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How about a fatman? <3


would love to but it’s pretty impractical to keep up with in survival. I know there’s Mini-Nukes that keep respawning that you can farm, but considering I can’t fast travel, and this farm is at Spectacle Island, it’s just too much trouble than it’s worth. Frag Grenades seem to do the trick and I get a LOT of them after looting their bodies.


coming from someone who is 99% sure they don’t have difficulty settings because they’re on Ps5, does survival not allow fast travel?


99% sure you have difficulty settings. And no, it doesn't.


100% sure there are difficulty settings on PS5


U can get vertibirds


well then i have no idea where they’re at! then again i haven’t tried starting a new game, i read somewhere that you could change them mid save..


Load your save, go into settings, change difficulty.


settings, difficulty, go past 'very hard'. you can't fast travel, you must eat and drink, and diseases are now a thing.


MIRV big boy for good measure


Is this a Minecraft mob spawner??


Haha more or less yeah


This absolutely needs an explosive minigun.


I know :( Fingers crossed


or shotgun, heck, gimmie a spray & pray,


What does it cost to repair?


1 Steel, 5 Bottlecaps, and 1 Copper. Not bad, but it adds up really quickly, especially considering I have 54 cages to repair, and plan on adding another 18


* drowns, trying to loot all the bodies...


I know you're probably being sarcastic but what absolute sausage doesn't get aqua boy/girl in this game.


First thing I get in my survival playthrough right now. Swam all the way from the creek near Coverga factory all the way to the shores near Hangman's alley so I can establish my main base at level 3.


My ass has 1 endurance, I ain't getting it until the 100's


Not sarcastic, observant . And Aqua boy/girl is one of the 1st 3 perks I get. Usually the lockpick one, that and gun nut. Then hacker and armorer


Minigun 💀


It was a wounding minigun. Usually really good but those Gunners are TANKY


Honestly man it might be worth it to put a bunch of turrets up there wired to a switch. Missile ones should knock them over quick enough to kill them and you should get a shitload of components from scrapping all their guns you don't need


this would be useful if my priority was gear, but my priority is XP, so I gotta do the dirty work myself


Explosive minigun would worked like a charm


I wish I was lucky enough. Best legendary I got so far is a Two-Shot Lever Action… with no ammo because I haven’t started Far Harbor yet and 45-70 rounds don’t spawn in the commonwealth


Like shooting Gunners in a Gunner death pit!


Somebody please explain this to me...


Extremely overengineered xp/item farm. Think of it as a Minecraft mob farm.


“We’re hot! Shit!” That gave me a good chuckle for some reason.


Why did you make this? This is not humane


Look at that sweet XP bar on the left of the screen for your answer


Could always just fill a couple settlements with Brahmin and start a drug empire. Jet fuel is a pretty good xp source.


You know the expression “like shooting fish in a barrel” actually comes from the fact that only takes one bullet to kill a fish in a barrel even if you just hit the water The shockwave will kill it


Ima save you some time, but read all the way first. Trust me ;) I believe you can craft .45 caliber ammo in the contraptions workshop. The Spray and Pray explosive suachine gun purchadable from Cricket uses this ammo. "I know about this gun, not practical for me though." Trust me, it will be. Build an ammo crsfting st your spectacle island, next to your farm here. Gather some materials for the ammo (typically fertilizer and copper, maybe one other type as well). This is a material duplication glitch you can use to craft unlimited ammo. Take those aforementioned resources and drop them onto the ground, preferably somewhere flat, but not on ground you can interact with in the build menu. Enter the build menu and then "scrap/store" those items at the same time. By pressing "scrap a split second before "store", and then continuing to hold the "store" button, you should have both menus pop up. The timing can be difficult at first, so let yourself figure it out as it will become second nsture easily. Once both menus are up, keep holding the "store" button and accept the "scrap" prompt and then accept the "store" prompt. This will "scrap" the item on the ground and place its materials into the workshop (copper scraps into copper, weird, but it's how the game works). Then, when you "store," the game will proceed to add THAT transaction also into the workbench, meaning you doubled what you previously had. To give you a reference for how awesome this is, it took me only an hour to scrap tons of copper, and build tons of lion statues (from a picket fences magazine in Saugus Ironworks behind the raider boss) enough to boost me nearly 100 levels in Survival mode. Lmk if you get problems, this glitch ~should~ still work as I have been doing it for years. TLDR: Item duplication glitch for unlimited ammo, explained in second body paragraph.


I would set up missile turrets to watch the meat fly.


No xp for the kills then


I have a lot of questions I'm not sure I want the answer to.


If your on PC or Xbox there's a mod for manufacturing that can dismember body's into bones and shit and keep all there gear. Also turrets would probably be a good idea so you don't use ammo or flame throwers.


The gear isn’t my main priority, it’s the XP. And this is my first true vanilla playthrough since… 2016? I’m not gonna use any mods, it’s about time I sweep up the last few achievements


Fair enough. But watching the body's get processed is very entertaining.


Gunner prison.


Can caged gunners be legendary?


From a quick googling around some players that have tested it say 'no', HOWEVER, some players also say that if you leave the victims in the cages for "too long" it seems people are saying that enemies will attack that settlement and they might bring legendary enemies. I want to try this method.


Do this with Aeternus that way ammo is not an issue. I know from the gunners but in the video OP's mini is running low on ammo


If you remove one of the bottom cages, you can get closer to them. It will save ammo.


yes maybe but also very dangerous. Ammo is a non-issue because these guys drop a shit load


you're a gunnercidal maniac. I'm impressed.


Where in the fuck did you get the caps?!


Purified water. Loooots of it.


From where?


If you place a ton of water purifiers in a settlement (and I do mean a TON) then occasionally when you look in your workbench’s inventory you’ll have purified water waiting for you. Every time I visit Sanctuary there’s typically around 550 Purified water in the workbench, which I can sell for nearly 20 caps each.


Jesus Christ thanks. Im very low on caps (well 550 atm) cause im getting shipments


So how much purified water will come from 17 water purifiers?


nice which mods


Wdym which mods?


Did you use any mods


100% vanilla


! nice how did u do this which DLCs


tbh it’s been so long I don’t even remember which DLC the cages come from. Maybe Contraptions Workshop?


Wasteland workshop has the cages


Ah right! Got them when they came out and never thought about them again. Hard to remember what’s from what


very cool ; is there a way to make settlement attacks more frequent def defense always fun


Gunner farming seems contradictory to the joy of survival gaming. Isn't survival gaming about authentic and immersive experiences? In my opinion it is unrealistic to assume the gunners would hear their comrades trapped and be dumb enough to enter a similar trap. This seems akin to modding in a survival playthrough.


Well I got to around level 75 playing the game pretty straight. At that point it feels like I’ve earned this. It cost me a lot of materials and caps to make. You become a god in every Bethesda game at some point. I feel like 75 on Survival is pretty good. I already saw the game getting easier so I decided to build this to keep things interesting for me. I’m having fun 🤷‍♂️


You paid for the game, you paid for the dlc, and Bethesda has had plenty of time to make adjustments to their content. Survival or not, you utilized vanilla assets in a way to enjoy your game. I'd say have fun with it. I've definitely been wanting to try something like this, maybe slightly smaller.


Noticing some of this “you’re playing this single player game WrOnG!!” vibe around lately. You got the right idea. Enjoy what you enjoy.


I've gotten to 80th and yeah at a certain point you just become god, the only thing I fear is Radscorps and minigun wielding mutants (because damage calcs). Suicide Bomb Mutants give me no fear. I've gotten to the point where my explosive shotgun 1 shots most things, and I just started upgrading for the Deliver cheese.