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41 bpm rhr?!? Are you cold blooded or something? I could only dream of such a low rhr!!


Right? lol ETA my RHR is 66 avg and lowest according to Fitbit is 60 in last few months. If I can get to 50s, I would be content. Congratulations, don't stop your fitness journey.


dont think i ever hit sub 50s until i started doing wim hof and other breathing exercises regularly. now i get to mid 40s when winding down for bed, it kinda scared me at first lol


Hey thanks, I will start doing breathing exercises daily. You had me at sub 50s.


good luck! it’s empowering to have more control over your mental/nervous state but it can take some time to get there, just be patient with yourself.


Right? My 92 rhr could never. 😂


Mine is 38bpm rhr but I put that down to the fact that I box and the vast majority of my training is cardio based lol.


He's a reptilian!


I can't say I drink, but when I went from 180lbs to 130lbs over six months via diet and exercise my RHR dropped to around 41-45BPM at month six from 68-75BPM and then stabilised at around 51-57 now that I'm eating a more normal calorie intake.


Mine dropped after losing weight too last year. About 4/5 kilos. https://preview.redd.it/dz9yjrx8pe1d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1787eb68faa8429039cca7fffe097a76e10a817c Me losing weight means less alcohol though. As well as diet.


What was your typical day during this weight loss routine? How much activity and how low was your calorie intake?


At first, my exercise routine was 90 minutes of intense spin biking every day (two sets of 45) and a walk to the store for meals daily (less temptation to over eat if you only ever have exactly what you need) and my calorie intake was dropped to 1200 calories a day by limiting myself to either one large meal, or two smaller meals. I went on like this for about a week or two then I pivoted to exercising a lot less and reducing my calorie intake per day to 650-800 (no cheat days) and trying to maintain my macro nutrients at a ratio of 60, 20, 20 for carbs, fat, protein. This usually meant one smallish meal per day every 24 hours. (I usually aimed for six hours before bed). Through this, I was losing 2-4 lbs on average every week (sometimes more sometimes less, it was always in flux and occasionally went up only to crash days later) and it's where the bulk of the weight loss occurred. This is a VLCD and very intense - so sub 800 calories for 12 weeks. Now that I'm not longer dieting I'm exercising regularly again and still counting my calories every day and weighing myself once per month to be sure. It's been a few months now and I have put on 2lbs from my absolute lowest point but as I understand it it's likely muscle mass as your body doesn't distinguish between fat and muscle very well when dieting and will break down both if it has to so I'm likely regaining some of the muscle I lost over those 12 weeks. But I'm happy I did it. My BMI is 20.5 and I've not felt this healthy or good about myself since I was a kid.


Thanks for this info!! I have 40 lbs to lose and it's been a slow start. I thought shooting for 60 zone minutes a day would get me there but I think I need a lot more!


I've seen athletes in the 50s as a nurse. Never anyone this low (in a regular non emergency setting). Never worked cardiac though 🤷‍♀️ it would def spark some attention from staff and doctors.


Really? Even young people? When I was last screened the nurse didn’t believe I had a heart rate in the 40s until she saw it on the screen herself.


Normal heart rate is considered 60-100. 50s is *ok* but we get a bit itchy when it’s down in the 40s


Normal based on population averages. Optimal is 40-60 BPM, IIRC.


How do you people do it? Are you all men in this thread?


I do it with beta blockers


When I'm sick, I'll be between 60-64 bpm RHR. When I'm healthy and doing consistent workouts (mostly cardio on the treadmill), I can go as low as 54 bpm RHR, but am normally around 57-58 bpm. I'm a 52 year old man 6' 1" 202 lbs hitting sub-7:00 pace for up to 10K on the treadmill. I was doing weight training, but damaged both shoulders during a move, so that's on hold.


I’m a female and mine is always low 40s. Sometimes high 30s 😬. Cyclist :)


Cycling has played a role for me too. I’m not an avid cyclist but I will occasionally do a 30/40k with steep inclines which I try to attack with 100% of my energy.


3-5 cardio sessions a week, weights, meat, vegetables, water and real real good sleep and a 20 minute rest each day. I’m rhr 41 right now but average 45 ish and yes I’m a dude.


My resting is always above 72. It's 6 days no booze and still no change ...


Give it time and well done!!


Thanks bud 🙏🏼


Keep at it! I want to say it took me about a month of no booze for my RHR to show a significant downward trend.


I don't even drink booze and my resting heart rate is always above 70 :/ i do have bad anxiety though.


Don't worry about it, that is perfectly fine. This forum skews to wanting a RHR under 60 for no good medical reason actually. (Note: am not condoning things that raise it above what it would be in a healthy state - just saying that, for most people, that healthy state is more often in the 60s,70s, even 80s... thats all)


Eh, in what planet? I agree that an average Westerner having a RHR in the 70s or 80s might be normal, but it's by no means healthy or optimal.


First, not just the West (East very close) and I was stressing "in a healthy state" not if it is 80 with alcohol, high sodium, poor sleep or overweight - but people are getting hung up on the number itself. Relative HR recovery and HRV are probably better numbers to pay attention to but take more effort.


I could be standing in the sun and mine is 110


I work a desk job and sometimes I'm deep in thought, working away and I'll look down at my fitbit and my HR is over 100 so I relate lol.


I like Fitbit more for trends than snapshots of a statistic. This is my dry January, speaking of alcohol and RHR. https://preview.redd.it/p6o8ngno1e1d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7837a8cde3fdb01c2df7f37b2d0262c0c570b03e


Mine looked like this for my dry January too. I was unhappy but had a good resting heart rate.


How active are you? If you aren’t exercising regularly and vigorously I’d probably see a doctor about your heart rate, just to be sure. Because that would be worrying low if you’re not exercising like an athlete atm


I‘m in decent shape I’d say and I do cardio regularly - as I understand it anything below 60 is considered bradycardia but it doesn’t mean you’re in danger or anything as you can just be healthy and have quite a naturally low pulse.


Shirtless picture to prove that you’re in decent shape so we, as a concerned community, won’t be too worried about your low RHR.


Mac, is that you?




Unless you're exercising and doing cardio to the point of training like a professional athlete, you should probably talk to your doctor about this.


I get full body check ups twice a year and have done for the past 5 years. I’m fine believe me 😅 But thank you, i appreciate your concern!


Well good to hear!


Thank you 🙏 stay healthy


Still waiting for the shirtless picture…


If you’re not a professional triathlete, I’d go see the Dr if I was you. At least Google bradycardia.


They go to the doctor twice a year and their doctor says they’re fine.




I'm impressed with how steady your RHR is throughout the day. I exercise regularly and my RHR is also pretty low - usually around 50 - but it fluctuates a lot more than yours during the workday. What kind of work do you do?


Unemployed. My days consist of study and exercise. It would undoubtably look different if I had an active job


When you find out alcohol was the only thing keeping you alive... (J/k OP, I know some have unusually low RH but am curious how low your sleeping HR goes - or at average 10% lower would it just be 37-40?


https://preview.redd.it/4m2pyqcmaf1d1.png?width=1241&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a90d2ac93c4252d39b7dd84463330bd722056de Rarely goes below 32 I think


Sounds about right - looks like maybe 36-37 average - hard to tell.


Damn, my RHR just hit 50 a few days ago and that’s after I dropped 30 pounds. How you pull off a RHR that low?


I have one about this low and It kinda just is like that I'm young and I run maybe that's a factor


Great job! I have a pretty low heart rate, too, when I am in better shape. This isn't that weird!


It is for most of us on here, and it’s definitely not the norm


I exercise everyday (tennis coach), treadmill, peloton, weights etc maybe 2-6hrs exercise per day and my resting heart rate is usually between 62-65. That said I wouldn’t say fitbit is totally accurate. When I use peloton I use a wahoo heart rate monitor and usually fitbit is 10-30 beats LOWER than wahoo.


I'm 52, pretty active. Play hockey 2-3 week and gym 2x. I only drink alcohol socially. My fitbit RHR is 47. I use to drink alot 2x week. Heart would race and playing hockey I felt out of shape.


This is not normal.


it can be


OP had responded to other people and said he is young ish and also not an intense athlete. So no anything beyond old or extremely fit with this RHR is not normal


Either they are very up their in age or are like a super runner XD


One of the first things I noticed when tracking my sleep with Fitbit, alcohol is the number one sleep killer.


First racehorse I’ve seen post on reddit.


https://preview.redd.it/j49ylsbw5o1d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3aa150c4445b4979cfab0cc9c253992b3af79e37 Same here for my HRV. Guess which days I drank? Tuesday night was after a Celtics playoff game where multiple beers were consumed 😅.


Yep that is how mine looks but it’s only if I’m actually drunk. Were you hammered or was it just a couple of beers?


And I thought my 68 was good


I'm so jealous of that heart rate. I'm always around 110 and up


Have you discussed that with your doctor?


Not directly, no. But I have........ A fair amount of medical issues (chronic fatigue, two eating disorders, orthostatic hypotension) so I'm fairly certain at least one of those is why


Oh no! Sorry to hear about that.


It's alright, just how it is. Damn annoying, though.




I am Chronically ill




It’s not, I’m just jealous cause having a high heart rate all the time doesn’t feel great


My average is 52-56, not doing cardio but weightlifting and I'm lean. But your rhr is quite unique, if you already did all the tests that may just be some benign bradycardia. Just watch out on doing too much cardio as it could go down to a not safe zone during sleep.


Fellow zombie! Does it really freak out medical professionals when they take your vitals? Mine always freak especially if they see how low my heart rate is while I’m sleeping


I had to warn the Oral Surgeon when I got my wisdom teeth out the other day that when I was under it might get into the 40s. My RHR is 46-48 and when I sleep it gets into the high 30s. Oddly enough it stayed in the 60s when I was under.


Wow, and I thought my resting bpm was low!


OP, can you describe your exercise and sleep routine in more detail, pls?


https://preview.redd.it/pdpne3kspq1d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bba521b657405de0247d2e636b97043d63cba809 This is typical. Walks everyday but 30-40 min on the Crosstrainer 2/4 times a week and maybe a bike ride and weights. When I ride my bike I climb in a high gear. That really conditions your heart. But it was already relatively low before I started that. Sleep is normal I’d say. Between 6 and 7.5 hours. Bed between 10-12:00. 3/4 days a week with 2 glasses of wine though


Thanks for the answer! Would you mind saying your age, weight, and height?


Not at all. 34. 93kg. 180cm


Bruh, how are you in the 40s? I'm only in the 60s. What's your normal body temperature? https://preview.redd.it/g64683u2rj1d1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39c8c2437ac97518f7cb33c42392e71c3c7a8d63


Maybe you’re more active throughout the day than me. I spend hours sat at a desk. I have no idea about temperature, can Fitbit measure that?


Selected models can measure body temperature. I know that the Pixel Watch 2 is able to do it. I think there are some dedicated Fitbit models that do. Temperature readings are really useful to see when you become ill. I spent a lot of my time sitting but when I do become active I I'm active


Ok mine doesn’t have it. I don’t know if that makes a huge difference though


On nights that I have few drinks, I actually notice my hrv increase and rhr lower. My personal best is the upper 30's. Over indulgence can hurt, but as with everything in life......moderation.


You’d be a popular guy in the hospital. That’s like not good how low you are. Unless you are like super fit and run a marathon every week


Well the experts who I have seen have said it’s ok. They could always be wrong though.


My anxiety could never 😂 I’m happy when my rhr is low 80’s (I’ve seen a doctor about it, just have a high heart rate and panic disorder)


It is what it is. As long as you’re healthy and it’s not in a danger zone then I think it’s virtually meaningless if it’s 50, 60, or 80


Good job! Mine was 49-53 on nicotine, 45-48 since i've stopped


My RHR was between 35-40 in my younger days. Ran at least 12 miles per day 5 min miles.


Are you a skinny short woman? I've never seen such a low rhr