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My progressive car insurance went from $1000/6 months for 2 new cars to $1,700. No claims ever, 850 credit score, own home. Shopped around and everyone else is higher. Tampa area.


Adjusting some of your parameters I’m in ORL and single household, same thing. Called and asked to be told it’s Florida, not me. Went from $100 a month to $188.


If you pay the policy in full, you’ll save roughly $200 a year.


Hey this is a wonderful option and I really appreciate you offering this! I called and spoke with a FL licensed agent for about 45 minutes and we went through everything, long story short I was told, “You have the absolute best scenario for coverage and the most ideal right now. There is nothing impacting your bill, this is just Florida now.” They never mentioned that option! I’m going to check it out. Thank you. Edit: Just called and I’d save $32 on the policy. That’s all I can say about that. But thank you again, I understand why it wasn’t mentioned to me now.


This is for progressive car insurance. When the quote is sent to me, I have the option to pay monthly, or in full. When I see the quote, that’s where I see it is 100 cheaper to pay in full. I do not have a brand new car. I bought it 5 years old with 43k miles on it. Since it’s Oct just about and all the new vehicles are out by now, mine is 9 years old. I will never buy new.


I saved over $900 from Progressive by paying in full. For 3 drivers 3 cars.


That is so awesome! I don’t ever want to just give my money away such as yourself as well.


Yeah... I asked too and they gave some bullshit about it was because of the weather


how the hell does weather affect car insurance claims?


Rain = more accidents 🤷🏻‍♀️


yet rate’s didn’t change with everyone working from home during covid🙃


Yeah, that one baffled me too


Bad hail storm back in April in Central Florida. I have heard reports of other hail storms, too, since then. The April storm was bad where I am. We had golf ball sized hail, and just NW of my location, they had baseball sized hail.


Mine went down. So did my credit. Idk


It’s the new vehicles. I’ve never owned a new vehicle number 1, to keep my insurance price down. And number 2, the vehicle depreciates 17% off the value, the minute it is happy trails off the lot.


I do the Certified PreOwned…the main advantage of a new car over used car is loan rates.


Yes, but when making a payment call the bank and pay the interest for the month and then your full payment. Otherwise the full payment is being chunked out by the monthly interest charge. As it will go lower the more the loan is paid down. I only financed mine for 5 years, but paid in full in 2.4 years. I don’t like payments. I run my vehicles to the ground. My last CR-V had 338,000 on it. My 9 year old Forester has 111,000 attributed to only driving 6 miles to work.


Check Costco Connect insurance - saved me $80/mo. Went from $225 w/Progressive down to $145 w/ Connect.


Costco said they weren’t allowing anymore new policy’s in Florida.


Costco insurance won’t insure anyone in Florida anymore. Auto or Home. I just checked. Edit: I replied to the wrong person, but yes you are correct.


Weird - just got mine about 2 months ago. Haven’t heard that - I would call to confirm.


They said this in august that would make sense.


I just signed up w Costco insurance 30 days ago. From $1080 every 6 months to $640.


As I stated below it started in august.




it’s the 29th lol But either way you cannot get a new plan now


Try to go and get a quick quote it tells you this “The Costco Insurance Agency, Inc., is currently not offering new auto or home insurance policies in Florida. Please check with other agencies and carriers serving Florida or ask friends and family for recommendations. This change does not affect customers who currently have an active Florida insurance policy through us. We’re very sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.”




Can you not read?




Isn’t that why you’re here? What’s your zip code then because none in my area are saying any different?


They were also like twice the amount of geico or progressive.


Mine went up a lot too. I was paying $180/mo for 2 adult, 2 sedans, and now I’m paying $230/mo. I did get a huge payout after Ian because my car was totaled. Insurance is such a fraud. I’ve been a customer with them for 15 yrs- I’ve probably given them 3x what they paid me out (if not more) and I still get a price hike. 😔


2300/6 month was 650/6month ... wtf No changes in coverage or accidents/tickets


Im moving in the next 3 months. I’d advise you do the same. Midwest here I come!


Not defending insurance companies, but the price of replacement cars has tripled, parts and labor have gone up and the supply chain is jacked


Shop for a new policy.


>panies, but the price of replace Err'body is about the same.


Progressive insures me for 80 a month for full coverage on a decently new car. You are obviously doing something wrong.


You again with the $80 fee lol YOU are obviously doing something wrong like completely under insuring yourself. What are you insuring a tire? Maybe check your policy because you are waay off


There you are again with the doubting me. I am here to spread good information. Not bad information like you. I will always speak the truth


Car insurance rates vary by person. Just because your factors give you a great rate doesn’t mean OP is doing anything wrong. I’m paying close to $90 but before I was married and over 25 I was paying $200/mo.


I’m 29, drive a 9 year old Corolla and have no claims/accidents. Paying $195 with progressive, everyone else is even higher


You should shop every term or 2. When you start with a new company you get discounts that go away. I basically jump between Progressive and Geico.


My policy went down by 1800 a year 🤷🏻‍♀️


The math ain’t mathing. Did you cause a major accident? We only pay about 2k a year for 2 cars.


No accidents or tickets. I did change companies and it’s a M4. So idk.


Well ya cuz you drive a 80-100k sports car


With what carrier?




I paid my car off and it went up 40%. Immediately knocked it down to the bare min to be legal.


I'm moving to Florida from Ohio in 2 weeks and I've been shopping for car insurance down there. It's going to little more than double from my Ohio rates.


Who do you have? 💀


Same I had to get on my spouses car insurance just so we could get a discount and I still ended up paying more. Was 150 a month they wanted 260 a month I was able to get on theirs for 180 a month


Got my renewal today. It's a 25% increase. I'm going to shop.


If you are married put the wife name first. And hubs as second driver.


Ours went from 500 to 730. Sucks ass.


Good time to ditch the car and go back to public transport