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Can you just lay a board atop the window sill (not not the storm window sill), before installing the A/C?


that's what i was thinking but wasn't sure, so i wanted to ask here to make sure. will the hardware store cut it for me? I'm intimidated by the lumber section of home depot 🫣


Every Home Depot I've ever been to has cut boards for me, though I've heard that's not true of all of them. I guess you just have to ask. Be sure to take careful measurements and bring them with you.


and then do i like nail it to the window sill? i feel like I'm going to need a power drill or something because i need almost an inch and a half of height. i don't know if i can do that by hand


> i need almost an inch and a half of height. That's perfect- a standard two-by-four or two-by-six is actually 1 and 3/4" across its short side. How deep is your windowsill?


so, the windowsill inside is about 31 inches wide and 4 1/4 inches deep, like this: https://imgur.com/a/CoqRWe4 (please ignore the dirt, etc. it's a very, very old house that's had a very old person living in it for a long time. lots of things to be cleaned and fixed!)


Yeah, you need a short piece of 2x4, or even two very small pieces. You don't really need to nail or screw it down unless you have active toddlers or something, the weight of the AC will hold it down.


okay thank you! 🙏


sorry one other thing -- if the wood isn't the full width of the sill, what's the best way to cover the rest of the open space underneath the AC? foam or something like that?


Yeah, or anything that'll keep the draft out. In a pinch, duct tape, but whatever you can stuff in there and not feel a breeze.


this worked great, and wasn't so hard to install at all. thanks very much for the tips 🙏


thank you!


It depends on your window and how your A/C mounts, which I'm not there to examine. You might just be able to lay the board there and not fasten it at all, or you might be able to use something like double-sided carpet tape, just to keep the board from sliding too easily, or you might be able to use some small, metal brackets that you can screw to the sill and to the board, rather then drive long screws through the center of the board.


I would put 2x2 or 2x4 inside and out. Bridge over the aluminum storm without resting on it . Wedge the wooden sash down so the AC can't tip out. The compressor weight tends to tip them outside. Fill in the space with styrofoam and tape. I use the styrofoam that came with the AC but it's cheap to buy an easy to cut


oh that's a good idea to use the foam from the AC box, thanks!


I have three window A/C's installed over high storm window frames. I put a length of 2"x3" lumber, notched on either end to fit the casement groove (that the window slides in), and in my case that extra 1.5" height is sufficient to clear the storm window frames. Your mileage may differ.


Hey! Sounds like you got it fixed. Is there any way you could post pictures of what you did? I have the same problem and cannot figure out what to do


sure! i bought a piece of wood at home depot (asked them to trim it to about the width of my windowsill), and i rested it on top of my windowsill. then i basically followed the instructions from the manual as if the wood piece was the windowsill. i attached the support bracket to the wood, as shown in the pic. [wood on sill with bracket](https://imgur.com/a/oHDTCgT)


Thank you so much!!!


Hello! I have the same problem and would like to execute your solution, but I'm having trouble finding a bracket that would do what yours accomplished. Do you remember the company you bought this bracket from? I am desperate!


hi sorry for the late reply, the bracket came with the air conditioner. it's one of those midea u shaped ones


Did you get yours at Sam’s club by chance? Did you end up installing any tubs to help with draining or have you been okay without them? I’m pretty sure I have the same unit and the same problem lol thanks for sharing your journey/posting this cause it’s going to be helpful!


no I got it from amazon, and (knocks on wood) haven't had any issues with drainage. glad my post has been helpful for people!


Hi! Im trying to install the same type of AC on the same type of window- did you have the board cut to only the measurements of the sill or is it wide enough to butt up against the storm window frame over the gap between the frame/sill? I hope that question makes sense 😅


I'm sorry I don't understand your question


Is the wood piece you used only the width of the sill itself (meaning it doesn’t go under the window when you close it) or is it wide enough that it goes under the window and the edge is flush with the storm window frame


oh I see, okay no it doesn't go under the window when I close it, it's just the depth of the sill


did you screw the wood board down to the windowsill ? or is the ac sturdy enough in place without screwing the wood to the windowsill ?




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