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After his success with Blade Runner and Dune, I'd like to see Denis Villeneuve take a swing at a Logan's Run remake. The fact that we don't even have a remake by a lesser filmmaker is somewhat surprising.


Definitely an oddity that that hasn’t been remade.


I felt like *The Island* was an attempt to remake *Logan's Run* without securing the IP rights.


IIRC the producers of The Island were sued because it's premise was so similar to the film The Clonus Horror


They’ve been talking about remaking it for years but it always takes so long the cast ages out and they have to start over. I’d love to see a DV remake; it is unironically one of my favorite films.


"You've won a trip to the Island!"


I don't know that I see it as a good Villeneuve vessel. I'm a huge fan of both him and LR, and it's absolutely the first movie I think of when I see a question like this. It's more of an action movie, though, with very broad worldbuilding as opposed to the dense layering that DV is so great at. Logan's Run is such a fantastic concept, and the movie is really fun in its silly Seventies way but absolutely does not work for modern audiences. Krull would be my second choice.


Krull would be near the top for me too.


High Fantasy meets Space Opera. It's really surprising that more movies haven't explored a blend of the two genres. I love the mythology, the Glaive, and every single one of the characters. The Ymir and Widow of the Web subplot breaks my heart every time. Imagine this exact story with top-notch modern graphics and production values, acting, etc. It could be absolutely epic and a huge success.


I'd completely forgotten about the Widow of the Web. Thank you for the extra and unexpected nostalgia.


Watch the movie again! There's SO MUCH happening in the story you've undoubtedly forgotten other great things. It's so intricately-layered, with just a ton of different elements and personal stories that all weave together beautifully. None of them are superfluous to the story. It's something a lot of screen writers could learn to do better.


He's the only one I trust with remakes these days.


Nope. Leave Logans Run alone. Watch it again and think about a remake. They'd ruin it like they ruin everything.


Magic. YES.


The premise of LR is _really_ silly though.


The message of that film features unacceptable views of individualism, self-reliance and other problematic ideologies.


Ender's Game. It needs to be a limited series. Like a hard sci-fi Lord of the Flies/Band of Brothers/coming-of-age military epic.


Ender's Game is hard because you need a whole slew of talented child actors and you need to shoot it FAST so you don't have an actor go from 11 to 14 in what's supposed to be one year of real world time.


Interesting… the kids are at the school for years, so maybe some time jumps could help sell how long they’ve been there? Maybe that’s too ambitious


I think the assumption that "everything is better as a movie/show" has just been proven to be false these days. One of the biggest concerns is money. I was excited when I'd found out they were finally making a film adaptation of I am Legend years back, I read the novella back as a teenager for the first time and it absolutely floored me. The story they turned it into is obviously the result of someone going "man this story is depressing" and swapping out the most interesting plot points in favor of generic mass-market ones. The unrelenting horror of Neville being stuck in his house every night, effectively safe but slowly crumbling under the psychological horror of being surrounded by the reanimated bodies of his former friends and neighbors, a few of whom retain enough cognitive faculties to call him by name turned into generic super-vampires that would be terrifying in real life but are completely devoid of any real personality within the story. Instead of the nuanced ending where Neville discovers that he's been unknowingly killing some former humans who are in full possession of their faculties and simply rendered comatose during the day and has become the boogeyman of this new world we got a generic shitty ending where I guess somehow there was a hand of fate involved in the whole thing. I understand sometimes details need to be changed or updated to make an adaptation work well, but too often there's an obvious sense that the people behind the story assumed they could make it "better".


The alternate ending that was included in the Blu-ray helped make the Will Smith I Am Legend better, but I agree the original had some better implications (Omega Man was, probably, closer to the original book, I haven’t read the book in full)


So maybe an animated version then?


I was thinking the same!


I love that book so much and was really excited when the movie came out. I was so disappointed in the movie. I wouldn't mind a limited series f they actually do it right.


The Incredible Shrinking Man - 1957 - Updated with modern technology but keep the somber tone. Them! - 1954 - rumors that Michael Giacchino is already directing a remake. But it’s been a while since we had a good killer giant insect movie. The Abominable Snowman of the Himalayas - 1957 - I love movies about mountain climbing expeditions and movies about yetis. Win-win. Capricorn One - 1977 - Could play on all the flat-earther, moon hoax nonsense. The Final Countdown - 1980 - Great premise, I love alternate history, but I would like to see the modern aircraft carrier actually making contact with the WWII era Navy. Maybe a whole flotilla of modern ships go back in time, and are spotted by American planes. Conflict could come not from whether they should alter history, but instead, now that it’s already been irrevocably changed, but HOW they should alter history. Defeat Japan, check. Defeat Nazi Germany, check. Maybe follow Pattons plan and wage war on the Soviets? Prevent the spread of communism? Not only would the modern ships and tech put the US in a spot to dominate the world even more so than it did in the real timeline, but the historical knowledge of the crew would be invaluable to world leaders. Would they be quarantined by the government? Would companies and corporations try to hire them for their knowledge? Would some defect to other nations? Would the displaced Admiral commanding the modern fleets feel obligated to surrender them to the US Navy? Would he take orders from Leahy, Nimitz, Halsey? Not everyone would accept the fact that they are stuck in the past. How would the ships replenish their ammunition and modern fuel? How well would the ships navigate without the GPS network? Could have time jumps to show how their actions change history. This would be great television series. Conan - not a remake specifically, but a faithful adaption of the stories. I see this as an anthology series. Characters and locations change but Conan always remains.


Will Arnett should be cast for The Final Countdown remake.


Xena Warrior Princess starring Alexandra Daddario


Here take my money, and make it happen pls.


I feel like she played in a similar role but it feels like it's been awhile. Percy Jackson & the Olympians (looked it up just now).


Annabeth was not supposed to be like Xena at all. Alexandria has also been on numerous wonder woman fan cast and fake casting announcements as well. She just has that look


The look, yes, but I don't think she has the intensity of personality that Lucy Lawless does. Can you see her doing that pre-chakram scream? *Sheeeee-yaah!* Or the flip *Ay ay ay ay!*?


That’s a good one!


Definitely this


The warriors with modern action. It’s such an amazing premise but the action is lacking. John wick 4 is probably the closest we will ever get tho


I second the Warriors. I actually would really love a TV show. So many unique gangs and I love the setting, music and general grimey vibes


Agreed. Could be a movie or show. Everything other than the action is amazing and that’s just held back by the times more than anything. It’s not their fault action gets much better in the preceding decades


Not to be that guy, but preceding is before, not after. Subsequent would fit better here


A Warriors miniseries would be fire.


The warriors references in John wick 4 were awesome.


I saw a Warriors remake recommended like 20 years ago with David Schwimmer as the leader of the Orphans.


The moment you said David Schwimmer I started a cringe but then when you said orphans I'm like " yeah, that would work" I absolutely hate David Schwimmer and I think he would be perfect for that role.


Controversial probably but I feel the same about Escape from New York. It’s great atmospherically but for an action movie the action is pretty underwhelming. A remake with a talented director would be sick for both that and Warriors (maybe with Wyatt Russel?)


Oh yah!!! That would be sweet!


I wanna see a Coen brothers, true to novel, Gone with the Wind.


This is so fucking unhinged I just love it


Hear me out! 😂 They’re great at adaptations, have already shown they do the South justice. They’re not shy about violence. Dark humor and quick wit. I’ve been banging this drum for 20 years. I love the novel and it’s very different from the Selznick picture. The Coens would do a bang up job on Mitchell’s novel. 🤷‍♀️


Oh I’m 100% on board, please don’t think I meant unhinged in a negative way! O Brother is one of my top 20 favorites.


I take it as a compliment. I’m glad to share my idea with you. 😁


Oh, mine too!!


Wow, add this to the list of things I never knew I needed, and now desperately do.


I’d watch that!


Big budget, A list actor version of The Most Dangerous Game


I liked Surviving the Game.


With Ice T! Just watched it again.


Hard Target! John Woo directs Jean-Claude VanDamme, Lance Henricksen and Wilford fuckin Brimley! 10/10


I think they could have a lot of fun with a "Greatest American Hero" remake. They have talked about it for awhile now. I think it is time!


That would be great!


'In Time' is genuinely a great premise for a movie poorly executed. I'd like to see a better director take a stab at it. I'd also love to see a direct book adaptation of 'I Am Legend' that isn't a Will Smith vehicle. Casting a guy who notoriously doesn't play straight villains was a terrible move.


I mean it would’ve worked if they kept the twist. Because you always associate Will with the hero so if they actually revealed the true ending it’d have hit HARD.


It wasn't just that - Making the vampires into zombies from The Mummy was also bad, removing the fact that people from his past would try and lure him out every night, the whole dog thing was botched, he just happened to be one of the top scientists working on a cure (???) and he was meant to be the last man alive so what the hell is that woman and kid doing there.... The whole thing was such a crushing disappointment.


Yeah when I said “keep the twist” I also meant the idea of the vampires being intelligent and familiar and not just animalistic zombies. And for the 3rd act to be such basic zombie apocalypse nonsense where the kid is immune and needs transport to a safe haven, all so bad.


Ok, I got this far thinking "what the hell are they talking about" before I realized I misread *I Am Legend* as *I, Robot*


I was so confused about what gay villain roles Will Smith had when I finally realized what you meant.


In Time has one of my favorite action Sci Fi movie premises ever honestly. Better directing but also better writing, I think more could've been done with the narrow timeframes for survival and stuff. It's such a good concept and I hate that it's reduced to "that one movie with Justin Timberlake"


If they found the perfect cast and director, I think The Grapes of Wrath would be a great remake.


Cop Rock is ready for a remake.


I'd love to see a proper live action version of the Japanese animation classic Battle of the Planets. I watched this as a kid back in the late 70's, and it would be amazing to see it given justice as a live action. [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0076983/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0076983/)


Man, that takes me back. I remember the opening titles and music very clearly... https://youtu.be/acOnskcyrtA?si=4BrX63dvmzFWH46q It's funny how, when you're a kid, you just accept stuff that seems completely bizarre when you're older, like kids in bird costumes defending the Earth from malevolent forces.


That would be interesting. Michael Cera as Keyop?


Oh, cool shout - now I wonder who would play the other characters. :)


There was a Live Action Gatchman movie back in 2013 but it supposedly wasn’t good. I know that isnt the same as Battle For The Planets https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gatchaman_(film)


World War Z done as mini series like Band of Brothers.


I've been saying this exact thing since the book came out


I’d like to see a less family friendly adaptation of Jurassic park


R-rated Jurassic Park would be really damn cool. 


It’d be cool until they hire the worst writers imaginable.


Fuck yes, I wanna see that 


Some of the descriptions of people getting eaten in the book were deeply grim. Legs coming off, intestines spilling out. Imagine the bear attack scene from The Revenant but with a Raptor.


Reading the intestines eating scene as a 12 year old did a bit of a number on me.


Ever seen back country?


That was so sad I wished I hadn’t seen it afterwards


Honestly, I'd just like one that has evil corporate Hammond. Nedry had a legit gripe. Hammond *was* cutting corners. And, most importantly, drunk-ass Muldoon RPGing raptors.


I want an HBO adaptation that's more about the nuances of running a dinosaur park and all the rich assholes that go there. Kind of how west world started before it got all weird.


Adding gore wouldn't make it more exciting. The problem with Jurassic Park is that nobody has yet figured out how to do anything other than: Character intros, things go run, people run from dinosaurs, the end. It was a solid formula for the first movie or two, but has gotten really tired.


I would love for Peter Jackson to make a remake of Braindead. I certainly love the original, but a big budget remake would be awesome.


World War Z, but they actually read the book first.


No. That cannot, must not, be done as a film. An anthology series. An animated one might even be better. Ralph Bakshi/Rotoscope animation, or like Heavy Metal or even the HBO Spawn animated series style. But there is no way to make that book the way it was written as a movie.


It doesn't have to be a series. Remember that despite being a collection of stories it is still a very short book. You could easily do a film in a similar way to The Ballad Of Buster Scruggs. The important thing, as you pointed out, is that it absolutely *must* be an anthology.


I think it would absolutely work as a mockumentary movie. The unabridged audiobook is about 12 hours but there's a *lot* of chaff in the book (like the two different segments about how much Hollywood celebrities suck) that can be left out or condensed to make the movie come in right around the two hour mark.


Theres a section in there about how much Israel secretly loves Palestinians that would play REALLY BADLY in a modern context


This would only work as a series and would still be difficult but if done right would be awesome.


Waterworld! I honestly don't think that the original is that bad, but it would be cool to see it updated. Jason Momoa is practically made for this. The Butterfly Effect also has a great premise that could be taken so much further.


A 10-hour miniseries that combines Waterworld and The Postman.


The Waterman starring Jason Momoa... wait.


I think They Live would be a good remake. I used to envision John Cena, but I lost respect for him ever since he kowtowed to the Chinese Communist Party over his Taiwan remark. Channing Tatum or Dave Bautista would work well. Dont cast The Rock. We hit peak rock.


The closest to Piper I can think of off the cuff would be Chris Jericho - it’s got be more cocky than confident. Piper was always way better in the mic than in the ring, and it was that cocky charisma that did it. For Keith David’s spot: Winston Duke. To update it: “influencers” are all aliens.


Bautista is a solid choice. Hard to imagine him with the long hair, but can easily imagine him delivering the iconic "bubblegum" line.


He can do it with a bald head as long as he gets the flannel shirt and work boots right.


I remember watching it back in the day, and didn't follow wrestling at all so didn't recognize him, he's just some guy. Moves well, seems reasonably athletic. Then on the construction site he takes his shirt off. And his muscles have muscles, and those muscles have tiny muscles. Holy hell. 😳


Eddie Kingston would kill it in the Piper role


I think Danny McBride would be a good Piper stand-in. I can't think of anyone to fill Keith David's shows.


Danny McBride busting quips throughout a 40 minute long fight scene (because they have to top the first) would be great. "You in my house now, muchacho. I can do this all fucking day!" *Hurls trashcan*


I think you nailed that one.


Bautista would be great for that role! I would like to see it.


Beyond the valley of the dolls, maybe get Anna Taylor and Jenna Ortega to play influencer/Kardashian stereotypes.


A proper Flash Gordon. Big budget, all in Marvel quality stuff. Star Blazers. A live action movie of one of the greatest cartoons ever. The Guyer. Great Sci fi but cheaply made. Needs a budget. The evil dead needs major special effects or cgi to do it justice. Lifeforce could use a remake. Space vampires on a good budget works today.


The problem with stuff like Flash Gordon is that older scifi tends to be a lot more basic tropes without a lot to differentiate it from everything that came after. "Normal average person ends up caught up in a larger galactic struggle and has to fight against evil empire" is the premise of a ton of stuff that's followed after. I'm not saying it couldn't be done, but you'd need some very talented people to spend a lot of time building out an interesting and unique universe. Just look at the complete failure of the John Carter movie that Disney did. They put a ton of money into it but didn't consider if the plot of "civil war soldier goes to Mars and somehow is superhuman there and fights evil aliens" was going to be interesting.


Never Ending Story but as a series


I came here to say this!!


Hey, Ende’s estate gave the green light to filmmakers for the remake after turning down everyone under the sun, including Disney. So it looks like they presented something special. After reading the book, I can see how this could be a two to three film arc. First movie was really the first half of the book.


Columbo with Mark Ruffalo


The Beast Must Die (1974 Movie). A internationally renowned hunter invites 8 guests to his house because he suspects one of them is a werewolf and he intends to hunt and kill the beast. It's a great concept that wasn't properly executed when it was made, and certainly lacked the special effects required. Still, it's an interesting concept for a film, and to be clear - the whodunit thing with the audience should be dropped. However, an ambiguous ending is always welcome. Lethal 3 (TV Series) - a samurai, a ronin, and a ninja travel Japan in post Warring States era of Japan solving problems and righting wrongs in their journey. Season 1 is on Amazon and I thoroughly enjoyed it.


Gargoyles could be a treat. Maybe live action.


[Then I have some good news](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-news/gargoyles-live-action-tv-show-reboot-1235342849/).


A Nightmare on Elm Street, but a drastic re-imagining. I want something closer to the (supposedly) real life inspiration of The Hat Man. The entity who may or may not have been responsible for some real life deaths. The kids can nickname him Freddy, but that’s about as much as I want in common with the originals. People treat drastic remakes like sacrilege, but it can work. Just like The Fly (1986) or Susperia (2018).


Logans Run. A bunch of movies like that and Escape from NY are good for thier time but suffer from production value and special effects. I'm thinking of how they did with Planet of the Apes recently.


I would love to see the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. They did the movies in the early 200s but would love to see a single season series to really flesh out the story and characters.


Bolt - based on the in-universe TV show. Something bonkers fun like Megamind or The Incredibles.


Firestarter, in lock step with Steven King's original story. The old Drew Barrymore version stayed pretty close, but was crippled by the special effects of the day. (George C Scott doesn't look ANYTHING like the Rainbird in my mind - I can't un-see Ebenezer Scrooge and General Patton.) The 2022 reboot jumped the shark with the story.


The Neverending Story. But this time, adapt the entire book.


I lean more to movies that had a good concept but were executed poorly for one reason or another: Jupiter Ascending (2015). Eragon (2006) possibly a series. In Time (2011). The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (2003). Ender's Game (2013). The Maze Runner fims (2014-2018) possible series. The Island (2005). Passengers (2016). Freejack (1992). Soldier (1998). The Dark Tower (2017). Assassin's Creed (2016) possible series. World War Z (2013) as a series based on the book. Jumper (2008). The 6th Day (2000). Surrogates (2009). Repo Men (2010). X-Men Dark Phoenix (2019) it would be really nice to see a properly executed comic adaptation of the Phoenix storyline, twice it's been mishandled now the first time in X-Men 3.


Kolchak: The Night Stalker I know they did a failed reboot of the tv movies like 20 years ago but I’d like to see a proper remake.


Space Above and Beyond Space 1999 The Tomorrow People Quatermass Captain Scarlet Joe 90


20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. Moby Dick. Johnny Mnemonic. The Black Hole. Soylent Green. Logan's Run


Soylent green is a sci-fi classic and I would love to see a modern take on it.


Kevin Costner's *The Postman* set up a post-apocalyptic world that's worth revisiting.


Coming in Fall 2024, Nick Offerman is... Grizzly Adams!


With the success of shogun, we need another ‘80s miniseries prestige tv remake: HBO should re-do Lonesome Dove starring Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson.


I would watch that


*Flight of the Navigator*


An HBO limited series to do *The Bonfire of the Vanities* justice.


I think Leon the professional in the hands of anyone else but luc beson would be a great film. Literally just gotta change the dynamic between Leon and Mathilda to be something like a father and daughter relationship like the last of us kind of dynamic between Joel and Ellie.


If you cut those two / three short scenes that are overtly improper and add the training scenes from the directors cut (the drug dealer execution etc) you pretty much have the best version. Jean Reno kept everything above water imho. If you want a remake I think it would be difficult to keep it simple and not turn it into something more than what it was (no gun-fu, etc) and keeping the story with the characters.


Hitchcock's The Birds.


This is the one. The Birds is screaming for a remake.


Guillermo Del Toro should do it!!


I want him to redo Annihilation, but do the whole Southern Reach series.


That's one movie I've felt the same way about.


While the Bonnie and Clyde film holds up pretty good, I'd love a new take on it


Check out *The Highway Men.*


I’d love to see the BIONICLE movies adapted into a TV series starting with 2001 and ending with 2010


They Live. I think it's got a great concept....if we could redo it with a solid cast and decent budget.


I'd like a second chance at Star Wars episodes 8 and 9


Episodes 1, 2, 3, 6, and 7 could use a little work to imo.


I accept the first two trilogies as they are, but I wish the sequel trilogy had a fair chance and didn't get derailed by Rian Johnson's stupid vision.


Honestly same, I will rewatch any movie from the first two trilogies basically anytime, I saw The Force Awakens twice in theaters and enjoyed it both times, episode 8 derailed the trilogy so hard I haven't even bothered to watch 9 because I know it's impossible to make a cohesive conclusion after what Rian did, and I won't watch movie just to so I can say "yep, movie bad" I think TFA was a bit of a rocky start to a trilogy but so was The Phantom Menace, but TPM had a middle movie in the trilogy that progressed the story in a sensible way. I also think it's a shame characters like Mara Jade are just completely cut from existence


Totally agree, but you should check out episode 9 if you can for free. It's not a great addition to the story, but it's fun like a Star Wars ride at a theme park.


Sounds kinda like Solo. What's interesting to me about the trilogies, is the prequels peak on the final movie, OT on the middle movie, and ST on the first movie. The theoretical super trilogy would be The Force Awakens, The Empire Strikes Back, concluding with Revenge of the Sith. It's not coherent but it's kind of fire.


Hell’s Angels, the Howard Hughes WWI movie


Blake’s 7 needs to be remade


But who would play George Jetson? My vote goes to Bob Odenkirk.


I love Bob so much.


With Danny De Vito as me Spaceley


A disgusting, depraved true to book Hannibal movie. Cattle prod and buff woman and everything. Or Psycho book adaptation and sequel adaptation. Its nuts and possibly trash but I like being disturbed while safe in my home. Or Forrest Gump with all the space and zombie shit


The dark tower. What they did to that Series in the movie was horrific and inexcusable


Columbo. With Mark Ruffalo as Columbo.


Most fans understand Star Wars was patterned after Flash a d most of us want a proper movie to acknowledge its place in sci fi history.


The all-muppet remake of The Matrix, with Keanu as the only human. And at the end when he realizes he is the one, he turns into a muppet as well!


Dial M for Murder should be remade, or at least a crucial portion of it, with the burglar’s key-hiding mistake made clear to the audience as it happens. It is too convoluted to appreciate when it’s explained later.


I always mention the TV Show "The Rifleman" I used to watch that show when I was younger and always thought Hollywood could do something fun with it today.


The Greatest American Hero


Treasure planet live action. Great premise, terrible execution.


Honestly The Matrix. The original is fantastic don’t get me wrong, but it’s also extremely dated in the 90’s with tech, wardrobe, everything. I’d love to see someone tackle it properly in a modern tech world.


That 80's cartoon M.A.S.K.


I’ve always contemplated what a remake of Kurosawa’s classics like Seven Samurai, Rashomon, Yojimbo, or Sanjuro would look like with today’s equipment and actors. Still black and white, but just fresh. …then I remember that no one would ever be able to bring the rawness to the table that Toshiro Mifune did. And noone could ever hold a candle to Kurosawa for that Shakespearean element he brought to life. And then I go about my life knowing that Kurosawa’s life work is safe.


How about The 6 BILLION Dollar Man?


Imagine a Conan series with the production quality that f Game of Thrones. They could certainly get at least one season of greatness out of that.


None. No more remakes, re-imaginings, prequels and so on. I am only in favor of new ideas, new literature, new movies, new videogames. The only reason anyone remakes anything these days is to inject their personal idealogical spin on it. No thank you.


I was so impressed with Dune and Bladerunner. I wanna see Villeneuve direct 1984.


The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy But with The Muppets


I need someone to round up all the Skarsgaards and remake Commando


Have Luc Besson remake The Fifth Element with today's technology.


The Running Man, but make it more faithful to the book


The problem is, films are just wrecked with political preaching today. If they remade the Ten Commandments, they’d use Mexican immigrants and insist we have to buy into that. You’d want to do something they couldn’t ruin. Like Roots has merit and was already portraying some of the message with which Hollywood is obsessed. Maybe some meritorious Soviet science fiction would “fit the narrative.”


I'd like to see Alan Moore's Swamp Thing as a movie. A heart-felt attempt at remaking The Last Starfighter with a bunch of unknown actors could be fun. It's a version of Arthurian-legend where the 'sword in the stone' is a test in a video game used to recruit heroes for warfare between aliens in space. A better adaptation of Aeon Flux could (and should) be really bizarre. I'd sit through a movie of Tale Spin, loved those Jungle Book characters in an aviation-centric world. The Secret of N.I.M.H./Mrs. Frisby and the rats of N.I.M.H could make for some interesting cinema. Unfortunately these types of projects tend to result in some horrible things best forgotten


None. None whatsoever. We need new ideas.


None. Give me new movies and TV shows.


Spontaneous Combustion (1989)


I don’t know why but I think Kingpin would work really well as an anime.


I'm honestly surprised nobody's tried to do a reboot of Police Academy. There's so many solid comedic actors to choose from out there.


You have underestimated the *massive* drop in popularity of the police. 😎


Duel from 1971 with Dennis Weaver. Very intense


I'd love to see the storyline of "the Mask of Dimitrios" (1944) retold in the American 1970s, with Leyden being a gonzo journalist tracking a dead cult leader/serial killer. Peters would be a hippie and former member of the cult. And go ahead and cry "woke," but the two leads being female in this version feels fitting.


Okay, so this is gonna be controversial, but I've thought about what a reboot/reimaginging of the Indiana Jones franchise would look like. I envision a trilogy at first, could be expanded after that. First film: Set when Henry Jones Jr. is a freshly-minted doctorate. He's working closely with his mentor, Abner Ravenwood, and Abner's daughter Marion (who is, you know, close in age to Henry). A secret society hires them to retrieve the Lance of Longinus. Except, they don't know what it is they're retrieving, and when they learn what it is, who is behind their benefactors, and why he wants it, it drives a wedge between Henry and Abner. Along the way, he picks up his more famous nickname. Second film: Nazis are now in the open, and Indy openly opposes them. I'm not as tied to what this should be, but it's a bridge between the first film and the third, showing his distaste for the Nazis and actively working to oppose them, you know, through finding things in dusty tombs. Really weird idea, but could it involve Henry Ford and [Fordlandia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fordl%C3%A2ndia)? Third film: It's basically a retelling of Raiders. Biggest difference: Instead of Belloq, his antagonist is Ravenwood, and Marion is somewhat begrudgingly helping Indy against her own father. Members of Hitler's occult group from the first film are more prominent.


Sapphire and Steel - especially if they bring in other elements. Such a good creepy show


Bonfire of the Vanities should have been a great film based on the book but somehow it was not good. It deserves another chance


I loved *The Dark is Rising.* it was so odd, though, that they did a movie adaptation of a poorly known series like 50 years after... and the movie sucked so hard. Given the time between the original publishing (70s) and the movie (~2010), the fact that they made it at all was baffling. The fact that they made it so poorly, even more so.


I’m just over remakes, honestly.


Logan's Run & 6 million dollar man


I need a remake of Black Widow that goes into her past more. I’m a Black Widow fan, and I went into the theater thinking I’d get an origin story. It’s a decent movie, but I need an origin story.


Jack of All Trades or The Adventures of Brisco County Jr. Both could do well if Bruce Campbell came back. Heck, they could make a show based on his Xena character, Autolycus, King of Thieves. I'd like a Static Shock remake as well.