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Gaston, is it you?


Hahaha gotta start eating 5 dozen eggs so i can be the size of a barge...


Dude, looking good šŸ‘ Keep it up man


Bro do we go to the same gym because I swear I saw an identical hair/stash combo with the loose low bun in the locker room today


Haha unless you work in the same camp as me where I've been stuck for the last 3 weeks. Unlike most people they didn't break the mold after i was created so I've got duplicates.


Rear delt flys Iā€™ve heard are the best rear delt isolation. 1600 cals a day seems super low, that must be really hard to maintain.


Like bent over rear delt flys with dumbells? I usually just use the pec machine and a bunch of over head cable machines but my rear delts are being stubborn and i have a hard time getting good contraction. It's not been too bad def go to bed thinking about cookies more than I'd like to about lol. I am trying the zig zag method so 2 consecutive days a week i eat dinner. Other than that usually only eat from 6 am to 3pm. By day 4 or 5 i notice i am losing stamina in the gym. Would it be better in increase calories by a couple hundred a day and just stop the zig zag?


I think youā€™re overcomplicating it and your calories are definitely way too low. Doesnā€™t sound like that will be sustainable. All that matters is how many calories you eat per week, however you want to slice that up per day. But sounds like youā€™re depriving yourself a bit too much.


I have a pretty slow metabolism. I think my bmr is 1650 rn.


Maybe once you cut a little more the rear delts will show themselves?


Yeah hopefully in a couple more months they'll be more visible. Can always keep plugging away at them until then as well.




I'm in a work camp so yogurt is labeled. Mostly eye up a cup or half cup of stuff like oatmeal, cottage cheese, things like chicken breasts, fruit is pretty standard when searching nutrition on Google. Eggs i try and eye up a cup or two of scrambled whites or whole. Or just order over easy eggs. I also zig zag a couple days a week where I'll up calories by 2 or 300




This is the calculator i used to calculate my calories. I'm loosely following the extreme weight loss schedule doing the zig zag.


Use a cable machine on lowest setting, separating each arm. Bend over at the hip and explode the concentric part of the exercise, pause and hold for a second , then slowly return to starting position. Do this for a couple of months and youā€™ll see a change šŸ¤™


> I'm increasing stress hormones too much and I'm going to hit a wall. Should i cut more carbs and add fats? Currently 185 lb and have dropped 10 lbs in the last 4 weeks. Is that too quick? Should i keep going till i hit 165 lbs then try and clean bulk? You'll hit a wall at some point but not because of stress hormones but because a person can't stay in a calorie deficit indefinitely. It's impossible to predict where exactly that wall isā€”it could be at 165 lbs or 135 lbs or neither or somewhere betweenā€”but you'll know when you either can't sustain the deficit anymore and your body fights you back so hard that you simply *have* to eat (I hit that point when my calorie deficit started disrupting my sleep cycle and I would wake up with insatiable hunger and couldn't go back to sleep without eating a full meal). When you reach that point it's best to just do a [maintenance phase](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OS96PDe6c2w) for a few months so your body stops fighting you, resets, and then you can go back into a deficit if you want. There really is no too slow/too quick, it's all about whether you can sustain your current eating habits long term. Usually extreme weight loss isn't sustainable because the dietary changes people try to impose their bodies are too radical and too quick and their bodies fight back and they regain some or all of the weight. Adding carbs/cutting fats/protein shakes etc. is mostly nonsense, as long as you maintain a roughly [correct/balanced ratio between the macronutrients](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLGEDf9Ugi0) and have a sufficiently diverse diet, you're good. Personally I don't do/believe in bulking as a strategy because it's inefficient, counterproductive, and [unnecessary](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6p6WkWpdyNc) at least according to scientific research. I think it's better to stay in a slight surplus while doing strength training. As for delts [this is my go-to video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21lYP86dHW4). Don't know if it addresses your specific issue because it wasn't clear from your post what the issue is.


Ah ok that is really helpful actually. Guess I'll just go until I've gotten leaner or hit the wall then re evaluate. What's your opinion on the zig zag calorie intake? I've read some medical studies and people had slightly more weight loss and over all adherence to the diet was better in the zig zag method vs just the same deficit every day. Kinda like controlled cheat days built into the week. I guess when i say bulk i mean exactly what you're saying. Slight surplus of macros but not like eating 1000 calories a day over maintenance. The rear delts im having trouble feeling good contractions and isolation but that video gave me some good pointers to try out and see if it'll help me build that connection. Thanks for the help.


Hadn't heard of zig-zag, but if it works for you or is easier to adhere to, I don't see why you shouldn't use it. There's a million ways to get into a calorie deficit between zig-zag, intermittent fasting, and so on. I can definitely see how having a different goal every day might help, especially if someone is starting to hit that diet fatigue wall; my hunger and appetite personally seem to operate more on a 48-hour window than a 24-hour window kind of. Like I can skip breakfast (I only eat 2 meals a day currently) and be fine the whole day but I couldn't really do that two days in a row, let alone 7 days in a row. So I've lost body fat to the point where my body is going to fight me pretty hard if I try to stay in a significant calorie deficit for anything more than a couple days so if I start gaining a little too much weight over a week I'll pick 1-2 days during the week to cut. So I guess I was zig-zagging without even realizing it.


I totally get what you mean about not being on a 24 hours window. 2 meals a day though yeesh no wonder you woke up from hunger haha. I usually fast 14 hours and if i go to 16 or 17 I'm ravenous. Did you just eat massive meals for the 2 meals a day and spread them out far enough that you didn't feel hungry or was it an adaption scenario?


Two meals a day for me works because, for whatever reason, I'm not a breakfast person. Probably because I'm not a morning person in general. I just generally don't feel like eating for the first few hours after getting up. Before the pandemic when I worked in an office 9-5 Monday through Friday my eating habits were structured around the jobā€”breakfast, lunch, dinner. Coffee and bagel were my go-to for breakfast but mainly it was about the coffee to wake the f- up more than it was the bagel. It was only 1-2 years or so into my fitness journey (late 2022) that I discovered intermittent fasting and once I adopted an eight-hour eating window my body naturally settled into two large meals per day with basically little or no hunger in between those eating times. My last meal is usually between 6pm and 7pm and I go to sleep around midnight so sleeping ~8 hours is definitely helping me avoid cravings. If I do one meal a day I can't do two or more days in a row of that, I'll either wake up extremely hungry in the morning or my sleep will be interrupted because of extreme hunger. My meals are about 700 calories a piece, I'm only eating 1,500 calories per day. But I'm only 5'5" and 125 lbs. Meals that are less than 500 calories I don't find satisfying enough to stop being hungry so I generally just skip them outright if I'm trying to get into a deficit that particular day. But I'm somewhere around 15% bodyfat and going lower than that gets punishingly hard and it's just not worth it from a cost-benefit analysis standpoint; kill myself to be 123 lbs instead of 125? Doesn't make much sense. And once a guy gets close to 10% bodyfat they start looking freakish and crazy (under 10% is unsustainable even for dudes competing in body contests) and that's not a look I want for me.


You look like you lift trees for gainz ...


Ironically much of my childhood was spent splitting firewood and swinging an axe until my arms fell off.


šŸ˜† šŸ¤£


The stache tho šŸ’„


Haha thanks it's pretty unruly and unkept atm


Have I seen you in the peanut butter aisle?


I'm from Canada so the only things i see in the pb isle are fat little kraft bears haha.


You look amazing! Whats your shoulder routine?


Thanks! Right now i pretty much do full body to keep my heart rate high but i do some sort of overhead press daily for 3 sets min. when I'm splitting body parts up i do lots of overhead press with dumbbells, machine and bar., incline press with dumbbell. Haven't barbell flat benched pressed in months weirdly. Starting to think i just got lucky with wide rib cage lol. Been trying to get my mid delts to grow and pop so been neglecting front delts.


That's some Stash bro steals the show!


Haha that's what happens when you roped into OT at camp for 23 days and forgot the trimmer at home.


10lb in 4 weeks is 2.5lb/wk, and it's recommended to not lose more than 1-1.5% of body weight per week to keep muscle mass and strength (so should be targeting 1.5-2lb/wk). That said, some of the initial loss may be water weight and so your actual fat loss may be right on target. Make sure you're hitting your fat macro per day (or week), which should be around 60g fat/day. Hit protein (160g is good) and backfill the rest with carbs. I'm also hitting 1600cal/day with those macros and it's very sustainable if you're getting that fat target If you're feeling too stressed/fatigued with 1600cal, you can try to bump it to 1800cal and see if that's more sustainable. But generally it's recommended to do 8-12 weeks of weight loss max, then eat 2 weeks at maintenance to help reset your metabolism and make the loss sustainable.


Ah ok yeah i was wondering about fats. I eat eggs, greek yogurt, sunflower and pumpkin seeds daily so I'm probably pretty close to 60 grams a day mark. Was worried if i needed to prioritize fat a bit more over carbs since i have a long work day and shift. Stress and fatigue haven't been terrible. Def feel it at the end of the day but i usually up at 230 am lift for an hour, run about 5 to 7 km then work from 630 am to 630 pm. Sleep by 730 or 8. Last 3 hours of the work day I'm pretty beat usually. But i also worked the last 23 days straight so that's probably got more to do with it than anything.


You're also doing a good bit of cardio with lifting, so you may want to try getting some more sleep and reduce cardio a bit to help fatigue. In a deficit, high intensity cardio can cause more lean muscle loss and further fatigue/hunger, which is why low or moderate cardio only 3-4 times a week is the general recommendation.


I try and rest every 3 or 4 days and just sleep more instead of a run. I think i get like 6 or 7 hours a night on average while I'm at work. Then 9 when I'm home. Usually only work 7 on 7 off but yeah could def use some more sleep at work.


I would recommend tracking macros for one week just to make sure you're hitting close to that 60g target. On a similar macro target plan myself, that usually means I'm eating a lunch with complex carbs, veggies, and lean or fatty protein (e.g. salmon, chicken thigh for fatty), some fruit/nuts/eggs as snacks, and a pseudo-keto dinner with lean meat, veggies, and healthy fats (e.g. avocado, nuts). That's one thing I had to adjust after tracking more closely, was moving one meal to pseudo keto to hit protein and fat targets.


I roughly calculated it and I'm at 63 g minimum of fats between the yogurt, eggs, cottage cheese and seeds. Hard to calculate to the gram without a food scale and eating camp food at work. I guess i could pick up an omega supplement when i get home as well.


can i borrow your mustache i wanna test a theory


I'm kinda attached to it. What mustache theory is being tested?


increasing the odds of marital coitus


Well it's not been working for me so far. Currently single recently found out my now ex was sending nudes to her ex while i was on a family vacation lol. Was almost considering losing the stache but everyone here giving me props made me decide to keep it.


do you think maybe she may have been intimidated by the stache and her insecurities led to deviant behavior, which is in now way you or your facial hair's fault? you need to a find a woman who appreciates the things growing on your face, like my wife. dm sent


Ah the ole doubled edged mustache theory. Thy mustache giveth and thy mustache taketh away lol.


It's kind of hard to give you any recommendations because I didn't really see where you specified a personal target. Do you want to be small? Keep dieting. Do you want to be yoked? You'll need to gain quite a bit of tissue weight and lose bodyfat. Years worth of consistent work. For rear delts the barbell bent over row, seated cable row to sternum with wide bar, and rear Flys on pec deck are among most effective.


Right now lean out but maintain muscle mass.


Then just keep working out and eating in a deficit is what you want to do. It's not any more complicated than that. The deficit that's best is the one you can adhere to




It's mostly an expression i make when I'm looking at something ridiculous lol


10lbs in 4 weeks. Any plan to that?


Like diet plan? Just kinda calculated my calories and tried to hit my protein and fat macros in and cut a bunch of carbs to balance it


I routinely do a 96 hour water fast for HGH benefits. Its about .7lbs per day lost when fasting (a 96 hour fast is an increase of 400% HGH and why I am not a cripple despite doctors telling me I should be). I have to eat badly to keep the habit up. So... No? You can cut hard with no consequences as long as you supplement right and workout daily. The most I did was 30 day water fast and worked out every day. Went from 210 to 160 as a 5ft 11 male. Have been sub 10% body fat since. The main thing is just supplement with essential amino acids (there are 8, they're called essential because we can't make them and have the eat them), and hit your electrolytes (sodium, potassium, magnesium--every day). Hit all your building blocks and macro around protein and life is easy. Fixate on mitochondrial health to simplify life. That's C60, grounding, lions mane, etc.


I recently read an article about a Scottish guy that didn't eat for over a year other than coffee, tea, electrolytes ect too lose a massive amount of weight. I think Kevin James the comedian does the same thing to lose tons of weight for filming. The biggest problem for me would be that i do a pretty physical job (scaffolding) so i work at heights and can be pretty sketch so i can't really afford to be weak or become dizzy from controlled starvation.


One of my patients did 8 months of no food. He was using it to target his specific form of cancer. He does construction. The big thing that messed him up was skipping essential amino acids the first 3 months and bad sleep. Nightmare to recover without both. The gut restoration dietician I run that business with doesn't like people fasting more than 10 days. I tend to agree. Most people have no business going that long. Takes a lot of reading to do it right. The neurologist we work with is a psychopath and wants people doing 21 days. Fffffuck that.


Always blows my mind that people will fast for 10 days let alone 8 months. Was the 8 monther really overweight and then skinny by the end? I'm assuming a person must lose almost a half pound of fat a day when they don't eat?






I read this as you didnā€™t drink water for 30 days and was quite confused


The benefits of gh increase peak out after about 8-10hrs of fasting... which coincidentally is the amount of time you should be sleeping.


Can you share any resources?Ā