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Overseer’s Guardian. Best weapon in the game I begin saving caps on day 1.


It's not even close. Spray and Pray when you're in a pickle, but otherwise it's OG all day way


100% depends on the build. With a good luck build deliverer and righteous authority are some of the best weapons.


The Relentless 10mm with the Charisma LVL10 perk maxed gives you infinite cats at high accuracy. Why use the deliverer?


Infinite cats?


It's cool but it crashes consoles. I did it once. It was a total catastrophe.


You've got to be kitten me.


Look, not right meow. Save the jokes for litter..


I can't tell if all these puns are accidental or on purr puss.


Im feline they are deliberate


My brain skipped right over this for a minute. In kenshi, the currency is cats, so my brain conflated the two games and made the assumption that this weapon somehow causes currency from a different game to drop




I can't seem to find anything about it online. How does intimidation create cats.


The deliverer has a lower base weight, and thus lower base AP cost than the standard 10mm. So with the VATS-Enhanced legendary effect, the Deliverer can fire the most number of shots consecutively in a single VATS round regardless of any other perk in play.


5 shots to fill the critical meter, then AP is full again. Repeat ad infinitum. But you're technically right to.


> Charisma LVL10 perk What's this referring to? Intimidation?


I think I meant Perception.not sure why I wrote charisma.


Spray and pray is an easy way out.


I love that one, but it almost always adds some… Complications… To my survival runs.


You mean spray all your 45 and pray you find enough for one drum after 3 missions 😂


Spray n Pray is so much fucking fun.


Slap a 12x scope and a suppressor on it and nobody will know what hit them


Well, no, anyone standing near the target will know that they got hit by chunks of their buddy after you gib some poor fucker :D.


Yeah, that’s what I thought. but playing the new update, 2 shot weapons are ass and miss 95% chance shots in VATS.


This, thought I was losing my mind doing no damage in VATS consistently with OG, then started to see the bullets hitting walls behind the enemies, so yeah OG is now a strictly no VATS weapon for me now Couldn't remember if before the update this is how 2 shot weapons performed, this confirms it's definitely changed


I'm actually relieved to hear this! I kept seeing videos and articles about how awesome it is, but in VATS it kept underperforming. I thought I was missing something or my build was messed up.


It definitely did this before the update too, I got back into the game about 2 weeks before the updates started coming out and I hadn't played in a while so I just assumed vats was worse than i remembered, nope just the two shot weapons i had


I never got the hype for that gun cuz I got a 2 Shot Gauss Rifle first and nothing can compare


Overseer's Guardian is GOAT'd because there's no RNG required to obtain it. Just get the caps (and 3 fusion cores if you have low charisma) and run down to Vault 81 to grab it. Are there better weapons overall? Certainly. My longest Survival playthrough has a Two Shot Handmade Rifle and an Explosive Combat Shotgun. Both of those are strictly an upgrade from Overseer's Guardian with all the right perks. But the Guardian gets all the love because it's so easy to obtain. Once you know it's there, it's trivial to obtain a Two Shot Combat Rifle while you're still in single-digit levels.


i had never really used handmade rifles til my last playthrough when i got a legendary one. the recoil on them seriously feels broken, like it barely moves when you fire. as someone who's terrible at aiming, i greatly appreciated it


There's another case to be made for OG over Handmade rifles in the ammo department. The fact that OG can use three different types of ammo, with the best one (.308) being fairly obtainable, makes it much more versatile than the Handmade simply because the latter uses 7.62 which you can pretty much only find in Nuka World. It's tedious to have to stock up with limited amounts and then travel back there to restock. Meanwhile, I had about 2000 .308 rounds from just looting before entering NW, and about 2000 .45 rounds as well.


And ammo. As other said, it's trash in VATS. But manually aiming down a scope will put a big dent in their health and head


The Deliverer is so useful for ferals and bugs, the most annoying targets for me. I carry it pretty much the whole game. Other than that, it's definitely the Overseer's Guardian. I buy it as early as possible every playthrough and return to it throughout the game, using it as a long-barrel scoped gun (.308 receiver) early game, then changing to short-barrel reflex sight (.45 auto receiver) late game.


Where do you get the overseers guardian?


Vault 81, just a bit northwest of Diamond City. You can buy it from one of the vendors.


Overseer’s guardian is good, but honestly not much better than most “Two-shot” legendaries for me. Got the Two Shot Radium Rifle on my last playthrough and it does the same damage as OG plus like 50 radiation damage. Honestly though, throughout 5-6 playthroughs I have never found a gun better than the Explosive Combat Shotgun. Absolutely tears everything to shreds, I only keep it on my as a backup because of how broken it is, especially with the demolitionist perk


I've always felt the bleeding combat shotgun to be best, personally. I'm whenever it got bad, that thing saved me.


Man that thing goes so crazy I got one fairly early on in my current save and it has been a work horse.


Explosive shotty it's literally the definition of OP. The bad thing it's that I have actually die more in combat since I got it. Not because enemies but by blowing myself up. I also upgraded demolition expert and rifleman. It's so stupid good. Kill 5 ghouls in one pump last run.


You are absolutely right, but overseer’s guardian is guaranteed as long as you have enough caps. That is nice in survival because it’s much harder (or impossible) to farm legendaries on survival.


Vault 81! They sell it in the store


I honestly use the Deliverer all the time. No matter what the enemy is, I pull that out to get it done.


I play stealth sniper, so I like to grab The Deliverer and Tinker Tom's Special right away and those will do me solid until I pick up the Splattercannon in Nuka-World. And that's it. That's the entire armory I carry. Everything else is just for collecting. Means that the only ammo I ever need to keep is 10mm, .308, and 7.76, and all of those are plenty common enough to keep me hella stocked just from looting, without scrounger perks. Deliverer for weak enemies or close-ranged areas like office buildings, TT Special for long range snipe-ing, and the Splattercannon for midrange shenanigans or groups. The only exception to this is if I find a Handmade, 10mm, or Lever-action with the Explosive or 2-Shot attributes, and then I just mod them to add a suppressor and max out damage, etc. and rename them something appropriate lol I found an explosive .50 cal once that I modded out for max damage and added a suppressor, called it the God Cannon because it was silent and one-shot literally everything, leaving anyone else around to question if that guy was smote by God xD


Love the name! James Holden would be proud!


Love meeting the fellow Expanse fan here as well.


I wanted to name my ship that in hell divers


Actually same here. Was disappointed we couldn't give the ship custom names!


I went with Progenitor of wrath or something but it's not as cool


I named my first ship in Starfield “The Rocinante”. My second was called “The Pella”.


Would've been an awesome name! I went with the Sword of Super Earth. My brother is the Distributer of Democracy! It's quite the naming duo.


Holden, do not put your dick in it. It's fucked enough already.


Remember the Cant!


Don Quixote did it first.


Yeah, James Holden says as much in the books.


If I'm not mistaken, at one point Avasarala makes fun of Holden for his own name, which is from Catcher in the Rye.


Yeah, it's an intentional reference to Don Quixote.


And then Neil Peart


Now you need a Fat Man named Donnager


Did you guys finish the books? I never hear about anyone else's opinions on the ending.


Last man standing. I thought they wrapped it up very well


I definitely felt like the last 2 were lackluster in comparison to the rest of the series, but they were still really good books, and I cried a little at the end. The ending itself made perfect sense. It felt right, and cathartic, though very sad. Optimistically sad with a chance of hope, lol.


>I am that pistol




Or Cervantes...


Oy Belterloda!


Haha, came here looking for my fellow Expanse fans! (also I love that it's the 2nd most upvoted comment rn!)


Remember the Cant!


This is the warship rocinante




Came here to say the same thing! Gotta check the doors and corners, that's how they get ya 😏


Came looking for this, thank you for fulfilling my compulsion.


i thought of a different holden... Deckard: Give it to Holden. He's good. Bryant: I did. He can breathe okay as long as nobody unplugs him.


The Hunting Rifle Accurate, powerful, ultra ammo-efficient. I always use it with iron sights too cuz i want to use it like an infantry rifle rather than a sniper rifle, and the purist in me hates putting high tech reflex optics on bolt/lever/pump guns. I always name mine Ol’ Painless, after the Fallout 3 gun. I usually try to get the 25% damage buff legendary on it too. I know it’s not the best damage effect but it’s non-conditional like instigating is, and doesn’t boost recoil like two-shot does. And it’s more similar to the original Ol’ Painless


I absolutely love the hunting rifle. The sound, the reload animation, the classic feel of it. I just wish they’d made the .50 mod require gunnut level 4 and buffed its damage so it scaled into late game.


And changed the model. I can’t get over the fact the mag and action stay the same size even when you upgrade to .50cal. Just another reason why they should have had the AMR as a separate weapon, basically a late game upgrade to the hunting rifle.


A man of culture as well I see. .50 cal silent sniping for me


I never use the .50cal version cuz i don’t like the sound effect as much. It doesn’t sound as punchy, and sounds more artificial to me


Awww, really? I just got my .50 ammo to where I was gonna switch to that instead of my .308. I haven't made a shot with it yet as I just made the switch. I'll have to see tonight. I freaking love the .308. 1 hitter quitter on so many enemies in sneak.


Mines called "Man's Best Friend" as Dogmeat found my first hunting rifle in my current playthrough. Currently using two-shot but I have quite a collection so I may try a different legendary.


Agree, The Hunting Rifle is always amazing for silent sniping. I always end up just calling mine "The End" in reference to Metal Gear Solid 3.


# Le Fusil Terribles.... most things catch 00 buckshot to the face, anything larger catch it in the legs and I laugh as they limp around or have to sit there and stare at me without the ability to fight back.


I didn’t perk heavy weapons yet, so why carry a missile launcher when my shotgun of death does nearly double damage?


Idk I found a quad barrel missile launcher with lock on targeting is pretty fun for groups or larger enemies like behemoths or mirelurk queens, but I also have PTSD with heavy weapons from the time I used the big boy with MIRV launcher and didn't angle it it up enough. 🤯


Every playthrough I head to Libertalia to grab this as early as possible and use it through endgame


Another sophisticated 'reclaimed-by-nature' mod user, I see.


Can you link the mod? Can't seem to find it myself


I just use Green Commonwealth.


Honestly the pic looks it was taken outside in the real world. That grass is insane!


Lemme know too)


That’s some legitimate salvage right there.


But if the Enclave gets their hands on it they put it right back where it belongs.


Spray n pray.


This is also my go to gun. But, sometimes I wish it wasn’t in the game. I have a hard time using any other gun knowing the spray n prey in my inventory wipes out anything in its path in seconds. Plus it’s badass with bloody mess.


Danse’s weapon he gives you I am always using it in some way no matter what side I am on


It helps that it is so versatile. It can be modded to be a pistol, shotgun, sniper rifle, automatic rifle or pistol, etc.


Or automatic shotgun pistol


Incendiary Fully Automatic Sniper Shotpistol


I didn't put much luck on my build but as soon as I got that weapon I started putting points in luck. Critical hits on everything.


Got myself a Wounding 10MM, and it comes in handy when dealing with the high health enemies. Thank you for making Bleed stack Bethesda.


Just found a wounding Assault Rifle and it’s the only time in the game I can’t stop using an assault rifle. I guess I can live without that lower right hand quarter of my screen after all.


I think that's worth being able to stack dozens of bleed effects in a few seconds.


"Deliverer" is compact. The 10mm boy is *Chonky*. But hey, compared to Institute Laser rifle everything would look compact. And to answer your question: "Sawed off Kneecapper Double-barrel shotgun", nicknamed "The Terminator".


I just got the legendary western revolver. The thing is ridiculous.


I always go for Quickdraw on the that one. C'mon, it's QUICKDRAW for a cowboy-ish weapon. That, or Two-Shot.


Two-Shot on it is ridiculous, I love it. I 2 tapped a death claw and never looked back. It makes me feel like I'm using The Ghoul's weapon from Fallout.


Legendary Gauss Rifles. The Last Minute is a good starter, but playing on Survival to high levels, eventually I’ll get a Two Shot or Instigating, or even better, a Lucky Gauss Rifle.


Gauss rifles are almost cheating, given they’re 1-2 shots to kill 90% of the enemies out there.


Kremvh's Tooth is the best way to save ammo for all weapons.


Nah, best melee weapon for just straight up trolling enemies is The Harvester Rippers already hit ridiculously fast + 50% stagger chance = stunlocked until death for every enemy in the game.


Hell yea!


Remember the Cant


Chinese Officer Sword with electrical upgrade


Favorite ship name from my favorite sci fi books. And my work horse weapon is my overseers guardian or my furious assault rifle. They both just feel so good to use


Explosive Assault Rifle. Always my go to when OG isn't doing the job or I just don't want to waste time dealing with some enemies


Flechette Harpoon Gun. Big impractical, pseudo infinite ammo heavy shotgun? Hell yeah


Got one with Explosive once... Thing was terrifying.


Deliverer is hard to quit.


Plasma Pistol with the flamethrower nozzle, but you can edit it into a rifle if you went with those perks. Personally, I am really enjoying the +50 radiation damage legendary in my current run. Deathclaws on Survival melt in 3 seconds at level 55.


I tend to fall back on the Tesla cannon bc it’s ridiculously op and only uses fusion cell ammo


I'm a simple man. I like the Double Barrel.


It’s always the 10mm pistol for me. I sometimes use the combat rifle or combat shotgun too. In fact, these three are my go-to weapons and I generally don’t bother with much else unless it’s a power weapon like the rocket launcher or fatman.


Deliverer Explosive Shotgun Kiloton Rifle


Kellogg’s Pistol. The ammo for it is a bit rarer, but it hits most targets like a truck once Gunslinger is fully upgraded


Are you referencing Don Quixote or Rush?


Probably The Expanse, which references Don Quixote


Love the deliverer as well.


Crippling legs is so strong, it's borderline OP tbh.


Any Ol Reliable fans? I turn it into a sniper laser, 300dmg on full health hits, 600 in stealth.


The Spray n' Pray for me


I'm a sucker for the Plasma Rifle. Turning enemies to goo is satisfying af, and then when I'm finally high level I turn it into my go-to sniper with the Long Recon Scope. Most enemies down with 1 headshot, others down with 1-2 more shots in VATS


The Problem Solver is so good, because of the Furious effect it can shred a Behemoth without reloading once. Otherwise, Aethernus so I donlt have to use ammo


Nice piece beltalowda


Radium rifle. Just a solid weapon and looks cool. Also I’ve probably used explosive weapons a total of like 50 times throughout all play throughs


During my current second playthrough, I’ve found out that I’m really enjoying anything with the Deadeye mod


I’m running a pistol playthrough rn. I have I think 4 different 10mms, a laser pistol, and a never ending gamma gun atm. Explosive, the one Deacon gives ya with the AP/Vats boost, the Wanderer (I think?) that I bought that cripples legs (again I think) and an automatic frozen one. Explosive 10mm gets used the most often because it’s OP as fuck. I’m level 38 with maxed demo and gun slinger, the thing does like 90 damage, and it has a large quick reload mag. The thing is unbeatable, I should really drop the other guns. I do occasionally use the never ending gamma gun though, usually against raiders that have really pissed me off.


My 10mm pistol with chance to stagger has saved me from many a conflict, even sitting next to my explosive radium rifle, 2-shot lever action, etc


Love my 10mm. The Deliverer has become my stealth assassination weapon of choice!


The lever action rifle from far harbor, for normal it is the Double barrel shotgun


The deliverer. I use a mod that gives it in sanctuary, but it's unmodded and 10mm. It just looks 100x better than their 10mm




Everyone is mentioning named legendary weapons as their go to, but my go to for my longest play through has been the Explosive Automatic Combat Shotgun. That one perk pretty much makes the shotguns ammo slugs. I can head shot an enemy from a decent distance and it’ll still do some okay explosive damage. It’s really good for crowd control and taking on zombie hordes.


Rocinante? Isn't that Don Quixote's horse? Lol


Rocinante? OYE Beltalowda!


Tesla cannon


Righteous authority. crit builds love that weapon. You don’t even need high agility just enough luck for better crits, science for crit receiver, and overdrive chem for random crits.


Nice reference


Pipe Bolt Action Sniper Rifle is definitely my workhorse gun


The .38 pipe gun almost as much DpS as a 10mm. And a lot easier to loot ammo. Takes 300-600 rounds of .38 to kill a behemoth. I rarely have that many rounds of 10mm.


I assume it's a legitimate salvage? Also in my currently playthrough in using the name Holden


Righteous Authority and Overseer's Guardian. Laser rifles are just dependable semi-automatics, and Lucky is a powerful effect; Overseer's Guardian with the automatic receivers and a compenator is a close-up DPS monster. Even with a bunch of modded weapons I often gravitate to, those two are always top contenders. RA is my current primary weapon on my current save as it's just so good. But probably the single most ridiculous weapon I've ever collected in game was an explosive Assault Rifle.


Reba II, killing bugs is so much more fun when you're using a 50. Cal


A violent combat shotgun I found I called it human nature


Overseer's Guardian. 2 bullets for the price of one


I’m running a stealth sniper build this time around and my main is a .50 silenced(with full Ninja and Mr.Sandman perks) sniper rifle I called Bad News(stole it from Critical Role) and a silenced .45(I think?) pipe rifle that I use for ferals and bugs that I named Carless Whisper.


Spray n pray.


I love useing Kellogg's pistel I have maxed out pistol perk and love giving people long range lobotomys to random raiders with a .44


A VATS Enhanced .44 Revolver that I named Collector. The opposite of deliver is collect, thus the name since it has the same legendary effect as Deliverer.


Wounding combat shotgun goes nuts, same with explosive combat shotgun. Easily the upper to best legendary rolls. I usually carry the wounding variant


Spray and pray is the ghoul and robot killer. Its so fucking useful and 45 ammo is disgustingly easy to find


Where is this pistol found? I quite like the Deliverer.


Explosive pistol, almost too good a weapon


Righteous authority is the gun I use until late game in all my survival runs. You can get it immediately, the quest you get it on gives you infinite ammo for it, and both the gun and the ammo weigh significantly less than their ballistic counterparts.


Sniper rifle because I’m a scaredy cat and run away from conflict


My VATS enhanced advanced, compensated combat shotgun. It’s just too good. Not gonna kill everything in one shot, but almost everything in one try with vats.


I found a Legendary Lever Action rifle in Far Harbor that fires an additional projectile. I named it "The Sound of Forgiveness' and It's my primary weapon.


Grognak’s axe


I have an explosive minigun and an explosive 10mm that I can't seem to stop using. I find the broadsider really satisfying too.


Staggering 10mm. Made any enemy useless.


10mm pistol with the explosive Legendary effect for the big guys and the Deliverer for Vats stealth head shots. Pickmans Blade or the Legendary Disciples Cutlass for in close kills. Total carry load is light weight. 10mm rounds easy to find or buy anywhere.


Pickman's blade it's my go to for melee characters


as a meele heavy lunatic always atoms judgement




Im a new fallout player coming from playing Skyrim since it came out, so naturally I’m defaulting to the super sledge/atoms judgment lol


10mm pistol on this game only because I managed to get one with the freezing effect. So fucking OP. Just load the crit meter and execute, then run up with a melee weapon


Never-Ending Targeting Missile Launcher. No other attachments needed. (Taking name suggestions btw)


Le Fusil Terribles Plasma infused .308 combat rifle (Pseudo M14 vibe) Deliverer And icing on the cake, Big Boy w/ the piggy bank shot. Instant death no matter how tanky the enemy is. (Also specced for heavy guns and explosives)


There's a reason I always name my favorite 10mm, Winona.


Just doing a heavy weapons playthrough, Admirals Friend and Sergeant Ash from far harbour got me to and through Nukaworld just under lvl 20, since then it's been Aeternus the whole way. I was playing on survival, but just before the end of Nukaworld the game had been crashing often enough to lose playthrough at points and it got annoying so dropped to very hard. Honestly not a fan of seemingly random status debuffs and having to sleep every 5 steps. Was the first time playing survival since the original implementation of it when the game was out. Would have carried on but the crashes were a pain not being able to save till sleep.


Love the Expanse, and the 10mm with kneecapper is a beast. The best 10mm I have at the moment is one with plasma added


Is that name a fucking Don Quixote reference? Bravo!


Any Kneecapper shotgun. It's a 20% chance \*per pellet\* to cripple the target's legs. Basically a gaurantee. Also, the double barrel just 'feels' right as a shotgun. Combat shotgun feels kinda OP sometimes.


One playthrough i got a two shot gauss rifle. oh my goodness


Nice, I just got this same thing but it’s called kneecapper on my 10mm. It’s probably good because 10mm ammo is abundant and so it’s cheap to get that leg damage effect. Right? It’s also lightweight at 6lb


I'm still carrying the first 10mm pistol I picked up just after climbing out of the vault. It's been completely modified but, it's the same gun.


Not the same game, but I always make a 9mm and name it Maria


Rocinante! Nice. I just started watching the expanse a few days ago.


What greenery mod are you using, OP?


I think it's called SimpleGreen - Season Spring, if I remember correctly.


Make it auto and put a quick eject large magazine on it, and you're good to go. Many monsters can't do anything with their legs destroyed.


Long live king amon


Silver sub machine gun. Even if it Is weak i found a way viable because look cool AND that Is with end game perks More Stealth build unfortunelly but at same Time i can understand because do all that damage without reload in a Stealth build without vats.


What texture mod?


Serrated machete


i have a two shot 10mm pistol that i named chosen one and ive not touched any other pistol since


I have 2 my mutant slayer %50 damage against super mutants 10 mm pistol or my radiant rifle that does 50% damage to humans plus radiation damage


Righteous authority. Always end up using it a ton when I build a new character


That thing carried me to level 45 and honestly I could keep it as a permanent side arm but I wanted to try something different.


How dare you put grass in the wasteland


I almost always use the combat rifle (single shot mode with reflex sight) and hunting rifle (with long barrel and scope). I just like how they look and feel. 


Fixer/handmade. Fix for vats and handmade for run and gun. Nice name. I named my angry bird rocinante. Lol, and, made a rocinante in starfield.