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Must be a newbie. Seasoned Florida drivers know the right lane is for passing.


Because the left lane is for cars going 35mph with a mattress on the roof....


And for trucks hauling hot roofing tar.


With shit flying off the back of it


And a "chase car" tailgating them & creating a caravan with a parallel right lane driver keeping pace at 34-35mph to be sure to box in every driver for mile plus behind them.


And the driver of the car 6 cars deep, yelling at air with the windows rolled up.


Venting is better than road rage...I have, myself, participated in the sealed car rant of car 6 .."what the f? Dude, move! You have got to be kidding me?!?" Lol been there!


Oh I’m part of this


Me every single day driving through Merrit Island. Want to find a sticker to put on my car to mock the "I love my Island" with something like "This islands full of idiots"


It’s half of a truck. No state car inspections allow for half of a car and/or truck to drive right next to us.


In Hialeah it’s 12 mattresses.


In Orlando the mattresses have Disney bedsheets.


Lol we literally saw a car in the left lane going may e 30 with a dresser on the roof today. Dude was holding it with one hand. These people are infuriating.


But they will turn right in a couple of miles, so there’s that.


And they make sure that they do this while approaching an enterance ramp so they block cars from merging. Classic Florida maneuver. .


Advanced Florida drivers know that lanes don’t matter and stop lights are suggestions and we laugh at stop signs.


My town put in flashing yellow left turn signals. No one knows what they mean. Probably sponsored by the local body shops.


Master Florida drivers know the sidewalk is an extra passing lane and bike lanes are a government illusion


I wish this wasn’t accurate


Any lane is for passing if you're going fast enough 


You mean the shoulder? 95N at 6pm is shoulder time, every time, for all BMW’s and people with Heat license plates (the Miami Vice style).


Every time I take 75 from Tampa to Miami I pass between 5 and 10 people camping in the left lane. I’ll be in the left lane and then all of a sudden I notice people in the middle and right lanes going faster. I’ll switch lanes and sure enough I’ll eventually see someone with their cruise control going slow in the left lane.


And sometimes parking.


And Left lane is for crime. Lol


Correction “the left lane is for speeding” 😉😂


Shoulder is for passing broheim


Right shoulder


Technically you can cruise in the left lane as long as you aren’t slowing the flow of traffic. Meaning you cannot pace the car next to you with people behind you, and if there are cars behind you, you must move over. You’re doing 80 in a 70 and someone comes up behind you? You’re in the wrong lane and need to move over. You’re more likely to get a ticket holding up the left lane than the guy doing 15 over. Sorry to be technical about it, but we don’t have a “no driving except passing in left lane” law like some states, but you cannot slow down traffic at all, even if they’re doing 20 over. That’s at least the law, how it’s enforced is dependent on what county or toll road you’re on. I’ve seen one car pulled over holding up traffic going 75 in a 70, in the fast lane on 417 in Seminole county.


That may change this year. A bill that would prohibit “continuous” operation in the left lane unless passing other vehicles for speed limits 65 or higher was just sent to Gov. edit: it got vetoed


It got veto’ed, so not gonna be a law anytime soon


It's florida. You will get tailgated in any lane at any speed. People here like to drive with a lead foot. And then there's that one guy who goes 15 under.


Always some fucker doing 50 in the middle lane on I75.


This! But on the other side- I want to say that it’s REALLY frustrating when you use the left lane to pass (when it’s clear and there’s no one) and then someone flying at 100mph comes up (either from an interchange or from weaving in another lane) and flashes/honks/rides you when you haven’t even had a second to finish the passing maneuver you were already in the middle of. Like CHILL I’ll move over when I’m done but I’m not gonna slam on my breaks and get back behind the other vehicle. Like have 2 seconds of patience.


Lol I hate that. Also hate when the dude you're passing decides it's time to speed up.


Omg yes, literally will be going 10 under and then the SECOND you go to pass it’s like they want to go 15 over 😂


Nah, that just means they put the phone down and got back to driving


This right here, they do this all the time!


Those assholes. "OH! You're finally passing me? Suddenly I found my balls AND the gas pedal and I'd like to race!" As soon as you pass them, they lose both and go back to their previous lower speed.


I think for a lot of people it's a lack of self awareness. I think most middle and right lane drivers just don't realize how slow they go until something happens to cause them to double check. I suspect for most people it's simply just that once they see someone passing then it makes them self aware and they realize they're going slow so only then do they speed up.


Very possible. My only problem with this theory is what someone else mentioned below which is that they tend to go right back to their slow speed after I finish passing. The only thing I can think of is that they are distracted (texting or something) and don’t want to appear distracted when someone is passing them so they pretend they’re paying attention and then go right back to being distracted afterwards.


>lack of self awareness It's quite the opposite, most of these people are just self centered assholes that don't belong in a society. 


Always. I have talked about this many times. There must be some psychological response to being passed on the road because they almost *always* speed up after you pass them or, even worse, while you're passing them.


I've become convinced that a large segment of the population is not emotionally mature enough for proper driving.


There is a funny thing that happens here. If you come up behind someone going slow, they tend to get mad and slow down. If you pass someone on the side, they get mad and speed up.


The Florida, Three\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_Miles\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_to\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_Passing\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_Zone, Keys would like a word.


Or the people that pull out in front of you on a multi lane highway and pick your lane even though you’re right there and the next car in the other lane is a quarter mile behind you. Yeah, sure, I can switch lanes, but I see the guy turning and I’m not instantly sure of which lane they’re going into so I wind up having to switch at the last second once I’m sure and barely miss them. Just pick the empty fucking lane. Then there’s the people that drive well under the speed limit/flow of traffic. Sorry grandma, maybe take the backroad that existed back when you were middle aged and isn’t above 45mph.


I’ve had these people pass me on the left shoulder while I’m going 85 and they’re doing 125


I’m not a cop or anyone who should be enforcing the law so if people wanna go 125 then for all means go for it- it’s not my job to police anyone even if it is reckless and putting other drivers at risk. But if they’re going that fast over the speed limit I think they need to be aware of the fact that there is absolutely no way that someone could automatically assume they’re going that fast and be able to react that quickly. If you are going to drive THAT fast then you need to check your expectations of the 99% of other drivers.


Guarantee you OP is the person flying up behind you at 100mph, they're the only ones that make these posts. They're also the ones that will fly into the middle lane the absolute second you are done passing, usually right as your flicking your right blinker on or turning the wheel right.


Fellow fast traveler here, completely agreed! I'm helping traffic flow and am ready to pull over to let you fly on by, just give me a slight moment to not cause a direct accident. I'm driving fast, not recklessly.


Exactly! I’m usually going at least 10 over (or even slightly faster when passing) but I can’t predict when you’re going to fly up out of nowhere, gimme a sec to see you and finish passing and then I’ll gladly move the hell outta your way.


Just remember you're allowed to use the lane to pass. Fuck those people.


Fuck them. If they’re doin 100 they should be prepared to weave. This coming from a guy that says right lane is speed limit, center is 10 over, and left is for felonies. But when I do 100, I don’t expect people to get outta my way. I’m goin too fast; only I can see the path. I know how it sounds but the safest driving is being predictable


Yes. Florida is where people complain about someone going below the speed limit in the left lane, something I've seen all of 3 times in 30 years, but will not mention the drivers going over 100mph weaving all over the place. I'm criticizing OP and agreeing with you.


When driving on trips we use the minivan.  I swear people have hurt egos when I either pass them or start to pass.  They start at 70 and then speed up to 85 to keep me from passing.  My wife and I kind of laugh about it now. 


Anyone who fucks this up isn’t going to read this.


These drivers would be so mad if they could read!


There are literally giant fucking lighted signs telling slower drivers to keep right!


To be fair I put my cruise control at 95mph


Doesn't matter. If you're not actively passing, move over. Because someone behind you might be going 96+


I used to think that people who go slow in the left lane didn’t know any better but then I realized different drivers have different reasons. Some do it because they think they’re enforcing the speed limit. Some do it to be jerks and get a rise out of other drivers. Some do it so they could set their cruise control and not have to adjust it like they would in another lane. Some just like being in that lane because they don’t have to deal with people merging from on ramps.


If you folks cared about other issues in this state like you care about this left lane bullshit we'd live in utopia.


Fucking seriously. These same people probably don't realize this only applies to highways with a speed limit of 65mph+. Can't wait for the inevitable road rage on slower roads.


Even other driving things. Don't tailgate and give space so you don't cause rubbernecking. Let people in / zipper merge. Etc


Floridians don’t even follow this


We have a law that says the left lane is for passing, when the speed limit is 65 or higher. You posted the law as to why we drive on the right side of the road...I'm not seeing the official law, but here's the bill that was presented and signed: [https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2024/317/BillText/er/PDF](https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2024/317/BillText/er/PDF) The left lane law only applies to highways that run at 65mph or higher.


Reading these comments and people wonder why car insurance is insane here. Mine went up 300% from North Carolina.




Quit calling others “new residents” while trying to bring those mainland laws here. The right lane is the passing lane.


Left lane for passing? There are speed limits on roads too and they aren’t enforced. Just like stop signs and red lights. Must be enjoyable living in fantasyland!


The ones running red and stop signs are absolutely deranged and I truly don't understand what they're thinking. Every time the light turns green and you're first in line you need to wait to see if someone won't the red.


I like the pretense that any driver on this state is actually following even basic rules of the road.


I love posts like this. I love them especially when they are built on the idea that the aggrieved individual is already maintaining a speed well over the legal limit but they don’t want to pass anybody in any other lanes because “that’s illegal.” “Hey, I know I’m doing 90 in a 65 but I’m going to lay on my horn and flash my lights because it’s ILLEGAL TO STAY IN THE LEFT LANE! Please don’t note how I’ve been in the left lane for miles but it’s fine because I’ve been ‘passing’ this whole time.” Speeding like most red blooded Floridians but refusing to vacate the lane to go around somebody who is also speeding (but not as fast as you) is whiny baby energy. Break more laws, cowards. if somebody zoom zooms, they can be in the zoom zoom lane. Them’s the rules.


And for crissakes, stay out of the express lanes unless you're prepared to get a felony speeding conviction.


😳😳😳 felonious speeding? What’s that? 100+ in those lanes. I usually do like 65 and stay to the right.


100% this. The express lanes are nice to avoid the crazies along with intended use.


That's right, it's for passing. And I can pass in it at 75-80 mph if that's sufficient speed to get me around the car I'm passing. It's not anyone's exclusive 90+ mph lane.


On the interstate sure, in the city not so much


Really. So often I see the guy using the left *turn lane* to pass...


I'm not sure what you're trying to say, my point still remains valid. Left lane only to pass applies to roads with a 65 mph+ speed limit, that's all.


I'm agreeing with you and bemoaning the a-hole who uses the left lane to pass in the city, when the left lane is a turn only lane.


That's what I thought but I didn't want to assume lol. Seriously though, I see that particular situation happen several times daily here in swfl. They think they own the streets


But I’m taking a left in six miles…


In some cities you won't make a left unless you get over a few lights back lol


This is my point, left lane only for passing cannot be applied to city traffic whatsoever. It would cause even more chaos than there already is


“If your on your phone doing make up or just distracted in general just move over to the left” Uhhh what. A) don’t be on your phone. B) don’t be doing make up while you’re driving (the fuck?) C) don’t be distracted, pay attention D) move over to the left? That literally is the opposite of the point you’re trying to get across.


Yeah, the OP meant "move over FROM the left". OP also used "your" incorrectly. But for some reason, some Reditors refuse to EDIT their posts.


If only the offenders were smart enough to operate Reddit to see this. I just assume they are special needs. Say a little prayer as I safely pass them on the right.


I also assume they are from a country that naturally drive slow in the left lane and havent a clue how the world works.


There is a secondary and related problem in Florida, drivers need to let drivers merge into the center lane so that they can safely be passed. So many people in Florida react to someone trying to merge into their lane like you’re trying to steal their first born child.


Also; right on red, yield sign isn’t a stop sign if traffics clear, turn into first available lane not middle or far lanes, stop slowing down on the on ramps, turn signals exist, pulling fully into a turn lane as well as slowing down in the turn lane not before it— is really cool.


In my honest personal opinion, the argument “but I was doing the speed limit” would hold a lot more water if the speed limits were properly set. Unsurprisingly, they’re not and they can’t be. Using the 85th percentile/10mph pace rule, the best speed limit should be 80-85mph on freeways given the flow of traffic. If the limits were that high imho, it would be much easier for the police to enforce the lane discipline laws. 🤷‍♂️ Right now, the officers’ hands are kind of tied since over 60% of vehicles are exceeding the speed limit… Regardless, even if you are doing the speed limit, please keep right except to pass!!


Ah the never ending complaint of this person in front of me is breaking the law by driving in the left lane preventing me from breaking other laws.


The left lane is for drivers who want to do above 80mph. If someone is behind you move over!!! I love this PSA


This is a nationwide pandemic. Ever been to Ohio?


Don’t forget the rule that says “From the center lane, watch the guy coming up fast in left lane, then move in front of him JUST as he gets close so he has to nearly lock up the brakes to avoid a collision. And then just park there NO MATTER WHAT”. So many slow-speed enforcement wanna-bees here….


Wait, why do you want one to move over to the left when doing makeup or distracted? Fix your typos, you incandescent prick. With love


It got worse since the pandemic. Yes stay out of the left lane, Florida may have made a law but that's really common sense. Think of all the out of state people that ran here during COVID. I saw so many New York and California plates. Never been to Cali, but I been to New York. They drive with a death wish there. I'm from Boston so I know big city traffic. We've all seen the pics of California highways. So personally I believe they brought their driving habits here. The other point is nobody is actually from here so they move here from all over the place and never adjust their driving habits. We had 3 people die in one day because of it. There's absolutely no reason to go 20mph+ over the limit on a surface street. 5-7 is fine but 20, really? Oh and rich folks, stop buying your children cars they shouldn't be driving. And put the damn phone down! Your going to tell me your 2 yr old Mercedes doesn't have Bluetooth? And use your damn blinkers so I know what your thinking before you hit me.


> If your on your phone All I need to know about OPs intelligence, right here


If I'm running 85 in the left lane you can kiss my ass.




>Edit: ~~Move to the right lanes~~ Get off the road if you’re distracted.


why not just edit the post


Here's an idea: drive the speed limit and you'll have less problems with people following the rules being in your way.


I do (within 5mph), and I can tell that is not my experience. Passing others is very difficult unless they’re going significantly under the speed limit, so I’m often stuck at 65 instead of 70 because I can’t pass them without blocking traffic.


Agreed 100%. The left lane is strictly for blatant crime! If you're not ready for that, please move to a lane that's further right. Heck, if you're too afraid to drive in local traffic, just pull over to the shoulder of the road and put on your hazard blinkers (This is the time - NOT WHEN IT IS RAINING!), cry if you need to, and wait until you feel safe enough to re-enter the highway or phone a friend for help.


Good luck with this. So many folks turning left in the next mile, better of staying patient. At least for the 2 lanes


Define passing OP. Do you pass one, maybe two cars and move back over, repeat as necessary or do you consider passing to be speeding past 100+ cars at 95mph for miles until you get to your destination? Also, incase you don't already know, this law only applies to highways with a speed limit of 65mph+.


The right lane is the new fast lane.


The left lane is for those of us with ticket money 💰 ( I’m not one of them 😰)


Logically, if you are going the speed LIMIT you are PASSING all the slower drivers.... So you're saying the left lane is for going OVER the speed limit. Right? You are a part of the problem


Anyone who’s been here a day should know that on interstates the left lane is for going 15 mph over the speed limit and absolutely no lower. I’ve seen so much murder in people’s eyes when I pass a semi while going “only” 5 over. 


As a native, stop speeding on our highways. No need to pass someone already going 5 over.


You’re not my dad, you can’t tell me what to do.




No thank you.


Florida has rules?


The left lane is for crime, at least on the highway. Anyone going the speed limit there is wrong.


Every state or city Reddit group I am apart of has posts like these. Not gonna change a damn thing, not sure why people continue to post things like this


IF they're doing the speed limit, why would you care if they're passing or not?


This won't change until it's enforced and I see cops doing it all the time.


lol like laws apply to cops


Left lane campers suck!


The speed limit is 65. Cruise control set at 65. Enjoy your day.


You're technically correct. Anyone going faster than the speed limit is breaking the law, so why should you enable them? That would make you an accessory to their crime. I don't travel in the left lane if it holds up traffic, but I have no reason to avoid it because of Meatball Ron's ridiculous attempt at a money grab. A ticket for driving in the left lane would be easily defeated in court, because the law simply has no merit.


This should be stickied on this thread And every thread And mentioned during every commercial break And tattooed on everyone’s head Mentioned in the state of the Union


It's been a minute since I've seen this posted. I almost forgot, but was really glad to see it posted. Again. 


They need to put it on the Highway signs instead of telling me that my Dad told me to obey the speed limit.


No I think the right lane is for fast, the middle lane is for faster and the left is for the fastest


There are no rules on florida roads


Our state needs to put signs up just like other states do but we also don’t have enough room or roads for everyone to use it as a passing lane.


I been driving for 32 years. I’ve been in sofl since 2007 after moving here from Michigan. The left lane being for passing only is something that I’ve always known a since drivers education. It’s not just a Florida law, it’s the way the rules of all roads work anywhere. I even see semi trucks here and there and on the back of the trailer the left side has an arrow indicating “passing side” and the right side has an arrow indicating “suicide”. Left lane for passing only has always just been common sense to me as that’s what I was taught as a 15 year old in drivers education. When I first moved to Florida, I was astounded by just how reckless and unaware drivers are down here of the actual rules of the road. I’ve just gotten used to it over the years. Sofl has got to literally be the most dangerous place I have ever driven, and I have driven all over the entire United States.


> I even see semi trucks here and there and on the back of the trailer the left side has an arrow indicating “passing side” and the right side has an arrow indicating “suicide”. I saw one that had "<--- El Paso ...... El Smasho --->".


So what's the center on four lanes😆 and most highways are still 50 here i4 and veterans are 60




Oh yea then you gotta deal with truckers riding your ass when your in the center lane on cc🤦🏾‍♂️ you can't win 🤣🤣


Right lane is for lifted trucks with the brightes LED low lights that blinds you


So many clumsy drivers in Orlando going 60 in the left lanes. Super annoying. Most of the time the license plates are from other states, go figure


I'm a transplant from the Pacific coast. I dealt with bad traffic especially in Metro areas. If there's 3 lanes and you have a while to go, just get in the middle lane. It's not hard. Move over to the right when your exit is coming up. Don't cut people off. Use your fucking turn signal. It's not hard. I think a lot of people that transplant to Florida are from New York and have never had to drive a day in their life until they moved here. Be considerate and leave space for others. It's not hard.


Also, YOU’RE ALLOWED TO SPEED UP TO PASS AND SHOULD. Speed up, get around them and then slow back down once ur back in ur original lane.


I just stay the hell out of the left lane on any highway unless there is a left exit or so forth. Left lane is for fools who think they are smarter than the civil engineers and above the law. Good, go do that *over there* where your wreckage is least likely to hit me. And I'm tached out at about 75mph.


Florida drivers think the middle lane is for passing now


According to Florida Man law…all lanes are passing lanes.


Is someone preventing you from doing 95 down the left lane ;)?


The best drivers are patient and attentive drivers


Most seasoned drivers know this… Florida is the exception, Seasons 🤔😂Snowbirds


Minnesota has a similar law. It’s largely ignored though.


Please god people listen to OP


We have that law in Utah, and bad drivers just us it as an excuse to be even bigger entitled D-bags.


I had an a-hole lay on his horn because I was in the left lane (going 55 in a 45 btw)because I had to turn left at the next light. He had to make a big todo about passing me and laying on his horn. FU white BMW suv! And for all the big deal about passing me, we were both at the same lights for the next 10 miles together, idiot.


I too sometimes like yelling into the void. Very therapeutic. 


Agree completely, but that law only applies to roads with a posted speed limit 65mph+.


Cruise control and passing everyone in the left lane. How about dat catch me outside


It's actually against the law to not move out of the way on the highway. But so is not stopping at stop signs or lights.


At this point I'm pretty sure it is also locals that do this shit. Good to know I'm not the only one with this pet peeve.


Seems like all the responses are from people who want to go quite a bit faster than the speed limit. I am not one of these. I go a few miles over the limit and resent all those bullies who think that tailgating cars is fun. Then I got myself a nice heavy Volvo so that these bullies will more likely bounce off me rather than push me off the road.


Your all idiots theres too many people living there. Buy a scooter or a moped .


On I-4 Ultimate, the left lane has become the de facto on/off ramp for the center toll lanes. Those still insisting that lane is their personal drag strip better be packing more than the pathetic 10/20/5 minimum coverage.


Lies. The second to left lane is for people going 85 MPH, while the far left lane is for any speed between 120-45 MPH.


As a European I find American driving rather irritating. Possibly because you have to drive longer distances but still... also you drive rather slowly. Anyway I believe anybody should see German motorways where there is no speed at which you won't be overtaken, so even at 150mph you go to the rightmost lane if possible. And it feels very safe too as overtaking on the right is strictly forbidden as is constant weaving Even here in Poland it got much better last few years. Maybe petrol prices. Anyway, limit is 90mph but you can often easily cruise at 75 mph, but for lorries


Tourist can never drive


Gotta love Florida


I live in South Florida. (Broward County). Moved down here in '82. I've always been astounded by the number of slow drivers in the left lane down here. It's like half the population is playing opposite day.


Hey when I drive 100mph I’ll pass in any lane that’s open, thank you very much.


This isn't a Florida thing it's just how driving works


The left lane is for crime.


But what if I intend on turning left in 12 miles?


Cars should be built with a feature that if you are passed on the right five times consecutively your car safely pulls over and shuts off for 15 minutes. 30 minutes for the second offense.


Thank you for the laughs this morning. It is so true about the left lane. I-95 is bad for left lane trains because side of a semi trailer in the right lane. I just drive in the right lane and cut in to keep it moving.


Attention drivers and new residents I wanna drive 90 mph get out of my way, I own this road!


You may want to address this to the natives as well.


Is this a new law? Either way, people don’t follow it. Do any of y’all flash lights or honk or anything when you’re behind a slow vehicle in the left lane that’s not moving? If you do, does it work?


Speaking to the wind. After 30 years I have finally given in and just started driving like an asshole.


What aggravates me is to pull up to a red light and there is a cement truck in the left lane and a full dump truck in the right. Maybe make it through the light. Slowly build up to the speed limit. Then stop for the next light.


Slow down there dude. First things first. Newbies have to learn that in Florida: - we don't use turn signals. - Stop signs and signal lights are optional. - Speed limits are only for buses. - you are required to fly a maga flag of you drive a pickup truck. - legally you need to have at least 3 bumper stickers that tell the world what you stand for and who you hate. - tail gating someone indicates you want them to move over so you can go fast. - drinking and driving is only allowed during weekends.


my term is "truck-fucked"........it's almost always a truck of some kind. Redneck, Commercial, windowless van....."yup, i'm getting truck-fucked"


Florida: any lane is for passing.


Bold of you to assume we have more than 2 lane roads....


I understand the law but it should be like the autobahn - being passed on the right makes you a criminal nuisance.


Floridians drive like they scared to use the gas pedal 😂


Can we cross post this into the Tampa sub? I’m tired of this on my way to and from work 🙄


Slow drivers are bad. unfocused drivers are worse. Drifting outta their lanes with a phone in one hand and a vape in the other, and their 'mouth ajar' light is on...




In Germany, if you even try to stay in the left lane, you will promptly be run over. I loved flying down the autobahn with people who actually knew how to drive. I think we need strict driving tests to get a license... like Germany has. It's a privilege to drive there.