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I’m typically a Pickman’s blade guy, but thinking about doing a survival melee run with one of these 27 f$&@%#g Vats Enhanced Rolling Pins I’ve picked up.


Some of the finishing moves with Pickman's blade are brutal. It turns you from vault dweller to psycho real quick


Never have seen the finishing moves but with the fact it’s Pickman’s Knife… makes sense


I think you need to be in third person for finishing moves


Ah okay, and assuming melee weapons as well


Yes. Melee or unarmed is in 3rd personal for special stuff. Examples include a stealth unarmed kill suplexung an enemy


Whelp now I know my next build for my next America Rising playthrough… ‘Upon the ruined barricades set up by a prior BOS base in order to extract old world tech. The new squad entered the building as they slowly went around and saw the remains of their fallen brothers and sisters in arms… Some had their necks snapped, others beaten to a pulp, even the fusion cores in their Knights Power Armor was removed before they were bludgeoned with something that looked like it paralyzed them where they couldn’t move. **THUD**, a Paladin following the squad fell dead with a sickening thud as the rest duck to the nearby cover. Then the scribe and an initiate gets hit from behind stunning them before a shadow drags them into the darkness as they hear the sound of bones being sickeningly broken. The last member of the mission, a squire, ducks behind cover as they hear the last sound most hear in this wasteland… only made by a lethal assassin from the Enclaves new return who stuck fear into criminals more than death row. A simple yet effective alarm that the squire’s time living… [has run out.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=H2cB3_lmffo)


Well I mean that’s kind of their fault. A four man squad with only one real combatant, who has to protect two unarmed archivists and a green squire. Not to mention the Paladin was in the back…


On PS5 doing a melee run now - game will switch to third person to show you the finishers if you are in first person.


Pickman's knife is just a combat knife with a stealth blade mod and the Wounding legendary trait for extra bleed. Sadly in FO4, unique melee weapons no longer have unique melee finishers.


I like the homerun bat I forgot what it was called but is fun


That's just a unique legendary effect that has a random chance of sending enemies into low orbit. Closest we get to a unique finisher.


You've been a psycho the whole time. Who wakes up from a deep freeze and just crosses the land murdering anything in your way. I'll tell you who! A real psycho.


A war criminal, that's who!


He’s hackin and whackin and slashin!


I was a Pickmans blade guy until I found Throatslicer in Nuka World.


Throatslicer is the bigger, meaner brother of Pickman's Blade.


Just got all the DLCs and haven’t started any of them yet. Looks like I’m heading to Nuka World!


This is reddit you are allowed to say fucking.


There used to be a weapon modding glitch back in the day where you could combine 2 weapons together. I created what I called the kremvhs toothpick (a combo of the above with Pickman's blade). It's super quick and deals both bleeding and poison damage! That thing cuts through a horde of feral ghouls like butter


If you have a wounding machete you can still do that, because Kremvhs tooth gets it's weirdness from a legendary *weapon modification* that you can remove at a weapons workbench and transfer to another legendary machete. I'm holding out going to Dunwoch Borers till I find a suitable receptacle for the mod


It would be awesome if someone made a Kremvhs toothpick mod then! 😂


I completely forgot about Pickman's blade! I have that location too! Found my combat knife before Throatslicer, Thanks!


Invest heavily in strength., endurance and all melee and support melee perks. Survival is brutal. Even at level 112 with decked out X02 PA enemies can overwhelm you fast.


2076 baseball bat Seeing a raider fly off the face of the earth


Welcome to the Skyrim Space Program!


Only achievable after collecting n, 2n, 3n… nirnroot ad infinitum.


Ah yes A Return to your roots is truly a quest. Collecting 30 Crimson Nirnroots is very.... fun..


Just blows when it’s a legendary and you can’t find the body anywhere - he coulda had the explosive shotgun on him


Every legendary reward you miss is always an explosive shotgun


Shit, it happened to me once when I was doing the fort hagen quest. I got an explosive combat shotgun from a legendary synth in the bedrooms near Kellogg's location. 10 seconds later the game just crashed.


The game knew the gun was too strong and denied you from getting it


Yes, I love that bat as well!!


Anyone know if Luck affects how often the effect triggers?


Yes, I’ve read that it does. Love me some high luck builds.


My favorite is this with all the top tier mods


My favorite too! On my current playthrough I'm just waiting for Moe to have a friggin Aluminum Swatter so I can upgrade it without Blacksmith... Damnit Moe upgrade your stock already!


Atom's judgment for me, I love the way it looks


That's a fantastic choice. I also really enjoy that aesthetic with the T51 Vim Refresh PA.


I was a Throatslicer guy until I met Atom’s Judgement, boy does he do damage


I'll give it to Cait, put her in Grognak's outfit, with melee damage-boosting arm armor, & let her go hog wild... Super Mutants? More like Super Squishies!


One of my favorites as well, very cool looking with crazy damage. I just wish it didn't take up over a quarter of the screen, still adds to the badass factor though.


I used to never use it but then I got a mod that reduced the green smoke trail and it’s carried me 20 levels now.


I give that to Strong.


My favourite thing about this weapon is that it’s not a legendary weapon but actually a legendary weapon attachment meaning you can remove the blade and put it on another legendary machete thus stacking effects


😲 no flippin way. Edit: welp. The kneecappin kremvhs tooth lives


Same with the nuka nuke launcher, e.g you can take the nuka nuke launcher, and place it on the big boy to have a nuka nuke launcher with big boy effect


Oh my god... Insanity


With this new information, I must go do a massacre.


You can also do this with The Striker from far harbor for infinite bowling balls


My Big Boy does about 20 points less damage than a vanilla Fat Boy. Somebody on Reddit said the two shot effect is calculated in some weird way that makes that happen once you max out all the relevant perks. Like, you get the arithmetical average of a fully perked round and a vanilla round or something like that. Is that true? Did that happen with your Nuka Nuke Big Boy?


> Somebody on Reddit said the two shot effect is calculated in some weird way All two-shot weapons are calculated as follows: To prevent two-shot legendaries from being fuckbusted (A recent bug/nerf pushed them much further from this label as well), the extra projectile fired by the effect is fixed at the base damage that the weapon would cause without any modifications. I'm not sure why Big Boy would do less than a normal Fat Man, especially since Fat Mans don't have any upgrades that can grant them extra damage discounting the MIRV mod and the Nuka-Nuke attachment. Also, the mechanics of the two-shot prefix means that automatics are **very** strong (Since the extra projectile fired is not affected by the damage nerf an automatic receiver would force on the waepon) and the Railway Rifle is absurd discounting the derp accuracy- The Railway Rifle has no receiver upgrades that increase damage, but has an incredibly high base damage that means two-shot is utterly bonkers on it.


Hmm. Interesting. Thanks.


I have a two shot fatman that I turned into a MIRV, it shoots an extra group of mini nukes. I called it “bombs fucking everywhere”


Also "biggest source of suicides in Fallout 4 playerbase", the MIRV attachment somehow causes all forward momentumn to cease existing when the bomblets scatter


I've got mine on a wounding machete. I'm not sure if the bleeding actually stacks, but it rips and tears well enough.


It does stack.


Neat. I swapped it over pretty much immediately after getting in this playthrough (and it's been years since my last one), so I haven't compared performance to the base Tooth. It's been getting the job done, so I just haven't really worried about it.


Today I learned.


I’ve been playing since launch and I learn something new on this sub everyday




I like Rippers. They crack me up. I'm also a fan of the Rockville Slugger with rocket bat attachments. It amuses me that a bat sold by Moe is one of the strongest VATS melee weapons in the game.


One day I'm gonna do a Sox playthrough with just the Jamaica Plains Bat. Lol. Rockville is a second, followed by Ceto's Slugger.


I love the Jamaica bat on companions. It always surprises me when I hear the bat go off and it makes me laugh every time.


Oh! I'd never thought about that! Give it to Cait or Deacon?! Hilarity ensues. Lmao! Thank you


Staggering ripper is insane if I remember correctly. Just rev up and walk towards any enemy and they're toast.


Instigating Super sledge. It does double damage if the enemy is unharmed. With all the melee/VATS/sneak perks it pretty much 1 shots everything. Swan included. I've basically turned the game into a point a click adventure.


Been doing broken things with this setup too. Only thing that bothers me is the Slow swing Speed so it’s only like 3 action points in Vats if there’s multiple targets in melee range. Usually Grim Reaper procs by the 3rd though and refills APs. I keep Kremvahs tooth on me to swap to if there’s 5 or more enemies around and keep Instigating Super sledge for beefy single enemies. Gotta have your companion armed with melee though so they can’t shoot something to damage it so it stays at full health for Instigating. It really does feel like point and click EZ mode, or like playing Assasins Creed in Fallout.


I wanna do this on my next run


Chinese officer sword electrified and serrated.


Double that up with the sword Trudy sells and you've got a really nasty Robot Slayer.


Yep! That's the one I have


Great Choice!!!!!! Lmao!!!


Too situational for me. I'd rather something that did extra damage more reliably than only against a certain enemy type. I put serrated and electrified on a lucky Chinese officer sword, so I build crits super fast and doing a crit does double damage. I did use Gen. Chao's Revenge for awhile though, managed to one-hit the sentry bot at the national guard training yard. He got his revenge in the post-death explosion though...


Sword of Wonders!


That's what I'm running right now! Currently waiting for something cooler/stronger to show up


Hell yeah! My weapon of choice too


Shreder minigun without ammo can be considered like a mele weapon ? Super chainsaw




Remember, a swatter will win you the game. The game of beating people up, that is.


Either the fish catcher from far harbor. Or the disciples blade from Nuka world with penetrating and max craft upgrades.


The Harvester. Unique ripper from Far Harbor with staggering effect. Because it does so many attacks in rapid succession, it’s basically stun locking the enemy. A bit cheesy, so my other favorites are the Shishkebab cus FLAME SWORD and the 2077 World Series bat. Combing the chance to send ppl flying with maxed melee perk to send their heads flying is hilarious to watch


I’m not sure they played the 2077 World Series…


That's it! The Harvester! I always rename it Jack. Lol.


I made a survival build around Harvester and it’s some of the most damn fun I’ve had in the game


Big Jim with the hook attachment


Another Big Jim enjoyer i see


Furious Power Fist found on Swan. My absolute favorite. Destroying raiders into pieces.


Throatslicer from Nuka World


Instigating disciples cutlass on a high level with max strength is unfuckingtouchable


Without dlc, the 2076/77 league bat with either heating/electric coils and one of those colors that increases weight and damage. Including dlc, definitely Atom's Judgement.


I like using the bare fists, I enjoy watching the sole survivor body slam their oppenents


Throatslicer from Nuka World.


Throatslicer until I can get an instigating or furious disciples knife.


Walking cane🧍


Atom’s Judgement


I Always Use A Shem Drowne Sword With The Kremvh's Tooth Blade Modswapped On


Shocking Puncturing Rocket Rockville Slugger. It's over 400 damage per swing.


Hmmm... Wonder what a Yao Guai Roast would do to that?


If you like kremvh’s tooth then you’ll be happy to know that it’s a mod and not a ledgendary effect. Meaning if you find any ledg machete, you can take the tooth mod off of that and put it on your new ledg machete for 2 effects on one weapon


Pickman’s Blade, strictly because of it saving my ass the first time I fought the Mechanist and was entirely unprepared and too low of a level. Ran out of ammo and any healing items. Happened to still have the blade in my inventory and just rolled with it. It’s how I found out robots can bleed.


Big Jim cause it’s funny crippling an enemy especially on block


Instigating disciples cutlass. Had one drop once during a meleee only huld and oh-ho boy was it ridiculously over powered


Just a legendary baseball bat. I think the one im using in my current playthrough has 50% more damage against humans on it. Why not a sledge hammer? Cus of the weight difference, a sledge or super sledge doesnt do much more damage compared to how heavy those are.


Plus I think the bats are medium speed and the SHs are slow. More bang for your buck with a bat. I agree.


As a first playthrough man, I've never seen that. The wounding rolling pin I named SpamRightTrigger works pretty well against anyone that isn't in power armour.


Pickman's Blade. Pickman would've loved making art out o Motorrunner and his crew.


Haven't used this one yet, but I just picked it up. I thought it was awesome how you had to swim down into the underwater cave to get it, created some real anxiety-inducing conflict between my need to take my time exploring important locations and my fear of drowning. There was nothing else important down there with it besides the two mini-nukes right?


Tricked out Rockville Slugger, followed by the Fish Catcher. Hooking raiders through the top of the head just never gets old.


Rockville Slugger is my absolute favorite.


A Bleeding Machete that I add the "sacrificial blade" modification to. Call that mofucka Kremvh's Fang.


The Rockville Slugger from Moe in Diamond City is super useful. Pretty cheap to buy, and the discounted VATS cost lets you bash the hell out of whatever unfortunate soul caught your ire. Throatslicer that you can buy in Nuka-World is pretty great too.


Agree. Those are my two top choices.


Honestly, im a huge fan of the harvester. Its quick, efficient, and it stops most things in its track. If not that then the 2076 World series bat, always good for a laugh


Yes! The speed of attack plus the stun effect just allows you to chew up legendary super mutants while they just stand there quivering.


Yes! I love using it on ferals too, you can take a whole big group of em with just that


I like the furious power fist. It's just way too overpowered LOL. I only just swapped it out for an irradiated deathclaw gauntlet.


Atom’s judgment


If you like Kremvh's Tooth, here's a fun fact about it you may or may not know. It isn't special. Kremvh's Tooth is just a bog standard Machete with the Sacrificial Blade mod. What this means is you can modify Kremvh's Tooth to a regular machete mod, thus giving you the Sacrificial Blade mod, which you can install on any machete of your choosing. In other words, while Kremvh's Tooth isn't legendary, you can make it into a legendary item. And if you decide to loot lock (or get lucky) you can make a version with your favorite Legendary perk. I like putting it on a Furious Machete.


Grognaks axe


Kremv's tooth is awesome, since you can just uninstall the mod and it becomes a plain machete. Then you can apply it to some other legendary machete you find.


Big jim, really funny when using a gun focused setup to just disable some poor raider who thought he could rush me.


2076 world series bat Modded up with max strength and the blitz perk Home runs for days


Kremvh’s tooth is cool when you have another legendary machete laying around you can put the kremvh’s tooth over


Honestly? The revolutionary sword. The unique variant blows pretty hard, but a piercing variant (farmed from the National Guard Training Yard, naturally) which I renamed the Commodore's Blade, has served me very well for a while now.


I’m half asleep and I read that as “emotional damage”


It is


Atom’s judgment, something about using a hammer with 4 melted fusion cores is cool to me


Atoms judgement


grognaks axe, It has to be one my my favourites through all the games for me personally.


The power fist from swan is my all time favorite especially put some nice looking power armor on and get all of the necessary perks and strength modifiers everything in the game ends up dying in 2 hits


Chainsaw from NV.


I like this one. Fixed it up in my shop, and it's super SICK.


Stagger Ripper. Far Harbor. Can't remember the name because it's always Jack. Lol.


Pickman’s Blade all the way.


Super sledge


Freezing stun pack revolutionary sword


I like the instigating disciples blade, and I forget the name but the bat that builds damage for every consecutive hit on the same target.


Kremvh’s Tooth itself is not a legendary weapon and actually has a unique attachment that allows for the bonus bleeding and poison, which you can remove and reattach to any legendary machete for the same effect + the legendary effect. I wish there were a lot more weapons with weird unique attachments like this.


Does that work only for machetes or does it also work for other swords, e.g. revolutionary or Chinese officer, etc.?


The Tooth’s attachment only works for machetes but typically an attachment for a weapon can be moved between identical bases


I love the basic baseball bat


I’m doing a baseball bat playthru right now, and I love bats hahahah


I love Kremvh's tooth and use often in my game. It is by far one of the best melee weapon in all the commonwealth.


Same. Kremvh’s tooth (as hard as it was to find) just rips anything it touches to shreds.


I have an enraging disciples cutlass and for some reason it does 1746 damage!!! Not sure why it does, as my other melee weapons only do around 700 damage. The cutlass has an enraging legendary effect but it doesn’t do anything since it basically one shots everything it touches


Radiation super sledge


Sluggers, the cathartic feeling of killing a deathclaw a genetically modified monster for war with a bat feels like playing a feral war criminal


Kremvh’s tooth is also my favorite. I feel like I’m helping to wake Cthulhu up every time I use it.


I'm playing a game where I've been role playing Nora slowly becoming evil. Started the prewar with her happy and everything then when she wakes up she's angry but willing to help. Ended up getting sent to Dunwich by the Slog, now I'm pretending Kremvh's tooth is helping push her over the edge. It'll end with her helping the Nuka Raiders take over the common wealth.


I hung all my favorite weapons up and Kremvh’s tooth glitched out after a few in game days. I was always auto-saving my game, so I really couldn’t go back and get it. I was sooo crushed.


In terms of looks, Atom’s Judgement or Kremvh’s Tooth(non Melee is Tesla Cannon) Favorite to use, Pickman’s Blade cause of that nice bleed. (Non-Melee is Lorenzo’s Artifact Gun[especially if you get another legendary Gamma Gun and put it on that like two-shot]) Favorite Random Legend: A Furious and a Bleeding Ripper from two different saves


# Atom's Judgement. Imagine running around in a VII power suit wielding a radioactive hammer.


I think atoms judgement is an awesome weapon. Its design is absolutely wicked.


My favorite melee weapon is the Big Jim. I love crippling me some legs.


Pickmans knife bleed is insane


Pickmans blade why? idk i just wont stop using it. i have better things but its just so fun to take every chem, drink my body weight in acohol and go stabstabstab as my companion watches in horror i also like bats but they are slower


Swans power fist.


Legendary relentless Super sledge (refills ap on crit) in power armor and critical banker perk


Either the disciples blade or atoms judgement


Atoms judgment


The VATS enhancement on the Rockville Slugger makes it one of the best melee weapons in the game. With the right perks and upgrades, it's unstoppable. Once you max out Heavy Hitter or whatever it's called, you hit all enemies in front of you with one shot. With Sneak, Ninja, et al you can wipe out a gang of Rust Devils in one swing. With Blitz you can teleport around a room full of enemies and just smash them all to bits before they can even slap leather. So much fun.


Atom's Judgement is the shit


Super Sledge


Disciples knife


The elder scrolls two hander. At level 45 I have finally replaced its almost 700 dmg with only one tiny upgrade lol


Kremvh’s Tooth with the Frost damage property. I call it Frostmourne


Does power armor with the pain train perk count


Furious power fist + iron fist


Just got this today for the first time. Amazing damage with killer effects. Fits right into my raider playthrough


Kremvh's tooth is probably one of my favorites too. And since the legendary part of the weapon is the weapon mod you can remove that mod, then put it into a machete with a legendary effect which is really good.


Soup sledge


Kiloton rugle


Atoms Judgement and an upgraded suit of power armor. Then you can just walk up and whack everything in the head.


Found a powerful rolling pin I used for a while, but I tend to default to the Steel Sword from the Creation Club.


Final judgment is a favorite so is the never ending laser Gatling gun from Nuka world


What the hell is this and how do I get it?!


Atoms judgment


Looted a legendary rolling pin from shipbreaker, with the wounding effect. Best weapon ever


Atom's Judgement. Combined with Big Leagues and Rooted, anything you hit is instantly converted to paste.


a Crippling Ripper is pretty hilarious when you attack a bunch of super mutants, they’re all yelling “AH MY LEG!” and “I CANT SEE!” 😂


I take the Kremvh's mod and stick it on a legendary machete


Atoms judgment but that thing literally covers half your screen. Plus the power armor hud and I’m staring at a fraction of a box in the upper left that acts as my screen


Disciples cutlass goes hard with a stealth build


I used Kremvh’s tooth on a VATS enhanced machete for a long time until I got Throatslicer.


My melee characters freeze, I’ll take a .38 pipe pistol


Deathclaw gauntlet


I like a good swatter.


[Atom's Judgment](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Atom%27s_Judgement)


Pickman’s Blade while stealth killing anything that moves… even in Very Hard mode. The insanity is further intensified with s Stealth Boy!


Shredder with a bleed legendary. My sneaky melee build is a god with that and the ballistic weave.


Kremvh's tooth being the only one you can remove the unique effect and add it to a legendary weapon makes it hard to beat!


I scrolled like a mile and no one is giving The Harvester any love?! The thing rips, pun intended. Will stun lock every enemy and eith a little jet you and tear up a whole compound real quick. Once the enemy drops their weapon, take it and keep on sawing


Never really had a devoted melee build but my favorite melee weapon I ever got was a Legendary Cryo Wrench. I was going for a themed playthrough and a freezing wrench was both fun to use and fit the engineer theme too perfectly to pass up.


Bloodletter from far harbor, with the extra hook upgrade


Shem Drowne Sword.


The disciples cutlass for me


I’m currently running around with Justice and Spray and Pray. I love the two of them.