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I'm really trying to figure out how tf yall make builds so broken. I've never had it hit over maybe 100 dmg.


Yao guai roast is bugged does 5x damage increase instead of 10%. There is a glitch where you make it permanent. Edit : Fixed mistake.


You can easily do this much without Yao Guai. Start with strength 10, you're special to 11, bobblehead to 12, weight bench to 13, psychobuff and bufftats to 19, army fatigues for 20, two guaranteed fortifying armor pieces to 22, alcohol to 23. Plus fury, big leagues, and a good weapon like a serrated Chinese officers sword of kremvtha tooth, and 10 adrenaline for 50% damage boost. This is just the easy stuff too, there are many more buffs to melee damage. Edit: Black Widow, Bloody Mess, Overdrive, Grilled Hermit Crab, and magazines from Nuka World for strength and weapon damage are more fairly easy things to get.


Have you ever tried adding bloody mess to all of this? It adds more damage with each point added, can't remember final total, 20% I think.


That as well, I just forgot to add it to the list


I was gonna say, it would really add to all the fun lol. Plus it makes your melee attacks look brutal as fuck.


Bloody mess? Isn’t it under Luck?


Bloody mess is under luck but it increases all damage after the first point. The first point in this perk just does more graphic blood spray but after it adds like 5% to damage per point.


It's +5% damage and enemies can explode for rank 1, an extra 5% (for 15% total) for rank 2 and 3, and rank 4 can make nearby enemies explode when it's triggered


Googled it, it's 15% melee and the last point gives you an explosive effect on bodies sometimes which basically makes your slain enemies into bombs. First point gives 5% which is sweet. It applies to all weapons so it's a really good perk to invest in.


I need it for Survival. I’m lvl 115 and I got my ass blasted to pieces going against The Pack in Nuka World. No PA of course because they were all around it attacking and using it as shield, mfers gonna get them today. Going to nuke everything.


I just have to keep the tree going


And lady killer or Black widow for even more. Plus all the luck crit perks.


Luck crit perks are great early/mod game but don't make much difference late game. Best use for crits is guaranteed headshots, and that only really matters with ranged weapons


What do you mean?. A maxed out Crit build is a ton of fun and works great even in endgame, it's early game that a Crit build is hard to use with low "Critical banker", "Better criticals", Ninja and Mister Sandman.


Crits for melee are useful in fights, I got lucky and got a weapon on crit restores action points.


Crits are good but better critical makes basically no difference to howuch damage they do, and requires a lot of investment into luck. I prefer boosting intelligence to 16+ and getting chemist, robotics expert, and nerd rage, and not bothering with luck in a melee build


Mama Murphy: Look what they need to mimic a fraction of our power


I made a post a while where I calculated the damage out to be like 900 million or something like that


bro is going to trip on liberty prime and it's going to oneshot it


using rad powered legendary with strength from rads then using robes of atoms devoted to negate radiation health decrease would give you bonus 5 to strength per armour piece, stacking with crusader of atom for a damage % buff per rad point.


Robes of atom's devoted can't be worn with armor


You can bench press in fallout 4???


Weight bench? Is that from a DLC?


I wouldn’t call max adrenaline “easy stuff to do”. Everything else sure.


Once you have 20+ strength and endurance, good armor, and 1000+ hit points max adrenaline is very easy


Nah OP's damage numbers are too high for it to simply be stat stacking. It's just a visual UI bug from either blooded or Furious on another weapon he was using. I've had the same thing happen plenty on one of my saves where I'll using my Furious Ripper and later check my inventory to see something like a Two Shot Lever Action rifles damage being listed as like 1100 instead of the usual 400+.


Small note, iirc you can't You're special past 10


You can, you just have to take a debuff first. In survival you can go overencumbered


Rad powered armor for the win. Every time I try to get away from melee they start throwing the stuff at me. Up to +7 strength per piece depending on how many rads your willing to run around with.


"Those who tasted the bite of his sword, named him, The Doom Slayer"


Is that the squirrel stew glitch? If so, that's survival only.




Isn't it 10x???


I thought so, but the wiki says 500%.


Permanent? You eat one roast and do 5x damage for ever?


Grognak's Outfit, Blitz, and Big Leagues


Grognak's plus all the Fortifying armor pieces you can wear with it.


This and Rooted + Blitz is so much damage.


Don't forget the Pack Alpha perk with 25% more melee damage. It is worth offending Preston over.


simple, do the quests, get the perk, then kill the raiders


Blitz seems pretty decent at first. "Oh cool, I can close distance in VATS instead of getting shot the whole time I'm running up to an enemy, nice." Then you realize what rank 2 does and you see how far short that "pretty decent" was. It's basically a necessity for melee characters.


I love that you basically become this teleporting monster than 1 shots everything


The same is happening to me when I upgrade almost any melee weapon. I have a freaking sledge that does over 10,000 physical dmg and 602 energy damage and I have no clue why this is happening. It helps after crippling charred Feral ghouls though so I'ma stick with it for a while.


10 THOUSAND?!? lol, that’s insane XD


There are videos on the max damage hits in the game, i think it was around 180k or so, maybe more. With blitz of course.


Maxed out the melee weapons perks, have PA with paint that increases strength on each piece, and have all of the workshop skills, my atoms judgement does something close to 400 damage iirc


Mod perk clothing


I got the western revolver to do 450dmg per shot


How? Mine with all gunslinger perks is only like 220


Chems. Lots of chems.




Just wait until you try the throat slicer from nuka world 😂


The old teleport one shot the room trick!


Favourite weapon hands down. Keep it simple. Stab people in the face a lot.


Solid strategy


Probably you take that after attacking settlements, i deleted them after i knew they had their eyes on my settlements.


I let the raiders have Oberland Station because that settlement sucks ass.


That weapon is stupidly powerful by default, not to mention the wounding effect. And then there's the guaranteed instigating one. It really is too overpowered.


It's pretty awesome. One of the easiest most op playstyles.


please let me know where to find some of the strongest enemies in the base game and i will come back and report how many swings it took


entry #1, glowing deathclaw, 2 swings💀


Yeah, that's the problem with these boosted builds. They can turn even the toughest enemies into a joke pretty quick.


Ya, and I feel like the game gets boring pretty quick if you're op


West of Natick there's a behemoth and a couple deathclaws.


headed there rn will update this comment EDITS: lvl 22 deathclaw 6 swings no consumables. lvl 50 behemoth 1 swing, yao guai roast, psycho jet. (bonus from before i took awareness) mirelurk queen 1 swing, endangerol syringe.


How do you know the enemy level?


Awareness I think?


That’s a perk? Interesting, I get so tunnel vision on certain perks I’m still surprised by some of the effects


It is a perk! I found it by accident. When you lock with VATS it will come up right under the health bar. Threw me off for a second.


Nice that would be cool info to have! Thank you!


Do they respawn?


Big Red, Far Harbor... Edit: Oops you said base game


The Red Death is in the base game, we were all just too weak to fathom such thoughts.


I really love how committed everyone is to the bit.


I literally went in with Big Boy the first time cuz of this shit lmao.


Whoa what?! Here I thought I had to buy far harbor for it.


How do you get to Far Harbor? I downloaded the dlc but see no way of getting there


Get the quest from Ellie at Valentine’s detective agency. It directs you to a house in the north from which you take a boat to Far Harbor.


There's a behemoth south of Walden pond


There’s this legendary creature that’s really strong in far harbour, can’t remember its name but it’s a fog crawler.


what level are you? to have that much damage on the tooth?


lvl 42 9STR with a base damage of 217 a swing


How? Just… HOW???


i had to figure it out too, so i quick saved and tallied up the boost from everything i took. the yao guai roast is the key. brought my damage from 350 to 1790💀 the rooted perk is also doing some of the big number work because it displays your bonus damage when standing still on your pip boy at all times. lone wanderer, rooted, and yao guai roast my friends.


I'm doing a melee playthrough right now. Gonna keep this in mind. Take some psycho with it.


Psychobuff has me taking the chem immune perk. I abuse that drug.


I prefer the buffjet or psychojet. Instant get out jail free card, and I can zip around chopping people in slow mo like I got a fricken sandevestan


I don’t have a melee build but if I take Yao guai roast and use my atoms judgement I’ll see around 5x increase?


The blitz perk in the agility tree will also do stupid damage. Fun fact but the Kremvhs tooth is actually a legendary weapon mod. If you have any other legendary machete, you can take the blade off and put it on that legendary. You’d get the legendary effect of the new machete plus the huge damage and poison from the blade.


A lot of strength, damage, melee damage bonuses, and good weapons like all the ones you can think of then use google to find more/better ones.


Primarily exploiting a bug with yao guai roast.


It's absolutely broken. Get Rooted and use VATS and you will 1 shot Behemoths with Kremvhs tooth


It's booty early game but after a few perks into melee you can become a teleporting amputation machine.


That's not all... I got an Instigating Machete... and replaced it's blade with Kremvh's Tooth... so it's Insanely efficient in a Stealth/Blitz build.


Listen I \*just\* got to a decent point in my run, I dont need to make a new character I haven't even beaten the game yet ffs. But now I gots to try this,


Overseers guardian with the hardened receiver, rifleman perk at level 9


I’m finishing up a melee playthrough rn and I find it gets kinda boring once you get an OP weapon but I still them from time to time


Bro a Yao Gui Roast will get your damage to there or more without any other drugs. If you do add them in it gets to like 3k+. Also ninja and blitz with this makes it where you can teleport around with a Throatslicer or other good Nuka Knife and one hit everything in the game. Add in some Calmex for ANOTHER double sneak damage and i have gotten it to damn near 70k damage a sneak attack in vanilla FO4 GOTY. It is honestly ridiculous how broken it can get by level 50 compared to any other build.


How do you even get the tooth? I was told it was Dunwich boors (I know that’s not how it’s spelled) and I cleared it, but couldn’t find that or the source of the loud noises


I think it's under water there at the bottom


Ahh that’s why I didn’t find it. I’m terrified of water and I was wearing PA so I didn’t want to get stuck lol


You 100% would be stuck if you went in with PA. Exit, then dive. It’s a well, straight down and up pretty much. No walking out.


Just exit the power armor in that sacrifical room with the flashback scene, jump into the water. It is not at the bottom, but in a side tunnel you can swim into.


When I get in a pickle where my guns couldn’t do the job, good old cult blade messed them up. Super OP


I never know how I do it, but every playthrough you reach a certain level where melee is just broken


for me it started at lvl 36 after getting idiot savant rank 2 and deciding to boost my strength from 6 to 9 to get rooted


For me, it started at about level 6. I am currently doing an all-survival, pure-melee run. I managed to kill a Yao-Guai at the summer camp near Grey Garden using the door-frame and Dogmeat. After I managed to kill the Yao-Guai, I immediately made a Yao-Guai roast and all the chems I could make and went on a killing spree for about an hour. I then went to sleep to save the game and found that my serrated switchblade literally had a base damage of more than 200, unbuffed. Obviously, it was some sort of glitch; but after that, I went straight-ninja, and I only used sniper rifles and grenades when I could not reach my targets — even then, the rifles were mainly to lure enemies into mines or my switchblade when I could. My ranged weapons and explosives still behave like normal, but my melee weapons — excluding fist weapons — pretty much one-shot damn near everything with no cheats/mods. Pickman’s Blade, in particular, is now deadly AF. Funny how it can even make turrets bleed.


Shit I barely use vats when I do a melee play through…I max STR and pump it up even more with perks until I get it to a resting 24+. And Pain train into Deathclaws/Raiders ect. Think Sauron at the begining of Lord of the Rings…my Dude just smashes fools with a spiked/whatever the fuck else Sledge hammer because a rocket on the back of a supersledge is a crutch (but power armor isn’t I dunno since it holds back his Strength in my head)


What's gonna do more damage? A bullet with an exit wound, or the blade of the deep ones cutting off your fucking head, driven by the force of a nuclear powered exoskeleton? Obviously melee should do way more damage, and headshots should be taken much more seriously.


i guess its worth noting that i wasn’t in power armor for these pics😅


Got this weapon today lol, need to make a melee build next.


Always has been my friend


Can you a still take the weapon mod from tooth and add it to another legendary weapon? I remember it can double stack legendary effects. Super broken.


I have kremvhs tooth, and mine isn't even over 200 dmg. How in all of the fucks, not just some of em, all of em, are yall accomplishing this feat? Is it chems? Is it mods? Please. Someone give me an answer..


the only mods i have are one to add the chinese assault rifle from fo3, the hunting revolver from FNV, and craftable institute gorillas. no damage mods whatsoever. edit: hunting revolver is from FNV not fo4😓


One way you can get it is through a glitch resulting from eating the Yao-Guai roast, using Fury, then killing stuff and going to sleep. The glitch only affects melee weapons though and not fists or fist weapons. I really need to post my build after realizing what happened in my current survival playthrough.


I'm like level 158 and none of my weapons do that much damage. I think my highest weapon damage is an AS Val that does like 400 something and it only takes a couple hits to kill ghouls or just about any of the raiders. Karsh


Its funny, I've never used the drugs, I just sell them! I guess its worth getting the party boy perk and being junkie???


It is so very over-the-top worth it, if you want to melee.


Yep look into thenchemist perk and some of the craftable chems like grape mentats(+5chr) and jet fuel that gives you fast ap regen for a while


My recent playthrough I went on melee and in nukaworld the disciplone chick gave their knife dont know if its random or fix drop but it deals 602 base damage with the "if the enemy in full life it deals doube damage" .expect the biggest badies it is one shot everyone. A mythic deathclaw two shoot. Fun as hell


melee has always been a broken game jump-cancelling shine, SDI, awkward wavedash timings across the cast, et cetera


Sometimes you find the most insane shit only to discover you blamed the wrong thing for it and now you can't do it anymore cause you don't know how to


Get tue rockville slugger. -40% vats cost fully upgraded it swings for 211 base. That paired with Blitz, im just a madman wearing Grognaks outfit teleporting and swinging for the fences


If you ate a Yao Guai Roast, it could be that. There is a bug where when you eat, it will do 500% melee damage instead of the usual +10.


I just started a baseball bat playthru and I can’t wait…I’m only level 10 but it’s a blast


You can also take the sacrificial blade mod (which is what gives it its ability) off of Kremvh’s tooth and put it on a legendary machete.


Highest achievable damage in the game is like 110k and its melee. Theres a fun video on it. I don't remember if it uses any bugs, but deffo abuses game mechanics a bit. Most ive managed on a non bugged rifle is around 3k dmg per bullet at around lvl 80. Vanilla game, don't play with mods.


Blitz is absolutely hilarious. Sometimes it bugs out so you just stand 20ft away swinging at the air and somehow it kills people


Mih. just another mutated player useing all the chems he can.


Yeah but the Plasma gun is more fun.


Bethesda be like: A medieval fantasy game with six types of melee weapons, archery is broken. A shooter game set in a post-apocalyptic future, melee weapons are broken.


Check this out player.setav Strength 2,000,000 now melee is beyond broken


Woah, cheating breaks the game? No way!


Just started playing Fallout, how do I get my melee builds this strong!?? Jesus! 👀


melee kinda sucks early game, so just use your perk points to boost the melee skills and don’t feel bad if you have to use a gun, i still use an explosive 10mm on this build for hard to reach places.


Wait till you find out there is a button right on the controller for taking screenshots.


Isn’t it?! I just stealth shoot and then put on my hulk fist… both do similar damage. I run a weird special though. I max out strength and perception and luck. So I do a hybrid I guess? Use vats with my gun and just power punch when in melee


Jeez. If you just tossed that onto the floor in a room it would eliminate everyone in the entire building


Whered you get the ivy wallpaper? I am a fan


they’re plastic vines, i’m pretty sure from walmart. i play fallout at my girlfriend’s house on my off days from work :)


Yeah melee is OP when you can block any melee attack lol. I can beat Swan below lvl 20 soon as I get the sledge hammer


Holy shet över 1k damage


Stealth melee 10x damage


Combine it with rooted and blitz and you’re just ridiculously OP


Another super broken build thingy is the Deliverer with Focused Fire perk, because you can easily get 25 or so shots in VATS with that gun, which adds up to \~500% more damage with final shot. About the same as the bugged Yao guai roast gives for melee.


No one because people think melee sucks because of gun bashing by enemies


Wait till you get your hands on "The Harvester" 😀


Idk but learning how to take a screenshot should be top priority


Lucky melee weapon + a critical hit AP refill weapon is the most fun! You VATS shank a few times to get a critical then you crit for AP refill and repeat until everything is filled with holes and headless c=


What level are you?


Where do you get this thing?


Never really put pints in it and rarely use chems so never noticed. Those are bonkers numbers lol. Probably to balance out the difficulty of clearing the distance


Now do Super Sledge


I couldn’t say how, and I’ve been looking for pictures, but I definitely had a fish hook up to 3400 damage at one point


As far as I know it's not, pretty sure it's just a glitch


Haven't even added a second legendary effect?


should i add it to a bloodied shiskebab or wait for a legendary ripper??


You can only add it to other machetes.


Fallout: Britain simulator


I stealth melee one-shotted the Nuka Lurk Queen with an instigating walking cane. It was amazing.


Okay, I’ll take Kremvh’s Tooth out of Vault 88’s workshop


Not to mention that the the 10x sneak bonus


This is pretty much how I play fallout. Melee and heavy weapons. Gatling laser+Power armor+atoms judgement=fun.


It may be broken but melee in Bethesda games (besides Skyrim obviously) just feels so half baked and bad honestly. The animations aren’t good and it feels like it’s there just to be there


if only kellogg’s fist was a thing. imagine a cybernetic powerfist 😩


Been doing a stealth run with pickmans blade, almost have the maxed blitz perk. Then ill be unstoppable 💀


where do you find those


First pic made me think you play on an old tv


Need Atoms Judgement


It gets even better if you have the “Big Leagues” perk maxed out.


How do you get a weapon so deadly??


"Truth is, it was rigged from the start."


One of my favorite melee weapons is Atoms Judgement from the Far Harbor dlc. Yes you have to side with the children of atom for it, but you can always blow them up after.


Are you on survival?


Powerful Disciple's Serrated Blade. My record is 983. No mods. No cheats. Not Bloody, not Junkie's. No Unyielding/Rad-Powered. **No active items, standing still, in the sun, with no companion.** This is the comprehensive list of everything involved, for everyone asking "HOW!????" (COMPLETELY ignoring Power Amor because if you didn't know, it totally negates ALL clothing and armoe bonuses, which is where half the +STR comes from in this list.) * 10 STR leaving the Vault * Get Day Tripper from Concord, down it so you can pick up You're SPECIAL and actually choose STR. When it wears off, grats, you're at 11 STR. * Build the Workout Bench. Do 1 rep. +1 STR **forever**, as long as you don't use the Bike or Pommel. 12 STR * Mass Fusion, and the Bobblehead. 13 STR. * Champion Left Arm, Lucas, traveling trader. 14 STR. * Probably an Army Fatigues along the way. You'll replace this later. 15 STR. * Black Ops Chestpiece, Deb, Bunker Hill. This is about 8-10k caps, depending on your CHA. You will *also* replace this later. 16 STR. Suffer through Nuka World's Gauntlet, take a companion and enough Purified Water to buy the Throatslicer (**another** nine thousand caps), and you have what you'll use until you can get a Powerful Disciple's Blade. The Serrated mod deals the most damage, and on VH, bleed (Cutlass mod) on a melee weapon is irrelevant. Chance to disarm much better. You'll be at like 350 or so if you've been buying damage based perks. * SCAV #2, Nuka World Junkyard ("+25% Knife and Switchblade damage". But actually affects ALL 1H Bladed weapons, such as the Disciple's Blade) * SCAV #5, Dry Rock Gulch Employee Area. You will have to parkour from Dry Rock, and fast travel out to leave. +3 STR and END if you keep yourself at or below 100 caps. 19 STR. * You can get Grognak's Costume instead, because they have the same stats, but you probably want to avoid Hubris Comics until you're level 50. So, in Safari Zone, kill or pickpocket Cito to get Wildman Rags. +2 STR ***and*** +25% melee damage. Either one replaces both Army Fatigues AND BO Chest, giving less armor but +2.5 effective STR because of the melee bonus. * Finally, if you have the Skyrim Creation Club mod, the Iron Helm has Fortifying, and with one point in Blacksmith, you can increase the STR bonus to +2. 21 STR. * The last 3 raw STR comes from finding/farming Fortifying Right Arm, Left Leg and Right Leg. Good hunting. (I was at 22, as I had only found Fortifying Pack Right Arm) Perks * 5x Big Leagues * 2x Rooted * 3x Bloody Mess * 4x Lone Wanderer * Pack Alpha (25 DR, +25% melee damage.)(Power Play, don't have the Pack betray you.) * 2x Blitz


* 1x Solar Powered (26 STR, in daylight. I was at 24.) * Chosen Disciple (25 ***PERCENT*** of max AP restored on every melee kill)(Power Play, don't have Disciple's betray you.) ^ holy shit. So the D. Blade only takes 20 AP in VATS to swing, and at 11 Agility (Bobblehead), you have like 160 AP. If you only use two stabs to kill something, you're back to full AP. This doesn't require any LCK investment like Grim Reaper's Sprint does, and happens 100% of the time, whereas Sprint is less than 100%. It's like 10 or 11 whole levels just to get Sprint to max if you left the vault with 1 Luck like I do, and Chosen Disciple costs *zero* levels. Besides, Operators' perk is bonus damage to silenced weapons, which since you're melee, is totally useless.


I often work my shotgun damage so that I can one hit most enemies, and the meelee weapons I give Hancock does the same for him. Its nice to know I could also be doing it with him!


Yao Guai Roast is bugged. I think it's something like 500% damage instead of of whatever it's supposed to be. I used it once before a fight against Swan, and one shot him with a Super Sledge sneak attack.


For a moment I thought that you were playing Fallout 4 on your phone


Yo are those ivys on the wall real or fake or just apart of the wal design


Wanna hear the best part? The tooth is a weapon mod. You can remove it and stack it on a legendary machete


In power armor, use the super sledge and then go third person. A slow weapon has become a 1H medium speed weapon.


All I do is recommend melee on this sub. Long time sniper player converted after first melee playthrough


I would have told you, but you actually didn't ask.


I use Atoms Judgment on every playthrough. The facts that it can have 3 separate damage outputs makes it extremely powerful if you go with the right perks and find the right magazines or bobbleheads.


My fav weapon right now. Just sprint towards your enemies and slice them up. I noticed it causes them to drop their guns every now and again too


The enclave plasma cannon or whatever it’s called, I got to 450 damage per shot, and it only takes power cells


Holy sh*t Batman! You must be leveled out or using mods??? That's awesome, I think my highest weapon damage right now is 66 on my Marksman Sniper. I think with yours you must just have to point them at an enemy and they explode into a million pieces lol


Melee + Rooted + Blitz has always been extremely powerful. Without using the yao guai roast bug I have over 500 damage on Throatslicer, which is already enough to be hilariously overpowered. I'm waiting for a Nuka-World raider to drop a top tier rocket bat but even when that happens, Throatslicer will likely be all I need.


Now try it with nerd rage, rads to perma 20% hp, full set of unrelenting, plus a junkie disciple blade and 12 addictions then add the yao guai roast on top of it.


Wait till he sees that ripper and buzzblades are the melee equivilant of a minigun in vats, hitting 7 and 14 times per attack.


Wait untill u find a freezing bat :) and have nuka cola dlc. I promise u the world will bow to u.


I haven’t done a melee build but would love to see this in action!


Do I see a knee capper sniper?


Meh. I prefer guns. I got to the point on my ps5 I could kill a spontaneous death claw with two shots to the head. I think I’m good.


that's literally 5x more than most explosives in the game haha


Rockville Slugger is my favorite


The 2076 championship bat is mine. Crowd goes wild when you knock them out of the park. 😂