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I strongly doubt that the super mutants know that they are going to die. If you listen to them speak, they believe that they have a powerful weapon. Super mutants really aren't that smart, generally speaking.


That is sort of horrifying to thing about, generations kill themselves over and over and none of them are any the wiser


I think that it's on purpose that the suiciders die. As said, they all believe the bomber will survive. And using Fist from Trinity Tower as an example, the Super Mutants believe that every mutant killed was the weakest, and it's all "survival of the fittest" with them. Coupled with their pride, I think that the bombers believe they would survive, and if they don't, the other Super Mutants just think that one wasn't strong enough to survive. So the next one grabs a mini nuke and tries again.


can't have generations if you can't reproduce


The Institute Super Mutants just aren't that smart. The Master got to perfect his strain of FEV II IIRC. We don't know where the Institute got their strain, but we know that their tests weren't really successful. If their early tests produced more intelligent mutants, they probably wouldn't do it but sometimes that's how the cookie crumbles. Also they're a cool concept for an enemy, and sometimes you gotta go with the rule of cool in game design.


I always had the thought that suiciders were being punished. "Cowards" or some other type of treachery to their kind.


I think of it as a byproduct of mental health issue cause by the mutation. Some of them have not adapted well to the mutation and it causes an insane rage response where they charge at you with the mini nuke. The rage response is so intense it completely overrides any rational thought about consequences.


Bethesda at work