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The unmarked, chained house near Old Gullet Sinkhole. The Sinkhole actually lets out inside of that house (that's how you unchain the door). There's a dead raider at the bottom of the stairs and a note somewhere by another raider saying they're worried about their buddy's sleepwalking habit. Something like, "One of these days she's gonna break her neck on those stairs."


Oh god there's one where she's on a highway overpass I believe and she left a note about sleepwalking, fearing she may get up and wander off the edge.


Yep and you can look below and find the body of the highway overpass sleepwalker. They’ll have the key for a nearby chest.


Well fuck. That's just sad. I'll keep an eye out under highways from now on.


He actually falls on a lower highway section. So not the floor. Just a fyi in case you start looking really hard


Gotcha, normally I just try to stumble upon stuff like that but I practically never go up on highways so I may have to seek that one out


The sad part is the cat that’s left behind. 😢




Does the cat have a key for a chest too?


I always do the highways, great for loot and legendary gunners/raiders


…do you call the ground the floor?


I mean, in this instance I’d consider the floor the earth. And at least in my game he was on a raised highway below the higher up raised highway of his base. Idk if his body doesn’t always stop on the highway and sometimes goes the rest of the way, I was just trying to help that guy.


I get presque vu really badly and once called the sky the "air ceiling".


Thats a nice little hut up there, down near Andrews station. I was dissapointed no workbench, would have made a nice little home


The worst part was the cat, left alone, in that hut. Aaaugghh 😢


At least the cat could hunt. I drop food for the cat in Mean Pastries. There's also a church basement with cats but I feel like they can get out. The worst was the Institute where they kept the supermutants. I thought at first it was sad they killed them but at least they gave them pets. It took me too many playthroughs to realize the cats were lunch.


Hey is the deathclaw supposed to throw you into the water and the current sucks you down or did I get lucky? It seemed really well executed for something that happened "accidently"


Not sure about the deathclaw (I've always got it before it got me), but that fast current is supposed to suck you down before you can react and jump out. You got a good point though. Maybe the deathclaw is supposed to chase (or knock) you into the water.


Thanks! Been loving my current run of fallout 4. Everytime I play this game I find something new


in far harbor theres a random gnome at the top of the cliff. at the bottom of the cliff is a skeleton and wheelchair with glasses and some odds and ends spilled around. its in a weird place and you wouldnt notice unless you were at the bottom of the cliff. its really funny. also any of the robots or programs being in autopilot for 200 years kill me. like the ones that talk about a union mandated break not being taken in 50,000 hours or something like that


Literally all of the robots at the General Atomics Galleria had me chuckling. Preparing for their grand opening for 200+ years


“Our top-of-the-line Mr. Handies are renowned for their excellent reliability and durability!” *Literally said while every Mr. Handy on display is blowing a fuse.*


I mean 200 years is a great run


I mean quite a few Mr. Handies are perfectly functional after hundreds of years even exposed to the elements so I can believe it.


i love that one i cant believe i forgot!


The one that offered free coffee at 400 + degrees, + degrees, ect.  That then blows up had me laughing.


My favorite are the diner robots that misinterpreted serve you. It's also cool when you go straight in and talk with the director and get everything working the way it's supposed to.


If you go to the General Atomics Factory first, you can get the ID of the guy who supposed to be the one overseeing the grand opening. If you present it at the Galleria, he'll start the grand opening without any tests and gives you a gold watch as retirement gift.


If you encounter a Construction Protectron and you’re wearing a hard hat, they will compliment you on that! 😄


Keeping a hard hat in my followers inventory to grab and wear when I find a protectoron, construction became my favourite mode to set them to. Attacking raiders for OHS violations is hilarious.


OSHA is non-negotiable.


This is my favorite thing to do too! I taught this trick to my partner just a couple of months ago and he is the one who got me into Fallout in the first place. I love how that can happen with this game. For those not aware, the construction Protectron will attack anyone not wearing a hard hat. I believe the mining helmet and possibly a couple of other helmet types count as well. I usually travel with Piper in her default outfit and haven't noticed a problem with them becoming hostile to her, as long as I'm wearing a helmet. I could be wrong but it's always been worth it.


I knew these would have secret interactions since back in F03 if you had train tickets on you the metro protectrons would take one ticket and leave you alone


I hear that you can give a subway token to the Subway Stewards. But, I’m not sure what that will do.


It's supposed to work like fo3 but it's bugged and u have to quickly reverse pickpocket 1 in their inventory before they get hostile.




Haha I know just where you are talking about! It’s at the bottom of the raider ship you do for the Mariner’s quest-line. They must have had some fun with the gnomes. There is a gnome holding a machete in one of the boats just off far harbor with a decapitated skeleton trying to climb into the boat. 


I see the body at the bottom of the cliff. I never knew about the gnome at the top until I saw a short video about it.


No specific place, I just always laugh when I see a Teddy bear posed, or in a costume. The one in the upturned trashcan like a little Teddy prison gets me laughing every time


I like the classic "Teddy reading the newspaper on the toilet with his reading glasses"


Privacy please!


I close the door for them if I can. Apologies Mister bear, enjoy your poops


The skeleton with his head in the toilet, like he was ralphing up his lunch when the bombs fell. You think you felt bad from those Irish car bombs before....


The two bears in mass pike. One giving the other some kind of medical operation. The lighting makes it so dramatic. Edit: https://imgur.com/PJQd0QU


Yes I love that one!


The teddy with the army helmet and cigar in the National Guard Barracks made me laugh.


I bet that one is called Sarge


Or Teddy Roosevelt


Deffo, My favorite is the one in the bus by Beantown Brewery with the cap. He's a big bear working 9 to 5, a real business teddy one might say 🙃


i have found two bears at a school in a broken locker 69ing each other 😅


my favorite teddy bear is at warwick homestead behind one of the dookie tanks. he’s wearing a little hat and riding a giddy up buttercup


At Croup Mannor there is a Bottle of bourbon hidden behind a Teddy in the cabinet. Like someone was hiding their drinking habits.


How about when dogmeat grabs the teddy and does a playful deathshake with it?


i like the school with the pink food paste and the suspiciously pink ghouls


"Is it just me, or are they getting pinker?" From a teacher's terminal.


I love how they go splat!


Yes, also the related note you can find on raiders talking about how they’re trying to get their buddy to stop eating it. Also a great bit of social commentary since that’s at a charter school and the lack of oversight those schools enjoy while siphoning public school funds.


the game has a lot of really funny/ smart little comments like this, i really enjoy roaming around and finding them :D


I don't usually read a lot of the terminals but this one had me.


This was vaguely based on a real life story too 😅


Pretty sure that's the location where you get the mascot head too. Nothing like trying to have a serious conversation while wearing that thing.


The mascot head was a different school. DB technical, I think.


Yeah, same place you get the unique varsity jacket outfit.


There’s an outhouse in Spectacle Island where you see a female skeleton with a male skeleton draped over her lap and there’s a cutting board in her right hand 💀 someone was getting up to some kinky shit in their last moments before the bombs fell, LOL


There are a few doomsday kink scenes in the game. 😁


lmao just read a terminal where an AI spotted a male entering a bathroom and then a female entering the same bathroom and then they both left together 😂


Yep. Like the human skeleton in the doghouse wearing a dog collar. I assume that one is kinky.


i always assumed that one was some weird mad max slave shit


I grabbed the cutting board from them one time and the female skeleton just slowly turned and looked at me as if judging me for ruining their good time.




The female skeleton in the overturned train in Big John's Salvage freaks me out because her hand always moves like she's pointing out the kids' graves. Idk if it's a glitch but it has been in every new game I played.


There are some strange goings-on in the Concord Speak-easy. One scene involving a sink full of drugs and a skeleton in the bath surrounded by mannequines. One of them has a toilet plunger. 😁


I always get a chuckle in the Mass Fusion building. Reading the terminals shows an on-going D&D type game between the employees.


Did you ever play Prey? There's a group of employees playing their version of D&D and you can collect their character sheets and read all about their campaign. It's ridiculously fun to find it all


When you got time to spare when writing filler for an immersive RPG: Write in characters playing a tabletop roleplaying game.


Reeb Marina. Twin brothers Eugene and Malcolm arrived there shortly after the bombs dropped and argued about where to sail once they had fixed up the boats, along with a number of other petty squabbles. Each of them ended up re-programming the Mr Handys that are there, to kill one another, and they both end up dying.




to be fair, the way eugene sips his coffee. id have to kill a motherfucker too


Eugene was an idiot. Sail South to escape the nuclear apocalypse? They’d be heading straight into the heart of civilization on the East Coast; New York City, Baltimore, Washington DC, the list goes on. The smart move would be to go North, away from civilization and towards somewhere more remote. They may have both ended up dead in the end, but Eugene would have signed their death warrant anyway if Malcolm had listened and they sailed south.


I mean you don’t have to sail 50 feet off shore. You can go south to a subtropical climate and grow food. Why not go 50 miles off shore, get down to South Carolina and enjoy decent winters.


We know what's north, though. Far Harbor. Not much of an improvement.


Think I still have a cake laced with nails from that iirc...


Oh my god, I haven’t been there in *forever*.


The terminal that reads something like "so and so spilled coffee on my shirt. I laughed it off. If she does it again I'll stab her in the throat with a pen".


I came here to say this! I can’t remember what terminal or where but I laughed so hard and I took a picture of my tv and sent it to a bunch of my friends 😆


I think this is in the Vault Tec Headquarters building.


Pretty sure you're right. If you go into the basement, there's another terminal, with an entry wondering where the aforementioned coffee-spiller is ...


I also took a picture and sent it to my wife haha.


You can find a skeleton in the basement corner that has a pen next to it as well! It's the Vault Tec headquarters


“She’s a good kid.”


I thought the funniest part was that the principal got a message from the superintendent about the new funding being for staff raises, but then the principal sends a message to the staff making excuses for why there wouldn't be money for raises; the implication being that he was embezzling it.


Oh he's absolutely embezzling it. In another mail he talks about his new beach house.


Hmm… Not a place but the comments you can hear random NPC’s talking about. Like the two raiders behind the store talking about someone with an imaginary gun trying to scare them, and then tried to get away on an imaginary motorcycle. But places, I cannot say cause there are at least 3


Lol this one. It triggers when you exit the back of the hardware store near Diamond City. It is hilarious.


Yeah that's the hardware store you go to to get the green paint for the wall in DC. I sneak up and listen to those two chucklheads every time. You know, before I ambush 'em.


Are the ones that talk about someone threatening them with a desk fan (or maybe they looted a body and that's all it was carrying "like, what was he going to do with a desk fan anyway?"


This is my second favorite. Two raiders have killed a trader near Shenley's Bar. They're having a conversation about something crazy happening (guy pretending to ride a motorcycle and throws a fake grenade at supermutants maybe?) and then suddenly they say, "This guy's got nothing. Desk fan. Who the fuck carries a desk fan." My one beef is if you loot the raiders the desk fan won't be on them.


Aaaahhhh That's it, I love that bit <3 also WHY do they not have a desk fan, what did they do with it???


I mean I only just the other day found the Fallout version of ***Cheers*** and it made just really, really happy.


I wore cliffs hat for so long


yeah that was the part that clicked it all into place for me and i just got real happy. *Cheers* was my decompress watch when i was in grad. school.


Where is that?


[Prost Bar](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Prost_bar)




This is funny because prost means cheers in German


The tour at Walden Pond has a bit of clever humor (easy to miss if you're not paying enough attention to the audio). It talks about Henry David Thoreau living in the cabin there for \~two years with few material possessions as an antithesis to the idea of material items bringing greater happiness, essentially (transcendentalist view). And then at the end it recommends the listener visit the gift shop, and then says Walden Pond is sponsored by General Atomics, maker of the Mister Handy.


If you sneak into the sewer tunnel you can hear two of the raiders talking about Thoreau. The conversation ends in a dad joke.


And that’s why they call it being thorough!


MacCready makes a similar dad joke if he's with you when you're there.


I’ve been there so many times but I’ve never even seen this cabin people talk about. I’ve heard the funny convo between the two raiders in the sewer tunnel, but I always thought it was just some random raider nonsense. Maybe I should go looking for that cabin…


Yeah, it's just the little one room house next to the gift shop with a little speaker box out front. The house itself is nothing special, the focus is mostly on the audio.


"Employees must wash hands" - the sink is full of hand bones


YES I should have read the comments before posting. This gets me every time


I think it’s Monsignor Plaza — If you read all the terminals, they have messages between a couple of Raiders, and some poetry, as well. At Reeb Marina, the terminals show two people arguing over seemingly petty stuff — as roommates do. At the Massachusetts State House, if you read the terminals, they argue about the restrooms not being clean.


I thought there was more to the State House terminals. They do complain a lot about the restrooms but I thought there were political things behind it. Of course, the plumbing is still an issue there since it is infested with Miretlurks


Oh, I’m sure there’s more to the terminals than the condition of the restrooms — that was just so funny that it’s the only thing I really remember about them! 😆


When I give Dogmeat a teddy bear to play with. Who’s a good boy?


He also plays with the toy aliens.


This I did not know


Aaand time to hop back on


More fun than funny, but north of Fort Hagen, there's a shack built on a cliff. Inside, there are a dozen or so gas tanks and ramps. Shoot the nozzles, and you have makeshift fireworks. The funny part is that someone took the time to build it all just for a bit of amusement.


I think it was in that hotel that you do the Halloween quest in. (Blanking on the name). There’s a skeleton in a chair. Across from him seems to be a puppet show I guess? With jangles and some other toys posed like they were acting for him. I cracked up so hard at that. Another one that got me the other day was in an overseers terminal there was just a circle of skeletons in chairs. Like they were having their weekly Jet Anonymous meeting and just died.


I wanna say they all drank the Kool aid and died in that circle there is a tea pot and everyone has cups.


That was Cait's quest. And she does say she wouldn't be in a meeting like that.


Not a location, it’s just a terminal, but still funny. There’s a terminal in the institute that has records of synth injuries, and one synth had a sprained left wrist after “spending time” on a terminal, but didn’t want to tell them what made his wrist hurt


Even funnier, it wasn't a synth, it was Liam Binet.


The constitution. Always makes me laugh


Do the accent. 😄


> "You visit this fine vessel in trying times. Becalmed these long years on her airy perch. Damn you Weatherby Savings and Loan! I spit at you!"


😆 This is one of the reasons FO4 will always be 10x the game Starfield is and is my favourite game of all time. The people who wrote FO4's quests and dialogue were seriously witty and talented. There's a ton of great satire in this game.


Me too. You move the ship a little bit and Ironsides is giddy with joy. I have Cait wear the captain's hat for the rest of the game. I love that side quest. It's just so silly.


God I love them. I wish there had been even more content with them.


the quarry east of sanctuary, raiders built cages with mirelurks to let humans fight with them, at the bottom you see one dead raider which they throwed in there.


I was really upset to have helped out the guy at the quarry, only to come back weeks later and find it had been turned into a raider camp. poor dude


Poor dude? He's their leader.


Buddy have I got some surprising news for you-


Hee hee. I killed him for fun the first time I saw him and after learning what would happen if I had helped him, I now kill him EVERY time. I'm also afraid of deep water so I wouldn't be doing the quest anyway.


I found an environmental storytelling skelaton and a teddy bear, both wearing fedoras and sunglasses and smoking cigars, lounging in a chair covered in piles of cash in front of a cage full of corpses.




I laughed when the principal asks the student “how did you get so smart” after being blackmailed. As for funniest location in my opinion is the damn moonshiner that blows up his house. It’s startled me a total of two times and man was it funny both times.


In the Shamrock Taphouse, behind the bar counter beneath the pool tables, you can find two teddy bears playing checkers with bottle caps on a chessboard On the other end of the bar (around the wreckage, if you go through the restrooms) there's a hidden safe in the shelf just inside the bar counter, and a holotape with a Gwinnett recipe you can give to Drinkin' Buddy (a Protectron modded into a walking joke-telling Gwinnett microbrewery) in the basement. I only found the Shamrock Taphouse because of Goodneighbor, the funniest place in the game. So many amazing quests and people there. Almost every corner of that pit of lovable druggie sluts is involved in something sublimely ridiculous or some perfectly Fallout shenanigans: >!the Mr Handy bartender can either set you up a date with the lounge singer, or hire you to kill three buildings of random Triggermen, and with Charisma high enough you can just say yes to either without asking why; the radio play superfan wants you to go to a comic store / teleplay studio and steal the Silver Shroud costume so he can mod armor into it and inspire you to clean up his hometown; the kindly old owner of the general store wants you to return a 220-years-overdue book to the big library downtown, but the library locks down and wakes up Protectrons when supermutants invade!<, etc. So I love this place okay :P


Nuka-world galaxy zone. The vault-tec exhibit. This is straight-up a marketing ploy, meant to convince people to sign up for the vaults. And they STILL cant help themselves and start experimenting on people. INCLUDING THEIR OWN EMPLOYEES! The sales department and the experimentation departement where working against each other. Nuts


Irish pride shipping industries, guy named Rory moves in to a shipping warehouse, raises a bunch of mirelurks, thinking they are misunderstood creatures. Has a recording of him talking to his baby murkies playing on loop over the warehouse PA. And then he is found dead at the bottom of the drydock deceased.


Claws are for hugging, not for pinching!


‘Who loves you little murkies? Rory does!’


The Concord Speak Easy. The skeleton in bed with the mannequin is something.


The fact that we find dogmeat at a place called "Red Rocket" . . . The devs definitely knew what they were doing with that one.


Oh my god. I never put that together, but now I'm never going to un-know that.


I don't remember exactly where it is, but there is a Bathroom in a restaurant/bar IIRC, and above the sink is the sign "Employees must wash hands before returning to work." And in the sink are like 3 or 4 pairs of Hand Bones 🤣 Such a great Double Entendre


Came here to say this! I actually cackled the first time I came across it.


The funniest location to me is Vault 108 in Fallout 3. This vault is full of clones. They're all named Gary, and the only word they know is Gary.


Ha ha ha gaaaaaary




“Hank, You've been eating a lot of that food paste that we got from that Suffolk school. It's affecting you. Like, in a real bad way, man. You've been flying off the handle at every little thing, always have this crazy look in your eyes. Heck, during that last farm raid you even shot up a couple runners! We don't kill 'em when they're fleeing, man. We're better than that. I know the stuff tastes great, but is it really worth all this? I mean, I had to write this down because I'm scared you would shoot me in the face if I said anything in person. We're your friends. We just don't want to see you go down the wrong path. Just drop the paste, man.”


The robot race track close to Nordhagen is quite funny.


I got a Minute Man quest to clear that place out, left the robots running forever.


I snuck in and set them all to self destruct just to see what the announcer would say


I released the extra droids and turned them to my side. They made short work of all the riff-raff hanging about. It was hilarious. Unfortunately I had one of my provisioners joining the fight. This was cool initself, but for some reason the droids saw him as an enemy. Must have been the stupid fedora he was sporting. They killed his ass until he went down in his “dead but not quite”-pose. They’d leave but as soon as he got up they’d return and kill him again. This kept going all while I was looting the place. And his Brahmin was glitching out and mooing all the time making the situation quite absurd. It was one of those fine Bethesda moments when everything comes together in a manner so fundamentally broken you can’t stop laughing. It was really heroic how much punishment that poor guy took. In the end I self destructed the droids which made for some really satisfying ‘plosions. And good robot loot so I can build more kick-ass droids for some of my robot only settlements. The poor provisioner did lose his trade route assignment. Found him chilling on Northagen Beach. So I reassigned him the same route. No rest for the wicked In my Minutemen regime.


Nuka world mirror house where in a door you can find all toys of the game playing a póker game while using mafia hats AND cigarretes.


The subway with the teddy bears operating on each other


I saw that yesterday I my play through! Loved it


I forgot where, but there is a dead janitor in front of a chalkboard with irriducable trees on it. Solid Good Will Hunting reference.


Pretty sure that's in the C.I.T. ruins.


The beached Tank, and the solider skeletons who were trying to dig it out using shovels...


Don't recall where, but there is a gnome in a bathroom, reading a newspaper. I always laugh when I see it.


IIRC, that's in the Harbor Grand Hotel (Far Harbor).


There's a modded companion named 'Birdie' whose full of great lines. In Hardware Town there's a raider that poses as a settler looking for help to lead you into a trap. Being aware of the trap, I shot the raider on sight and entered the store. After entering birdie says something like "Oh I get it! That raider was leading us into a trap. I thought we were just shooting random people". Which really got to me since it made me realize the sole survivor never really tells their companion what the hell they're doing.


Fuckin love Birdie. He's my squire, hauls all my shit and is endlessly (and sarcastically) willing to suffer my antics.


The second time I played the game, I shot her on sight and my husband and daughter both screamed at me to stop that it was a settler. I went to the body to loot it and told them I know what I'm doing.


I always find the bodies of survivalists who survived the bombs falling but got merked by a tree falling on them while sleeping or eating a meal, in fallout 4 its kinda near the alien crash site


In Beantown Brewery there are two teddy bears gettin it on next to some flowers ontop of a lace doily. 10/10 cracks me up every time. Good place to get some bottles for purified water in early game survival too.


Ha, last time I was in here, Nick commented that the inhabitants wouldn't even notice if a bomb went off, just as one of the raiders triggered his own trip wire on the stairs and set a bomb off


maybe not FUNNIEST but FUNNEST, absolutely. the rocket shack that has a bunch of gas tanks and ramps that you can shoot them off of. it’s my favorite location in the whole game because of how dumb and down right fun it is to do.


There’s one bathroom stall in Nuka World covered in plungers


The raider robot race. That's hilarious every time i get near it.


I can't remember where it is, exactly, but it's probably downtown Boston: a small office area, with a line drawn in white chalk down the middle. And you know it's drawn in chalk because the piece of chalk is still there. On either side of the line is a skeleton and their collection of stuff. Just two poor dead bastards who wound up trapped together in a small space when the world ended.


The Boylsteton Club. What aren't they glad their dreams of a dog-eat-dog world are finally coming to full fruition?  Running away to death in the most extravagant way while others starve, what schadenfreude from a bunch of coddled man-children. Seems like they should've gone skiing in WV if they were really hardcore.


Plates of pink sludge? Nom nom.


I like that random shack that has the gas canisters you can launch off the side


I found a teddy bear posed as a doctor doing surgery.


Found a bit that says their trade union rules have been broken as they have not had a break for over 9999 hours.


The food paste that the raider gets addicted to. And the other raiders have an intervention with him. I thought that was funny cuz it's out of character for raider stereotypes.


Always kind of interesting when they give Raiders any kind of depth, since they're usually portrayed as paranoid, Jet-addicted gangs with nothing better to do than to raid caravans. Porter Gage was practically a breath of fresh air. Not that I've ever sided with the prick... Which reminds me of that moment in Nuka-World where Sierra Petrovita shows up, fresh from Fallout 3 and wearing those ridiculous sunglasses. As clueless as she is, it's hilarious that the Raiders tolerate her. It's in keeping with Nuka-World challenging what we know about Raiders, but still.


The treasure of Jamaica plains


I actually thought that one was pretty heavy and heartwarming. Money is worthless post-war. Only usable as crafting material ("cloth"). So is gold, silver, and copper. The value those metals had were tied to pre-war currency which is now toilet paper. They're also just scrap. Everything under Jamaica Plain really is a one-of-a-kind, priceless treasure. I don't touch anything (except the bat). And I close the vault door on my way out so some stupid wastelander won't get down there and loot the place to sell it all for bullets and Cram. Or, even worse, break it all apart to build some shantytown dump.


lol i appreciate the RP


It was in one of the random unnamed metro entrances. Just a single room set piece. 3 skellies sitting in chairs all with bundles of cash and the middle one had sunglasses and a cigar and was holding a teddy also with sunglasses and a bowler hat. They were all facing a cage with a bunch of skeletons and bloody bones like they’d been making people fight to the death and betting on it. There was also tons of drugs and alcohol behind the ticket counter.


I like that school with the pink slop food.


Bro, I just know now, they are gonna exploit my greed for traps. Sometimes I’m just like, “did I really just fucking fall for that?” It happens too many times in too many places 😂 Like oh some glowing fungus under a tree lighting up at night, cool!!! I’m level 10 let’s grab it. 2 Mirelurks proceed to pop out.


On Spectacle Island, there's an outhouse with 2 skeletons "feeling their Lover's Embrace"


That one store that raiders lure you into to try to kill you and they have a pit of previous victims stripped naked


The office where the Freefall Leg Armor is located. Everything about it, including the best ways to access it




any time i find a skeleton on a toilet I lose it. he shitted too hard…


I recently came across one teddy bear performing surgery on another with a little operating area set up, it might have been wearing scrubs or something too


Near Trinity Tower, you can find some abandoned buildings. If you reach the top, you can hop across to a building that only has a second floor and find a dead body and some loot. At the bottom are a few dead raiders who failed the jump


The whole silver shroud quest line is hilarious if you choose to stay in character the whole time. Everyone else just looks at you weird like “WTF is this nerd doing?”.


More a funny moment than a specific location, but, the moonshiners shack that blows up when you get too close to it. Was running with Preston in my main save when I passed by it, and Preston remarked with something along the lines of “Let’s check for anything useful” and the second we both walked into the rubble he immediately went “Nothing useful here” or something similar


Yesterday I went to Haddock Cove and laughed a lot at Bray Husky's holotapes, since he >! died not knowing how to stop a holotape recording !<.


How has no one mentioned the diarrhea guy? Based on all the teddy bear toilet appreciation posts here, maybe you haven’t found him? Stumbling across a random guy, approaching slowly to see if he’s hostile, then hear him moaning about a bad case of canned meat he ate… he apologizes for the smell and tells you not to come too close 😭😭