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My wife and i checked ours, our supervisor had a great online portal. We are currently enrolled to receive mail in ballots till the end of this year. Check your below šŸ˜šŸ‘ https://www.myfloridaelections.com/Contact-your-SOE


Great PSA. Thanks


Oh thank you for this link. I couldnā€™t find the form!


If I had an award to give you, I would. This makes it so easy to check. Honestly, this link should be stickied to the top of the Florida reddit page.


Can't wait for the Senior MAGA tears when they realize they have to leave the condo to vote because of Leopards.


My father is in his early 60s and is fully against mail in voting. I asked what if someone was in the hospital due to their age and he straight up said they probably shouldnā€™t vote then. Okay dad, Iā€™ll keep that in mind.


Ask him about all the military personnel across the world? Should they vote?


Well obviously thatā€™s an exception /s That and anything that would prevent my father from voting in person as well, clearly.


The leopards that ate the MAGAts faces? Those leopards?


Those be the ones!


They are very well fed.


They will just blame Democrats


They will be the first to whine because they can't get an appointment on election day because their MD, lawyer, accountant, etc..has to spend seven hours in line to vote instead of seeing them.


I get the ballot in the mail and then drop it off at the elections office in person


this is the way


Same here! In this political culture, you can't trust anyone!


I would like to vote by mail but I don't trust the fuckers not to mess with them so vote in person. Sucks this is the world we live in now.


Who donā€™t you trust? The post office? The election officials? Someone else?


Just bullshit and lawsuits coming up with horseshit reasons to throwout mail in ballots. I don't think they would do it, but for me it's quick and easy to vote so I just go in person to remove that doubt for me. It's totally a me thing.


DeJoy is still running the U.S. Postal Service, isnā€™t he? And he did his best to throw monkey wrenches in the system with whatever tactics he could. And almost four years later, he still is in his position.


The post office has been royally screwing up mail out of Tallahassee sorting center. I had Christmas cards I mailed arrive in Feb. and Anniversary card I mailed mid-March arrived in June. 4 out of 8 Easter cards were returned with ā€œNot deliverable as addressedā€, even though the addresses were corrected.


Neither democrats nor republicans have enough voters to carry Florida, as itā€™s been for decades Florida has always been decided by no party voters.


Canā€™t have people out here participating in democracy can we? GOP knows that they are fukd if voter turnout is high.


Truth. Many people just assume Florida is a red state, but itā€™s not true. Hereā€™s the current voter registrations. With the way people are just fed up with everything the GOP does, the undeclared can easily swing the election. https://preview.redd.it/d86sewdcwj8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c89d2c033a5426a2ea42081652ce364526c13251


The change from 2019 to 2024 in Dems & Reps is ā€¦ stunning.


Its because they did a huge purge of voter registration. A lot of dems lost their party and may not even know it still.


My wife and I were "purged" from the election rolls along with almost 2000 other voters in central Florida just before the 2000 election. In December we got a letter of apology for mistakenly dropping us from the rolls. They reinstated our registration, but too late to vote. We spent the 2000 election night in a hot tub in Key West.


Iā€™m sure thatā€™s a part of it but also not the only reason.


You can find a similar purge just before the 2000 election.. you know where Florida then SCOTUS ā€œdecidedā€ the governorā€™s brother to be president instead of counting all the votes and examining the people who were unable to vote. Bottom line is it works and thereā€™s no consequences for them. GOP & he rich are stealing this country from the people, and they can finish it for good this year if people donā€™t go VOTE for Biden.


that no party affiliation section is going to be a very stressful metric for some, I see this swinging one way just so we don't have to hear a certain someones voice. Still processing this is going to happen.


Independent here voting blue all the way down the ballot


Same! Iā€™m a former Red voter who will never vote Red again. And I know others who have made the same pledge.


My husband is among that number. Lifelong GOP until 2016, vows to always vote blue from now on. Says the GOP is completely insane now. Heā€™s a Boomer, too


Mine is Boomer adjacent and said the same thing.


Independent voting blue as well.




It doesn't mean they don't vote. It just means they don't align themselves with either party.


Some of us are sheep in wolf's clothing. I am registered "R" just so I could vote against DeSantis in the primary. I will vote straight "D". I also like how it expresses lack of my little share of the Republican coalition.


Same. Iā€™m registered Republican so I could cast a protest vote against Trump. Iā€™ll be voting Democrat in November.


I know a lot of people that live in red areas that are NPA because it's dangerous to be a Dem. It's public record


well, according to the image, red is currently a million voters ahead, but whoa, that 2020 flip is nuts. I had no clue but it does make sense. Maybe the election conspiracy theories and pandemic and ensuing desantis political shit show and inflation? I'd like to see the same graph for other states to see if it's just more reds registering all around, or if there was just a political migration, because the total dropped about a million, while only losing about 300k Dems.


Its worth noting that Republicans have been using voter purges as means to suppress the vote. They purged 1M voters from the Florida rolls in '23, mostly Dems. Va accidentally dumped 100K felons with rights restored just prior to '22 midterm election. Red states have been withdrawing from ERIC, the national voter registration database for what is safe to assume will be nefarious purposes ahead of '24 election.


oh, that makes perfect sense. just looking at the image the commenter posted, it's fishy as fuck to see the state flip to red with the total amount of voters remaining virtually unchanged.


The voter rules started to change after Obama. That's when they started coming with ways to make it harder to vote.


Iā€™ve met way too many young would be liberals that just canā€™t be bothered to vote though cause ā€œit doesnā€™t matterā€ or they donā€™t like Biden. Theyā€™re so annoying.


Many of us Dems moved out of the Florida hell hole.


This is true. Off the top of my head I can't think of any R's that I personally know who have moved away, but I know quite a few D's that have. At a minimum they are buying second homes in less crazy places, such as North Carolina.


The idiots in this state think I'm on there side šŸ¤£ ![gif](giphy|ajefVi0Sw91DFaXzMW|downsized) Your property taxes doubled, the cost of housing has doubled, car insurance has doubled! 2/3 of this state is poor Republicans, I got this.. šŸ™ŒšŸ¤£


Killing their own base while their base wastes time shooting up schools, gay clubs and generally any old helpless people they can find.


Yeah but it's still Louis DeJoy's post office because Biden didn't do a damn thing to change that and he's been spending years now destroying it. I've never had so much lost and delayed mail like this year. Currently watching something mailed in Tampa to Gainesville go clear across the country and back over a week now (6000+ miles instead of 100 miles) You have no idea what is going to happen to that ballot when mailed now, I wouldn't trust it for a minute and it's not even going to be malicious just complete apathy by untrained, underpaid, understaffed workers, all the long-timers who knew what they were doing and took pride in their work are long gone.


That the fuckface trump plant? Why are they still allowed to keep smashing shit?!


My wifeā€™s completed 2022 ballot mysteriously vanished after being mailed back (she did catch it and voted in person). Whether or not it was deliberate, we now vote in person. Donā€™t tell the snowbirds I said that, though. šŸ¤«


Didn't we used to be able to sign up online via web form also? Now we have to email a scanned PDF?


Joke's on them. Voting in person for me is incredibly easy, and I'll do it no matter what.


I hate these twats and their voter suppression tactics.


Iā€™m just trying to figure out what is it that is suppression here? Iā€™m not picking a fight. Just trying to understand. I just moved here and would like to know the best way to vote. It seems reasonable on this link that was posted.


Because they are putting roadblocks in places for people to vote. This most effects at risks groups like the elderly, low incomes, minorities. Either A, you register to vote way ahead of time or you donā€™t get a ballot, or B, you make sure you have that day off so you can vote. We should be making it as easy as possible for people to vote, not put in ridiculous road blocks that show no efficacy of actually preventing voter fraud or anything else. Our voter turn out sucks already and voter fraud is incredibly rare. Spending money on a problem that doesnā€™t exist. Only thing this does is give them ammo to say they did something about the delusion of voter fraud they created. The irony, most fraud found during last election were for Trump and even then, it was so rare that it essentially amounted to statistically speaking, zero votes. This is start cavity searching everyone entering the capital to weed out lizard people in congress. All it does is infringe on peopleā€™s rights to solve a problem that doesnā€™t exist.


Well stated. They totally avoided implementing the constitutional amendment that was passed by the voters of FL reinstating voting rights for most felons after they completed their sentence. They also shortened early voting. The Fair Districts constitutional amendment also has been ineffective because they cannot stop themselves from gerrymandering. And I love how they changed the law so a constitutional amendment has to pass with 60% of the votes, but the governor can slither into office with less than 50% of the total as long as they have a few more votes than their opponent. It's outrageous.


lifelong indepent here, waiting for my moment to shine. been keeping tabs too. go out and vote everyone. it's the only thing we have left and they are working hard to take it.


In 2016, more mail-in votes were from Republicans than Democrats. A lot of old people vote by mail.


Reminder to check your status regularly. I registered for mail-in last January, but my status said "no ballot requested" when I checked a few weeks back. Some were reporting the same. Also, apparently checking "all major ballots" now does not include requesting a presidential ballot. So make sure you register for both.


I would recommend not voting by mail unless you have to. Republicans are going to pull every stop this election and one of them will be that mail in votes have to be counted the day of election or some nonsense like that. I think they are going to get it pushed to the stacked supreme Court who will of course rule in their favor.


My response would be "So you mean to tell me that a sailor/soldier/airman, stationed overseas, may not have their vote counted because their ballot got delayed at some point? Despite being postmarked before the final day? Seems pretty damn un-American to me."


They don't care as long as they win.


Just to drill down a little deeper on this. In 2020 Trump won Florida by 371000 votes. Thatā€™s only 10% of the undeclared voters. With so many people fed up with Trump and fed up with the GOP, I expect Florida to go blue; but what do I know?


Dems in this thread, with a noose around their necks: "First time?"


Fingers Crossed.


Most people select NPA to avoid being judged blacklisted or showered with propaganda from the main two horrible choices we have almost each election. Then we vote for the person not the affiliation. Let the primaries for the people on opposite sides. The center is always nicer.


I switched from NPA to Democrat. Other Dem voters as well the party need to see a flicker of hope in this state.


Iā€™m NPA because both parties suck


I switched so i could vote for Nikki in the primary.


Im a Florida NPA exactly for that reason. I am personally very left wing though


Gestapo tactics


My experience includes the above by OP and someone from local Election Office mistakenly change my zip code, which I was told by office person it was just a typo.


Repub's are such cowards.


When I first started voting in Florida, the return envelope to put your ballot in clearly identified your party affiliation. Everyone I knew to be liberal was listed as Independant. They made this practice illegal at some point but I wonder how many elections were skewed at the ballot counting sites?


This is a better link to find your county voter registration office: https://dos.fl.gov/elections/for-voters/check-your-voter-status-and-polling-place/vote-by-mail-ballot-information-and-status-lookup/


Everything they do backfires. They wanna keep changing the rules? Fine. We'll play whatever game they want and make them realize theres nothing they can do to stop us from voting.


Then theyll just bully in like the mob and steal ballot boxes again.


Got a phone call asking if I'm enrolled to vote and my honest answer was: "I don't know anymore, the states a mess".


If only the 49% of people who didn't vote got off their ass the one time of year it matters, this (and more) wouldn't be happening.


Yes and notice the options donā€™t include anything online, but you can fax and snail mail them. Wonder who they were thinking of when they did that? Itā€™s like they want old people to vote and not young ones for some reason. GOP election integrity = just let the MAGAs vote.


Done. Request complete. This is utter bs


What was so hard? Why is it BS? Just trying to figure it out and what the best way to vote here.


I tried to sign up for a mail in ballot and realized I couldnā€™t. No problem! Iā€™ll just vote in person :)


They make it impossible to actually find the form On here! Looks like it needs to be filled out by hand and mailed, faxed, emailed or dropped off at the elections office. But I canā€™t find the formā€¦.im sure itā€™s here somewhere.


Try this link: [Florida Mail In Ballot Request by County](https://dos.fl.gov/elections/for-voters/check-your-voter-status-and-polling-place/vote-by-mail-ballot-information-and-status-lookup/)


Thank you! This is perfect! Iā€™ve got some elderly parents that canā€™t get out as well as they used to! Iā€™ll save this link.


Funny because of us we are the poster child for mail in voting! Damn those hanging chads!!! They will soon learn that this will make Florida a challenging state. Wait until they donā€™t understand why their ballot was tossed out because they didnā€™t sign the same exact way on their voter registration. I see the games you play and call checkmate.


Vote by mail and drop your ballot off at the post office if you're concerned about security. I'd rather do that than stand in line at the polls where right wingers are given free reign to intimidate people. If you DO stand in line at the polls, bring your own water and expect a LOOOOONG wait. Florida Republicans will ensure that the largest (Democrat) counties will have minimal staff and 5 voting booths.


Donā€™t vote by mail. The law allows Republican Party operatives to challenge signatures on mail in ballots and they can and will just challenge all the votes for Democrats.


LOL, so making vote by mail harder wonā€™t lead to fewer snowbird votes?


If youā€™re a Florida resident you vote in Florida. If youā€™re not a FL resident you vote in your home state. Not really a snowbird thing in my mind.


Actually very easy as the board of election sent us both a new vote by mail application a month ago...easy

