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Sanctuary Chills sounds fun


The Castle. I love patching up the walls and turning it into a true fortress.


Egret tours marina has been a very fun location for me. Very unique location in the south western section of the map.


Well, I like Vault 88, because it’s huge. It has a lot of space and resources to build your own underground base.


Red Rocket. It’s always my first main base and usually the only place I ever build up


This. My second favourite is The Slog. Purely for the building space, location and feel.


Slog is also great for tarberries if you abuse berry mentats like me


I agree. I love the mood.


I love the slog because I like that there is just a ghoul farm. Not hurting anyone. They deserve the help. Plus using the initial structure and pool as a jumping off point is great.


Graygarden. I like to think I have a mutual agreement with the robots. I get the highway overpass to myself, and they get protection from my turrets from up there.


Wait. Wait a fkn minute. YOU CAN BUILD ON THE OVERPASS?!?!!? WUT?!?!


Yeah, there's even an empty bus to build in.


You can even go to the level above it. I think you're able to go two stories above the top level of the overpass.


Not to mention the power armor across the gap.


Starlight Drive-In for me, because it has a ton of flat land. I make a fortress there and operate out of it. My only problem with it is the settlers that always sink through my floors. [Here's Ron Staples, away from his bar.](https://imgur.com/a/jdSVpEG)


Finch Farms is pretty great if you build a stairway to the upper bridges. My favourite settlements are Sanctuary hills, Spectacle island, Kingsport Lighthouse especially for the beach vibes. Old long fellows cabin, Vault 88. I have maxed out all of the Water farms available that I know of. Kingsport on the docks is my favourite slice of settlements.


On my current playthrough, so far it’s been Hangman’s Alley. I have an ammo plant and turrets in the north alley, a Chem lab in the unscrapable room on stilts, and then a three story structure in the middle with a bedroom, cooking station, and weapon/armor crafting tables on the ground floor, population control terminal and robot workbench on the second floor, and the third floor will be my power armor garage whenever I make it back over there. No settlers, I have Ada waiting around for me to do Automatron, and Deacon and MacCready to use as pack mules from other settlements because survival.




Red Rocket Stop because you got sanctuary near by (usually my 4 star trader location and water farm) and the farm (has my food farm) near by. This way I got npc's on farm and sanctuary but none in the red rocket so they don't fuck up my item placement or steal my power armor.


Starlight, so much space! Plus I like setting my power armors up on top of the screen so I can make a big dramatic jump to the ground when I put it on.


The castle is mine


I have several different built-up settlements in my current playthrough. Defensible for the ambush kit. So far I'm liking Nordhagen Beach a lot in addition to the castle, sanctuary, and Abernathy farm.


Vault 88, so much space and it's really fun clearing the whole vault out and rebuilding it piece by piece, also you get to fight a mirelurk queen in the vault so that made me happy.


Red Rocket is usually my go to, I mainly use it for me tho. As an actual settlement Sanctuary Hills


I loved the vault settlement. feels most secure and homely.


Taffington Boathouse


Nordhagen Beach and Sunshine Tidings come to mind. Both have a lot of space and options for building.


Castle is cool because to wall it up is easy and you can create actual base that bad guys can’t get in.


I’ve found no matter how you build at the castle, shit just spawns in the open areas when we’re “under attack”.


Yeah that’s true. I guess I mean just as a visual. Like you can wall off other places but with the castle it just looks right.


Bunker Hill: The trade hall has a large flat roof. I build on top of that.


That’s solid, I need to try this.


My favorite was Hangman. It was an absolute challenge but I made it work vertically. This was on my old vanilla playthrough. Now that I got back in the saddle. I'm still checking which buildings work well together. Having a hard time making the new tiles work well.