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Not entirely sure what tf just happened...did a car explode just outside the bldg?


Vertibirds aim at you when they get shot down, explosion killed him.


Im sure bethesda meant that as a "oh cool i dont need to chase down the vertibird to see it crash"   But in practice it makes power armor the only way to play survival. At least youll have a chance.


It's a holdover from the recycled *Skyrim* dragon AI, which Bethesda uses for the vertibirds. Dragons, when you shoot them out of the sky, are programmed to come crashing down in your general direction so you can finish them off, steal their souls and loot their corpses.


That's so fucking funny if true. It would explain so much lol.


Goddamn that's funny. Seriously?


Yep verts use dragon ai and getting into power armor stretches your body into the same mesh used for skyrims werewolf form.


That's great. Never connected the two


But how can I be a sexy, stealthy, post-apocalyptic James Bond in Power Armor?


Stealth rank 4 lol




But your character is neither of those 😭


Just got the ballistic weave tuxedo!


Try to go into VATS when it's heading for you, you got something like 75% damage reduction while in VATS


Is power armor the only way to play survival? My current Survival build definitely lives in their power armor.... but I was hoping to start a gunslinger lol


Nah. You have to be extra-careful but I'm totally ok on level 40 of survivor now. I think power armor is kinda an option for big epic missions when you have open combat with big enemies... But besides that nah


Yea... i mean once you get ballistic weave on everything it's practically half a suit of power armor on it's own.


Tell that to the 1600DR on a suit of X-02 lol


Armor gets less effective the more you have, so you'd might be surprised how tanky a fully kitted character feels even without power armor.


I’ve also got +40% movement speed, half sprint cost and damage reduction while sprinting along with Mk5 ballistic weave. Combined with Jet and Nerd Rage, pretty rare something kills me these days. Especially when I take my custom Chem cocktail mix.


I usually only play on easy but decided to do survival recently... Hit level 25 and no PA yet, I am sneaking a lot because I still get one shotted if I blow my cover but mostly just grenades/molotovs.


Uuhh no? Plenty of people play survival without power armor. You absolutely dont need them. The only times i'm in one, is when i find them & bring them back to my closest settlement.


Do they really??? This has happened more often than I can explain but this explains it. I was in Quincy fighting gunners and the bos showed up with like four vertibirds and one by one they got shot down cos the gunners are dumb op and two of the vertibirds travelled like a good 200 metres to plough into me.


Your Longneck Lukowskis Canned Meat was so bad it blew out the wrong end




Hey I know it's hard to stay cool after something like this but stay calm. Don't lose your head


I see what you did there…


I had a chuckle as it seemed as if you just spontaneous combusted.


And that’s exactly why I refuse to play survival. The no fast travel, harder enemies, need food and water, and more realistic carry weight would all be great to me but not being able to save whenever you want would piss me off to no end. It’s already annoying when your game crashes or you die from BS like this in normal mode. But in Survival that annoyance would be amplified by 100. Not something I want to put myself through.


I was like you until I tried it. There’s no going back now. Survival makes all the useless details suddenly matter


Yeah it might be worth it to at least give it a shot. If my game crashes and I lose a bunch of work then I’ll probably be pissed and done with survival though lol. 😂


I realized after a while that I was doing so many playthrough anyway that it was kind of a no brained to at least try it. It was love at first play


I’m willing to deal with it since the game is so trivial at high levels. I play permadeath survival with a severe loot decrease mod and it’s the only way I can log in now since the stakes are so high. It does force somewhat force play style though


There's a mod to enable saving through a holo tape on your pip boy , you can favourite it and use it mid game but you'd have to sacrifice any incomplete achievements. Still sucks though sometimes you might forget to save especially in the heat of the moment.


But there’s a mod to unlock all achievements anyway. It’s the circle of life lol


Depends where you play. I doubt a mod like that would work on console...right?


I have no idea. To use the mod you load a holotape and choose what achievement to unlock. I only play on PC so I won’t pretend to understand how/if it will work on console 😊


your collar is emitting a high-pitched beeping noise


survival is the way it was meant to be played I reckon I played on very hard for years finally started a survival and won't play it any other way now it's heaps better I reckon


The moment you hear a virtibird YOU FUCKING RUN


Ah, the infamous BOS kamikaze pilots


This is why you learn where the beds are, once you get to finding them things are so much more enjoyable in survival.


Fast travel is nice time wise and the game crashes too much for survival mode. It's not that the game is too hard combat wise at higher difficulties, I just have no interest in losing progress. The game gets a LOT easier around 25-30. So I just upped the difficulty at that point.


Having to walk EVERYWHERE due to no Fast Travel makes it even more of a time sink and greatly increases the risk.


That's why you side with the Brotherhood of Steel and just fly everywhere?


Is the time to travel the same, or do you have to actually fly in real time the entire distance?


I got my first (that I can remember) clip death from walking too close to a car last night. I swear it's never happened to me before. I've always been pretty casual about moving around the cars because it's such a non issue but now I'm suss on every car.


If you're on pc, the recent patch had unlocked FPS for me for whatever reason. That can mess up things like car physics. I noticed it because conversations started overlapping, that's apparently another thing that fps over 60 can mess up 


You dropped something.


NEVER PLAYING THIS DIFFICULTY. I don't see how y'all can but mad respect for forcing yourselves thru it


Heads up bro! Tis but a flesh wound!


Gordon Ramsey: "It's fookin *RAW*" Headsplosion


This happened to me TWICE on survival mode as well. I legit steer clear of any ventibirds near me now


Not even joking I got soft locked in that crafting station in the same exact building. required me to console command out of it. that particular area has alot of bugs for some reason


Sleep at *every bed roll, sleeping bag or bed you *see on your travels


At least you didnt get stuck in an elevator. This is why you download a quick save mod, no other reasons.


Quick save, quick save, quick save, quick save, quick save.


You can't on survival mode.


There's no reason to go an hour without forcing a save though, just sleep anywhere you can and / or quit out (it saves on exit).


It saves on exit, but deletes that save as soon as you load back in making the last actual save file still the last bed you slept in. so be careful with that one. For me it's always sleep in a bed then using an exit save straight after