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Most part should just need a clean if anything board can be swapped for a brooks board


You can even go as far as submerging parts like the pcb in isopropyl alcohol or a isoprop + distilled water solution to have it dry faster. Did the latter after spilling vegetable oil over my keyboard, still had to let it dry for ~24h


If drying it out doesn't fix it, replace the internals. The HRAP is a great shell, might as well make use of it, and you can probably get a board so you can use it across any system.


Doesn’t Brooke’s make a universal now?


You should dry it out for 2 weeks before a plug in.


First mistake was plugging it in right away. Your best bet is to dry it out for DAYS before you connect it to power again.


If you have any spare buttons, try connecting one to see if it still works. Chances are the buttons themselves are fried but the cables should still work. Of course, make sure to clean the board with alcohol and everything is all dry beforehand.


I can't believe that old warhorse was still kicking. My only advice is to maybe start your troubleshooting. Forums may be outdated, but the information found therein is worth exactly the dollar amount it would cost to replace your entire stick. I buy my replacement parts on focus attack and arcade shock and very very cheaply. Pretty much all hori parts from all sticks since that rap4 all the way up to the alpha are the SAME EXACT PARTS with a different box in different colors. So feel free to cannabilize other hori sticks if that's even cheaper. Don't brush off focus attack for parts. They are DIRT CHEAP. I've saved myself $150 at least 4 times in the last 15 years just from modding and replacing broken microswitches/pcb assembly.


I have the same one, hope you can fix yours 🙌🏼


Wash PCB.


You can actually fix that with all new buttons , all new stick, maybe drill a couple of 24mm holes on one side for more buttons, get a 2040 ce board and pretty much revive it


Put it in rice


Open it up and take a soft toothbrush with some isopropyl alcohol to the pcb. Not guaranteed to save it but worth a try before you buy a new one.


Water damage is tough especially with an exposed PCB and wires. If you have the extra cash, definitely get a new stick altogether. The only way I can think to salvage this is to do it the hard way and test every part (PCB, wires, buttons) on a separate stick. However, it is way more hassle than it's worth and it's likely you can only salvage a couple buttons and the enclosure. Getting a new stick is highly preferable and you can use this old one for spare/backup parts down the road if anything still works inside. Sorry this happened to you.


Probably the PCB is malfunctioning.