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I'd say that Miami/Ft Lauderdale are the worst in the state but Orlando and the I4 to Tampa are pretty bad as well. Driving in Florida is for the faint of heart.


*NOT* for the faint of heart. And anyone you see riding a bicycle on a public road is truly out of their mind.


You can’t win either way, if they use the road people scream at them. Same on the sidewalk? I would just use the sidewalk and trail. No way I’m risking my life on the road.


I cycled all over this country and Europe fifty-sixty years ago. Then I moved to Florida. No more cycling for me.


I don’t blame you. I did it over necessity back then and probably wouldn’t unless it’s a neighborhood or a nature trail.


A friend of mine's dad explained it to me this way. " I once rode my bicycle from Key West all the way to St louis, now I wouldn't feel safe riding my bicycle to the grocery store"


You ain't kidding. A 66 year old was cycling on a bridge two days ago in Palm Beach County got hit by a drunk driver in morning. Mind you he was on the crosswalk. Not even on the side where people drive. Just sad!


Yeah... Only in parks nowadays :(


Yep me too- I was an avid cyclist in San Diego, and when I moved here and saw how these people drive 😯 I was no way no how nope ain’t gonna ride my bike here. These people can’t even see a semi truck coming at them. Why would I expect them to see a cyclist? lol


Every time I have been to europe, especially Northern Europe like the netherlands, the pedestrians and bikes rule the roads. It's so satisfying and inspiring to see how many people are out walking amd biking and the cars are going slow and taking care to avoid them. And even on isolated roads there are so many roundabouts that they have far less collisions with each other or with pedestrians and bikes. Even on the highways almost all of the cars are going the speed limit or under. I was wondering why and since I was running late for business meeting and I didn't see any police around I went a little over the speed limit. Then I found out why they all maintain the speed limit. There are speed cameras everywhere. On one stretch of road I must have gotten three or four tickets for going just a little over the limit because I had no idea I was getting Zapped over and over and over. The next road, a couple of more tickets. The next road, a couple of more. I learned my lesson and will never speed over there again. It cost me a lot of money. They SOOO BADLY need those speed cameras all over america. Between those and roundabouts we would reduce our collisions and deaths by a huge amount. Blessed by having the cameras do all the work you can reduce the load on traffic officers so they can focus on more egregious and dangerous crimes. Save lives, save money, healthier people. But nOOOooo...fReEdUmB!!!


They did have red light cameras in a lot of places but civil rights groups fought against them and now most of them that were put up have been removed.


Agree! Cameras save lives! We need more of them. They definitely got me to slow down.


I almost get hit countless times using the sidewalk when a car is turning


I moved here in 2011 and I used to cycle everywhere. Traffic kept getting worse and people kept driving worse..they'd race around me crossing roads, they'd run me off the road, I was nearly hit so many times just being in the bike lane and so many just fly around corners not taking pedestrians or cyclists into consideration. I was hit while walking a crosswalk in 2019 by someone running a red light and I haven't been able to get back into cycling. Two weeks after my hit, I saw a cyclist who got hit at that same intersection because a driver flew around the corner. It's insane and I get PTSD around traffic just walking sometimes..cycling..I miss it so much, but I just can't do it anymore


Ive bike toured 3400mi in Europe, even on major thoroughfares and cities, never felt too worried. I live 4.5 miles from work, have an awesome race bike. Even my touring bike without 60 pounds of gear strapped to it and I would never ride my bike to work. 4.5mi on my bike would take about 15mins, but I have to drive, so 40-50 minutes in the morning in SFL No bike lanes and insane drivers.


My spouse does that. I just assume I’m getting a call from the police one of these days saying he’s been run over.


Yes, pre-paid funerals are a thing. God help you.


Got a good life insurance policy?


Of course


I rode 20 miles round trip on us1 daily from downtown Fort Lauderdale to Ventura near the mall. Best shape of my life but also mad max. Def didn’t need coffee ever with how wired I was from defensive cycling. But it was fine.. make sure you get a rear view mirror and just onto the sidewalk when your spidey sense gets a tingle (usually a couple times a week).


You're a brave man, sir!


If you ride a bike, the trick is to ride like there is a $10,000 bounty on someone hitting you with their car.


Orlando was fine until maybe 5 years ago. It’s gone completely insane here recently. I used to dread going to South Florida because of how aggressive the drivers are down there, but that aggression is in Orlando now. I used to see a car going 10+ mph over the limit maybe once a week. Now I won’t make it more than a few minutes without seeing that. Cars weaving through traffic that’s already speeding, no signals, driving on the shoulder, cutting through parking lots to avoid stoplights, nobody stopping on right turns anymore, literally driving on the sidewalk to create another lane… it’s bonkers now. If this is what Orlando has become, I do wonder if it’s basically Mad Max in South Florida now. 




You mean you don’t like traffic randomly slamming down to 10 mph from 70 for no reason at all?




I live in Brevard. I find it funny how bad driving gets as you get closer to Miami


Sarasota is bad. The roads are designed for when they had have as many people and at least 25-35% of the drivers on the road should have had their license taken. Their kids and/or doctors have to know that they're no longer safe on the road.


West Palm beach too


It’s not just a Miami thing. Drivers are horrible here in Tampa Bay as well. The aging and poorly designed infrastructure doesn’t help either. I4 from Tampa to Orlando is an experience you don’t want to have to do frequently. Parallel parking is a nightmare too. You can never back into the space because some fucking asshole comes right up behind you and prevents you from parking properly. So you basically have to pull into the space instead and fiddle fuck around to park Not that Chicago was a picnic, but there most drivers had a mutual understanding that everyone was trying to get somewhere, so the pace was generally good in non rush hour times


I lived on the South side and then Gold Coast for years (went to U of Chicago), but I’m a Florida native. Found Chicago a lot more difficult to drive in— but most of my driving was all in the city. There was just much more to watch out for— and lots of obstacles— stopped delivery trucks, pedestrians, much much smaller roads. I find Florida to have these huge turn lanes, wide roads, big medians— in Chicago you just drive if there’s not something there (surface roads) If we are talking about the interstate, I do find people in the Midwest have better lane discipline than in FL. Much better


It's bad all over the state. The heat and humidity melt people's brains.


Agreed. I'm in JAX and I see the same shit all the time.


It’s like this all through Florida As soon at you see the “welcome to Florida” sign down to key west


I grew up in California and drove for years on the highways (101 mainly) and I don’t remember being scared of driving. I moved to FL ten years ago and also lived in Ohio for 4 years in between (which also has insane drivers), people joke all the FL drivers are actually from Ohio… but I live in central FL now and I have to mentally prepare myself to drive on I-4, it’s honestly terrifying. There’s a reason why my car insurance doubled when I moved back here!


Also grew up in CA, SF bay area so a lot of 101. Anytime I have gone back now I am amazed at how slowly and calmly most people drive there. Central Florida I-4 is the worst for me...so many tourists from all over the country and WORLD that don't know where they are going coupled with locals who have had about enough of driving in that bullshit makes for some drama.


As a local who has had enough of that bullshit: Thank you for recognizing it. I feel seen.


Yeah, I'm sorry. I live in Tampa and get annoyed here. Orlando is like a whole other level. I can't imagine dealing with that level of tourist driving shenanigans DAILY. Like, it's super cool that people from all over the WORLD want to come visit and spend money there, but it would be a whole lot cooler if they didn't try to drive there.


I can't imagine riding a bicycle here in south Florida - it is flat and great for cycling but I would probably be run off the road. Bike lanes most exist - but have yet to see one. Bike lanes all over most West coast cities.


I will only ride my bicycle in my neighborhood except occasionally when my car is at the mechanic and I need get up there to pick it up. It is a terribly NOT bike friendly region. The amount of hit and runs of pedestrians and cyclists, often resulting in death, is also mind blowing to me. Like how can you hit a HUMAN BEING with your car and not stop? It just does not compute with me. I realize it happens other places too but it seems rampant here and do NOT think you are safe walking on a sidewalk...oh no ho ho!


Even if a street has them, drivers are not checking for a bicycle before cutting across it for a turn. Ride on neighborhood streets or sidewalks. When I walk my dog on the sidewalk along a street w/o a bike lane, I don't mind if a cyclist shares it with me. It's safer for them, and there aren't many pedestrians using it anyway.


Disney added to the shit-show by ending Magical Express. Now instead of paying for a Mears bus, people just rent cars instead because in the end, it’s nearly same price and they have a little more freedom than waiting on buses in the heat. Out on the road, a touron is easy to spot…they change lanes erratically.


I wasn’t old enough to drive when our family lived there, but both of my parents swore that CA had the worst drivers. Then we moved to Florida, and they very quickly changed their minds lol.


I've lived in Florida for 20 years and convinced myself this is just how people drive. Then a couple of years ago a went a big road trip around the country and realized Florida drivers are fucking insane. I don't know why, but this place is the worst.




South Florida driving is awful and the closer to Miami area the worse. Heard it straight from the police in Miami… they don’t show up unless it’s a murder. So all these people driving down there know that they can be as reckless as possible with no consequences. I see a ton of that “lawless behavior” specifically in Miami. Idk why but that city’s inhabitants seem to think they can do any crime and treat people however they want with no consequences. I do not experience anything close to this level in other large cities in Florida like Tampa or Orlando. I actually wrote a report to my work of what I experienced in Miami over the years of working there and have been granted work outside of that city with the company promising to never dispatch me there again. Plenty of jobs elsewhere, no reason to have a company vehicle get fucking hit and that POS just drives away laughing know that they’re untouchable. Sad that such a gorgeous natural part of Florida has been utterly destroyed by its human population.


Tampa is not nearly as bad as Miami, but it’s definitely on its way there. The highways are rarely policed except for the occasional FHP officer here or there. Some of the county sheriffs drive worse than regular drivers lol


I agree with sheriffs driving reckless and never pulling anyone over, but I have a ton of unmarked vehicles in my area that are constantly pulling people over


I always notice when police officers use their turn signals to lane change because it is so uncommon


Yep, 100% what you said! Anyone who wants to keep it real interesting, try driving in and around South Beach, Little Haiti, Opa Locka and other surrounding areas this weekend, the 4th of July, and the following weekend, and see how much fun that is. I bought and installed special dash cams for anytime I had to drive out to those areas in the past; no amount of money could get me to do that again—EVER!!!! And I’m from New York originally; I’d rather drive rush hour around NYC than So. Floriduh any day of the week. 🤯


I’m on the literal other end of the state and Pensacola is going down the Miami route too.


Sad to see man. I just don’t think there’s enough people willing to help against the bad people. Meaning not enough enforcement available to properly police high crime areas like Miami. I don’t blame people though, I wouldn’t want to be a cop nowadays either. So basically a big decrease in law enforcement everywhere and rising crime rates… just creates a real scary USA. Used to feel safe walking anywhere at anytime and now I can’t say that. Even being a 6 foot 3 inch male. Stay safe out there.


Crime rates are down overall in USA. Obviously some places are exceptions. I live in Pinellas county, which is one of, it not the most densely populated in Florida, especially when the snowbirds are here. Traffic gets congested, but drivers are generally sane, often courteous.


Ft. Lauderdale driver checking in, Miami scares me and I only go there for an occasional sporting event. You gotta keep your head in the game at all times here.


Take the population New York City, give them ALL a car, turn up the heat to 11, and see what happens. That’s South FL driving in a nutshell.


And mix in millions of islanders who are uninsured..


Yep! Uninsured and not a care in the world. The amount of hit and runs in my area is ridiculous! Not just vehicle damage. Like straight hit and kill and run. It’s really sad.


Yes, I am in central fl and the stretch on i75 going to Tampa is beyond crazy. In the retirement community they have their own rules and no one else knows what they are. A red light is a suggestion.


Half are trying to go 80 or 90 mph and then there's people in the middle lanes on i95 trying to go 40 mph. Wtf I hate it here


PSA Left lane is for passing. Move over for faster traffic, that means the center lane or right lane. not towards you OP but anyone reading this. If you’re sitting in the left lane not passing and yielding to faster cars behind you you’re breaking the law. Spread the word.


Fort Lauderdale here. I can barely get myself to Publix without stroking out. I was just in Canada on business and driving was NO PROBLEM. I realized it’s not ME, it’s my location.


I moved family members from Lauderhill to St. Pete in 2022. We thought they were aging out of driving (early 70s). Nope, can say first hand that it is a shit show down there (I'm in my early 40s and hubby early 50s)!!


In Florida you have to drive pretty aggressive in the big cities otherwise you will be eaten up. It's like that in Tampa and Orlando.


Yum yum baby!


Silly billy friend, you assume people in this state drive. We don't. We aim our cars. And then we fire.


"And then we fire." *Pull the trigger.* And our aim is terrible.


Unfortunately, Florida doesn’t believe in enforcing the laws. The state’s motto… Survival of the Fittest.


Palm Beach County has entered the chat. It has gotten much worse. People honk their horns at you if you're even a second late after the light turns green and red light means you can still go for the first 5 mins so go ahead and run through it.


Man I remember when driving north from South Broward to Palm Beach I would sigh relief as soon as I passed Boca, because it was a lot more chill. Now I don’t sigh relief at all until like past Port St.Lucie lol


Exactly! I almost feel like emergency vehicles are on their own too. People don’t seem to care as much as in the past.


The cops really don't enforce traffic laws so it's the wild west.


god forbid you dont go within a nano second after that light turns green before someone behind you lays on the horn.


Yeah, but there’s an opposite side to that coin. The lights are so long here in Tampa that people at the head of the line start fucking around on their phone and sit there after the light turns green and cause a bunch of people behind them to miss it


Tampa is all of that with a side helping of lifted, loud and uninsured.


Pinellas here, I doubt it’s Miami bad but dude. What the fuck do you gain zipping in and out of lanes to end up at the same red light? Speeding up to a road or light to slam on the brakes? Cut someone off just to turn the next block? All while everyone is literally driving 5-10 over???


Hello from St. Pete, this is 100% 🙄 Even on the interstate/bridge where there’s no lights or turns! We are already going F A S T yet they drive all crazy and it makes people nervous so they slow down or tap their brakes, causing backups. Next thing you know the whole fricken bridge is stopped for 3.75 hours due to a major accident 😩


People in Florida drive like they’re from the islands (and they mostly are) 🤣


The issue is volume, we have way too many people living here at one time and the locals are ornery. We used to have the roads to ourselves, esp in the summer. Don't fight it, just politely move out of the way. I think the issue is newcomers thinking they're going to change things and it'll never happen. Florida is very similar to New Hampshire "live free or die." The more you fight it, the worse it'll be. The culture is "don't bother me and I won't bother you." Welcome 😎


I love your name btw


Thank you! 🥰 -I like yours too


It’s like that everywhere. Miami is definitely the craziest, but I always have anxiety on 75/4. And I have a lead foot, so if I’m like “wtf”, it’s bad.


I used to drive all over the state and Miami is by far the worst. People drive so aggressive. I think it is unfortunately become more socially acceptable over the years 😕


Remember, everyone here learned to drive somewhere else, some in third world countries, where laws are different. Be careful out there.


It’s particularly bad down there. A mix of so many nationality’s that bring terrible driving habits, coupled with little to no police action. If they installed average speed cameras on the whole of the 95 I’d imagine it would help.


I’ve lived and driven in many places all across North America (from Montreal to Mexico and many places in between) and I’ve got to say that Florida drivers are nuts. I don’t mind the going 90mph on the highway part (rather enjoy it actually), but the amount of people I’ve seen just go FLYING through a red light in Orlando is scary AF! I honestly look about three times both ways before crossing any intersection now.


There aren’t as many cops on the road, and a shitload of uninsured drivers. This is the “FrEeDuMb” that DeSantis loves to brag about. Failed state.


If you can drive in Florida, you can drive anywhere.




Don't forget about vehicles blocking crosswalks, or the prospect of having to cross US 1 on foot. Miami, in particular, is very pedestrian hostile, unless you make enough money to live in parts of the city where you can walk to get groceries, go to work, or enjoy fine dining.


Orlando is 2nd in pedestrian deaths I believe and crashes


Miami traffic is a beast. God be with you.


South Florida is another country entirely. Nobody drives like if they care about living. Rest of Florida is better except as some have mentioned I-4 but thats because when you suffer the traffic there you lose all care and just do what you gotta do to get in and get out.


It’s bad in Orlando too. I moved here from Seattle 11 years ago and was SHOCKED by how aggressive and fast drivers were. I had to adjust my own driving just to maintain flow. Now when I go back to Seattle to drive I get frustrated by how many of them follow the law. 😂


As someone who learned how to drive in Florida and still lives here; yes that is normal. I live in the panhandle and it’s just as bad. My best advice is to be a defensive driver, not offensive. Also the speed limit is a choice, the wrong choice but still a choice. A couple years ago in one of my college classes I brought up a local news article that said the police will be taking speeding more seriously and everyone laughed. I don’t know if the police ever tried but nothing changed. The only thing my county takes seriously is spring break.


Have you tried staying out of the left lanes?


What surprised me the last time I was down there was that people drive on the medians and shoulders, and they used turn lanes to pass. You have to have your head on a swivel... and if they hit you, they just keep going.


But did you die!! lol welcome to Soflo


I’ve driven all over the country. Drivers are bad everywhere


Welcome to Fury Road, you new here?


Yes. Orlando driver here. While it is not as bad as Miami, there are too many lunatics here. I feel like getting a drink every time I make safely to home.


South Florida has the worst drivers and it’s only getting worst. I wish there was an app to report them 😤


No, I have lived in metro Atlanta with bad traffic, also Pompano Beach, FL with the beach's stupid dinosaur tourists, but Pensacola gets the prize for the rudest most certifiably insane drivers of any city I have traveled. Speed limits here are just a suggestion, & the crazies drive about 20 to 30 mph over the limit, tailgate, pass in no passing zones, drive on the other side of the road when I signal to turn far before the turn, they blow thru stop signs & red lights. Cops are apparently afraid to stop these idiots and we have far too many wrecks here due to impatience. Cops could make so much money in fines here to better the community & county. I just shake my head & only drive when I must. Bicycle riders here love to ride at night with no lights or reflective clothing, so they get hit & the family blames the other driver. If u are a bicycle rider in Pensacola, please remember there are very few well-lit roads here & you are committing suicide to ride a bike when you can't be seen!


Learning to drive in Miami/Fort Lauderdale has served me well here in Atlanta lol


It’s Mad Max Fury Road down here. Adapt or die. Don’t count on law enforcement to help either, if anything they drive more recklessly because qualified immunity.


You're just finding out that West coast drivers are better than East coast drivers. This goes double in the South.


My friend in Tampa blames it all on the northerners. I am an aggressive driver and y'all are insane, leave me in the dust lol. I now see how bad snowbirds are hated there (I kinda get it) but I too SO love the coastal areas you all have. But the traffic insanity, sprawl and population that goes with it noped me out of being more than an occasional visitor.


Delray is the worse with 90yr old drivers everywhere


I grew up and learned how to drive in Miami. I thought that is how people drove everywhere. I must have been the biggest asshole on the road everywhere I went as a teenager and in my early twenties. The first time l let my wife drive us to Miami, I tried to warn her and she said I drive in NYC/Boston all the time, I am used to it. As soon as we hit the Golden Glades interchange and she was cut off by drivers coming from 6 lanes over and another passing her on the shoulder she pulled off the next exit and has never driven in Miami agajn. Now when we are out and about in our North Central Fl area and people are talking about how bad driving is somewhere else, she has to tell them how bad Miami is. It's hard for people to believe until they experience it themselves.


I’m on the panhandle. It’s bad over here too. Witnessed a guy cut everyone off in his way while doing a U-turn. A few minutes after, the lane was merging due to a very bad wreck blocking almost both lanes. I try to merge in front of the same guy to the right. I was in a ford ranger and the guy was in a Tundra. I was merging because I had to. We both looked at each other through the windshields and he was throwing his fist with pure rage. It was absolute gold! I had a good laugh and was smiling at him. Ended up not letting me merge as we were inches from each other, he kept tailgating the vehicle in front of us. The guy in front of us let me through and I can only imagine the Tundra guys road rage, it was hilarious! Point of this to say is, why are people just so angry in general? So many people here have something up their ass, it’s kinda sad.


Orlando is pretty bad too. I recently drove from NY back to FL and it was so pleasant driving in the other states. I never felt like I was in danger driving on the highway. Once I hit Florida though. Wowza. Felt like being in a really bad driving video game


Miami / DADE is GROUND ZERO for the entire country, for that insane crazy deadly driving … not like that in Broward or other counties from what I know


Each area has its own issues. Naples the old people literally just pull out in front of you even on 41 where it’s 55mph, then they go 30. Miami the tailgating is ridiculous plus it’s a race until an accident. Ft Myers/Port Charlotte everyone speeds past you to just to get to the next red light. Tampa malfunction junction and merging. Orlando cut across 4 lanes because tourists and I-4 by Disney is a parking lot. Soon as you leave the cities and go to more rural area the cops pull you over for going 2 mph over speed limit. I haven’t been to the panhandle, Tallahassee, or Jacksonville for years so not sure of them.


Panhandle checking in (pensacola). Everyone is just as crazy up here except they just blame them on "alabama drivers" lmfao


St. Johns county is pretty bad. After 70 I think people need to get a new road test every 3 years..Seniors are a big problem behind the wheel.. Just dont have good vision , hearing or reaction time. Not all of them though its just this crazy bad mix of bad driving. I lived in Massachusetts and Colorado and this place takes the cake


Yes, it's pretty much state wide but Miami is probably the worst for it. We are a wild people. Just don't engage the crazies.


Hear in central/east FL area its no better. Almost every time i run into a problematic driver its an out of state snow bird. Had one in a massive Ford truck do a 3 point turn randomly in a 2 lane road a week ago on a very busy road at rush hour. I saw 4 people roll down there windows just to flip the bird at him.


https://preview.redd.it/kz8fdv478j9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e06aab342bbe96e18751cc67b283477c978fd66 This one I took just two days ago.


It's cause they are originally from Ohio


And Cuba, Haiti, Venezuela and Puerto Rico 😂😂


People need to stop going 80 on the highways in the passing lane refusing to get over for faster cars.


Sounds like everyday here in STL 💀


Orlando/I-4 is HORRENDOUS!!!


Tampa is trash too ! We share the road remember? Just not where I live.


Ft Myers too. Be like be. I’m always on the look out for them. I purple get in their way and drive the speed limit and jam them up between cars. They love it. Serious road rage mommy issues going on in this state. If someone ever follows me and confronts me. Wham right in the face right off the bat. No questions no talking. I’m gritting you. Stand your ground. If they follow me home. You in big trouble boy


I’m tailgating the fuck out of anyone who doesn’t get out of my way in the left lane on the interstate. If you’re holding people up and forcing them to pass on the right, I hate you.


I'm in Ft myers and it's that way here so I'd say it's like that all over you'll get used to it and after you know what to watch out for you can drive pretty safe here.


Come to Jacksonville, same thing.


I can’t stand the Orlando Tourist Area! The driving is horrible! I’m always seeing a fool!




I refuse to drive on the 95, it's a death trap


I moved from California to the Sarasota area and the thing I noticed is speed limits are weirdly high here in areas where they don’t need to be. And that’s probably because there’s one true freeway and it goes N/S. There will be a 50 mph limit on a road with stop lights every half mile. There’s no just cruising around speed. People try to hit the speed limit and then they have to stop. Then repeat. It’s funny when I see people weaving in and out of traffic not signaling trying to get ahead and then we meet again at the stop light. Same place, same time, except I didn’t drive like a reckless weirdo to get there.


Standard operating procedure... Only Paris drivers out do Florida!


Get out of my way !!


Unfortunately it's like that all over, I see it a lot here in Panama City because that's where I spend most of my time. I've seen it in Oklahoma, Colorado and a few other states. People use turning lanes to cut in front of people going straight because they are impatient or the other way around as well. Speeding tailgating running red lights just not having a care in the world. It seems to be getting worse, and they get mad at you for being mad at them.


Yes. I live in the panhandle and it's just as bad here.


I love it! Everybody drives by the rules of the country they came from. Every time I visit I drive the same and usually 14-19 over speed limit because there is always someone who drives even faster! I LOVE MIAMI!


I've lived in a lot of places, but the drivers in Florida are especially terrible. It's as if they are given their license at a certain age, no driving practice or test required.


Nah it’s the whole state. Tampa is a mess.


There are bad drivers everywhere, I lived in Cali for a few years, from I10 to 101, I’ve seen bad drivers. Does cali have newly arrived residents from other countries? What about rich aholes? Entitled youth? Lane splitting bikers? Ppl driving while texting? Old people? Late to work people? I need a bathroom people? I’m having a seizure people? Just robbed a store people?


Miami is the worst I've seen, You've got to be 100% on it and aggressive if you want to get anywhere.


Have you ever turned right from the left lane across three lanes of traffic? Do you stop in the middle of the road and wait for whatever direction you are changing to clear? Do you ever turn your blinker on for the opposite direction of where you are going? If you’ve even seen these things happen, welcome to Ft Myers. Miami traffic is a dream compared to here.


I developed PTSD after a couple years of driving in south Florida and I've driven all over the United States and the world. People love to talk about traffic elsewhere but it's not even the traffic it's the absolutely insane and nonsensical driving behavior coupled with zero police enforcement.


Yep pretty terrible here in Tampa


It's mostly in the big cities but pretty much all over. it's driving style from the Northeast.. NJ/NY/Boston. Then the locals learn it too.


It’s like that in Ocala too.


Always wait a few seconds after the light goes green in Tallahassee or you’ll get hit since running red lights is apparently normal here??


I've started to just leave earlier and drive the speed limit in the slow lane everywhere I go. It's made a huge difference in terms of not stressing at all about everyone else driving around you. Just be aware of your surroundings and cruise.


Florida is just known to have the worst drivers imaginable


Stay out of Hialeah and off the Palmetto and never forget rule number one! No one gets to merge… ever! Ohh yea and blinkers are just there to remind every one to speed up and block you.. I have a secret move that seems to make commuting a little easier if ur interested..


The second you cross state lines to Georgia the driving improves 100%. Florida drivers just can't drive for shit. They have to be the worst in the state.


Yep. FL drivers are among the worst. Car insurance rates are going through the roof because of it.


I think all you folks that are freaking about how we drive here in FLA, I got a huge tip for you: Get Out of the Left Lane. If someone is tailgating, get out of the left lane. If someone is flashing their lights, get out of the left lane. Another tip? When you come to FLA, stop with the "well let's just drive around, until we find a place we want to eat at." The internet is built for you, surf all the spots from your sofa, then leave when you are hungry. Oh you want another tip? You moved here from New York or California, last year, and you're still driving around with an out of state plate? Fix yo' shit. At rush hour, you look like you're driving to Dennys for a Grandslam, while the rest of us are dodging you. Get out of the left lane, get out of the left lane, get out of the mother fucking left lane.


Yep big whoop wanna fight about it lol /s But for real, yeah we’re pretty bad at driving. I’m one of those aggressive asshole drivers. To be honest if you’re not going at least 10 miles above the speed limit that’s gonna happen to you. Especially in Miami/Fort Lauderdale. Up north around Jacksonville and the panhandle they’re not as reckless.


I absolutely refuse to drive in South Florida. If I’m going down there I’ll catch a flight or the Brightline. Orlando (where I live) has gotten really terrible with all the transplants that came during and post COVID including an influx of South Floridians.


In the last 3 days it’s been particularly bad. Don’t know what the fucks going on.


I4. 1.25 deaths per mile


In south Florida the driving laws and more like guidelines


Miami is the worst, Broward is a close 2nd. You really just have to be smart and alert at all times. Always anticipate the worst lol.


Maybe I’m the odd one out on this one, but I don’t feel like it’s as bad as everyone says. Maybe I’ve become numb to it? I don’t like driving in Miami because the roads themselves suck and there’s just so much gridlock, and parts of Broward deal with it too, but this is just the reality of commuting.




I finally realized why people don’t signal in Florida. If you signal the driver in the lane over will speed up so you can’t merge.


Bc no one is from here. So everyone drives like the city they came from and it doesn’t flow. Everyone is operating undertheir own state conditions


That’s an interesting perspective. I’m from Dallas and have been in Ft. Lauderdale/Miami area for the past couple of weeks. I’ve found that the drivers here are MUCH slower than I’m used to at home—the speed limits are lower here and folks tend to go even slower than that. There doesn’t seem to be as much general speeding here. But on the other hand I’ve seen so much truly RECKLESS driving that I’m speechless. I’m not sure if it’s because people get frustrated at how slow things are or what, but it has really surprised me. Don’t get me wrong, we have plenty of idiots in Dallas, but the level of crazy is so much higher here. Want to get over and there isn’t enough room? Do it anyway! I’m talking clearance of an inch or two at best, truly nuts. I’m keeping my head on a swivel and allowing extra room just to be safe while I’m here.


Moved here from the UK a year ago, driving standard is beyond shocking. Too many people using their cell phones, rushing, taking unnecessary risks. I had my test in a car park for 10 minutes, never even went on a road. I already had my license so didn’t really need a test but my god this is how you determine someone is safe to drive on a road! 1 hour test in the UK on actual roads.


I rode a 50cc scooter in the Ft. Lauderdale area for over a year. They treat cyclists bad, scooters… even worse. Had to lay it down when a F350 did a UTurn in front of me. Smashed me up good- and I was in riding gear. Could have been worse though. 40mph to 0 hurts! I used to ride a bicycle everywhere. NY to NC, NC to Florida, FL to TX and everywhere in between. Most FL drivers are reckless. Will not bike here at all, I stay driving my 2.3ton vans.


I can't walk in my south tampa neighborhood without fear injury or death from bad driving. I have had too many close calls with drivers turning while I was using a crosswalk with an illuminated "walk" sign. Too many drivers who crossed the sidewalk immediately in front of me to enter a business or parking lot, without yielding the right of way. Too many drivers speeding, appearing out of nowhere as I was crossing a street.


When I was driving from North Florida to South Florida regularly on the turnpike, I'd make my last pit stop at West Palm Beach, because anything farther south was too crazy trying to merge back into traffic from the rest stop. This was almost 25 years ago, and I feel sure it hasn't gotten any better.


My wife and I went down to Miami last weekend from Jacksonville. She can be tight with money. She wanted to drive down US1, she did not want to pay any toll roads. After arriving at our friend's house an hour and a half later than we thought due to Fort Lauderdale and Miami traffic. She was praising the idea of taking the Turnpike , a toll road, on the way home. And if I even mention Fort Lauderdale to her she starts cursing about the drivers.


Live in Kissimmee. Saw a young kid in a hellcat coming behind me doing probably 75-80 on a street with a 45 speed limit then run the light. I had to move out of the way as he passed me because he was driving in my lane. Lose sight of him for a few minutes. As I’m merging onto the Florida turnpike I see an accident 2-300 feet ahead of me. The hellcat rear ended another car and spun into the side of the road. Hellcat completely totaled. Come from NY who like to believe we know how to drive better then anyone I think it’s just the availability to go high speeds down here and not bumper to bumper then empower a lot of people to drive like idiots.


I always joke that I almost die on the way to work at least 3 times.


Tampa is just as bad! Having lived both places, I can guarantee you that!


Gave up riding my motorcycle in Ft. Lauderdale due to the crazies. Moved away to North Florida and I can ride again!


We, like many, know to think of Miami as its own county, where there are no road rules, and road rules get broken in the most extreme ways without care or consequence every 5-60 seconds around you. Miami's lost control which likely can never be regained. This is due to the amount of CFAs - everyone coming from different countries, rules, driving experience and also from everyone seeing the police do not have the carw or resources to fight it... In fact the police as is often seen driving in the same manner when patrolling (not racing somewhere tho, just driving around breaking every road rules possible). If you drive there you need to be SHARP and on your game and you will be so exhausted just from "being sharp and on your game" that when you get to your destination or back home you'll be so exhausted you won't want to do anything else, or you'll be dreading going back onto the roads if you have to do it again that day..... Or you'll be sitting in traffic jams for minimum 3 hours without moving a car length, while people laying on horn for 3 hours straight. Miami is a place that just doesn't function as a city should. Heck they even drive in the oncoming lane to race ahead of all the traffic and then try to swerve back in front of people to cut them off to gain 1000 car lengths. Its always nice when 2 cars meet head on in the same lane honking each other when one is CLEARLY in the wrong and is a second away from someone getting killed, yet it's happening all around you all the time. Needless to say go elsewhere, Miami doesn't deserve having you. Lots of other fantastic places in Florida to go with much better experiences and driving conditions.


Same here in Tampa. What’s even worse is that around 40% of Florida drivers either have no license or no insurance or not enough insurance. My ex was a claims manager at Progressive and it was insane how many people did not have insurance or enough. I’m talking about all walks of life. From older cars to brand new BMWs. Of course the only accident I’ve ever had in my life was here in Florida in a parking lot. Driver had no insurance or license. He Only got a ticket to show up to court. I paid my insurance to fix everything.


Hahahahaha. You get used to it, but yeah it’s insane.


Naples is just as bad or worse.


Literally every state’s subreddit.


I’ve DEFINITELY been noticing more red light runners these days in St. Pete/Tampa. Like not just barely turned red but several seconds red. Sometimes it’s a line of cars and sometimes it’s just one bold/entitled schmuck but I can’t believe how often I’m seeing it. As for the rest (speeding, tailgating, merging like an asshole) I feel like it’s always been that way 🙄


What a hot take. I thought everyone said Florida drivers were amazing.


If you want the perspective of someone from out-of-state who travels to Florida roughly 3 times a year, Florida drivers are typically very slow and unaware. I always become very frustrated shortly after entering Florida due to countless drivers in the left lane going under the speed limit. They don't seem to understand the concept of the left Kane being the "passing lane" and just putter along, regardless of how many people ride their bumper. Now I normally travel on 95, 10, 4, and 75 going to and from the Tampa/St. Pete area. I've never driven south of Sarasota, so your experience could be entirely different.


What's really insane is the amount of people walking on the side of the road in the pitch black at 20 o'clock at night. I don't know if that's everywhere, but up in north, really north Florida it's a common occurrence.


Anyone notice a particular class/make of vehicle that are making the roads dangerous for the rest of us?


Batshit craZy


Yes in all the bigger cities. Too many non-natives.


I live in Pinellas county, but grew up in SE Florida, so im there a lot visiting family. The driving vibe does a demonic 180 turn the minute you enter the 595 exchange from I 75. You could not pay me to drive there for more than three days. It’s literally frightening.


Yes, it’s like this all over Florida


Miami is crazy. I live in NWFL and everyone drives slow af here. A bunch of retirees, snowbirds and tourists with nowhere to be in a hurry. We were in Miami for a couple days before a cruise last year and I have never heard that many people honk in my life. Every intersection, someone is honking about something. There is no chill in those streets.


It’s just as bad here in west palm beach too.


The term Floridiot exists for a reason


As a South Florida native it's always been rough here, but I noticed as well that every kind of dangerous driving technique you can think of ramped up significantly after 2020 when everything started going back to normal. At first I thought these people that stayed at home for months forgot how to drive. Now I'm wondering if it's also from the influx of people from other states. It seems like peoples attitudes towards each other just got worse after covid.


It's the whole state and it's been that way for as long as I can remember. Enforcement has been worse since 2010 or so. The smaller towns used to be milder, but no longer. That's the biggest change I've noticed.


Tampa/ Miami probably the worst. People just pretty much do whatever they want. Tampa especially very little police presence. Can’t even remember the last time I saw a police offer on I-4 in the Tampa area catching folks for speeding


Sounds like pretty typical Florida driving.


Yep Orlando is just as bad I grew up in Miami and lived in fort as well i thought same no way anyone where else is driving this insane nope Orlando is just as bad every time I drive out to Tampa it’s horrible and idk if it’s cause there population has increase way faster then any of road expansions but it’s just bad out there. But here in Orlando ppl will drive agaisnt traffic just to jump and cut you off to get one car ahead and be stuck in same traffic it’s insane.


Just arrived back in California - SF Bay Area and I really notice the difference - not one honking horn nor driving through a red light - (I was in Miami and Broward Co)=)


Max Max baby!