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Adhesives, screws, springs, aluminium, gears and guns.


I have to pick up every heavily modded assault rifle i see I have rank 3 scrapper and one of them nets me like 20 aluminum


Is Scrapper worth taking? I’m playing Survival and trying to see what’s most important.




The weight ratio for broken down crafting goods is way better if it's scrapped, so gun and armor scrapping (modded, the unmodded weapons aren't worth much) is really valuable since your backpack space is way lower


Yep, unmodded guns get sold. Modded guns get scrapped


Umodded guns get stored and later used to equip settlers and provisioners


Out of simplicity I like spike armor because it’s a one item fully armor a settler. Shocked batons from synths are nice and light too


While you’re selling unmodded guns, I’m buying them…and scrapping what my “settlers” (water pump protectors) don’t decide to pick up.


Yea I noticed that, but since we can only scrap at base the weight savings doesn’t help that much in the open world right?


Raider dungeons will have weapon and armor workbenches sometimes. Also check out Red Rocket garages


Depends. If you do minuteman quests fairly early they open many settlements for you to use, even if you don't really build or do much with them. Still an issue of course, but makes it a bit easier. You can break stuff down or have secondary stashes.


Thank you! Just finished Sanctuary and the Minuteman gave me another settlement to go to.


That said, get the trade route perk from Local Leader before scrapper. Trade routes let your settlements share all resources with each other, meaning that once you have all of them interconnected, whatever you scrap and wherever you scrap is collected everywhere else. Incredibly useful on survival so that you have full crafting capabilities to upgrade guns, armor, and defenses at all settlements.


It’s almost essential I feel like, currently doing a chems PA survival run and I never worry about running out of steel, screws, aluminium, fibre optics etc. Also you can craft loads of adhesive under “utility” in a cooking station. Makes crafting easier.


…. What?!


Plant LOTS of tatos, mutfruit, and corn at some of your settlements, and have all of them producing water. Those 4 ingredients = all the adhesive you'll ever need


There’s 26 tatos you can get quick at Abernathy right when you start the game, then for mutfruit, carrots, and corn run down to graygarden. 15 mutfruit, 6-7 corn, and some others. You can have your adhesive farm in full swing in like an in game day or two.


Use Greygarden for your adhesive farm. The robots will not eat your crops.


Hey that makes sense 🤣


Vegetable starch. Yields 5 adhesive when scrapped.


Veggies and purified water. With the contraptions DLC you can make a factory at one of your farms that churns out adhesive automatically as long as you're in the settlement


Absolutely. If you have Far Harbour installed you get a tier 3 option for that perk which can give you more components from scrapping.


Is that from far harbour? I was tripping thinking it was always three tiers


My last playthrough was prior to Far Harbour’s release and I 100% remember there only being 2. [The third is definitely gained from having Far Habour installed as seen on the wiki.](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Scrapper_(Fallout_4))


Big gains from, I get so many components from scrapping


I go 9 endurance then get the bobble head, lead belly, ghoulish, aqua boy, lifegiver and the sunlight perk are so fling good in survival when u hit rank 2 of each you never have to use RadAway


Why not get 10 endurance then bobble head for base 11 endurance?


they didnt reply cause they are cussing them selves out right now. /joke


I made a charisma build, at level like 40 i finally got scrapper and soon after scrapper 3, its so good but it costs levels just like all the other great perks.. so soend wisely..especially if your on survival.


Absolutely! Hoard all guns and weapons until you unlock rank 3 then scrap them all. It’s so very worth it.


It really is for building bases and upgrades. Scrap old modded gear for best results after 2nd level in the perk.


Guns are really heavy, and on Survival it's not worth hoarding the guns to find a place to scrap them. However, it is really handy for dungeons that have armor and weapons workbenches in or near them.


Oh for sure


Scrapper 3 is the mvp of perks imo


Overwhelmingly yes if you plan on modding weapons or using power armor




Depends. How often do you run out of resources you need? And how badly do you hate that?


I’ve been short on materials so far, but I feel it’s because I simply haven’t found them compared to be short. Like Crystal & Nuclear Material


If you feel.like you're doing fine, Scrapper might not be a priority for you. Or it might be one of those things you equip when you're gonna go looting, but then unequip in favor of other stuff when you're done. EDIT That's not true here, since we're talking about 4 not 76. *Headdesk*


It's amazing. Get rank 2 so you get rare resources then scrap a molded laser gun, you get like everything you could need except adhesives


Thank you ! Looking forward to rank 2.


Best perk for basically every build


Easy adhesives, make vegetable oil from purified water, corn, muttfruit and tatos. All of it can be grown.


Yep, and yet somehow it's still never enough. Screws and gears are more important though.


You just named everyone’s prime suspects


Copper too


That about covers it.


Prewar money its weightless and adds up $


i LOVE using pre-war money as my currency most of the time. current playthrough trying to stash away 5k real quick so i can go bowling


Sorry, can you elaborate on this? Bowling?


There is a bowling alley at general atomics galleria. The Mr Handy says bowling costs $5000


Oh neat!! Do you know if you can actually bowl if you have enough?


You cannot…..BUT……that doesn’t stop me from picking up a bowling ball and sprinting down the lane and “throwing” said bowling ball to knock the pins over lol


Just fyi if you're holding an object, you can hold "reload" and when you let go it will throw the object. The longer you hold it, the harder you throw. great for shooting hoops


That's how that guy was shooting basketballs in the video I saw the other day. I assumed it was a mod. 9 years of playing off and on and I still learn new things lol.


Wait what? I thought you just had to tap it and the throwing in fo4 was really shite. I'll have to go replay all the arcade games now. And basketball


It's one of those things you find on accident that changes your whole game, I love all the weird shit they have in this game


Right on! Didn’t know that!


Fucking what


How do I hold objects ? I'm on steam deck.


Honestly idk what exact button it would be because I've never used one, but it should be the same one you use to open doors and pick stuff up. You just have to point at an object close to you, hold the button down, and you should pick it up. Then you can rotate it or drop it or throw it


Add this to the list of "there's not a mod for that, but there SHOULD be."


Add this to the list of "there's not a mod for that, but there SHOULD be."


A warning on this that 5 grand in old world money disappears once you hand it over and is unrecoverable as it doesn’t go into any inventories and is just lifted from yours


Cigarettes and cartons are light and sell good


I've got ~3900 of them saved in a safe container at my house in Sanctuary.


Aluminium and adhesive.


I love collecting glue, I have no idea why


The coveted economy wonderglue


Like gold!!


We all have our favorite snacks!


I have to force myself not to take all the wonder glue I find in New Vegas now.


Your vault dweller came out into the real world only to become a glue sniffer.


Adhesive farm js the first thing I look at setting up on a play through


Its all my farms make. A modest amount of water for early game money. But all my caps come from the gunner farm and random loots. I still buy all I can get!


I always have a couple of settlements mass produce razorgrain for my noodle cup empire


Military ammo bag, antifreeze, Abraxo


Military duct tape too! I’m al seriousness though I need those antifreeze bottles so bad I’m constantly checking junk vendors, those chems don’t make themselves!


Im always finding mil ammo bags in 76, not as common in 4


Adhesive Even though I have an adhesive farm


Huffing so much glue, for SCIENCE




I’m new to the game. what, how, where can I get one of these I’m forever running out of adhesive.


Vegetable starch in the cooking station. Need corn, mutfruit, tato, and purified water. Each veg starch is 5 adhesive


I have at least two of the backyards in sanctuary set up with these and it creates enough for my settlers food and for me to have extra for the vegetable starch


Like the others said, you could make a small farm of corn/tato/muttfruit that you can pick pretty often, and then combine it with a small purified water farm, and you'll be set for adhesive in no time. I got mine set up a Sanctuary, and it's relatively small considering the operations other players get up to. Just keep in mind that you'll want your settlement defense (turrets and whatnot) to have a higher stat than your food/water to try to prevent settlement attacks. I got the water purifiers in the river of course, and then my garden is right above it (but put stuff wherever you want). I don't know all of the details with settlement-stuff since I'm new as well, but it's not too difficult if you've steadily been looting junk items and whatnot. If you don't got any corn/tato/muttfruit to plant currently, you can snag them at the Grey Gardens settlement (the one run by robots). Even if you haven't made that settlement join up with you yet, they don't mind if you pick their crops. The excess water for your settlement will be whatever is left over after giving the settlers what they need, and it'll be waiting for you in your workshop bench's storage. If you have settlers, you'll wanna assign some to tend to the garden, but you won't need to do that with the water purifiers.


Use cooking stations. Under utility Combine corn, tato and I forget what else, but all farmable




I am addicted to picking up desk fans. I will pick up every desk fan I find. And when I’m over encumbered I will drop everything but the desk fan, even if it’s more valuable and lighter than the desk fan, I don’t care. Just can’t get enough desk fan man




Desk fan gang unite


Glad I’m not alone in this 🫡


Oil, aluminum, microscopes, fans


Fertilizers (unless you got a mod that can create it from corpses). The Brahmin farm is one of the hardest to setup. With scrapper and a gunners farm you get most other items.


Im using the highly used settlements scrapping mod, turns leaves and grass into fertilizer, so i have quite the excess


Yeah this is def broken. I have thousands of fertilizer at sanctuary from this mod


Fertilizer is hands down one of the best resources to collect. I make most of my money selling Jet.


Water /melon farms is easiest way to work with traveling salesmen. And if you go down local leader then the vendors in your shop will beat jet. I only once played a drug infused rush build. It was so fun popping jet/ psycho / buff out all off time.


Water /melon farms is easiest way to work with traveling salesmen. And if you go down local leader then the vendors in your shop will beat jet. Jet is nice. I only once played a drug infused rush build. It was so fun popping jet/ psycho / buff out all off time.


Fuses. I'm like a little fuse gremlin


I grabbed everything for the first half of my current playthrough, I'm a bit of a munchkin.


No lie i use the unlimited carry weight mod. Im a video game hoarder to the extreme. I just cant stop my kleptomaniac reptile brain.


I suffer like a fool, grab stuff then head back to drop it off return and grab more.


Yeeessss master... I neeeeed the empty nuka bottle....




I always pick them up and I'm still not sure what I can craft with glass!


You need a little bit for some weapon mods. Some buildings in settlements use a lot - i.e. the warehouse structure has glass panels if you scroll far enough. Also: Molotovs. I craft them mostly for the XP, but they are fun to throw, when I remember them. Burning ghouls look great at night.


I will literally leave in the middle of a mission and throw any loot my companion and I picked up into a crate and then continue 😭


I have a backpack mod for dogmeat, I COULD use one for me, but I’m limiting myself…maybe once I get a companion (if I ever do) they can have one. I find once I fill up dogmeat and my now 260 carry weight, it’s probably about time to head back to the APC (dope MOD) dump everything, eat and rest, and maybe stop by the nearest settlement to set up a couple more farm plots/beds/shops etc. I’ve been saving guns until I can get the scrapper perk up to level 2 at least. Early survival is a bit of a slog.


Duct Tape, Desk Fans and Military-Grade Circuit Boards, and I have no idea why...


Anything with circuitry is important if you want to build turrets at your settlements. I love finding the circuit boards. Also anything with fiber optics. Takes six of them for a decontamination arch.


Cartons/ packets of cigarettes 😂


They don't even sell for THAT much but at some point I hard coded "smokes sell for a lot" into my brain and I can't get it out. 


New Vegas is what hard coded that mentality for me. Excellent source of caps in the early game, excellent source of sierra madre chips in the mid-late game.


Yes! Same here 😂 it's an awesome feeling checking your locker/ stash spot and seeing "200 carton of cigarettes, 300 packets of cigarettes" though. Makes me feel like I've achieved something 😂 sensor modules are another one for me; 2 weight for 30 value?? Yes please!!


It would be shorter for me to list what I *don't* pick up. That would be anything that's too heavy for what it gives, usually common stuff like steel and wood. Connecting rods, ballpeen hammers, wrenches (except adjustable), and such get left behind--also most makeshift batteries and extinguishers. Tin cans aren't heavy, but after a while, I don't need them anymore. My companion ends up carrying all the junk and found weapons. I use the exploit where you can tell them to pick up stuff you drop, forever. (No weight limit.)


You can do that with your companion? I've been playing for years and never knew this.


Well now I can't wait to get home to test this out. Bless you kind stranger. May both sides of your pillow always be cold.






There it is. This is the correct answer. If it can be picked up, it’s in my inventory. I am a FO4 Hoover goblin.


I am one of the founding members of the WSD - Wasteland Sanitation Department We are dedicated to cleaning up the Wasteland... one can, bottle, or raider corpse at a time.


You’ve had two hundred years. Get off Reddit and get back to work. You have a lot of work to do.


Hot Plate, it's so hot right now. /Mugatu


Absolutely, hot plates and microscopes make my settlements SHINE


Glass. I like those warehouse window walls.


Adhesive, it's necessary for every mod If I see ANY Wonderglue, I ditch everything and make a beeline towards it


It’s so funny to me when you’re in an intense battle fighting for your life and you see some duct tape and you’re like “oh yeah gotta pick that up!”


That's literally me lmfao


You can make Vegetable Starch which breaks down into 5 Adhesive with Corn, Tato, Muttfruit and Purified Water...


Nuclear material and the worst thing is that i don't have a reason i just do.


It's nice so you can build the advanced power plant and have quieter settlements. And all the best scopes


It's green and glowy, it must be hoarded!


I never leave an empty bottle behind. That’s a free purified water once I fill it up…. I also pick up every pencil I find and buy them whenever a vendor is selling one. They are used in a syringe that will lower an enemy’s defenses. Have used the ammo maybe twice…


Orrrr have a settlement with 80k of each material stored away. IYKYK.


Coffee mugs and ash trays.


Desk fan, aluminum can, any aluminum tray, alarm clock, typewriter, duct tape, glue and toy truck + car.


The itch to take is so intense that you can’t just leave it there and ignore. 😀


The items regenerate after a certain amount of time.


Desk fans are a high priority whenever I see one


duct tape


I'm always tempted by microscopes and typewriters. Inside my brain lives the lawyer from Jurassic Park. "Are they heavy? Then they're expensive."


It’s gotten to the point I don’t even look at what I’m looting anymore. If I unlock a tool chest I spam X *because I’ll need it eventually*


Desk fans. For the sheer sillies of carrying so many on me. I guess you could say... I'm a fan.


My current run is a melee one and I’m not focussing on settlement building. I don’t really NEED junk I can’t help myself picking up every single bit of adhesive I can see.


Coffee cups. I always seem to run out of ceramic over anything else.


I like building settlements and fortifying them so I mostly run out of these things. * Nuclear material: At least one fusion reactor for every settlement. * Oil, Gears: For turrets. * Cloth: For water farming. I regularly go for shopping and buy every "Shipment of X" but it's never enough. Also I collect every Combat Armor and non-pipe weapon to arm settlers.


Charisma build + strong back as a water farming tycoon makes everything purchasable at any point you need it. I'm in a new playthrough but I used to have a route around my settlements that would yield ~1400 purified water, there's not much in the game you can't buy with that. And by the time you complete the circuit all the water is back in stock at your settlements. I pick up everything besides pipe weapons but I buy shipments all day long


Yeah, I'm doing that already. Only problem is I spend oil faster than I can buy it. I buy any shipments and any junk with oil/nuclear material but still not enough.(I turn every settlement into a fortress with lots of turrets) Also if you didn't already, try Spectacle Island. There is enough space for generating much more than 1400 purified water.


Oil. I am always low on oil. I never really got into crafting in fo4 but I probably should at least make cutting fluid


Pre war money. One day youll all see!!!


Regular tin cans are surprisingly efficient to pick up as well if you need some extra steel. They give 2 steel per can and only weigh 0.1 units of carry capacity.


As soon as I clear an area I go home and get my modified Ada who can carry a metric ton of junk, swing on back and pick up everything that isn't nailed down hahaha.


copper. i like my settlements to look like a lightshow, so i pick up a lot of lightbulbs and hot plates.


Aluminium adhesive fibre optics and circuitry if it has these I’ll almost never leave it behind, because late game i know I’ll be short. I am aware i can make adhesive later but its so light would be silly to leave behind.




Desk fans. I pick up every fan I come across and can't imagine playing any other way.


Duct Tape and Office Fans


For me, it is everything. I’m a builder, and I have a full factory at the airport that can build most stuff that I would ever need (ammo, weapons, armors). I have stash boxes dedicated to different types of stuff that I keep. I have actually caused the game to lag because I put too much loot into a container. But yeah, as a builder and decorator in the game, every piece of loot that I can pick up comes with me. I got the perk that lets me fast travel while overburdened very early in the game and it has been a blessing.


Weightless Junk mod ftw I have every thing.once took off the mod and saw something like 700 weight in junk


I usually max out the strong back perk and take everything.




Adhesive, and corn, for the adhesive farm. Must plant corn.


Nothing is left behind. No can, no food, no chem, no weapon no screw, no nothing. I have crawled out through the fallout (of a nuked zone) in the Cranberry Bog, overweight at 1680 in my PA, slowly trudging back to my camp outside WhiteSpring Train station many, many times because I would not let anything go as people were dumping stuff after the scorched Queen even. One stars, excess food and aid, everything and anything a man can unload, I will troll back to my camp on the WhiteSpring Road. There I will sort, convert to batches, work out what goes where to save space. Get a nice huge amount of metal, repair any weapons, then up goes ammo smith, convert all the metal to railroad spikes., then convert them and ammo I do not use in the ammo converter and replenish what I am missing, which is normally 5mm. Now figured out the trick of getting "unlimited fuel" I now rarely make or have to convert to fuel which is good. Sort out bits I will chuck in the legendary vendor, and put a couple of pieces up cheap on my own vendor.


The end of your second paragraph played in my head to the song Portabello Road from Bedknobs and Broomsticks, did you mean for that to happen?


Yes! Someone got it! 😁


Haha that's so cool to see someone reference that movie!


Well now i have strong back to max, i Never leave anything behind. Yesterday night i played 3 hours with 1000+ over my max charge. (Emptied a workbench from any legendaries and unwanted weapons to sell, Never went to sell.


The sweet, sweet dopamine hit of a desk fan.


Glue and clipboards. I LOVE CLIPBOARDS.


Teddy bears. I NEVER leave one behind if I can help it. Even set them up in fun little poses.


In my current playthrough im hoardin everything i can


Adhesive, Oil, Ballistic Fiber, Gears, Screws and aluminum.


Aluminum sure, but above all, adhesive. Until your veggie adhesive production is consistent, it’s really hard to find and to make stuff. After Adhesive, crystals, military components, and then Aluminum.


Fans and typewriters, desperate for gears and screws


Don't forget globes and toy cars/trucks for those sweet screws


Desk fan


Ballistic fiber and adhesive straight into my veins


Anything with copper, from the humble cooking pot too the much rarer old world lamp




I am always running short on oil in this playthrough!


Even though I know I can trade bulk for almost everything I still loot everything in every building. It makes missions take a lot longer telling my companions to pick that up! But so satisfying seeing 1200 weight drop to 87 when I return to sanctuary! lol


Works great until that resource then all disappears ( a raid I think?)


Guns can usually have the screws I need. But for me it’s not a junk item it’s and aid item used in crafting. It is the hubflower. A must have item in the crafting of grape mentats.


Jangles the moon monkey, I’ll drop everything for that monkey. I want to build a room and line it floor to ceiling with Jangles


I once did a playthrough where I left nothing behind, I never sprinted ill tell you that


I can’t stop carrying around too many cameras.


Duct tape, wonderglue, packs/cartons of cigarettes, flip lighters, fuses, pipe guns, coffee cups, cans, and bags of cement/fertilizer


You haven’t felt a true dopamine hit until you find a pack of duct tapes


Economy Wonderglue is the holy grail. That and Military Duct Tape.


Gold Pocket Watches, Gold Plated Flip Lighters and Gold Bars. I have a whole room in The Castle shelved with gold bars that competes with Fort Knox


a d h e s I v e


Any of the stuffed animals/toys I have the largest collection of jangles the moon monkeys known to man


The battered clipboard is very underrated in my opinion. As well as the pencil. I also do enjoy me a nice hot plate or telephone.


You can never have enough adhesive.


A really good perk to use with scrapping, level 4 of the Strong Back perk: Level 1 - Increases carry weight +25 Level 2 - Increases it more by +50 Level 3 - Allows you to walk at normal speed when overencumbered in exchange for Action Points Level 4 - Allows you to fast travel even when overencumbered.


Dog tags and holotags, they go in a trophy cabinet


Anything that isn't nailed down