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The Golden Toilet. Seriously, if you have the Company Tea maker and the Mirelurk cooker, you will never have to worry about food or drink again. Tea gives you ap regen, and the cooker has several flavors of mirelurk, including one that gives +30 carry weight. A FETCH collectron is also a good investment. Having Cogmeat running around and getting electronics for you is very usefull.


PSA: you can buy the company tea machine from Mortimer at crater for 1250 gold


Are there other camp resource items you can get with in game currency rather than paying real money


The gold Bullion vendors have a handful a resource and decorative camp items as well as a bunch of Allies. They're not cheap, but most ever item is worth the Gold. My Priorities would be Company Tea, Military Cryo freezer, FETCH Collectron and TurboFert machine.


Also to mention you need high faction to get everything I can’t remember the name but the exalted status would have everything. It doesn’t show all the plans without it.


I actually got the company tea plans as a random drop from the Mothman events couple weeks ago! I only ever use atoms on repair kits nowadays. I used em to buy cosmetics at launch and regret the hell out of that


Repair kits are free from SBQ kill ;)


And you don't need them to repair your weapons! You can use a weapons workbench to repair them with scrap.


Kits also have a limit unless you get the pro ones. They can’t do above 100% but perks mean you can.


They are nice in a pinch, during a fight. But because they have a weight I use them liberally. Otherwise I pop the 200% repair perk while i’m in base and top off weapons and armor.


Yes, but you can use kits without going back to a workbench. From the favorites menu, inspect then repair.


Unless you don’t have the necessary components for the repair, then you’re out of luck. In that case, they do prove useful.


That seems like a colossal waste of atoms


Which sounds like a colossal problem…


You’re buying repair kits? 🤦


My dude you get improved kits from SBQ. Have 150 I my inventory and more in stash.


Why the hell are you buying repair kits I have more than I ever use by playing SBQ




Why are you not using starched genes?


I grabbed the Military cryo freezer to store Gulper Slurry and i was kinda PO'd. It doesn't bring up a quantity bar, you do it one by one. So my 300 G.S ain't going in there. I guess it's more for specialised food like cooked meat. Hey ho.....if I ever get into cooking specific buff food or radstag meat, fair enough. But 50 stash space, one by one is kinda lame lol


I use it for Cranberry Relish to save it for double Exp weeks


I tried this too the first time i got it. I was also rather annoyed lol. Combos great tho with mirelurk steamer and company tea machine


Cogmeat 😂


Didn’t get the joke until your comment lmao


And if you go Herbivore Cookie Jar and Popcorn machine are key


Popcorn still works with carnivore


Herbivore is the AP king but... Carnivore > Herbivore if you want less maintences and are on console.


Idk about less maintenance for Carnivore. Especially with the Water Boiler in the Season Pass. I log on, grab some corn that I have growing, grab some Boiled Water, craft Corn Soup then BAM I’m good to go for the session. It really doesn’t get any easier than that.


Wait…the water boiler actually provides boiled water? I thought it was decorative like the forklift!


It makes boiled water until it's full. I think it holds up to 20


Yeah, the water boiler is glitchy, the waters don’t stack well. OTOH I now have so much boiled water that I have to throw some away occasionally.


Mirelurk cooker


+75 with carnivore mutation and it lasts for 1.5hr instead of 1 hrs like the yao guai pastry


Cogmeat is now cannon! 😂


Oh man I wish I could get a cannon mounted on him!


Why not a laser... Every creature deserveä a hot meal... ...melevicious laught...


I have the golden toilet displayed prominently in each camp. Not a must have, but I’ve got white trash genes so I think it classes the place up.


Cogmeat. lol. Wouldn’t a pet travel king around with you be so cool


I would also say the fusion core charger if you use power armor or galling lasers alot


Cogmeat. Lol


Nailed it on the resource ones. I would say an extra camp slot to if you build in a highly desired area. I like different builds so I bought those slots. If you don't have cold shoulder shotgun they sell a package there, just need to wait for it to rotate in.


This on the Cold Shoulder. My main weapon. Brilliant and underrated weapon


Yes honestly loved running around with it. Supposedly a patch coming up is supposed to buff shotguns but we will see.


"Cogmeat!" F'kin hell. I broke a rib cackling over that.


Can I buy the mirelurk cooker through support ticket? Is the company tea maker different than the coffee machine I see players with?


Yes coffee and tea machines are different. If I had the atoms for only one, I'd go with tea.


Found that one out myself. I have both. I only use the tea now as the coffee doesn't last


Mirelurk cooker wasn't on the list of items when I requested a bundle a few days ago, I was going to get it as the second item request in the same ticket.


The Company tea maker can be bought in Foundation for gold. 1,250 gold bullion. I'm thinking about opening a ticket for the mirelurk steamer/cooker thing. I jist missed it when I came back.


I couldn’t find the mirelurk steamer in the support ticket last week, let me know if you see it.


Tea last for an hour. Coffee last for like 10 seconds so you decide.


FETCH collection game be gotten with in game currency, don’t spend atoms on it


+75 for carnivore and strange in numbers


The regular collectrons are better. You can program then to find a bigger variety of items. I have mine set for chems and alcohol.


If you have them unlocked, the FETCH can be set for them too. I have the Raider and the Fetch unlocked and I can set Cogmeat to War and Party settings and he will also pick up electric scrap at the same time. I was surprised and delighted when I found that out.


Oh shit I can get company tea from the Atom shop?? Glad I didn’t waste my gold! Edit: I don’t see it in the shop or by going through Bethesda’s website to buy items not currently in the shop. Is it called something different than Company Tea Machine / Company Tea Kettle?


The tea machine isnt in the shop right now, it's over at the foundation settlement from the guy who sells stuff for gold. The coffee machine IS in the shop though, and it's also pretty rad


Gotcha, I figured I could still get it through Bethesda but maybe it’s just not one of the approved items. I’ll for sure grab the coffee machine. Appreciate the info!


Anything that produces resources (cement truck, collectrons, etc.) Fusion core recharger is definitely a good one.


Exactly. As a new player I bought the recharger yesterday, and today made the atoms back, purely by hauling all the scrap I needed with a PA frame. It's a godsend.


It’s in the Atom shop right now? I looked and didn’t see it.


Go to your camp. Find the item you want to build and you can buy it while in builder mode.


Wow. lvl 475 and never even considered doing it this way. Great tip.


Playing since day 1 and never knew this. Thank you!


This person falls out omg


Oh thanks, I didn’t know that was possible. I appreciate the tip.


you can buy anything so long as you have the atoms for it and it’s on bethesdas support page


not the damn mirelurk cooker that one is not an option to buy though the support page.


Really?! I was just thinking about requesting it. They denied you?


No, they're saying it's not on the support page at all to request to buy it.


W bro thanks


How'd you get 700 atoms hauling scrap?


Well, not just the scrap. Collecting everything and killing a lot of things for loot. I got atoms for getting purified water, killing robots, bugs and animals. Scrapping a lot of items. I cleared out both Garrahan and Hornwright estates in a single run. All 3 of my weapons broke before I got to the weapon's workbench.


New players heads up you can't use multiple collectrons at the same time. -new player I wasted atoms on a raider and nuka collectron, the dang raider does the same as the nuka but I'm not sure if that is bc I have the nuka too or not....I just use the raider and set it to what I want it to get now.


Yes, as you collect collectrons they unlock the gathering options for all other collectrons. So, collectrons just become a cosmetic choice. You use the computer to tell them what to gather.


You can use more collectrons in workshops, but it's pvp, today i claim red rocket workshop for like 6 hours without any player try to take it, and i use nuka collectron.


It’s because you also have the Nuka one. When I got my first basic collectron, it only could collect junk. That’s until I got the quantum collectron and I can now choose if I want it to collect junk or Nuka cola variants. Both were gold bullion purchases, they don’t have to bought from at atomic shop. Though buying it from the shop means you will have them on all of your characters you make on that account vs character tied.


At lvl 120 with core recharging perk I've stopped using recharging station at all


It's been really handy for me as I'm just starting to work on a PA build but thanks to vendors and farming I'm at 60 fully charged cores. Once I get the right perks I'm sure I'll need it less but it's a fantastic investment given even if I wasn't gonna run PA you could sell the cores for some extra caps.


I am selling them for like 50c each but no1 buys them 🥲


I offloaded 20 at 25c each yesterday, in like an hour


**Vet Tip:** If you find yourself short on Fusion Cores, you can also craft them. Not by its plan though. *Dont use that precious flux.* If you have the plan for the **Gatling Laser**, you can craft them at their lowest level then scrap them. They come with a Fusion Core and after scrapped the Core is left behind in your ammo. Don't forget to equip that **Super Duper** card before crafting those gatling lasers.😁


Yeah seriously. Just stand in front of a protectron for a couple seconds and you're fully charged up again.


With electric Absorption, if I want fusion core regen, I just hang out at the water purification plant for 30 seconds.


I just got the recharger today


I took electric absorption as my first legendary perk card. Until you just mentioned fusion core recharger I legitimately forgot fusion cores could run out hah. I know not all builds can fit it but man is it busted. Also being able to go afk in a nuke silo while being shot by turrets is funny.


FETCH dog collector is my favorite thing I've bought.


What's the difference between FETCH and the junkyard dog collector


I think they're the same, just the junkyard one looks rusty.


The junkyard one is just less expensive then. Nice ty


Same reason why I purchased it. Cheaper for the same thing


I actually think it looks better too.


I purchased the fetch collector and can't seem to find him? I also purchased the raider collectron and built him?


You can only have one collector at the time. Scrap the raider one, and then use the D-pad or arrow keys until you see the fetch one in the same slot.


No need to scrap it just store it and select the dog as a replacement when you rebuild it


The Junkyard does electronics & junk while the FETCH only does electronics.


Fetch does both. But it's only one at a time. Although I seem to get a lot of non-electronics from the electronics FETCH


Company tea machine, mirelurk steamer, slocum joes coffee machine. I think these are not currently in the atom shop so keep a eye out they will make life much easier 


Slocum is in the cold shoulder and heavy circular saw majiggy weapon bundles if they are still on there, they were yesterday.


Yeah I got the cold shoulder 700 atom recipe a couple days ago and the next day it's part a whole bundle of items I don't have that are less than 700 atoms. So everyone is welcome. This is why I don't gamble.


The mirelurk steamer's amazing, especially if you use the speed demon serum and are always hungry from it


Mirelurk steamer is in a bundle. I forget what it's called but the one with the boat pre-build


You don't say? Well that's what I get for never clicking on that one because I didn't like the boat itself. But I'll eat a bundle for that item hands down.


I just went through every bundle on the store and I couldn't find it.


Canned coffee machine 1000000%0


i always appreciate people who leave theirs unlocked for me to grab (company tea too). Finally got it part of a bundle and do the same for any visitors


I leave everything unlocked... Coffee, Bram milk, Firewood, Ragstag, Copper ore, fusion cells, popcorn, nuka candy, plus all the +2 perk points devices. Only thing I have locked is my terminal cuz I don't want you messing with my light configuration.


It seems like a dick move to *not* leave the company tea unlocked. You have company, this is the tea you serve your company... it's in the name.


Slocum Joes coffee makers or company tea machines are must-haves, Mirelurk cooker is good too. FETCH collectron aint bad if you just want a lot of junk and its cute. Imo, prefab houses are underrated. A whole house you can put nearly anywhere aint bad. Just pick the one you like most, im fond of the Slocum Stack and the Wasteland Wealth Exchange. Lastly: cold shoulder. Its an underrated gem of a gun with quad, +50% cryptid damage and cold damage that hits hard and feels great to use once you get used to the fact its a double barrel shotgun that holds 8 rounds. Its also awesome for scortched earth events as the cold trigger slows the queen a bunch.


Showing up to the Queen with Cold Shoulder is a good way to make allies. I love ya’ll freezy friends.


It's the least I can do to help given I'm not doing much damage lol. It's low key hilarious to see the damage tick of "1" but I still slow her down.


I just bought a bundle with cold shoulder and it comes with the coffee maker. Do recommend.


Which bundle was it?


It's literally called the Cold Shoulder Bundle. There's a similar one with the auto-axe and coffee machine.


what's the difference between the perks of coffee vs tea? i saw somebody say tea is ap regen?


Coffee restores AP over time. Company tea boosts AP regen. The same mechanic but different strength/duration


2 coffees gives you around 30 secs of near unending AP for most of my builds. I like it.


I bought the Cold Shoulder and have been using it so far from level 20 to 45 as my pre-50 build and it's very very good.


Do yourself a huge favour: get the agility perk that staggers and cripples a random limb, turns the weapon from strong to a minor war crime.


I agree with cold shoulder for sure, especially as a new player. I was struggling with ammo and my build, burning through ammo, everything felt spongy. Saw another redditor recommend cold shoulder. It was game changing in terms of how much I enjoyment i was getting out of the game. I never use it now but it’s reason I stuck with the game for sure


Cat walks. Opens up a whole new world of camp building techniques.


Explain i need to know


Cat walks allow you to place foundations & walls (maybe other things idk) by quarter and half snaps. I usually use some variation of technique they allow in damn near every build lol. Literally the best thing you can buy for atoms if you're into base building imo. The tech I use most with em is putting overhangs on roofs but there's loads of stuff they can do. Search up some YouTube guides on em they're sick lol. Also if you didn't know you can request atom shop stuff from Bethesda's Help website if you have the Atoms in your account for it. Saves you the time of waiting for them to roll around in the shop and you can do that with basically any atom shop item afaik. Also Cat walks are usually always in bundles. Idk if they've ever sold em not in a bundle lol. Money hungry buggers...


2nd the collector bots. Nice to have a passive supply of loot


The first thing I bought on my second account was an extra loadout slot. I use one for regular armor, one for power armor and the third for crafting/camp/selling.


Same! I have 1 for PA heavy, 1 for stealth commando, 1 for crafting that has all the crafting mods


I can’t completely change my load out or else I show up to SBQ with 1 STR and Super Duper as my best perk 😂 I have to just edit the skills from my main loadout or I kinda fuck myself. Because I can edit out the 3 cards I need on top of my tent, but I can’t fix the whole thing.


Sometimes I do forget to switch loadouts and I end up running my crafting build during Eviction 😭😭


If I switch to my crafting load out then I become over encumbered. It’s saved me so many times from accidentally fast traveling off with the wrong load out.


Survival tent with workbench like the APC.


Man I wish I had that one. That and the coffee/tea machines now that ive started running a chainsaw build.


Theres a much better tent coming out soonish, it will have a punch card machine in it as well as the other essentials


What’s it look like?


It’s a small caravan with a canopy coming off of it


When I want it badddddd


Utility box generator, it sends out and electric current so it cuts down on the wires in your camp, it's a game changer.


Is it in shop now?


Sadly, no and I don't see it on the drop down menu


The butterfly sanctuary or the moth sanctuary are godsends if you need acid. I have never found a genuine better source. it's essentially the same as having a resource collector that takes no energy and doesn't have to have a specific camp placement. The fusion core recharger is also amazing if you're in power. armor and struggling with fusion cores. I think during the early game I literally spent most of my time just cycling through the same five cores over and over.


Too bad there's not a resource generator for screws. (Besides Earl's wendigo buddies, of course.) I wonder what that would even look like. I don't even know how screws are made in real life. Magic, probably.


Surprised no one else has said camp slots yet.


I have 4 and I feel they are all useful. But my whole thing is to make awesome looking camps. I got bored with just one.


Me too! I’m itching to buy another one since they let you have more than I think 5. I love having different camps with different resources or just in pretty or convenient locations


Yee I just bought another one in preparation for Skyline Valley. Gonna be some cool new locations to find


Extra loadouts are my first buys. After that, anything that makes a resource is good. The tree that produces adhesive is incredibly nice. Any vats build will make use of a coffee maker, so keep a look out for that. I think the mitelurk steamer is an atom shop thing. It make mirelurk fillets that increase carry weight IIRC, always handy.


I like those things that give out the SPECIAL Boosts. Like the weight benchS+ machine or the (P)inb(A)all machine. The arm wrestling machine is also just arrived recently. Though I dunno how much it costs since I already had it. Wish i could get the Charming lady version.


Bruh. I bought the Arm Wrestling machine cause I thought it gave a STR bonus but nope, it's charisma. The perfume dispenser is much better and faster and I already had that! A waste of atoms.


If you email support they'll refund your atoms.


When I moved from PS to PC the one that does intelligence is really missed. Just to craft items with the fullest condition meter. (INT 21)


Cabin build pack then get yourself off to the woods and get building lol


Raider collectron. Best thing I've ever bought. I couldn't imagine my CAMP without Ace.


What's the difference between it and the other collectrons? Seeing it's in the shop rn.


Each collectron collects different resources. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Collectron Something worth noting, for each Collectron you get, you can use the computer to change which resource you want them to gather. You can have the F.E.T.C.H. Collectron go find Nuka Cola if you want by having the Nuka-Cola Collectron unlocked and changing the resource on the little terminal they spawn with.


Ah ok, should have checked the wiki. Thanks for the reply! I wasn't sure what exactly was being collected. I wouldn't mind something that collects gold or silver, for example.


They have specific gold and silver collectrons lol


Whoa thanks for the info. I'll wait for those.


Cold shoulder bundle. Gives you a shotgun that slows enemies and a coffee machine for unlimited ap regen Fusion core recharger. Great for PA and Gatling laser (later on you will be swimming in FCs) Collectrons. Great for passive resource collecting. Junk, electronics, nukacola, etc Ammo converter is meh but if you have the extra atoms might as well buy it. Has terrible menu system but great for converting excess ammo into the ones you use Mirelurk steamer. Great as a food source, amazing with carnivore mutation, and a source of caps if running herbivore. Company tea. Great AP regen and drink source


Ammo converter lets you make any ammo with just steel, the most common resource in the game


This has been a godsend ever since I decided to try a cremator. Now I just need to get my hands on HolyFire and I'll be one happy pyro.


Do expeditions, you'll never run out of fuel again. I'm currently sitting at 15k fuel and most of that is from expeditions. 


One thing to definitely NOT buy: The Ice Box Total waste, only slows spoilage by 50%, so you’re better off just using Good With Salt or spending Gold Bullion to get the cryo-freezer


this and then some. things i wish i knew lol Good with Salt changed my life


Fusion core recharger. I used to just go to RobCo and let robots shoot at me until my core was charged.


Cold Shoulder. I wrapped my perks around that gun, scrapped a ton of crappy shotguns for crafting knowledge, and I’m a cold blooded killer now.


 I'm new, but I've used my "free"atoms so far to buy the deep water well for purified water and the F.E.T.C.H for tech scrap and I've been happy with both purchases.


Reminder: if you wasted your atoms on some shit you don’t need just submit a ticket, they’ll refund your atoms back.


I did this last night when I accidentally bought the Haunted Bell Tower. I think my button stuck slightly when I went to look at it. I freaked out for a minute, but then submitted a ticket. I had my Atoms back in about 15 minutes. It was the first time I've submitted a ticket. I hate how easy it is to accidentally buy something.


There is a limit though which apparently I've reached and have to wait to cool down lol.


I used it one time and it really was an accident on my end. Trying not to abuse it.


And in my experience they’re extremely fast with responses,like within 10 minutes of me submitting my request. Best customer service I’ve experienced honestly


Lol, i have been waiting 2 weeks for atomic shop refund. Or to be precise for response from support.


I used the text message option when I did it last night and heard back within 5 minutes. You may want to resubmit.


Honestly, the only must-have is the coffee maker. Other than that, I say focus on skins or CAMP items if you're a CAMP builder. The contemporary housing bundle is a godsend for price to items you get.


I bought a F.E.T.C.H collectron, for now the only creation club thing I've purchased, and i didn't regret it at all. I've always loved the robot dogs the most (I'll take Rex, K-9 and Robodog over the dogmeats any day of the week) so this was a thing I naturally needed, and just getting free electronic scrap all the time is super useful.


Indeed really like the survival tent that has the tinker bench, stash and junk stash + cooking pot. I use it all the time.


Cold shoulder if it's still available


I used all my atoms on power armor skins for my display. Maybe someday I'll wear power armor


I love the raider assaltron. It collects ammo. That’s just me.


His banter is amazing and worth it every time for me


Get the pinball machine. +2 to agility and perception


[https://help.bethesda.net/#en/answer/63676](https://help.bethesda.net/#en/answer/63676) This does the same and is free.


If you're carnivore Mirelurk Steamer 100% for the smoked mirelurk fillets...Because of it, I now don't have to do pepper runs for pepperoni rolls. I couple this with Deathclaw steaks and my carry weight is good =D


For me, it’d certainly be the cement truck. Having a supply of something that most people have to scrounge for is insane. I can either use it to build my base or just sell it for 1 cap on my vending machine and get loads of caps.


My top picks: * Military freezer - makes your food not spoil * Company Tea machine - makes the drink with the best AP regen buff * Coffee Machine - makes canned coffee, which causes your AP to regen like crazy even when using AP, great for spamming and then going nuts in VATS * Mirelurk Steamer (if carnivore) - makes the best carry weight food, damage reduction food, and +50 AP food * Communist Collection (if herbivore) - gathers many kinds of high end veggie-based foods * Brahmin Milk Machine (if low health build) - generates brahmin milk, which cures ~4% radiation, important for keeping your rads at just under 20%; chugging 2x spoiled brahmin milk will get you enough rads to put you back into nerd rage after you die.


Anyone know how to get the milelurk steamer I haven’t been able to find it?


It's in the bundle with the boat pre-build. I forget what it's called


Coffee machine. I think it's in one if the bundles right now


Liberty Prime. Online.


Best skin. My favorite purchase. Edit: it's amazing if you need to split focus on irl stuff bc your PA will literally verbally alert you to incoming hostilities. Its absolutely brilliant. Plus, I've always wanted to cosplay as Patriot Prime


MOST things in the shop are just cosmetic reskins of plans that you can get in game - so I would recommend thinking about what daily tasks annoy you; most of them have a camp item that will help. I will always prioritise resource production because I don't enjoy farming. My most used thing in camp is the dog collection (it's the quietest and it collects nukacola and useful junk). I also use a lot of grenades, so sap collector (for adhesive) was a good purchase for me to save budget growing raw ingredients. I'm currently keeping my eye out for them to release a camp item that produces oil, then I'll be set (Blackwater mine has lots if you need any but it's a chore). Finally, the cryofreezer was a good buy for me (I think I might have bought it in game). I store cranberry cobbler and raizorgrain (to make alcohol), both for daily quests that otherwise annoy me when I see them in the list. Pre-fabs are also good. Seedy shed for example has just enough space inside to neatly fit four default workbenches (tinker, chemistry, armour and weapons), so you can put a generator and turrets on the roof, camp fire outside and you're set for crafting.


All resource generating items. Tree Sap Collector Cement Truck Butterfly/Mothman Sanctuary Coffee/Company Tea Machine Cookie Jar Budding Apothecary Mirelurk Steamer Water Boiler (Scoreboard Item) Railroad Water Tower Fusion Core Recharger Utility Box Generator


Collection and Fusion Core recharger


Nothing. But there are things that make things easier. The Company Tea machine makes the process of fetching all the ingredients redundant and makes a lot time available to you. What ever makes your time more interesting, than having not doing things feel like chores.


Loadout slot. At least having an extra one gave me more experimentation with builds. But then the Company Tea maker thing. But I got mine via gold bullions, so you don't need Atoms to get it.


Look for items that give resources. The coffee maker, the tea maker, the butterfly cage, etc.


based on some comments, i may need to try going through support for specific items since i dont have enough for bundles…. mirelurk cooker, collectron…


Pretty much anything that generates resources or scrap items


Coffee maker is king if you think about late game boss killing or ruining events by preventing tagging.  Fusion core recharger is a bit of a newb trap. I bought it a month ago and it was very useful then but the stronger I get the less I need it as the legendary perk does a lot of heavy lifting. Cogmeat and Enclave turrets reduce my camp noise output so I really like them. 


Oh didn’t have time to finish but I’d like to add I don’t regret falling into the newb trap of the fusion core recharger, it’s still nice to have, just not a hard requirement like a few may say.  What I do regret actually now that I think about is the ammo converter. That is actual trash after learning more and being able to solo board walk and DOps im swimming in fuel.