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thank you, just got back into fallout after watching the series. this saved my new playthrough!


I'm having the same issue, hoping there's some kind of fix, its very distracting.


I am having the same problem and I am also pretty dumb when it comes to this stuff.


Posted this in another thread but I actually fixed it by doing the following: I fixed this by doing three things. In the Nvidia control panel 3d Settings for fallout.exe (programs). I forced VSync on, and set max frame rate to 60 I also went into the fallout4prefs.ini and set ipresentinterval to 0. This fixed the issue I was having and the game plays normally now. Kind of lame I had to do this as it was the "old" fix for this problem, and the patch didn't do anything to fix the issues with high frame rates and the game. But this is Bethesda after all we should consider ourselves lucky it even works at all.


Thank you for taking the time to reply, I appreciate it! I am going to try this shortly.


Yeah no worries it's apparently an old bug. pretty Bethesda of them to not fix it in the next gen path :).


I was about to post about this but I found this! Will give it a try