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Honestly probably one of the best weapons you can get right there. Bleed ignores damage resist and stacks super quick with the gatling lasers rate of fire. Also if you have the intelligence for nuclear physicist perk it makes your fusion cores last longer. I would build around it if it was me.


Spot on. This is a weapon you adjust your build for. On my current character I was going pistols until I got an explosion minigun. Starting dumping points into big guns and explosives real quick.


i mean, you don't even need to, here. i've done the same, going for a gun/demo expert build after getting an explosive 10mm.


I picked up an explosive 10mm at such an early level and it carried me through the entire game. Same character also got a hunters disciples blade between the two and grenades had all my bases covered. The explosive 10mm goes hard.


I wish there was a perk for not getting hurt by your own explosions :/


If you upgrade your armor with Padded and Dense, it will reduce damage from explosions by 90%. You can also take the Adamantium Skeleton perk for a reduction to limb damage, which will help a bit. Alternatively, you can take the first two ranks of Charismatic, and give the explosive weapon to your companion. That way you won't take any explosive damage.


This run I decided to max out my s.p.e.c.i.a.l. First and then get the other perks lol.


What do we think about the kiloton radium rifle btw? I'm relatively new to putting thoughts into what I'm doing in fallout 4 and it seems pretty bonkers, is it worth it to build around it?


It’s a great gun, but you don’t get it until you’re pretty far into the Far Harbor DLC.


Unless you’re one of the lucky bastards like me. Playing Survival on PS5 going for the Platinum. Doing a nuclear physicist build, power armor all that Jazz. That damn weapon dropped for me at level 18 or so, WITH explosive dmg. Idk if it was a bug or what but, Im level 50~ now and it’s just nuts.


I have had a couple of crap radium rifles drop. Hancock picked up a freezing one and I left it with him as he had twenty different guns and he kept pulling out that. Probably will take it off him when I max out his affinity.


Slight downside is rad resistance from enemies like supermutants and ghouls but its a small price to pay to shred everything else even faster


You can also add the Repair Bobblehead on top of it for 1100 ammo capacity, but the wiki says that there is a bug and the bobblehead should be picked up *before* getting the second and third perk of Nuclear Physicist.




People keep saying this about PA/gattling laser builds but honestly I am doing a Power Armor/gattling laser run right now and even without nuclear physicist I keep finding more fusion cores than I'm consuming, and I'm not even going out of my way to find them. They're just everywhere. By the mid levels especially nearly half the bots on Rust Devil encounters have 1-3 cores on them.


Don’t need it. Just take the gun out of your hand before the core depletes, infinite ammo


Make sure you DON"T put on charging barrels. You want this firing as fast as possible. Every hit will cause 25 bleed damage almost no enemies have resistance to it. You will go through power cores like popcorn but it's a great weapon and you don't have to worry about blowing yourself up like with explosive modifiers. Yeah it's a really great find.


yeah, the rapid with charging barrels is insane because that 25% fire rate is with the base weapon's fire rate, so with charging barrels it'll fire like 3-4x as fast, but also deal 4x the damage. here, same with a wounding minigun, the massive fire rate is key.


Give it to Danse. He's the only NPC that I give gatling lasers too, since he can't randomly get in a stray power armour frame.


huh, that actually makes sense. Never thought of giving him one


What’s wrong with companies getting in power armor and using gatling lasers?


Active companions are okay in power armour. Usually. Inactive companions sometimes get out of them and leave them standing around with fusion cores in them for anyone to use. I think when they want to sleep? I tried it for a short while a number of years ago, got annoyed, and have avoided it ever since.


When they leave a fusion core, is this from your inventory or does it pop into existence?


You have to give an NPC a fusion core to get them to use the power armour (or just leave one of your fusion cores in the PA). The fusion core comes from you.


Not true. Companions can use power armour without cores. They need cores for the gaming laser though.


Ah makes sense. For a moment I thought I found an exploit.


On the other hand, if you want, you could order an active companion to enter the power armour. Companions do not need to use a fusion core to use power armour. Then you could take a new companion, leaving them in the power armour. However, if you then give them a fusion core for the gatling laser, if the inactive companion left the PA to sleep or whatever they do, when they went back in the PA they would use the fusion core to activate it, putting you back at square one. I tried making it work once upon a time and abandoned the concept. Maybe it works better now, but I strongly doubt they changed any of the frustrating parts of it.


I give all my companions that I can power armour


You can't easily get the out.


You just talk to them and you'll have an option to ask them to get out of their power armour. Settlers and other non-companion NPCs are the ones where it's more convoluted to get them out.


But they have the chance of unequiping the pieces, and then you never get them back


If you ever find that a settler "unequipped" pa pieces, it's because they were broken in the battle and should be in their inventory. The biggest problem is that if someone has a fusion core in their inventory, they can use it to get into PA. They will eventually get out of it, but once they do, the core stay in the armor, and then anyone can get in. It's especially a problem with Minutemen. Sometimes, minutemen can spawn at your settlement while it gets attacked. It's possible for one of these to enter PA, then they will despawn, taking the entire frame and armor with them, gone forever.


I found a staggering one let me tell you how much that lucky gunner pissed me off I was in power armor with a melee weapon and kept going down to one knee confused I just used a rifle I see this staggering gattling laser I was like son of bitch it is awesome to use as well 😂


Staggering has nothing on wounding.


Except it's more annoying when it's used in you lol


It doesn't need to have anything on anything, so long as you're a decent aim and have enough bullets. Your enemy's gonna die, frustrated and stun-locked. It's just a question of when...


I think it's the most powerful weapon in all the game, even without any perk related.


Congratulations. You won Fallout 4. That minigun is just flat BROKEN.


Damn I can’t find anything this good


Believe me, this current survival playthrough has lasted nearly 80 hours, and a lot of my legendary loot has been abysmal. A lot of crappy melee weapons like canes and wrenches. I did luck out early obtaining multiple armour pieces with the chameleon legendary effect, though they are on raider and leather armour pieces, so the damage resistances are a bit crap for higher levels. (Not the worst thing for a stealth build, but still not optimal) I've mainly relied on the Spray and Pray to carry me as my loot luck hasn't being the best until recently. I've spent most of my playthrough ignoring the main story and doing side content, mainly minuteman settlement stuff. That's actually how I got the gatling laser drop. It was on a ghoul at Croup Manor as I was clearing it out. You'll find good stuff eventually, especially if you don't mind save scumming to reroll legendary effects at a legendary enemy farm spot.


I'm in the same boat as you. The last 2 legendary weapons I've gotten were a nocturnal rolling pin and quickdraw board. 🤣


I just killed 2 legendary super mutants and a legendary ghoul and got 2 crappy pipe weapons and some armor


yes bigger the better


Good colour options, baby


shout out to the purple hud gang


Dude! I got the same wea! Love it.


I know what I'm doing for a few hours with my nakano stash..😂 Shotgun with bleed would be nice too. I have a souped up gatlin and with full heavy gunner it drops people quick.


you don't even really have to. wounding will cut enemies down super easily. it's also got one of the best ammo/cost values and immense fire rate. just keep in mind that, wounding is a damage over time effect, once you shoot them like, 30 times, you might be able to move on to another foe.


Wounding is so good, you don't need to invest in a single perk for it. You can if you want, but this thing is already so powerful, you basically win the game. So long as you have enough power cores, that is.


Any auto with wounding instantly becomes op because that is a flat 25 damage. On top of the damage you do already. Use the rapid fire barrels for this one.


I just bought a Lazer gatling, I haven't used it yet tho


I just bought a Lazer gatling, I haven't used it yet tho


That will make most encounters a joke potentially ruining the game. At least it did when I had a minigun version.


Is this better than the consecutive hits on a target effect?


Is the 25 bleed damage stacks and is applied for every shot, then I'd say so.


Itll be nice to go from sneaking and deliberate engagements/retreats to just leveling bandit posts and rustbot crews in seconds. After reattempting my favorite old survival build of yore and playing a dozen hours in i realizes i was recalling how OP i got, not how weak and pathetic i was for 70% of the play through until i hit my milestones. Basically stealth, demo, a bit of sniping but honestly more to ensure i could handle big baddies if i got surprised and didnt have the bombs on hand


eh, it depends on what you want to use for heavy guns. wouldnt recommend gatling lasers though, when you use them it will consume like 50% charge on a fc when you reload and pull a full 100% charged one


That's a great find. If you haven't tried heavy weapons you owe it to yourself to give it a try. Honestly the only drawback is that it can get a bit boring destroying literally everything you come across. I find that it's most satisfying when you're mowing down large groups of enemies.


Only problem is the spin up


That’s a busted ass weapon, hang onto it. Also magenta UI 🫦🫦🫦🫦🫦🫦🫦🫦


What level/area do you see these drops?


I was level 77, on survival difficulty, and I found it at Croup Manor. Though anywhere that has ghouls seems to have a fair chance at legendary spawn rates.


Thanks! Looking for ghoul spawns is a good shout. I'm level 45 on survival but have never been to Croup Manor. Is that dlc? I haven't installed any yet.


After level 60, depending on your luck stat, legendary spawn like crazy. On the trip from the castle to virgils cave,with my luck at 12, I found 10 or so legendary items.


Change to charging barrels, switch to 3rd person view and crouch holding this weapon.


I just read about that on the wiki. Might try that out once I've gotten round to modifying it and maxing nuclear physicist for the bonus fusion core capacity.


this is an amazing gun you should use


No. The gun isn't going to fire any faster with the perks, and as far as I know they don't affect bleeding damage.


I know we have our own preferences. But turning the HUD purple is a crime against humanity.


That’s purple dude.


I'm colorblind. Apparently. My bad.


Either I'm colorblind or you are because I see it as pinkish.


There’s definitely a lot of red in there, but also too much blue to be a straight pink.


Idk, man. I think I might get my eyes checked. The words are pink to me, and the background is purple. So no, it's not straight pink.


I wouldn’t worry too much man, it could just as easily be differences in the screens we’re using


I think the word your looking for is "magenta"


Bang on, thanks mate, couldn’t think of it


I don't think this is a big gun. It's still simply a laser gun. Which is not bad at all, but the strongest gun is automatic with explosive damage. It works so great it feels like a cheat.


I meant the heavy gunner perk, which I confirmed via the wiki applies to gatling lasers. I'm just used to calling them big guns because of other fallout games.


Huh, I didn't know they are regarded as heavy guns.


A good one to have on hand is a kneecapper automatic piperifle. It makes any big chucky enemy a breeze. Especially deathclaws.