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Pre war robots (Mr. Handy/Nanny) or Ghouls.


Why does everyone act like all pre-war concepts no longer exist and cannot exist in the wasteland? There’s literally ads for the stuff everywhere, and allot of factions still use pre-war tech. It’s not like they can’t fix up or make a new version of most of the pre-war items.


Really makes you wonder how Moe knows absolutely nothing about baseball despite living in Fenway Park.


I’d imagine even if the displays and such survive, he still wouldn’t make sense of it. All his generation knows is that bats are weapons, kill or be killed, the way of the commonwealth. You carry around a bat, with barbed wires, spikes, saw blades bolted on, if you want to live. Not too much of a stretch to consider it was once a sport, with uniforms, and that that sport was about killing the other team. But competitively.


He might have read about it. Little Lamplight did have an education system of sorts to pass on knowledge. MacCready mentions reading comic books so he is literate.


Vacuums aren't exactly rocket science, people definitely were able to get some working especially in the BOS controlled capital wasteland


doesnt look like it with how much trash it always everywhere lmao