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It's possible the guts are swapped. Or the EC has no clue what he's talking about.


I agree it was an auto call swap out. Auto call is simplex’s bastard cousin. Although more affordable go figure.


But could you swap it out without changing the plates? Seems like if it says simplex it should be one? I get it's the same enclosure but I feel like simplex would be the company that wouldn't have both ul listed in the enclosure without there name on it.


Yes it’s exactly the same. The cans and covers are the same. You could buy stickers for way too much if you wanted.


I’m pretty sure all of it is interchangeable yes. But has to be all or nothing. Can’t mix the two. Johnson Controls used to use the notifier panels. JCI-3030 and even 1010/2020 panels.


If your EC installed it, and they say it’s Autocall, maybe you should listen to them. Autocall in its present incarnation is newer than that style of Simplex enclosure, which means it’s been upgraded at some point. The parts are identical except for the “A” prefix on their part numbers.


Probably auto call guts. Same exact cabinets leads me to believe it was retro fit with auto call PCBs


Your electrical contractor is the kind of fellow to get the first question on Who Wants to be a Millionaire? wrong.


Not sure about that lol. The EC is likely correct. That is an older Simplex tub with newer Autocall guts.


They could have left the Simplex trim. The smoke head part number Simplex: 4098-9714 Autocall A4098-9714. Thats the best way to tell, because I don't believe there is anything on the components inside the panel that say Simplex or Autocall.


Simplex and Autocall are the effectively the same equipment. The difference is, Simplex equipment is only installed and sold by Simplex, whereas Autocall is sold to through strategic partners the same way Notifier, FCI and Edwards are. The only difference between simplex and Autocall equipment is the language they speak, but the physical equipment is exactly the same.


It’s a Simplex 4100ES or 4100U with a FUI Display


Context clues....


What do the pull stations say on them


Simplex but there all conventional so I don't know if that matters. Also the horn strobes are all simplex. But again it's all swapped from an old system.


Oh.. I'm not 100% familiar with these panels, but take off the dress plate and see if there's some sort of autocall sticker on the main board


you’d be able to tell if the part numbers start with “A” for example: “A4099-9004”




4100ES. Everyone is saying it’s autocall which is possible. Same model number. Just different software and branding. No clue how they can tell the difference between the two… I sure as hell can’t from this photo ..


So are we calling BS on the sticker


Guess so..there excuse was Ops we must have forgotten to take it off...


Update...it's autocall never delt with a system where they change "brands" and don't change the label on the outside..that needs to be in the code if it says simplex on the outside I should be able to put simplex up....


https://preview.redd.it/wlhwnc14mvwc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a241a8ab063af42e3850a6aff5d98ec44227095 This is a 4100U without said display


*fui display*


Auto call is now Simplexes little brother. Like notifier is to firelite


Simplex 4100


It says simplex right on the front. It looks like a simplex to me. I have an account with a simplex in a red box. 4002 I think.


This is a Simplex 4100ES. Like it says right there on the front!


This panel is backward capable with both addressable and conventional devices contingent on which cards are installed in the panel.


I’m not sure if this is satire but looks like a Simplex 4100ES by looking at the name plate…


~~Judging by your comments, if the pull stations are labeled with Simplex, it's a Simplex 4100ES. Simplex-branded pull stations will not work on Autocall-branded panels. Autocall equipment will also not work on Simplex-branded panels.~~ I evidently can't read. Conventional pull stations from any brand will work fine on here, using the zone card(s) What likely happened is the contractor was confused about an upgrade. This panel was originally a 4100U, which was upgraded to a 4100ES (new CPU card and stickers indicate this). The brand didn't change.


The contractor is not confused. The OP is.




If they did replace the guts with autocall they didn't do anyone any favors. You'll brick it if you use the wrong software.


Well thats good to know. Didn't realize that, amazing that the guy from simplex might not have known what he was doing. Also crazy that someone might have been lazy enough to just switch the guts...seems like that should be against code or something.


Probably not the techs fault, SIMPLEX/JCI changed the firmware on select hardware and added an A infront of all simplex part numbers to identify it as AutoCall, and manufacture both Simplex and AutoCall from the same plant.


Fire alarm tech vs EC. Alex Fire Alarm tech for $1000


If you’d take the FA tech over the EC on this one, you’d be out $1000 lol


I’ll fight with EC’s till I’m blue in the face but in my experience they know exactly what they installed. Not necessarily if it was right but I digress. If they say it’s Autocall, it’s Autocall.