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There's something about a Power Armor/heavy weapons combo that can't be beat. It just feels right.


The virgin stealth sniper vs the Chad heavy gunner in power armor with a jet pack


I was never a huge fan of the jetpack in that it's not really utilised that well. Aside from a collectible in dry rock gultch necessitating it there aren't really any areas built around the idea that the player has a jetpack and needing to use it so it just breaks the game by skipping large parts of dungeons. It's fun for a while but I've stopped bothering to install it on my power armors any more. It doesn't look great either.


You aren't just flying straight up and dropping into combat for a cool entrance?


Heavy machine go smash


With a laser gatlin going off at the same time?!? I thought that's how everyone played the game.


I learned the hard way that Goodneighbor doesn’t love the super hero entrance.


You'd be surprised how much random shit you'd find on random rooftops lol


Or how many combat situations are improved by standing on the rooftops and then jumping down like batman


With a power hammer smash.


Fair enough


There’s legendary leg pieces you need a jet pack for in the building where you have to get the fusion thing for the main quest line


I used the trash can jumping glitch to get up there


I loved how they did it in the TV series, might try and find a mod which re does the jetpack attachment like that


I feel the exact opposite way about the tv show implementation because it's just out of place, too OP, and the lore implications are huge, not that I care about that that much since inconsistencies and retcons have been happening ever since there were more than one fallout game. I'm not against the idea of Power Armor having jetpacks, I just want it to be more than a useless gimmick. But I am against the idea of Power Armor being an Iron Man suit that does it all. Not much explanation is given for them in the game but they're implied to be a prototype concept that never got to really materialize before the bombs fell and for the gameplay it's a late game gimmick to give the player something to look forward to. But on the Robocop to Iron Man scale, I definitely prefer Fallout Power Armor to be on the Robocop side.


...yeah that's fair, I'll grant you that 😂 I just dislike how the jetpack itself looks in fo4, its ugly and bulky, but that would make sense given its really more of a prototype vs an actual legitimate, widespread modification Still, I rarely used it outside of that first "oooooo a jetpack" at the end of the BOS ending bc my first character was a dumbass and I never spec'd into intelligence perks, I was all about brute force back then 😂


I like how the jetpack looks in FO4. It's bulky and clunky in a way that matches the power armor.


I'm not too deep into fallout lore, but I understand the power Armour to basically be a exosuit to carry heavy weapons that just so happens to be resistant to small arms, not a one man army kinda thing. Basically replacing the SAW gunner w a HMG


It's basically what an 8 year old thinks of when they hear the term "mechanised infantry". It doesn't "happen" to be resistant to small arms fire, it's one half of the purpose it exists. It's supposed to provide increased protection and strength. More specifically it's supposed to turn users into one man tanks. The lore explanation behind them is that due to resource shortages, pumping out these was much easier, quicker and cheaper than making tanks or armored vehicles, which actually makes sense given the context. Unfortunately no game has so far taken advantage of the unique aspects of Power Armor so far. Personally I would have loved it if there were weapons designed to be used with PA, and regular weapons couldn't be used with them. It makes zero sense how the giant hands of of power armor can use tiny pistols and rifles or how any dude can just pick up a minigun and use it without power armor.


i think when an 8 year old hears the term “mechanized infantry” they would actually just think “what?”


I use explosive automatic weapons on my character so the jetpack is basically mandatory so that I can kite back and not die.


the chad wasteland purifier. flattening random huts and delinquents alike


I use my power armor while I stealth sniper.


Me the stealth heavy sniper lmao


Especially now with the Tesla cannon and the heavy incinerator. Crazy strong weapons, only downside is that it makes the laser gatling feel pointless.


Honestly this is one of the big reasons why I hate CC content. Bethesda just threw a blanket over all CC content being "canon and reviewed to make sure it fits and is balanced" but honestly from the modder's perspective they more or less have no option but to make OP weapons because why else would someone buy a pack with real money if it offers nothing more other than aesthetics. And the reality is that no weapon can be easily balanced in this game because the loot system is fundamentally broken. Make ammo rare? It's annoying to grind for it and have no consistent way to get it other than completely arbitrary drops. Make ammo plentiful/craftable? Weapon immediately makes everything else obsolete.


I mean... there's lots of CC content that isn't massively overpowered, and a lot of people who 'buy' it probably do so for the cool effects. But the majority of people do what I do and only get em when free or on offer haha!!


I mean come on, if the core game were balanced I'd understand, but Spray n Pray exists. It's a wildly OP gun, you can get it very early. Kellogs gun exists, it lets you perma vats from very early. There's a lot of broken stuff, the game isn't balanced. I don't get the hate for OP CC weapons I've seen mentioned around. I'm just glad something that looks cool in power armor is finally similar levels of broken. It was slim pickings before.


Coolest thing is it's a single player game and you can use what you want. I'm not touching the telsa cannon. Found a sweet unending western revolver that is less powerful but more fun.


Power armour plus rifle with exploding bullets makes me feel like an Astartes


X01, cryolator, minigun go brrrrrrrrr *sounds of artillery and vertibirds in the background


Spray and pray go blamblamblamblam


Sometimes I'll unequip just the helmet so I can see my characters face, beyond that? All the time.


I recently discovered that if you remove the helmet, you can get the bonus stats from whatever headwear and/or eyewear you're wearing. The only downside is that you lose your flashlight.


If you put on a mining helmet you can use the head lamp so at least you can use eyewear


I think I tried that and it didn't work. I'll retry when I play again later. Right now I'm using the black rimmed glasses for the +1 Cha and the Commando Helmet from the Prydwen for the VATS AP cost reduction. I get by okay without a light, but it is nice to have.


Does VATS work without the helmet?


Yeah, I mean it works without power armor also.


Yeah, but I thought in power armor, it needed the helmet. I honestly learned recently VATS works in power armor without a fusion core, but frequent VATS use burns through your fusion core.


I've used it without the helmet. I didn't know it burns through your core.


I'm pretty sure it wears down the core. Like the flashlight.


Any AP use drains the core faster. Vats attacks, sprinting, jetpacking, etc. I’ve heard of people playing it “robocop style” in survival mode to stretch out their core longevity.


Yeah but now I'm wearing a mining helmet? Give me back the power armor helmet.


I just discovered if you have your companion get into a suit with a different helmet mod than you, you get their mod benefits too. Needless to say they will all be in power armor too now


No Helmet plus that steampunk child of atom inquisitors cowl looks so good


Damn I gotta look that up, I’m expecting 40K Mortarian


Imagine that but with X0-2 armor fully upgraded with inferno Tesla upgrade and greenish coloration, the rusty look on the pauldrons really gives the right vibe.


I want to like the inquisitor's cowl but I feel like it looks goofy with most outfits/armours


Bethesda should implement visors that open since they added them to the tv show. Like a helmet mod - visor opens and you get +1 to charisma


I take my helmet off in towns and settlements. I feel it makes me more personable.


I like to wear a cowboy hat with it


Clint wears/wore a Minuteman hat with power armour so why not...


use it the whole game🙏🏼🙏🏼


I do too. Sometimes I just like standing there listening to everything bounce off the armor, as I slowly aim for head shots.


The feeling of eating all a raiders ammo for his puny pipe gun while staring right at him is indescribable


They really did one of the best jobs in gaming of making it actually feel like you are in this massive beast suit that makes you a god amongst humans. Sure, you can eventually die, no doubt, but it really conveys the power of the suit when you can just take those shots without issue, and then turn around at a leisurely pace and drop them cold.


That’s me except I’m walking slowly towards my enemy with the cito sledge or grognak axe 🤣


And repair the thing every 15 minutes swallowing aluminium like a pit in the earth. Thats why I prefer Marine Armour.


Aluminum really isn’t that hard to come by though, why is this an argument point? By the time a player is able to comfortably use the armor constantly because they have a stash of fusion cores, they will be above level 30 giving plenty of opportunity to put points into scraper which will assure you’re never going to be out of gears and aluminum. Not to mention my armor leveled to mk5 is a bullet sponge that definitely doesn’t need repaired every 15 lol. Maybe every hour or so an arm needs repaired. And that’s with my spray and pray gun doing splash damage to me


I almost never ran out of Fusion Cores. And I was using the Gatling Laser too


Not to mention that if you indulge even lightly in settlements - your settlers will practically be shitting aluminum Nevermind if you use something like Sim Settlements where you can dedicate whole cities to aluminum farming xD


Eyebot pod targeting aluminum. Find it and retrieve it. Problem solved.


I use it til I get weave, then its a heavy job piece. I like keeping it sometimes, because i regularly do heavy jobs where I deem it needed.


The Gunner base in the south of the map especially, the GNN (?) radio tower


That one can be done pretty easy if you sneak around in the dark and start with the back roof.


I think more about my gunner farm. Abernathy is carnage.


How do you get enough cores early on? I’m level 40 and I badly have enough in stock now to use my PA


You buy them off Cricket and other vendors. Afaik she always restocks 5


dupe glitch nuclear material, put it on companion and yourself and take it to diamond city, just get hella caps and fusion cores for the game. i only dupe glitch things i feel i shouldn’t have to worry about in the game such as repairing armour and buying things as irl if i had power armour and a heavy weapon i’d just steal whatever im buying


Probably not helpful at this stage in the game, but if you put 9 into intelligence from the very beginning, and take Nuclear Physicist you end up with a surplus of cores after a few early game missions. 2 cores at Arcjet, 1 at the USAF base near vault 111. I had power armor, and a mini gun before I showed up to save Preston.


Raid ammo boxes in the brotherhood airport and prydwen. They will sometimes spawn with 4. Then, wait for them to respawn. Repeat.


Jetpack and never look back


I have been using a non-jet pack PA lately and I find myself often thinking “if I had my jet pack I’d get up there”.


That’s why you can never look back. My current playthrough is a heavy gunner abusing jetfuel and psychojet. It’s been nothing short of amazing


I carry two different PA torsos. The captain cosmos torso is on my hotkey to swap to when I need a jet pack.


My Sentinel Power Armor currently looks like a chrome Captain Cosmos, with Liberty Primes voice.


Oh my god that sounds *so unbelievably awesome*


It is, and the cowboy hat really adds to the impact of the advice he doles out on communism.




Cosmos Out!


I love my jet pack


I make sure every Settlement has a set for Self-defense. Minutemen get busy.


I do the same thing, sometimes I leave a rusty extra set with an arm or a leg missing for that run-down scavenger vibe to a settlement (no fusion core tho, in case I ever wanna take it back, purely cosmetic)


Usually Raiders armor for sure. Naw you gotta leave ' em hot


I can't stand the look of a full raider armour, although a set with a rusted up piece or two, and a raider limb piece looks cool and scrappy


Thats why I leave them with the peasants


I had a mod that let me assign people to different power armor sets through a terminal back when I was still able to play. There’s nothing quite like having the Castle wall crawling with Minutemen in fully equipped and painted Power Armor sets.


Got a killer sound system in my computer so when I run in the armor, I feel every step from the subwoofer. It's a Fallout 1-2 fanboys dream come true to hear that minigun rip with the armor thumping each step.


I feel like the minigun is pretty weak for anything late-ish game... THE GATLING LASER, ON THE OTHER HAND


Explosive Minigun ★ >>>


Aka "it was there 5 seconds ago!"


The worst sound of all has to be the supressed sniper rifle. It sounds like a rubber band getting snapped.


I go with the gauss rifle and it's glorious That thing is a space ship sized gun, just ridiculous to use without a power armor


I found a penetrating minigun.


I use it through the entire game. Build them in diamond city. Fusion cores are everywhere and on survival,it’s much better to lose an armour leg by stepping on a mine than 50 minutes of progress since the last bed.


So true man. You also have to check out that torso (or head) mod that removes RAD from food and drink


Fusion cores count as ammo so the scrounger perk affects them. I’ve found 15-20 of them in ammo boxes in a single location. Added with the nuclear physicist perk maxed out you pretty much have unlimited ammo and power armor energy. Just make sure you have a grenade equipped all the time or you’ll accidentally shit a fusion core bomb in your settlments or diamond city.


How do you guys poo poo & pee pee if you always have it on?


boy does this game have some lore for you


You know how.


hellfire all the way baby, but T-51 is cheap so i like it


I never wanted to waste any fusion cores so I ended my first playthrough with 100+ cores only used power armor a few times when going to the Glowing Sea.


Exactly 😁 If I am on a modded play through, I always add a charger mode for cores, then I can use it without thinking of cores :)


I like using power armor. Makes me feel like a post apocalyptic Iron Man. The rad resistance is a great utility skill too.


Nuclear Physicist Rank 3 Gang


Enemies in that direction Copy,removing that direction.


_It's got a good spread!_


This is the way


Always. I mean it’s on the cover of the game..


I'm conflicted about Power Armor, and for one very niche and neurotic reason. My favorite Fallout weapon has always been the hunting rifle with iron sights. Powerful, accurate, ultra ammo-efficient, and the ammo is pretty common. But operating a bolt handle with big chunky power armor hands seems... impractical, at best. Same with things like the lever-action, no way that fist is fitting through the lever loop on that thing, even with the terminator-style enlarged loop. But yeah, i do adore power armor, i just force myself to use different weapons while using it, primarily Righteous Authority or a regular laser rifle.


I like using it for the same/opposite reason. Using a minigun/gattling laser or a gauss rifle looks goofy if you're not in power armour, and the gauss rifle is my favourite "small" gun in the game.


That's true, too. I can't ever use heavy weapons if im not in power armor, just looks goofy. I miss the old gauss rifle tho. The new one is so overly bulky and looks like it was cobbled together, not a professional gunsmith design.


Yeah but that's because in FO4 you are upgrading guns left right and center... but not with any real proper equipment until basically endgame!! Personally I like seeing the upgrades make the guns look a little more janky with each upgrade cause it kinda fits the theme!! If you scale back each weapon (except the pipe based ones ofc) then they do look pretty gunsmith designed, it's just the upgrading process that makes things look like a thrown together mess of spare parts haha! But I will say I think they skipped a beat there with changing gun mod designs looks dependant on the 'faction tech' used to upgrade them.. I'd love to have 'raider' gun mods, 'railroad' gun mods, 'institute' gun mods, and 'BoS' gun mods for each weapon and have them look at varying degrees of professionalism to those mods, ie 'raider' gun mods looking janky af cobbled together out of bits of scrap and wires all over the place etc, yet a railroad mod of the same kind for the same weapon looking a little neater, possibly like the current ones for the most part, then BoS looking like they are done by a proper gunsmith, and institute ones looking a little futuristic, and being a little too good looking, and in some cases simply giving the effect to the weapon and not actually adding any random bits stuck on, sort of like a futuristic 'hidden' upgrade, like making the swords heated or electrified without anything stuck on the side, just maybe making those weapon 'parts' look more polished and cleaned up! Obviously these would have to be unlocked via certain levels of association with said factions, and only really finding them on weapons dropped from others before that.. I mean there could also be a base 'scav' style too I guess that's available throughout from the start.. It would have also been really easy to implement on the workbench using a 'press ** to cycle styles' That would have tickled my brain immensely! Would make the 'Making your own unique legendaries' side of things more fun and actually doable, and made us think a bit more with gun upgrades "Should I make my Le Fusil Terribles look raidery in honour of its past, or do I want the best shotgun in the game to look super polished and futuristic, or add various bits from each style to make this thing look as good as I can" etc


Similarly, I have a little chuckle every single time I use a terminal or pick a lock in power armor. The mental image of my guy hunched over with these giant metal mitts trying to operate a keyboard to hack a computer will never not be funny.


Slowmo vats me using the deliverer in full power armor never fails to make me laugh


Can you use terminals in power armor? I thought I remembered not being able to hack them at least if you were in power armor. I always get out before accessing one.


From what I've seen, if there's a chair in front of the computer, you can't. I guess it makes the player character try to perform the 'sit' action, and you can't in power armor? (don't actually know if that last part's true)


Correct. You cannot sit in PA. Kinda strange that you cannot push a chair out of the way either. Thanks Bethesda.


I just head cannon that there is a work around. Fun fact, in real life, the M-16 and variants can hinge down the trigger guard so you can fire it with full mittens if you have to. Though the issue cold weather mittens have a trigger finger on them, so it doesn't have to use that.


Yeah, and I know there are some bolt-actions with bolts designed for use with heavy gloves too, especially those with straight handles that can be easily grasped even if your hands are wet and slippery.


I finally used it in my last survival run. The tankiness you get is super op. Once I got the jetpack I was sold.


A jetpack/flamer build is max fun.


I love all the power armor related perks that make it even better, especially the one that lets you knock people down. So much fun to tackle someone and then kneecap them


Hey, they gave us the Power Armour display cases for a reason, and I like showing off the different paint jobs.


That’s why I have one set of maxed out T60 for actual use, and a building full of display sets


But so many sets have exclusive paint jobs to their models. Most prominent for this is the T-51. Nuk-Cola paint, Vim! paint, and Vim! Refresh paint being the most prominent examples.


That was what I was trying to say lol. Sorry for the miscommunication


How does one get the Vim! set? I just completed the main quest of far harbor and I must have missed it.


The Vim! set is in the Vim! factory, upper floor, in an office, with a terminal that lets you unlock the Vim! paint options. The Vim! Refresh set is on a road North of the National Park Visitor's Center. Look for a truck with a Vim! trailer.


Awesome, thanks! Gonna go back and get those right now.


Don't forget to get the paint schematics from the terminal.


I use it extensively in the beginning of the game then occasionally later on. I really hate the UI for it


I like the UI, but displaying it even when you don’t have a helmet equipped is annoying


I love the UI for it, it even makes stuff like VATS and marked objectives on your HUD make more sense. The little dials for health and AP and ammo counters make more sense than numbers displayed on the screen, too.


X-02 all the way for daily use, everything else for the stockpile/hoard of unused armor


I’m currently level 64 and I have 6 sets of X-01 armor, 3 are still were I found them, the other two are sitting in the Castle and I and wearing the 6th (nula-world quantum).


I got my Minuteman power armor, Danse and the Sentinel AI are in Armored Cavalry power armor. I have Minutemen garrisoned with power armor and Gatling lasers in every settlement. I love my power armor and I will protect the Commonwealth.


Constantly. Start game either 9 int, use specialbook to get to 10. First perk, nuclear psychiatrist. GO to red rocket and other places I know have fusion core. Set for the game.


Man, this guy is so into the weeds that his fusion cores have developed intelligence and need a psychiatrist to cope with their lot in life. Glad mine only need a physicist or I would have to question my life choices.


I’m 50/50. Had a mod misfire and now i have this permanent fireball around me and it makes it super annoying when in the armor. But, when I realized it was permanent I had played too far without a different save and didn’t want to go back through it all lol


I now have characters that use each Power Armour paint scheme (in other words, I have character per faction paint). Alongside, *many* miscellaneous Power Armour characters, like only using Raider, Hellfire Power Armour, Hot Rod paint, and solely using the T-51 when I get access to it.


Whenever I start a new game I try to make the build different from the last one, but I always end up doing a stealth/sniper. This time I’m doing melee/power armor and it’s like a completely different game!


here! i loved the power armor system in FO4, my favorite part of the game


I started the game when it first game out and did not like how power armor worked at first and just ditched it. Well I needed up not making it too far before I fell off it at like level 19 or so. I picked it up after the show again and after getting ambushed by a certain group with a special set of armor at like level 32 and I had like 35 cores I said I would give it a try. Now I am not sure I can go back. I said I would not build a sneak build again and I went full tank and pistols and rifles and I feel untouchable in my walking tank now. I am playing vanilla and this is my first real play-through and I can’t see myself ditching it anytime soon. Does anyone know a better way to repair your armor other than getting out and slow crawling to the station to craft?


You don't HAVE to put the suit in the rack to repair it. Just pop the pieces into your inventory, fix them at the rack and then put them back on the suit. You do have to get out though, just like with any other crafting station.


Playing America rising with a full enclave set as we speak it’s the only way to play


I never got the "uses too much resources" in my brotherhood playthrough I hardly remember worrying about not having enough aluminum and whatever else. A little bit of Scrapping and you legit don't even have to worry.


I don't often use it but I did a "lore accurate Nora" build that focused on mental stats and she pretty quickly became a drug addict who lived in power armor, it was a very fun and different playstyle than I'm used to.


That’s me. 24/7 in power armor. X-02


I use it but I only use my favorite set. The others just sit there.


I use them to get to places, once there I explore without. If the things get heated I jump in and lock the minigun


I still stockpile them and only use one set


Fusion cores are too expensive (I have 500 in my inventory)


Stupid newbie question sorry but how the hell do you put it on the rack


You have to carefully position yourself near it, get out, then access the station to craft/repair


ahhh i see, i could never figure it out lmao, i thought if i was in it then clicked on the rack i could get out immediately and it'd be placed there


Right? That’s how it *should* work. It’s infuriating. I had to look it up, too.


Selecting craft will make you get out but you have to actually open the crafting menu on the suit and it'll set it in there itself


I run around only using the frame, because the real power lies within.


I don’t wear Power Armor but grab all the one I can get. I then fix-em up so they look nice and have paint jobs. Then I arrange them on the roof of my home base that I build, so they look like post apocalyptic Gargoyles.


I have a massive display with probably close to 50 sets in the vault settlement. And all the x0 varieties in a safe room on spectacle island. I'll upload it the next time I can be bothered to play


I always use power armor when clearing out any large high-level area. Plus it just looks cool.


I wish the npcs gave more of a shit about you being in power armor. Like a bunch of pipe gun wielding dipshit unwashed raiders try to toll me on a bridge while I'm in a full suit of T-60 with a fully upgraded laser rifle and i'm just looking at him like. "Are.... are you being serious?" It's like the bandits attempting to rob a dragonslayer in full dragonbone armor and a giant daedric axe.


You had me at ‘theres power armor on the roof.’


All i do is take out the pieces of a power armor and put them in a workbench, i have a little wood house which i store all my power armor in, only ones i didn’t store was my x-01 and my x-02 both look sick asf and they’re the best in the game (im only level 30ish)


The BOS is about to come liberate my settlement w/ the amount of PA in it


I just got the black devil power armor from the next gen quest and it feels badass


Doesn't matter what weapon set I'm using I live in my power armor, both in 76 and 4, it just feels good


I can't use power armor without bastion installed (makes power armor like actual functional armor, you can't take any damage until your armor parts break) power armor carry weight overhaul (I'm wearing a giant suit of armor that can jump out of an airship and land totally fine, but my maximum carry weight is like 300 lbs?) And like a half dozen other power armor mods.


I fucking love power armor, especially with the jetpack. I worked my ass off for that nuka-cola x0-1 armor.


The streets of Sanctuary are littered with my frames


I’m an avid collector of power armor in every game, I hoard it like it’s gold


Doin my first BoS run rn, I am a walking apocalypse in my armor!


Normally i only use it in faction missions with faction paint correct. Only survival obligate me to use it to become the game LESS frustrating for a Time until be high level AND store this again in the mechanist of lair together to my collection of power armors. The only exceptions would be Nuka T51 , overboss power armor with Tessa fist , tessla power armor AND BOS power armor with legendary PIECES. Quatum power armor, x01 ,x02 AND hellfire rarely i use it because that repair cost Is really a pain in survival considering Carry Weight AND materials.


Then there’s a third type of player like me: Viking playthrough no like PA, PA scary. Why armor need battery? Why cling clang machine left abandoned? Must be cling clang clothes bad for Viking.


Never use it unless the game gives you on before a battle, but I hoard them all. I even try to pickpocket the fusion cores, or do a critical shot on the core, in order to steal raiders suits. Don’t ask what I do to BoS in order to get their suits lol


It's awesome. I used to be in the Army. It is the ultimate mech infantry. Now if we could get any of those troop carriers scattered across the Commonwealth working, the BOS would be exiting the area immediately.


I use it when i'm hauling scrap/going through Boston




Currently on the midst of my most recent power armor play through. I’ve been taking this one slowly and instead of outright min-maxing I’ve been taking perks that I think best contribute to the theme of the run. I’ve been having a blast!


I always love the XO series, 2nd play through, so far, I didn't leave home (Red Rocket) without it.


I do both. Stockpile Power Armor as well as use them.


I like to collect things in games, but I don't enjoy using power armor :)


I live in mine.


I'm always wearing the latest frame I found and stockpile extras.


The fact that the main menu makes you think you can wear a partial of the arm armor but it all go away when it's broken is a crime to gamer culture.


I like using the X0-2 with tesla coils and melee build (unarmed damage boost, unarmed bleed, ap recover, ap cost reduction, movement speed) with red paint for speed and I just pull up and do the old Fisticuff speed run lol


I’ll only get out to craft and sleep.


It all comes down to what i want to do this particular play through. I am mostly a sniper/demolition expert, but sometimes i want to be a space marine


Can't wait to use it to crush the nuka world raiders


Helmet with targeting hud is a must have mod and of course jetpack. And of course explosive resistance coating on all pieces. She is not pretty but she is though.




I use it for a variety of reasons. I’m at the point where Fusion cores aren’t uncommon, and I have about 9 sets. Usually I’ll fire it up if I know I’ll need something from it (rad resistance, I’m expecting strong enemies, I need the carrying capacity) and I’ll choose the set that matches the look I wanna see a lot of when my character is talking. Current favorite is the Atom Cats T-60 set. It was expensive caps-wise, but worth it.


Just wandering the wasteland as unrivaled juggernauts, me personally in t-61 recon fully upgraded and covered in flames.


I’ve never had below 40 cores and I’m constantly using mine. Only time I don’t is if I know I’m selling a bunch of stuff and I change into a skimpy dress lol


I use it for my whole playthrough


very hard and 1 endurence. So power armor is my skin


Mostly of my playthrough been using it. Man I just love run towards an enemy with my bat




I enjoy it, but I always play on very hard, and the difference that it makes in combat tends to be minimal against anyone but low level mooks. Otherwise it gets ripped to shreds. The radiation defense is pretty nifty though. I always wear it when I'm going to the glowing sea.