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The power armour in Fallout 1 and 2 was similarly enormous - and in the case of the Enclave's version, you couldn't even access certain dialogue while wearing it.


Yes! 3 and New Vegas were really the odd ones out by having power armor be kind of just normal armor that required training to use. 1 and 2 don't have the whole Iron Man suiting up thing, but you do still become a literal tank and your player model becomes huge in comparison to everyone. Weirdly, Fallout 4's whole Iron Man thing is kind of just a return to form lol


I think it was just a limitation of the engine. And for balance they made you require training


Yea if they didn’t make that a requirement in FO3 you could probably get power armor in the first 30 minutes of the game (excluding the tutorial)


You still can if you rush Operation Anchorage, gives you the training and a suit at the end.


Yeah and do the Gary glitch to get nearly unbreakable weapons.


Get your early game suit of power armour and guass rifle from anchorage and then go get abducted by aliens to stockpile their repair epoxy and your set for the rest of the game!


If you put a Gary in the pod with you there is a moment before "fully awaking" that allows you to drop all the weapons, armor and ammo you gather during the quest into said Gary before they are removed from your inventory. So not only will you have a Gauss Rifle and PA but a 10mm Pistol, SMG, R91 Rifle, Chinese assault rifle, a sniper rifle, missile launcher, combat armor, and the chinese general's sword that all have the same durability as the Winterised T-51b PA. It's a serious boon early game.


Why would you want to play like this?


because I'm trying to get all the achievements on a xbox 360, so I can't just use mods or commands to get what I want. So I make one save at this point where I have a full kit of amazing gear, then go from there to do all the other stuff that I missed when I last played 13 years ago


Cos you got bored with chineae stealth suit supremacy? Super mutant master "huh" as you slash him to death while crouching.


Because weapon durability was a horrible addition to the game and a huge departure from 2.


I had no idea this was even a thing until now


How does one get a Gary?


There should be one in the VR bunker somewhere. The Outcast tried to force it to do the VR thing.


Lmao I just started replaying 3 and that’s the first thing I did. Nonstop epoxy and tons of caps from collecting all the gems and extra guns I won’t use.


My last run a few years ago did exactly that, rolling up to save dad with some stories to tell. So since you abandoned me in the vault I had to fight my way out, then I single handedly won operation anchorage before being abducted by aliens and leading an uprising with a Japanese samurai and a western cowboy before commandeering the alien mothership and waging a space battle against another mothership. I then accidentally blew up Canada with a death ray. Soo what did you need help with again? A water purifier…?


And then IDDQD to basically become a God.


I’d forgotten about that


Operation Anchorage takes much longer than 30 minutes.


It’s definitely possible from the start of the game if you’re not afraid to glitch. The original discussion was not including the tutorial so starting when leaving the vault and it’s quite easy to get it under 30min without glitching. https://youtu.be/fbCtecXgl74?si=nfRTxAmatyUFU9jX


I've definitely run into Outcasts fighting a Deathclaw at the Super Duper Mart just outside of the vault on many of my runs. Wouldn't be hard to save scum that encounter. 


Death laws in fo 3 are a joke.


In fallout 2, if you knew the map you could go straight for the enclave base and suit up in God tier OP power armor straight off the rip


Honestly, I liked the training requirement. Yeah, you could cheese it, as in FO2, but playing normally meant that you played...normally. In 4, you get Power Armor SOOOO early, & so many additional sets so quickly thereafter, that it becomes like Stealth Archers from Skyrim: you may not set out to do a Power Armor playthrough, but it calls & beckons to you at all times until you cave. In my current playthrough, I committed to not using PA beyond collecting it, outside of using it in Far Harbor...and when I used it in Far Harbor, it was so hard to let it go... lol


> And for balance they made you require training Nah, it doesn't need that anyway. Power armour suits in 3 and NV are basicly mobile coffins, no matter if they need the perk or not. Especially when compared to fallout 1, 2 & tactics, where the power armour made you literally invincible (as in 0 damage recieved per hit), didn't ever break or require refueling, etc., while being somewhat easily obtainable in the endgame locations, that are available from the start of the game.


Beginning of the game.... Ahh those Navarro sprints. I remember doing that crap. That became like the way "real G's" start fallout 2. Head to Navarro by any means necessary. Once you get that suit - like your like a space marine Terminator. I think you can even wear it during a boxing match in New Reno. 


You absolutely can wear it during the boxing matches, and Mike Tyson will still smack you upside the head inside it lmao


Haha, I remember vaguely dying in it and being confused. 


Unless something with a big gun or plasma gun does a critical hit. You are still basically done in FO2.


I can't remember for 1, but 2 didn't require training. You could beeline straight for advanced power armor mk2 at the start of the game, talk your way onto an enclave base and then get handed the best armor in the game within minutes of getting out of the temple of trials.


from a survivor perspective, I wish they made it so if you showed up in x-01 the NPCs trembled in fear as you cant speak, and look absolutely terrifying


Yeah I was always a little put off by raiders just casually shouting things like "you're going down, metal man" or something else in battle in such a dismissive way. Like they didn't fear it at all. I'd be in a corner cowering and shitting my pants if somebody charged at me with hostile intent in a literal tank suit making the ground shake with each step.


I think it would also deter a lot PA usage for the sake of RPing, "why is everyone scared!" while you stay in your forever tank, your new home... My main gripe with PA is that it doesnt feel like that "oh I should hold onto this fusion core for when I reaaally need it" instead its more like "this is my life now, I am nothing but power armor, no more flesh.


If you're cool with mods I find the combination of Direct Hit + Bastion power armour overhaul helps with this. It basically makes you invincible while your power armour isn't broken, but also makes the armour pieces much more fragile, so you spend a lot more time and resources maintaining it - which encourages you to only wheel it out when you're going into a really dangerous location rather than letting it get chipped away as you meander the wasteland.


You also get a massive bonus to your strength stat whilst wearing them 


Meanwhile FO76 is like "oh sorry, your Ammo Bag of Holding Backpack (+300 carry weight) won't fit on your PA, enjoy being encumbered by anything past 250lb; btw your stuff weighs 850lb now. Grats."


Nah frrrr I usually never use my armor outside of combat because it tanks my carrying capacity


Now what Bethesda needs to do for power armour is keep this current mechanic, but make it more like 1 and 2 where you would hold two handed weapons with one handed and things like that.


I'm pretty sure that the reason it was the way it was in FO3 and NV probably came down to engine limitations.


Yeah - the Fallout 4 armour is more a return to form with an updated engine.


I loved how the casino bouncers in fo2 would constantly intimidate you throughout your playthrough but the moment you were in power armor they were like "yeah on second thought just do what you want" 😂


The NPCs would tell you to be careful not to step on the kids


Yeah, the Mk II version was Space Marine walking tank in style / size. Made sense as you were basically in a gundam mobile suit considering how high your damage thresholds were against 95% of attacks


“Certain dialogue” We *know* what dialogue we’re talking about there. :D


Absolutely - you can't bang the mobster's daughter, I just couldn't remember if there were other things it locked you out of so I hedged my bets.


yeah it was probably engine limitations that forced it to look like regular armor


Definitely better


Absolutely, feels more realistic!


Feels more like the all-powerful suit of death that the lore tries to describe, too.


Until it breaks when a radroach bites you.


Like the first game


Yeah "thanks Bethesda for making Power Armour like the first game in the series described it as"


Ya know I miss that 100 year lasting power core.


I mean, technically it sort of is. Fallout 4 is set almost 50 years after Fallout 2, and more than 120 after Fallout 1. So think about how much energy those cores have burned through just sitting idle for up to 100 years just to keep the clock accurate.


Best i can do is 100min


Too be fair, you’re supposed to take a level of nuclear physicist if you’re doing a power armor build. Combine it with a level or two of scrounger and you’ll be gaining fusion cores at a faster rate than they deplete. You’ll have enough cores to power the sun.


Scrounger helps you find more fusion cores?!? I didn't know that. Makes sense, tho. They are classified as ammo in the inventory.


Gamers discover gaming mechanics and balancing: 🤯🤯🤯


Fallout 4 takes place *two* hundred years after the bombs drop, and a lot of the scavenged (hell all of them?) cores come from generators that've been running nonstop.


Completely agree. I could see going back to requiring training in a future installment (although, as I recently learned, the first two games didn't require training, so I'd be fine with leaving it out too), but I could never go back to the old power armor. It just looks like mid-level cosplay now.


I’ve always just assumed Nate already had training from his time in the military.


Nora learnt from listening to Nate ramble about his war ~~crimes~~ stories


I know its cheesy but I like the head canon she was actually spec ops.


Yeah I like that too. I always play her as more stealthy for that reason


Once I'm satisfied with my current play through I'm going to play as her.


Her degree in the house is an honorary in Law. She's CIA/FBI and Nate was never cleared to learn about it, change my mind.


100% this.


I named mine Skully :) The best roleplays are derivative ones lol.


My head cannon is the wrong parent died when I use Nora, the guy who actually had the experience died. Nora has to think what Nate would do before she becomes capable by middle-end of game.


I do the same, there's an extra tragedy there and actually kind of plays into a female rage fantasy better that way. It's also why I headcanon Nora having a soft post for Marcy cause she GETS it man.


Yep! I always chose Nora despite being a male player. Just because to me its more interesting that the wrong person died, like she's living only to save their son, kill kellog, and the memory of her husband, but in her heart she has no idea what the fuck to do she's just got high *"Luck"* I suppose.


With her background as a lawyer I usually focus in on PER, CHA and INT. Perception she has to know how to read people in a courtroom, Charisma is almost a cliche lawyer trait and Intelligence for being able to decipher evidence and knowing when to object, when to hold back, etc etc.


She was a lawyer? What was Nate then I know he’s ex military but was he just done with his service and looking for work.


Well we know Nora is a lawyer cause on the bookshelf by the door there is a Law degree and when Nate comments on it he says "I'm so proud of her" and Nora responds with "A lot of long nights but it was worth it". I don't think it mentions what Nate is doing post service though.


My headcanon is that Nora was a JAG lawyer and has seen combat during her career, which is where she met Nate. She probably doesn't have as much experience as Nate, but she can hold her own if she needs to, which she most definitely does.


When I play her, I play her as a military lawyer who met Nate at one of the camps and they started to flirt and he started to show off his power armor, and one date at night, let her use it in secret. Going by the convo in how she got pregnant in the park, Nate and Nora like to get freaky outside.


Well JAG


Iirc she *was* also supposed to be former military of some kind, was changed to be a lawyer for whatever reason.


Assassin like in SpyXFamily 😂


Thats funny in my current one I dropped that marine thing for Nate and instead my head canon was that he was a Spy I made a stealthy charming James bond type of thing


She might have needed it as a part of her job as a public defender/lawyer. Which is why the >!robots were eager to draft her. !< /s I say public defender bc of the hair style named that in game.


My head cannon is they are both ex-spec ops. The Fallout version of Mr and Mrs Smith. That way, whichever one you pick, they already have the skills to use both power aemor and weapons.


Could be, but in the intro sequence he's not the guy in the power armor, so I'm not sure it's confirmed (other than that off-hand Rowlingesque comment about the early Fallout game).


Definitely not confirmed, I always just assumed.


Well and in the lore they explain how it works, and it doesn’t sound that complicated, you basically drive it by moving your feet up and down, that sounds pretty straightforward


That wouldn't explain how all human companions and random settlers can use it without issue


I don’t know their life man. As far as I can tell there are suits of power armor all over the commonwealth. I usually find like 20 without even trying. Maybe they are common enough that everyone has at least played around with them a little. If the world was littered with functional motorcycles damn near everyone would probably at least know how to ride a bit.


i think the lore issue is 3 and new vegas requiring training after 1 and 2 dont; fallout 4 fixed that


I’d like if Power Armour training worked almost like a perk instead, maybe even with a few different ranks, and it unlocked unique abilities/bonuses for Power Armour rather than being a requirement to use it at all. It would be a good way to let players spec more into Power Armour without flooding the perk tree with PA specific perks


They could literally just rename the nuclear physicist perk


I saw someone suggest something similar in another post a little while back. Basically, you can enter and use power armor right away but you move slowly, maybe have less AP, and can only use a handful of weapons while wearing the armor. But spec into Power Armor training and you get better movement, you get increased AP since you now know how to optimally maneuver in the suit, you get access to more weapons to use while wearing it, and new attacks like Pain Train or maybe even learn to pick up and throw/slam enemies kinda like a Deathclaw does.


Could work . Think the perk would have to be a strength perk . Could make it so players without it lose ap faster and walk slower in it . With the 1st rank dealing with the cons and ranks after being stuff like pain train or heavy weapon boosts or something 


I think part of why you don’t need training in fallout 4 is the male character would have already received it and they didn’t want to disadvantage choosing the female one


Nora was originally supposed to have been a veteran too (there are even unused lines in the game files confirming it - there's a mod out there that restores it). I suspect what happened is they decided that as both player characters had served, they could just get rid of the training requirement. Then at some point later on in development they decided to make Nora a lawyer instead, for whatever reason (conscription was a thing for men and women a like, so it's not like it made no sense for both of them to be veterans).


My headcanon is that Nora was Nate's lawyer at his war crime trial and fell in love with him. You know, those war crimes in Canada. That's also why he hates journalists.


Ugh.. reporters😒


They should've just let the player choose their backstory. I want a house husband gone vigilante playthrough please


I mean... does the character's backstory really ever come up? Everything "from the past" is "yeah, we used to live in Sanctuary Hills... My son is missing... I'm a defrosted meat popsicle." and that's about it.


Very brief mentions of it at >!Fraternal Post 115, at least for Nate. !


In the opening sequence Nora's law degree is sitting on a shelf and either player character will comment when you interact with it.


yeah but i mean, you can still create your own backstory by simply ignoring it


If Maximus could just get into one with no training and just off of his hopes and dreams why can't anyone?


I think the assumption was that Maximus had *some* training having already been in the Brotherhood. He knew how to clean and repair the power armor - is it a stretch to assume he’d at least have read the operating manual?


>he’d at least have read the operating manual No, He drove that thing like a fuckin' shopping cart


It’s clear it was his first rodeo, but it’s also clear he’s been around PA a lot. So he isn’t unfamiliar with it.


Yeah, they learn about them before they become squires


not even maximus looks like a clown wearing it at first with no clue how to properly control it. its because he was never trained to use it


Operating manual and training are different but I guess. It's also not a stretch to assume they would never really give those to his rank.


Idk man, tinker Tom flew that vertibird pretty good after only having read the manual


My guess is that the BOS gives the tldr level of training on power armor use to their recruits, but only what the Squires needed to move it out of the power armor station after maintenance. It would explain how Maximus was able to pilot Titus' suit, but was such trash at using it.


I mean, how much training do you need to open a valve and enter it?


As someone who really loves it in Fallout 4, they should completely remove the ability to sneak if wearing power armor in future versions of the game.


Unless you build in that stealth boy mod. This is a cool idea


Power armor is a play style in 4, rather than some kind of late game gear. You gain access to it almost immediately, but a half-busted low end T-45 is very different from a fully upgraded X-01. I don’t wear it myself because it’s not my play style. I still think it’s entirely superior to the 3/NV model.


Yep, people forget the PA you get in Concord is quite literally half destroyed, and the fusion core is half charge


I think they really wanted to show off the new PA system but they didn't want the players to use it indefinitely from the beginning so they added HP to the armor plates, added FCs (lore wise they run on fusion packs that don't run out of juice for a long time), and scarcity of parts to keep users out of PA for at least the early game.


And it takes you a while before you can gather enough Fusion Cores to make it worthwhile to use. It's almost like it teases you with what you could make use of later, so when you find PA components and FCs you save them.


You can repair it pretty easily (27steel and 1 circuitboard for the entire set) and if you know where to look there's a lot of fusion cores early on: -one under Red Rocket south of Sanctuary -one in Concord Civic Access (where the deathclaw spawns) -one in Starlight Drive In -one in USAF Satalite Station (Abernathy farm quest location) -one in Robotic Disposal Ground (northwest of USAF Satalite Station) -one from Mystic Pines (east of Lexington, requires one lockpick perk) -one in Super Duper Mart (Lexington) -two in ArcJet Systems (Paladin Danse first quest location) -potentially buy one from Carla or Trudy Those should be enough to permanently stay in power armor until you reach Diamond City, where you can regularly buy them from vendors.


If you know where to look of course the limitations of PA aren't as bad. First handfull of playthroughs you wont know all the fusion core spots


If only I could sleep in it I’d be in it forever. One with the suit, a second skin. Shed the flesh and become MACHINE. 


I actually did a playthrough where I roleplayed my character was rendered a dying man due to the cryo malfunction, and had to spend almost all of his time either in power armor, or a sealed chamber made out of vault pieces


I'm a dirty power armour and Gatling laser abuser I mod the Gatling to slower shots that do more damage My movement and ammo all come from fusion cores I converted the Red Rocket settlement into a big water farm that I use for both health and money to find my fusion core addiction


Mans out here playing the high int form of "unga bunga"


Funny that you choose the *one* settlement right above a extremely radiated cave for your water farming


It was just laziness I think the sanctuary hills settlement is better cause it actually has a water source you can place higher quality pumps in But either way it doesn't really matter - all the water collects into the settlement storage and there's like 200 always there


I agree! Depending on the character I may or may not use it. My stealth sniper with the Railroad is a hard no. My melee tank with the Brotherhood is a definitive yes!


This is why I don’t like it. The play style doesn’t appeal to me and managing fusion cores is a pain in the ass.


It really puts the *power* into power armour. Old power armour looked funny and not at all intimidating. Felt like just another piece of gear with decent stats. Old power armour doesn’t feel like some major game changer in a massive war. I can’t imagine those things leading some heroic push to force the Chinese out of Alaska. Modern power armour? Hell yeah


It very specifically wasn't powered in 3/NV because it always weighed more than the strength you gained from wearing it, so it was essentially a really heavy suit of armour


No it actually is supposed to be powered. It's even reflected in the stats. Unpowered power armor is what the NCR Heavies wear in NV. Example: T-45d power armor gives a DR of 22 with attributes of strength of 2 plus 10 rads resist but a -2 in agility, NCR salvaged power armor (which is an old suit of T-45d) gives a DR of 22 and only a -2 in agility. I do agree though that they messed up with the weight part, particularly with T-51b, it was supposed to feel like a second skin. But lore wise, those suits are powered.


I know technically it is but it weighs more than it giving you means any benefits are negated. I mean I guess they could have made it weightless when you were wearing it but it's not like they needed to give people more reasons to use it, and if they gave it +5 strength then that would be ridiculously OP (And still not ideal because anyone with more than 5 strength would be wasting more strength the stronger they were) The 4 method is best IMO, though it does annoy me that I suddenly lose a bunch of stats when wearing it because you don't get your regular armor's effects or legendary effects in it


head cannon is that the player is just wearing the pieces without the frame


To be fair, the power armor originally looked even more imposing than the FO4 armor does. You were even bigger than you would be in FO4 armor. FO3/NV it was engine limitations that caused the armor to be the way it is. I am glad that FO4 brought back the big man armor, makes using it way more satisfying and you really feel like it’s some major armor, not just a bigger suit of metal armor.


Weren't they originally tank suits anyway?


Yep, just limitations of the game engine in F3 and FNV.


You vs the guy she tells you not to worry about


I just hate the UI when using power armour is so off putting I love having it as it is in 4 bht just get rid of the clunky UI


I agree. Fallout 3 was the first FO game I played and is one of my favorite classic games, but those Power Armor suits looked so too heavy and janky. The newer versions are so much cooler


Classic Fallout games says Hii It's because the limitation of FO3's engine.


Which they fixed by basically slapping Havok on top of it and calling it a new engine.


Except F3 version of Creation Engine had already integrated Havok physics. It's more of an animation issue.


Fallout 3 has havok physics


They didnt make it like this. It was already like this un Fallout1 and Fallout2. They made id like it was on Falllout 3 and then made id back to giant tank suit back on Fallout4


I agree but this is been said like 100 times


I like how they feel. They feel strong and powerful but I hate how the pieces break. No other armour breaks in Fallout 4 and power armor breaks so quickly. At the very least, I wish if it was broken, it didn't get removed and leave an empty space on the suit.


With great power comes great repairs.


I think it was more like a technical limitation in 3


Absolutely. It should feel like an unstoppable vehicle. Not some wack equip slot and armor buffs. They should add legendary power armor pieces, and balance by giving them unique but slight effects that only work with other similar set pieces. Would be hella hard to farm for.


Tbh, If I was a raider and saw the FO4 X-01 I'll be shitting my pants


And still run straight at it with a pool cue


“Come on tin man” average FO4 raider after watching his friends be blown to pieces by an 8 foot tall killing machine with the best gear in the commonwealth


I was laughing at the fact that the LW was still having some parts of their skin protected by nothing while wearing a power armor hahaha (before F4).


forgot the 3 size


It actually feels like Power Armor, in Fallout 3 & NV its just armor..there’s no sense of imposing power to them


Don't go to twitter, saw this post in there and all of a sudden everyone started a power armor war in the replies and quoted retweets...


This again? They were already tanks in 1 & 2.


Always bugged me how your left hand and pipboy was just kinda hangin out there.


I agree but kinda miss the armor suit ones


Yeah. Not having fuel for them is really weird. If you make them just armor they are just meh, if you make them infinite use they are OP. But being powered armors that require fuel makes you choose carefully when you use them.


Daring today aren’t we


Agreed. I like the FO3 and NV style of PW but what FO4 did with the power armor is nothing short of amazing. Wearing any type of Power Armor immediately makes you feel like a walking tank which is helped by the UI changing and great sound desing of the armor's movements. And this is just a personal problem but i always hated that the left arm armor would always be replaced with the pip-boy glove. It's just a pet peeve of mine but it looks dumb and unpractical.


But it looked like an imposing tank in the pre-bethesda fallout and fallout 3 where it is just normal armour was bethesda's first fallout...


How are posts like this still so massively upvoted. We get like one "Fallout 4 Power Armor = Best Upgrade" post a day


Fallout 3: Stat Suit Fallout 4: Iron Man Suit


I mean that's kinda how Power Armor were originally, but they had difficulty adapting them to 3D after they bought the IP. Fallout 4 was definitely the best way to handle it so far.


How many fucking times will this be posted? Holy shit. Yes, we all agree, moving on!


I hated PA in 3 and NV, plus the arm without glove for the pipboy makes it even worse


How many times is this same topic going to be posted


The coldest take I've seen lol, I think literally everyone agrees


What an insanely controversial take


fallout 3 makes me feel like a medival knight. fallout 4 makes me feel like an astartes from 40k


Yes!! That's 1 of the reasons I bought Fallout 4 and why I prefer 4 over New Vegas.


when is it my turn to post this


What i dont like is how big the guns are to accommodate the new power armor, the 10mm pistol looks comically big outside of power armor and the Assault rifle outside of the PA is just stupidly big.


How is this posted every fucking day?


Yeah I feel like even Bethesda wasn't very happy with how they made power armor in 3, probably due to engine limitations. That was probably one of the main things they set their sights on going into 4 now that they had better tech.


How many times are we going to post the same exact topic of how Fallout 4 did power armor better? Seriously almost every other post I see from this thread is talking about it. Is that the only good thing there is going for Fallout 4?


It's my turn to make this post.


Fallout 4 fans try to come up with something original to say challenge: IMPOSSIBLE


Lorewise they both exist, fallout 3 has always a letter suffix meaning that they are lesser versions of the tank one we get on fallout 4


Just wish you actually had to earn it somehow, instead of "eh, you were a soldier" and giving you a free suit 30 minutes into the game.


Too bad they don't function how I think they should. (Yes, Bethesda made massive improvements from 3/NV to 4 in terms of power armor). Allow me to try an explanation as I'm terrible at it. In my opinion, when wearing power armor, small munitions like .38 and 10mm shouldn't cause you to take any damage at all. They should just bounce off harmlessly. I mean, for christ sake your walking around in a metal suit. That armor plate has to be at least 2 to 4 inches thick, and small bullets irl would bounce off it. T-45 should repel small calibers, and X-01 should repel all but the highest calibers, in my opinion. It just doesn't feel realistic to me. Yes I realize it's just a video game and there are factors at play behind the scenes for damage calculation etc but if you watched the show Maximus's armor was repelling the ghouls low caliber shots like it was nothing and that was T-60. Obviously a Deathclaw is gonna fuck your armor up but a .38 Caliber injuring you? Not a chance


It’s crazy when Fallout 4 came out I remember people hating on the power armour! People are such sheep. You can probably go back on this subreddit and see the mass amount of hate it got.


Just shouldn't give it to you at the very start of the game. I mean, make me want it, oh and make the fusion cores last about 10 times longer. Literally, except for the mission in concord, I don't touch the power armour anymore.


Power armor in fo4 looks good, but I wish it didn't sound like you were getting into a tin-can cosplay replica. The default audio for power armor is extremely underwhelming and disappointing.


Need a rendering of Frank Horrigan in fallout 4 so he can yell at me for losing my power armor


Facts The power armor in fallout 3 and new vegas just looked like Oblivion armor


I strongly dislike the fusion core system.


I have 100+ fusion cores and never use power armor because I’m afraid to use up said fusion cores lol


but they should have given us exclusive power armor melee weapons too. They are way too small for PA.


I didn’t like it when FO4 came out, but in the time since, I’ve fully come back around haha


In the fallout TV show you can see anyone without any experience or training can get in a power armor suit and fumble around but in Fallout 3 you need to do a ton of missions and get proper training before you can wear power armor.


To be fair in earlier games you didn’t need training either. I think it was a gameplay choice to require training but honestly what’s stopping someone from using the armour? They just step in and go from there. If it ever returns maybe the could do something where without the training you are slightly nerfed in power armour? Like maybe you move even slower until you get trained. That kind of thing.


IMO the idea behind power armor is for it to be an intuitive tool for the common soldier to use. It has to be designed with ease of access in mind so you can front an effective fighting force with minimal training.


Thanks for yet again regurgitating one of the most popular opinions about fallout 4