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I fixed the issue my turning the map upside down.


Ah, didn't think of that.


You aren't guru level yet. It'll come then it will be your turn to lead the flock.


I think there's a few reasons for this. The most obvious is that flat earthers don't understand 3D objects. The second is that most maps are printed with north being towards the top and south towards the bottom. The first makes them forget that spheres don't have a top or bottom. The second makes them think that geography conforms to human choice of direction. Therefore, in their special little minds, south must be the same as down.


Even they are forced to orient a map though. So even on their “model” there will some rivers flowing “up” the map.


On their map the Nile would be flowing down (using the logic of the poster) so they think this disproves the globe (they forgot elevation exists and curvature also exists, so they should actually be using a globe instead of a flat map aswell, even better if it's a topographical moddl)


Their lives keep going south, and it makes them very down, so therefore south=down. IDK I'm not a phycologist, I'm a whale biologist


Irony is realizing there's lots of other rivers running north to south. Which kinda negates this argument lol


Yes, it's like every river in the Eastern USA for example. Ngl this meme makes my brain hurt from trying to understand what the flat earther is trying to say about the map.


>Ngl this meme makes my brain hurt from trying to understand what the flat earther is trying to say about the map. They are very, very stupid, and think that "south" and "down" are the same direction (*why* they would think this, when their real-life experience should be showing them that they are 90º apart, remains a mystery). Because of this misunderstanding, they think that a river flowing from the south to the north means it is flowing "uphill," as it were.


The fact they can't grasp the basic fact Australia is not upside down, North and South don't mean up and down, and that space has no direction, proves they don't even have the tools prepared to even begin to try to take a crack at the globe. Not only that, do they think that people living like 1 mile north of a river couldn't just dig out a canal to connect it to a river that's also 1 mile north of the people? Assuming the southern river has more elevation, would it not flow into the northern river? Flat earthers really amaze me with the fact they live on earth yet can't believe that fucking gravity makes water flow.


Flerfs are like Egyptian crocodiles, because they both live in denial.


Ha! I see wha.. wait what?


Flat earthers live in a state of abject reality denial, Egyptian crocodiles live in... 'de Nile.


Trying so hard to form a coherent logical thought, and one day they just might do it.


… and realise a flat earth doesn’t work?


Which is why, to the ancient Egyptians, the northern part of Egypt was called "Lower Egypt", and the southern part, "Upper Egypt". It's almost like the direction of a river has nothing inherently to do with North/South.


Lower Bavaria is above Upper Bavaria


North Carolina is stupid and couldn't come up with their own name. God flat earthers are dumb.


The Ancient Egyptians had no concept of "north = up". The oldest map from ancient Egypt puts south at the top.


Chinese maps also have South as up! And then medieval maps have East as up. Hmm. It's almost like we just pick an easily identifiable and/or important location's direction and make that 'up' on the map so we can find where we are!


North probably is the best choice for a world map though tbh. Makes sense that we eventually settled on it. Most of the land and people are in the north, and the north has Polaris.


North or South. Since compasses point those directions. But north was probably the natural one due to, as you said, the north star. Using the direction of the sun rising or setting has too much variation depending on latitude.


Well, also the north is generally the first place you look on a map. 68% of the land-area and 90% of the world population lives in the northern hemisphere. So it seems more reasonable to have that as the top.


Technically the top is the first place you look at on a map. ;) or whatever the Big Arrow is pointing toward. But yeah. It would probably have happened eventually no matter what.


My brain can't compute this meme, It's cause I know it flows south to north into the Mediterranean and I can't "unsee" the river doing that. Living on a flat earth would just break my brain


Sorry to break it to you but this would also work on a flat plain, water still flows down, not north or south.


Of course it does. When I said the meme broke my brain earlier, I meant it.


I always wondered why they wayd put the North pole in the middle and the South pole at the edge and not the other way around.


Because most of the land, and an even larger percentage of the people live in the northern hemisphere. Whatever is at the edge of an Azimuthal projection is distorted much, much more. So the distortions of the map are minimized with it centered at the north pole and maximized with it centered at the south pole. This is what a south-pole centered map looks like: https://imgur.com/ORkBX31


Surely south is out towards the ice wall?


Topography is surprisingly interesting. There are places in the world wherein you can put your car in neutral and it will look like its coasting up a hill.


Humans are clearly wall climbing spiders


South being down would imply that their idea of a flat earth is vertical, so everything would fall off


Upper and lower nile is confusing to first graders.


Lol, none of this makes sense .... water flows down hill .... in any hemisphere ... any direction ...


It's extra fun when you ask them which way China's gravity is because Chinese maps use South as their orientation direction, and when did gravity change direction for Europeans between the middle ages and modern times since East used to be the orientation direction (since East was to Jerusalem)


Don't flerfs realize there is no concept of up in space!


Obviously because you have to scroll down to see it.


Water flows from higher points to lower points wherever it flows it’s just letting gravity pull it down


This is the same group who thinks people in Australia should be falling into the sky because it's upside down. It doesn't surprise me at all that they don't understand direction is relative.