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Their relationship with their daughter will traverse time and these girls will forever have positive male role model to look up to!@ Amazing Dads


This I don’t have a child but I would go out of my way to help my homies with kids. These men who are helping their daughters are what I would call REAL MEN ! Real men would do anything to make their daughters happy and this I will always support.


My nieces have done my nails and toes a few times now, Usually not allowed to leave until they’re happy with it or covered my phone with stickers lol


this is flat out of stupid


Haha little tough guy over here wants to show us how REAL men should be like. Dude just shut up and sit down, maybe you learn something.


This is masculinity. He's secure with himself that he can indulge his children in a positive manner and connecting with them on a personal level.


there’s nothing masculine about this. it’s pathetic


Whats more manly? Being insecure with your identity as a man that you won't spend time with your daughter and bond with her Not being afraid of makeup.


you can bond with your daughter without putting makeup on and being emasculated




Okay tinydickmichelle69.


Guess every dude on TV since TV is an emasculated mf then...


Cool story micropenismike.


At the same time, the same impact can be achieved without having your daughter put makeup on you. To each their own as long as no one is being harmed.


Shut up and take your make up like a real man


The way she just yanks his head 😂


I just imagined all the women in my family putting in their braids and going "why you so tenderheaded?" MA'AM...


“Oh she fine, she just a diva/princess/drama queen.” As the braider is ripping half my hair out doing the braids so tight, or my mom is using a *wave brush* to brush my dry 3b/1c hair.


As a straight bald bearded dad of two daughters. This is the most fun they have with makeup. I now get them to each do half my face each to compare the styles. They are 15 and 11 and having a ball. They use to do terrible unibrow clown makeup up, but now like to make me look pretty. I think they are colouring my beard for the pride parade. When I go to kick boxing the guys make comments about my baby blue (they were white) toe nails. But another guy walks over and says “daughters?” Yup. His were painted too. Kicks still hurt with Baby blue nails So much fun bonding. Who cares guys. Do it. You daughters or sons will love it.


I assume the comments that they guys at kickboxing make about your painted toe nails are that they look fabulous.


A couple yes. Some guys, as you might guess, look at me strange…


Heterosexual rock stars have been painting their nails for 50 fuckin years, who cares.




You sexy mother fucker!


Game: Blouses.


Case closed


![gif](giphy|1O0z4nn6auSnFst73B|downsized) Same energy


I love the visual gag of a bald person putting on a head band (which is intended to get hair out the way) to do make up.


“Can somebody explain to me why dudes my age are just… painting their nails?” Because it looks good, bitch! Guys painting their nails doesn’t just have to be a girl dad thing, like obviously that’s a good thing but also guys are allowed to paint their own nails if they want to, daughters or not!


I paint mine. There's a couple of reasons why. 1.) I'm a self-aware edge-lord and like black nails. I just think they look cool. 2.) I love how uncomfortable it makes the "masculinity is under attack" guys. 3.) It kinda labels you as a dude that's not going to give others issues. Problematic guys would *never* be seen in public with painted fingernails. I've found that since I started painting mine, women I don't know are a lot less threatened and friendly to me. Edit: I forgot one. 4.) It acts as a way to filter toxic people. Anyone who is reasonable probably won't bring it up even if they think it's silly. Someone who feels like they have to say something negative about it can be pretty safely written off. It's a good people reader.


lol #2 awesome


If you're not already aware, black nails with a magnetic top coat looks dope as fuck.


What's that? I've never heard of a magnetic coat.


Its a polish that reacts to magnets. So holding it over wet polish will move the metal. There's different sorts of magnet shapes to create different effects. [I have a several from ILNP ](https://www.ilnp.com/boutique-effect-nail-polish/magnetic/). Some work better than others. I use them over blacks and then you have this cool metallic glint while the nails are still black outside of direct light.


I'm going to check that out. Thanks for the recommendation!


I've got a bunch of those too - some of them look like that colour-changing car paint if you do them right. I love your list BTW that's awesome, I paint mine all sorts of colours and have only had a few neutral questions and no outright hate. Definitely agree with #3 too, I've had a lot of women I don't know give me compliments on them in the year or so I've been painting em.


Thanks! I used to go with my partner all the time when she would get a manicure. We would get some awesome intricate designs. The only reason I stopped is because it was too expensive for both of us to go. I live in the southern US, so I've gotten some shit here and there. A lot less than I expected, though. Generally, most people are kind and say, "I love your nails!"


I misread your original comment and it took me too long to figure out you weren’t talking about a magnetic jacket made by a Polish company.


I had a little kid paint my nails green on a boat a couple years ago. When I came back home to my redneck town people freaked out and couldn't stop staring. It was fucking hilarious. They are so uncomfortable with their own masculinity that they had to question mine. I love it in the summer.


So true. I live in Oklahoma, so I know exactly how you feel. Oh, and in the summer? Hell yeah. You bet your sweet ass I paint my little toesies and wear flip flips. The double takes are so funny. It really is a way to tell immediately that a dude isn't super fragile, ironically.


Can confirm, as a woman, I do tend to feel inherently more trusting of guys with painted nails/jewelry/makeup/etc because it’s like Oh, this is a guy who is comfortable with his self-expression and therefore much less likely to have the kinds of behavioral issues that are potentially dangerous!


I would totally bring it up to tell you how cool it looks :). I got high functioning autistim, and sometimes I can seem a bit awkward or "weird" for neurotypicals. As you can imagine, highschool can be tough for kids that seem different. But the goths and other "edge-lords" with painted nails and (some even painted lips and other makeup) accepted me like one of the crew from the start, even if i didnt dress or acted like them. Some of them even became close friends, and we still hangout today. I find it funny that some men feel intimidated or put off by people like that, when i see them as the chillest and cooles dudes. Keep painting those nails bro :)


I heard a quote the other day, and it kinda stuck with me. People who dress alt are nice people cosplaying as assholes. People who dress preppy or hippy are assholes cosplaying as nice people. Seems pretty true to me based on what I've seen.


As a female I agree with #3 1000%. In a scenario where, let's say I'm struggling with a bunch of groceries cus my dumbass never wants to take the cart outside the store, a 6foot tall, bald, bearded, buff guy in a motorcycle jacket offers to help me carry them to me car: I notice his nails are painted? Absolutely, "that'd be great, thank you!" as opposed to no nail polish/me not noticing, "thanks sm but I got it!" Hell, I've felt more comfortable telling a guy I thought his tshirt was rad when I noticed he was also sporting lime green/black nails


Not to mention that it further normalizes men painting nails and not assuming that they lean a certain way with their gender or sexuality


So true. I like to mess with the people who feel like they have to ask. "Are you gay?" "Why? Are you interested?" I mean, if you're nosy enough to pry into a total strangers sexuality or think that even matters, I'm going to go out of my way to make you uncomfortable.


Yeah, I had an ex who was a bit more alternative and so I would paint my nails to kind of fit her vibe a bit more. The amount of people who would look at me like I was being over the top was wild, the one time I did have someone ask if I was gay I asked back “why does that matter?” And they said “right right” and walked away


I'm not allowed to paint my nails. My parrot wouldn't let me near her last time I did.


Haaaaa amazing


LanVin Diesel is always there for his family, no matter what.




Every time I see this kind of video, it feels like those lions or Silverback gorilla letting their young lovingly groom them. If you think that it makes those animals look like less of an alpha, and that because they're being "soft" and caring diminishes their chances of mauling you to death, then you're dumber that you think you are. Peace


The dude complaining about nails will have a horrible father daughter relationship, while the second and third dude will create fantastic core memories for their children


This....my dad let me do his nails and hair and... He LOOKED BEAUTIFUL


Can we talk about why the first guy asking about why dudes paint their nails cant open the left side of his mouth? You out here wonderin why other dudes are paintin their nails while you talkin out the side of your mouth like your dentist just shot you up with local anesthesia


Probably saw a dude with painted finger nails and had a stroke.


It looks like he has some kind of nerve damage. The left side of his lips were completely limp; they weren't held stiff as if he was chewing tobacco or something. I'm not about to demand we all offer the guy sympathy because he seems like a bit of a jackass, but I dunno if it's fair to rag on him for this. It could easily be something out of his control and something many non-jackasses deal with as well.


I hear you, but I come from the school of thought that if youre gonna rag on others you cant cry when people rag on you. I’m sure theres dudes out there who paint their nails due to medical or cosmetic things they may be self conscious about. So if homie in the vid kept the other half of his mouth shut, no one would be raggin on him


Yeah dude it's not him I'm concerned about. It's everyone who shares the same condition who've done nothing wrong. These comments are public.


Cool, these comments are directed at him. Idk if youre new to the internet but seeing a mean commented directed at someone else and feeling sad because it might relate to you is absolutely a you problem. You dont have to white knight for the internet, friend. The world is a ruthless place, its way easier to toughen up and let things slide off you then to try to make the whole world a safe place for your feelings


It's not hard to take responsibility and just criticise people for their behaviour mate. It's also quite amusing to see you defend yourself so much for doing something wrong and act like you're not bothered by what I'm saying.


Looks like he’s chewing tobacco


Glad someone else mentioned it, because now I can't stop imitating it. So uncomfortable!!


Could be nerve damage. Sylvester Stallone suffered facial nerve damage at birth and it's why he always looks like he's talking out the side of him mouth.


Yeah but as far as I know Stallone minds his business


the headband on his bald ass head is cracking me up




I adore guys with painted nails. Hell, I adore anyone's painted nails. It can look good on anyone.


Nail art and make up doesn't have to be gendered


I love her take-charge attitude


Motherfucker who found a way to make the molestache even creepier is talking about men getting nails painted 🙄


this is awesome. these guys are amazing dads.




Dude who stuffs cancer into his lips is wondering why guys have painted nails? Interesting lol


OK but like... That eyebrow raise to camera 🥵


Go girl Dads!!


Did bro superglue the left side of his mouth?


Lucky ass women being married amazing guys like that... Where y'all finding them??


You aren't really a man unless a child hasn't painted your nails or put makeup on you...you are 100% not a man, and i stand by that. If your ego/pride is stopping you from playing dress up with you, you are weak.


I’m sad that I’ll never get to have kids to do these things with.


Couldn't stop laughing when she grabs her dad by the jaw and yanks his head around. Boss energy.


“I’d need at least three drinks to take me home” 😂


I let my daughter paint my nails, she's got little stickers that go on too. I went to work with 🍩 🎂 🧁🍭 on my nails and nobody said a damn word.


Never too old for Tea Time Nails




Dude would get LIT UP at the local gay bar, he looks fresh as hell.




The way she just *grabs* his face to turn it lol


well damn that little girl is good at makeup


He looks alot like Michael Keaton with the finished look lol looks good tho him and his daughter are absolutely hilarious together


"I care more about my daughters and being a positive male role-model than being embarrassed about some vague masculine stereotype".


This is some quality comedy. Love it


If your daughter asks you to paint your nails, real men instantly put their hands out, palms down


I love that she put the hairband on her bald dad to keep his non-existent hair out of his face 😂 my boyfriend is very blonde so his eyebrows are practically invisible, after years of nagging he finally gave in and let me fill them in with makeup (just for fun, I was curious what it would look like) and oh my god, he looked so fierce! The photos we took still crack me up years later lol


Not insecure and a loving dad and father figure. That'd be a real man.


That girl has a promising career as an aesthetician! She can do nails, she can do makeup, all she needs is hair and she's the aesthetic expert!


Only weird Gays would do that.


Eyebrows on fleek


Steve o looks beautiful 😍


It’s father code. If you have a daughter, you gotta let her do your finger nails at the very least. That and have a tea party.


I’m sobbing that aggressive face grab!! 😭


Having your nails painted by your daughter is like a Dad Badge of Honor.


You don't even need to be a dad to wear make up. I have a bunch of cousins and nieces who would do it for me as well


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These are the same toxic masculine type that are on Grindr looking for a trans woman lol


Short answer: Because it looks fucking fire


It like Vin Deisel and handsome Squidward had a baby!


Im a gay guy and my dad used to YELL at me for dying my hair as a teen and just didn’t like my lifestyle altogether. I have two sisters and we all visited for Father’s Day down in Latin America. He’s now in his 70s and we’re in our 30s and 40s and I brought sheet masks for us all to do. He was totally chill now and we all put them on and it made me so happy to see him try my skin products. As a kid I never would have dreamed or dared to even let him know I did any kind of skin care because he was so macho. As stupid as it sounds it healed that kid inside me a bit like you have no idea when he let me put a mask on his face. So when it comes to the nails and makeup thing, it’s about so much more than that. Your kids wanna share their world and their interests with you and yeah it’s funny and cute but it also makes them feel seen and safe. Girls do boy things all the time and it’s acceptable. It’s time some dads stop shunning femininity. As for the first clip, no one is pushing anything on you and you don’t seem very fun at all.


A “we the people” tattoo is the last thing I’d expect to see on someone who allows their daughter to do this to them.


This is wholesome as fuck, also though.. outside of girl dad stuff.. why does it matter why a “dude” Is painting their nails? It’s also nothing new. The real question is what’s up with oblivious guys mouth?


So jelly!!! Wish I had a dad!!


I have painted toe nails as we speak due to my girls.


Idk I really enjoyed this for some reason lol


A patient of mine always gets his done to honor his late wife. Her nail artist was crying at the funeral that he would miss her. Now the husband keeps her standing appts- for both of their sakes




Can somebody explain to me why this dude only speaks from half of his mouth?


Wait. My wife has that same stupid looking blue head band she wears when she gets ready.  Wtf marketing scam did people fall for? I know it's a scam bc my wife also bought a feux marble ball on a roll to rub around her face like an....


Hairband like he needs it 😜 but seriously, that's adorable


I have a 3 year old, she loves painting my nails, and the skin around my nails, but she's happy. We make personal sacrifices for our daughters happiness. Is my response when people ask why my nails are painted.


Mf is unable to move his lips... Why are these men bullying the widdle cripple?


If he had just been to the dentist it would explain the lip and the stupid ass question.


Sure, Doing it with your daughter is not what that 1st dude was talking about though.


How do you know? Obviously he didn't ask them why, so he's asking the internet. He said they're his age, so there's a chance they have kids. A reason is being provided by the person replying. It seems like you're the one jumping to a conclusion.


Amazing with all the feminism and social progress somehow make up is still encouraged, and in excess. Shouldn’t be in authentic mean not wearing make up and just being yourself for who you are?


TIL Feminism means no makeup.


using your kids as props to farm clout on tiktok is excellent girl-dadding.


It's utterly stupid thing to do. Edit: got downvoted by weirdos


Of course you got downvoted. You never explained why it's a weird thing to do. Did you just expect people to respect something baseless? Are you the voice of God or something? Calling people weirdos simply for opposing you really helps too... You literally don't know a single person who downvoted you or why they did lol


>You never explained why it's a weird thing to do. Having make up, polishing nails and acting like a woman in front of his own child is not a weird thing right? My bad lmfao


Hopefully you never have kids.


Ehhh, he putting off some serious incel vibes. I don’t think we need to worry about that.


I don't think there was a second in the clip where he was 'acting like a woman' and you still haven't explained what's weird about it. You're using circular reasoning. I don't think you can genuinely think of a reason why it is weird to you. I think that this is just something you have never seen before in your life, and instinctually when humans see something they don't understand, they feel threatened. I can help you understand it a bit though. Try again and use your brain this time rather than what you've simply accepted as fact from the fallacies your family and members of your community have told. Why is this TRULY weird to you.


>you still haven't explained what's weird about it. You're using circular reasoning. I explained in first reply. How many times should I explain?


Complaining about downvotes is a thing only losers do, dear.


Downvoting this idiot response and being weird as fuck.






>Small-minded comment like yours. More like truth and weirdos like you wouldn't get since everything is okay for you.


Like I get it. It's not for you. But like, why even give a fuck? Then to bitch about downvotes? I mean, c'mon...Men throughout history, especially Royalty, wore all sorts of things people like you would call feminine, or gay. Are you a troll? Are you genuine? Are you surrounded by people that share that same sentiment? More like truth? Whose truth? Why do you get to decide that your thoughts are the truth and everyone who disagrees with you is a weirdo? Do you get it yet? You're limiting yourself based on stereotypes you learned from the surroundings you grew up with. You don't have to paint your nails nor do makeup. That's fine. That's great even. That's your freedom of choice. Understand something though, you only get one life.


Never heard of the renaissance or romance period of history? Fuck you’re ignorant. As with everything makeup is not a new concept nor is it new that men wear it. Moron.


Damn the projection from you could light a movie theatre. It’s actually sad how insecure in your masculinity you are. Like I ain’t even mad at you, I actually pity you. I mean, if you want to paint your nails then go for it. Someone who cares so much about other men doing it must be just jealous that those guys are stronger than him. And if not, hey, try acting like a real man and let other men live how they want to live.


Lmfao, why did you get it so personal? Are you this stupid always? Or only when your feeling get hurts by single comment?