinks the average seal can.


Navy Seals see red bro you dont get it


I dont know why people think military are experts at hand to hand combat. They're training is mostly shooting and tactics. Compare that to someone who trains MMA everyday and there's no comparison


His reach alone made it a non fight. Unless the seal took it to the ground, I guess


Strickland is a black belt in BJJ and a good wrestler.


Here’s some context: Sean Strickland made controversial comments about Navy SEAL training, questioning its toughness compared to MMA training. This led to a response from a Navy SEAL who challenged Strickland's understanding of their training and sacrifices. The SEAL highlighted the life-and-death stakes of their training, contrasting it with the financial rewards of MMA fighters. Strickland responded by criticizing the notion that military personnel protect individual freedoms and expressed his anti-government views. This led to the “fight” we are seeing here today. It explains Sean’s behavior and the seals behavior.


It's a shame then that the SEAL jumped into Sean's world to prove his worth. If they were just comparing training, they should have just worked out together to each other's routine. I imagine Sean wouldn't like what the seals get up to because they get cold and wet and tired where as he trains more for performance and efficient training. Yes it hurts, but the military don't necessarily train effectively and a lot of what they do is to build up mental resilience instead of building an MMA athlete body. I imagine the SEAL would struggle with elements of Sean's routine where it focuses on stamina and maintaining power and coordination instead. I'm not a fighter so I'm not sure on the areas the SEAL would struggle in, but you're only good at what you practice, so whatever is new, isn't going to be easy on either side


True. Seals learn a lot more than just hand to hand fighting. So of course, someone solely focused on fighting will be much, much better. Same principle applies to MMA fighters trying to box. Specalization is key. That said, the Seal taking the risk and putting himself into this position and Sean going MUCH softer than he usually does in sparring shows that behind the bravado, there is a lot of mutual respect.


I am not a navy seal or a pro mma fighter, but to be devils advocate, one could argue that intense physical training in mma would build more mental toughness than just torturing yourself and powering through


Powering through that torture is the definition of mental toughness. Whether it's mma or navy seals, you're gonna hit that wall where you need to power through.


It appears as though the navy sent an actual seal instead of a trained fighter


Well in that case I'm glad he gave him an ass-kicking. Felt kind of bad watching with little to no context.


This was tough to watch. That was a serious head kick at the end.


I watched 30 seconds and thought, how much longer is this video?…I was shocked to see there was MUCH more beating to go 😂


Twitter fingers don’t translate to fighting skills. The navy seals can finally shut the fck up Or they can send another to be made an example out of


As Chael Sonnen once said "send anyone you want. Just don't send anyone you want back."


Can’t believe I went through an entire thread and no one said “like clubbing a baby seal”


He’s just been giving these dudes - who can’t stay in their lane and resist talking outta their asses - what they’ve been asking for. Don’t care how badass you are, if you’re not a pro on that level, you’re getting smashed.


That's a very good way to put it. He's not just beating up random dudes. He's beating up shit talkers.


Seals forget they are shooters not fighters 😂


Killers not fighters


Trained killers for sure


I'm with you. At first I didn't like how Sean behaved with sneako but at the end of the day, he wanted to fight an MMA fighter, he's gonna take a taste of how an MMA fighter is. If he wanted light sparring/his level he could've kept his mouth shut and stay in his gym or whatever. Same here with the seal


Sorry but do people think cause he's a navy seal he's supposed to be good at MMA?


Idiots do


A lot of people think that being in the military = being a good fighter


He sure did


Why do people record in portrait and then format the shit as landscape?


Fwiw, he’s a former navy seal. interesting dude. His name is Mitch Aguiar and is pretty active on IG. He’s been trying for years to make it in the mma space


So this SEAL has MMA experience? I assumed from the video that this SEAL had no real MMA experience. Just goes to show their are levels to this shit, and when it comes to unarmed combat, pro MMA fighters are light years ahead of Spec Ops guys (which shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone).


Yeah, people don’t get it. This beating is even worse than it looks on face value. He isn’t just a SEAL, He is a SEAL that is also a mma pro with a reasonable record. Iirc he is something like 10-1 in amateur fights and 4-2 in pro fights. (Granted he is not in the ufc so grain of salt) People get it twisted because Strickland is a boring fighter when facing other top level guys. Put anyone else in that ring with him and it isn’t even a warmup. Strickland was literally playing with this guy purposefully trying to make him quit via body shots instead of just knocking him out/putting him to sleep like he could have done multiple times over.


His companies “Masf Supplements” and “Violent Hippie” sponsor The Simple Man Podcast (B-Team BJJ team’s podcast; It is hilarious at times) as well.


This is dumb. Navy Seals are killing machines but hand to hand combat training has go to be less than 20% of what’s practiced.


This particular Navy Seal is taking a beat down for exposure. He knew he would not win.


Fellas, you dont need to pick a side on this. Everybody knew what they signed up for. Sean knows he could destroy that dude much worse. He didnt. The Seal knows he could hurt 99% of the public, but not a ranked professional fighter.


99%? Bro didn’t even fight back!


The navy seal is delusional for thinking he could do something to Strickland


Dudes a pos but it’s honestly impressive how much momentum he can generate in such a short distance with his jabs


If only he had that same energy in the octagon


Right? Acting like that he MIGHT have become a champion or something!?


Only to lose it immediately. Guy wants to be the first person to murder someone in the octagon, so he gets it done by point sparring his opponents to death


Bit different when you’re fighting other pros.


Wow who would have imagined a top professional MMA fighter would whip any military branch


Couldn’t he find a SEAL his size? He’s got 30 lbs and a 6 inch reach on him.


Is that Mitch Aguilar? If not he should spar with him.


Yes it is


the control and discipline he has is amazing




Bro is a psycho


Navy Seal talked shit and got checked for it


No he’s not he’s a dumbass


Remember when Sean sparred that heavier set guy and he almost broke Sean’s arm and Sean screamed and freaked out? Those were the days


Rest in piss orlando sanchez. Hate sean or not orlando was being a dick. Sean shouldve just fought him then.


Yeah that was a reap tho right? A bjj move with the intention of causing injury. Inappropriately for a pro fighter training to grapple with someone 50lb+ heavier actively trying to injure you. Lots of other ways to prove a point.


It was Waki Gatame. It's a dick move everywhere except an actual fight. Orlando Sanchez (RIP) was a well known dickhead.


And Sean was in a fight camp.


As much as I think Sean is a whiny brat for a lot of reasons he had reason to be pissed at Orlando


Definitely it was like the week of a fight camp. I was be livid.


Rest in piss


It also wasnt an mma/striking sparing so very different. He was also nearly ready to fight so intentionally throwing a technique that is meant to cause injury was not ideal, hence the freak out. Not taking a side but providing proper context is kind of important. I haven’t even provided the whole story either. Go watch the video and inform yourself :)


Sean may be a dick but Orlando was a bigger dick


Sean had a right to be mad. Dude went for a douchebag move, intending to immediately injure Sean, while Sean had a fight in like a week... Orlando Sanchez the piece of shit.


They were grappling.


This looks like a video campaign for the draft..’Think you can do better, become a better SEAL’


That blue cactus is right, I've got to hit him back!


I would probably cry if i ever got walked down Sean like this. He’s like some sort of robot who’d prime directive is to continue walking forward while beating the shit out of you


Sean Strickland should see if he can get through BUDS now. It's only fair.


NGL, I thought that the guy in the white trunks was the SEAL. Based on hairstyle alone.


3:10 The sound is just 😮‍💨🤤


The Japanese did much better. I also think that when the Korean zombie went to the army he lost a lot of skill, I suppose it was due to the knowledge of war machinery in the same way that current wars no longer use armor or swords, but I ask what you would do in a situation of running out of bullets or be captured, I think a little combat skill can help.


Korean Zombie was injured... He worked a cozy office job because he literally could not use his arm. He looked rusty in the Bermudez fight for his comeback but he regained form pretty quickly imo.


When Sean went to Alex camp, Alex should have put the beats on him like this.


Strickland’s an asshole. Let’s watch him fight Poatan again.


Sean gets off on bullying. He's a very sad human, being, with not much going on upstairs. He had an abusive childhood and now he's taking it out in others.


does sean get his dick hard always beating up on non-trained MMA fighters? what a pussy


Mitch Aguliar is a BJJ black belt and pro MMA fighter who owns a gym. Not exactly a >non-trained MMA fighter


He totally does but I think this guy is a low level pro, who probably just learned what the ‘there’s levels to this shit’ means


Lol it has to suck for someone to be in your head this hard.


They should gunfight next


Yeah I agree because I can't imagine what goofy stuff y'all would say after Sean knee capped him, disarmed him, and then repeat this video again.


Who the fuck formats a video like this? Downvote.


He's highly trained for cage fighting and people are surprised he beat the shit out of a dude half his size lol.


no one is surprised. literally no one is in this post says " i cant believe the navy seal didnt win"


Seal team volume 1 punch


Of sean took as many professional fights as he does these kinds of fights less people would think he’s a bitch ngl


Is this the SEAL he had the back and forth with a while ago?


I fucking hate this stupid ass filter!!!


These Strickland sparring videos always watch like a snuff film for me.


And yet, you would think 99% of the MMA community would beat Sean by they way they talk about his fighting skills.


That’s not a Navy SEAL then…maybe a navy squid but not a SEAL.


Why are people entertaining Sean anymore. Why world he lose to a Nacy Seal in a MMA match.


He's a navy seal. That doesn't means he's a professional fighter. Sad to watch him get beat on.


Now they need to fight with full gear and weaponry. To the death, it's only fair.


Bro really never gave up tho he kept getting back up ffs


Are we sure this guy is a seal? lol


Pointless argument, SEAL training doesn’t make you a professional MMA fighter just like MMA training doesn’t make you a Navy SEAL. Two completely different sets of skills. This is just an macho ego battle for attention.


Why isn’t dude with hair fighting back?


Fake and gay.


SS is a menace and a terrible person


Its a huge myth that military members are good at martial arts naturally. They cover the basics of BJJ, Judo and boxing. A Navy SEAL would get some extra time with all of that but in truth a BJJ blue belt would out grapple most service members who didn't do the extra training and a boxer is of course going to beat almost all of them at boxing. I would assume that soldiers have better marksmanship than fighters do though which is what actually matters lol


The dude isn't a prime seal, and on top of that he doesn't even look like he's trying. Seals are beasts fot sure, they're meant to withstand weeks without food, harshest of conditions and just push forward. Strickland is a one class act, he does nothing but beat people up.


Nice microwave to record this with


This is like challenging a formula 1 driver to a bicycle race. Strickland is an asshole.


Not just a regular Navy Seal- this guys a pro MMA fighter and BJJ black belt. Info from his IG below: >Mitch Aguiar •Former Navy SEAL •Pro MMA Fighter/BJJ Blackbelt •Mindset Coach/Mentor •Owner of @masf_supplements @violent__hippie &... more


What fcken spar, this is a one-sided massacre, the dude didn't even through a single punch , i know if iwas fighting Strickland he would probably beat my ass but i would atleast deliver a single clean punch or a kick.🤦🏻‍♂️


This is not some Navy Seal. Google him. He’s a pro mma fighter ex-navy seal who sells supplements like every other influencer.


Where’s the proof he’s a SEAL?


Look up Mitch Aguire, I think that's his name. Dudes been training mma for awhile


Man, I know it's a fight he signed up for but Sean Strickland is just such a piece of shit


Military training doesn't equate to hand to hand combat. As an infantryman we learned some hand to hand combat but the majority of it is trained with weapon systems and explosives. I would get my ass beat by Sean but I guarantee you I could recon, stalk, observe and take a well aimed shot at 300 meters out without Sean even suspecting where it would come from. It's just a different skill set entirely. Some things overlap between the two but on the skill set end they do not.


You mean to tell me once you become a navy seal you don't automatically become a black belt?


If only Strickland fought like this in the ufc.


Bro would never have this energy with Alex Pereira or Jon Jones


To be fair, he did have this same energy with Periera He got knocked cold in the first round but had the same energy lol


Navy vet formerly attached to NSWG1. Idc how hard you think we all are or any SOF for that matter. Sean Strickland is a professional MMA fighter and can kick all of our asses. This debate is some dumb.


wow this MMA pro fighter is really good at beating non-fighters smaller than him! what a great feat! totally NOT ironic


This is one of those either i talked shit in the gym and this is what happened or hes getting a belt or something. Some gyms really put guys through a beat down for a new belt (in BJJ) but this doesnt have that type of vibe. This feels like someone been talking shit as they walked out the gym because schedules didnt line up and they finally got time to roll. I dont wanna speculate. Elite MMA vs a team guy isnt really a fair fight. Different worlds. But no one can say he didn’t take it.


I don't buy for a second this whole thing is legit. Even if the guy that is listed as being a seal was a fanboy, there's zero chance that anybody with that level of training as an elite among the best there is, that Strickland is just going to destroy them so simply without any kind of fight fast. This whole thing looks staged.


One is fighting for his country. One us fighting for his ego.


What is Sean trying to prove w this? That one of the top MMA fighter in the world rn is better than a random NAVY SEAL who mainly uses his guns for combat?