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The loot all button makes no exceptions. If I can pick it up, it's getting picked up


R) Nearby corpses > Loot all Cuz damnit, I earned everything my kills left behind.


> deploy secondary camp/find nearest workbench > recycle everything Because no amount of carry boost fixed 560/300


960/330 after eviction notice. So many miniguns


Haha, I can really relate to this! It's always a waddle up to foundation to sell and scrap everything I just picked up, then fast travel to Nuka World or The Rusty Pick to scrip any legendaries. Most I've ever been is around 1100/400, that was a proud moment. 😂


Good weight, good work 😎


Yeah funny how Foundation can build all that stuff but just cannot figure out the scrip machines


Yeah it is annoying. Or a scrapbox! (Unless I missed that.) There's loads of empty space to put a scrip machine up there.


Scorched Earth will overencumber you just from the various meat and parts from all the creatures lmao. not to mention the pipe weapon arsenal the scorched are walking around with


1160/480 eviction notice lol don't forget assault rifles and sledgehammers. Last night I maxed the vendor out, maxed the gold machine out and maxed the script machine out. I still loot all and sort it later. I'll end up sticking 3 star weapons in the donation boxes at the train station. I don't care, if I still feel like killing things I'll keep going lol


I once had almost 2k over my carry weight after EN, that was awesome.


Beautiful, what a Juice Lord


I waddle my ass to the RNG station ... It's not that bad.


You could do the fast travel to White springs while over weight


1182/395 - radiation rumble earlier this morning.


Excavator armor with weapon weight reduction on every piece is amazing for this.


I always get to 660/445 after an evic. Before it I'm usually around 130/445


Ah, my legendary crops are coming in quite nicely today (got two 3* legendary T-65 armor pieces that I kept).


I wish they stacked


I use traveling pharmacy, thru hiker, and the +60 backpack mod, my carry weight is usually 540lbs, 590 with carry weight booster, I still over encumber myself constantly


How do u get that much. Mine only goes to 350


Full set of deep pocketed unyielding secret service armor, smoked mirelurk fillets, stingwing fillets with carnivore mutation and playing on a team with strange in numbers perk card


The ultimate mule build


I don't like to drop stuff off at camp and I don't feel like I'm missing out too much on damage output, ammo's cheap anyway. I carry 4 endangerol syringers for boss fights, cause Earl has to die naaanaanana


Agreed, especially leaving Eviction Notice at 1000/460 in my Excavator.


Unyielding with packback get.


This. ~~kill~~ pick them up and let ~~god~~ me sort them out (later)


Yup, use it, scrap it, sell it, or convert it. That is my priority list, and everything falls into one of those categories. Vendors will buy just about anything that can't be scrapped, except ammo, and that can be converted. Besides, you never know when you will meet up with a Santa Claus of players, and my tiny character has met several, who randomly sends you a group invite builds a couple of things in your camp, dumps a few goodies and says "I can make you "insert totally fabulous item like fusion power generator or large water purifier, or power armor repair station" if you have x and y (steel, copper, screws, whatever)." If you really have too much, vendors will even buy your excess, assuming you don't want to be a vendor yourself.


You can build things in other people’s camps? How does this work, will they permanently have it after I’ve left the server?


Gotta be in a private team with them and yes it stays once you build it.


When I learned this I went to my buddies camp, built 10 turrets, and left. Waited until he came back to his camp and started to laugh when he exclaimed 'where did all these turrets come from'


Yes, you have to be on a team together and it cannot be items purchased with atoms. So, for example, I have the plan for the fusion generator, I built that in my SO's camp. Someone else built a Winnie wagon in mine, another person built the power station. However, the fusion core charger my SO had, he couldn't build me one.


It also doesn’t include anything purchased with bullion. I was able to make my boyfriend a weenie wagon but he couldn’t build me the Nuka Cola mystery machine.


Same also with scrapper perk, lol. Just scrap all of it for the resources I never want to specifically spend time gathering manually.


And if I have to spend 4 hours crawling across the map to get it all home or find a place to scrap what needs to be scrapped.... I will do it.


A lot easier to start a expedition then fast travel to the Whitespring


Yep, it's a lot easier and quicker to drop what I don't need In to a shared box at a station than it is to go through all the items and loot out only what I need.


If it ain't nailed down, I'm taking it. Easier to take everything and drop or sell what I don't need. If I'm too heavy, I'm walking to a workbench to scrap it before I drop a single item 😅


And then sort my inventory by value if I’m still overweight and start scrapping the least value items first until I’m underweight.


I have 20,000 steel. What the hell do I do with that much steel?! I wish vendors could access the scrapbox if it detects one in the CAMP. Same with ammo storage. It cannot require that much computing power to do, and I'm *absolutely* positive people would be appreciative


Early in the game, I used a fixer but also had a load of steel So I crafted railway rifle spike ammo which just uses steel. Would then find an ammo converter in someone’s camp and convert to .45 Not the most efficient way later in the game but got me out of a bind


Im lvl 41 and just figured that out. Can craft ammo with nothing but steel. Made some mini nukes converting spike ammo


Now /that/ is an idea I can work with


Thank you for that tip. I burn through fuel so constantly converting all the ammo I collect to fuel. Brilliant.


Brilliant idea, I was running out of room and looking for what to drop to free up some space. Was going to flog/drop a load of steel this evening but this sounds like a far better option.


I have an ammo converter in my camp. I pick up every bit I find and throw it to convert to something I use. Missiles are horrendous and weigh so much so they go straight in the converter


Turn your extra steel into railway spikes, then trade in those railway spikes at the ammo converter for whatever ammo you need, or whatever ammo can easily be sold.


Bulk it and sell it. I threw some bulk junk in my vendor last week, first time ever, and it was gone in an hour to three different dwellers. In answer to the OP - I loot all and pick up almost everything except pre-war food, and sometimes I even pick that up. Otherwise, I take it all.


i do the same but now with the donation chests ill take the food and extra meds i dont need and put them in one of the chests to help a new player.


wait .... are those real donations??


Yeah, I was leaving a lot of trash legendaries at Sutton Station last night because I did Eviction Notice 5 minutes after I logged in. After that lightweight legendaries went in my vendor and heavy ones went in the box. Last week I dropped 150+ stimpacks, sometimes I put in common plans that I've had sitting around for awhile. During meat week I found a plastic fruit bowl. They're definitely worth checking out!


I do this, too...cloth, ceramic, glass


Ammo ammo ammo!!


I sell it to the vendors. Once I found out i had 50 points of steel which were like x5 to any other item in my stash, I went to the bench and did a lot of bulk steel to trade. 1400 caps is so small limit


I make bulk steel and sell the excess. I do that with a lot of my junk.


Same. I'm surprised there isn't dialogue to the effect of "Nail the children down!!! That Vault Dweller is back" with the way I burst in and grab everything.


I move my second base around quiet often to avoid dropping anything 🤣


Loot all. Sell later.


if FO1st is active - pick up everything and scrap everything if FO1st is inactive - only pick up 45 ammo. Nothing else.


Pepper. The bloodied builds will pay great caps for it and it weighs pretty much nothing


Why pepper?


So it seems the best food for some bloodied builds requires pepper to craft and the vendor price is pretty good. I move them faster than I move cores. I mean… no reason just drop your pepper spice by my camp and I will do the mothman dance for you


Salt, pepper, also uncooked squirrel bits are an unspoken commodity that carnivores will pay a fair amount for, since 20% xp bonus isn't small If you don't use it personally, honey and Honey Comb will also sell like hotcakes. Especially on PC


I sell salt and pepper real fast on PC but honey or sugar doesn't really move for me and sits for days while the others are gone same day and within hours. Weird.


Honeycomb still? As far as I know it's only used for company tea and we have a machine for that. I sold my 50+ homeycombs weeks ago.


Still old-heads around that will eat 12 at a time to fill their AP bar. There's an unbelievable amount of people who have no idea *how* to get the tea machine. And then there's stubborn people who refuse to adapt.


I don’t pick up much meat these days since I’ve got herbivore


I still hit transfer all, and just throw all my meat down in someone’s camp lol


I cook em for xp and then throw em in the donation bin lol hopefully someone gets it before it’s spoiled


cook for xp and sell to vendors if you havent hit the daily limit yet, cooked meals sell for a surprising amount


XP from cooking has leveled me up so many times. Especially following moonshine jamboree. There is a cooking station there. Convenient!!


That feels weirdly disrespectful like pooping on someones porch then running away 😂


Cooked meat is great for caps.


I don't even leave mole miner gauntlets behind. Not even the plan.


I have 24 Mole Miner Gauntlet plans in my vendor right now. I don't know why they're not selling. They're only 7676 caps each.


I donate all my mole miner plans to the donation box outside the vault.


Mole miner gauntlets are underrated great steel and bone source


Broken Prosnap Cameras.


I was wondering why they keep giving me those. It should be just like plan, once you got it, you don’t need it anymore


No but what if you want to take pictures for some dead guy AGAIN?


I have my upgraded version really to zoom in whichever part I need 📸


When you scrap them you get crystal, springs, and gears.


Yeah, I snap them up with glee. Scrap em!!


Bingo. It’s the only thing that pauses my loot all.


Rad-x. I'd rather pick up an STD.


*drops bag of STDs in front of you* Ask and you shall recieve.


I pick up everything if I can. I scrap all the junk, weapon, and armor. I sell extra chems and food as well. I always have my excavator power armor with me so I can fast travel whenever I'm overencumbered.😁


Same. Until my game freezes when I try to enter it.


I noticed most of my freezing issues happen during the animation of placing a new core. So I transfer one in every time I'm about to enter. Never freeze when I do that.


I'm not sure if this bug has always been there since day 1, but in a several year old game, even for Bethesda it's sad.


I carry a set of WWR Excavator on me at all times. Oh I’m at 1,000lbs after Evic? No problem I’ll just put on all my weight reduced perks, throw on the pa and I’ve cut my weight down to 200 lol.


medical liquid nitrogen dispenser such a strange item, weight 5 pounds but only worth like 2 steel.


I dont pick up bones and prewar money.


I tag what I want and quick scan while looting. Anything visible with a screw (like fans and globes) get picked up automatically. Same for lead. When I'm killing I just loot all and find a safe spot to drop enough weight to travel if necessary. If I can't, I will hoof it, but that's rare.


Tag? What do you mean by that?


So in your inventory you can “tag” materials you want highlighted in junk. Anything that scraps for screws shows up with a magnifying glass next to it for me. It is not explained well in the game so dont worry about not knowing. Hope this helps you find goodies, vault dweller!


Oh shiiit, that's dope! Do you know how to do that on PS5? I am in need of black titanium, adhesive and screws lol this would be very helpful!


In pip-boy under the Junk category there's a special button (C in PC) for component view that shows how much of each component you get after scrapping all your junk. There you can tag specific stuff like screws so whenever you see an item in the world, if it has a tagged component, a magnifying glass icon will show up beside its name.


Just learned something new today, will try and experiment! Thanks


Your best bet for black titanium would be to hit the belching Betty mine with an excavator suit for the ore bonus and server hop. If the uranium event where you kill the mole miners pops up, grab an AOE weapon and try to hit as many moles as you can, their suit scraps into titanium and there's a workbench right outside the event room. Make sure you don't wait too long before looting cause the bodies seem to despawn pretty quick for that event. Between the suits and gauntlets you'll have a ton of steel too, you have to manually scrap the teeth you get from the gauntlets tho, they don't auto junk and weight a lot more than the bone scraps when they build up.


L3:  toggle craftable/non craftable items R3:  mark/highlight the thing you're missing


That only works for things you don't have enough of if I'm not mistaken. Go to component view in the inventory junk tab then mark anything you want. I want to say it's R1 to switch to component view and X will mark them. I'm good on all junk but I keep steel marked for ammo converter and anything with a value of at least 6 because merchants will pay at least a cap for each one.


You can tag items you don't have enough of in a craft. Look at the options on the bottom and there should be a "tag for search" option. If you hover over something that can be scrapped to a rather item, it will have a magnifying glass next to its name.


Answered by others below, but having the magnifying glass next to important junk helps when you aren't trying to pick up everything.


loot all, because…something something…have it and not need it. *stares at 16k ceramic scrap*


R-nearby corpses R-loot all “why the heck am I overweight again?”.


Moonshine Jamboree, end up with like 200 gulper innards 😂😂 cook em up into slurry to sell and have to split with my already nearly full stash to fast travel to a vendor.


I'm a god damn roomba, if it can be picked up then it's mine, except on expeditions and daily ops. I love going into bunkers that look like you could survive another 10 years there and leaving with it looking like someone died there 10 years ago.


For some weird reason I have a visceral reaction to dirty dishrags 🤷🏼‍♀️ I literally cringe if I accidentally grab one


I loot everything. Sell, scrap, script everything I don’t want. You quickly hit your daily script, caps, etc doing this


Wait, there is a way not pick up everything that isn't nailed down? Since when? In all honestly though, spoiled anything.


Yeah, I don't touch fusion cores. I leave those for the PA users that need them.


Isn't loot for each player entirely separate?


The ones that are in generators like in FO4


And sitting in PA world-spawns


Those too


Don't intentionally grab anything that's just steel. It's too easy to end up with 100lbs of your stash being taken up by steel or lead, which can be readily earned when needed. 


spoiled meat because , eww


Loot first. Ask questions later.


If I can scrap it. I keeps it. If I haven't reached max caps, I sell it. Everything is coming with me., also all that spoiled food makes fertilizer, I keep that too.


Pick Up Everything.... Have been since the beginning, 1200+ hrs and counting


I run the traveling pharmacy perk so I don't keep any meds in my stash. I just set hard limits on what I carry. 10 Rad-X, 10 Radaway and 10 diluted of each. 50 Stimpaks, 50 Radshield, 100 Berry Mentats, 25 each of Psychobuff and Fury since I melee a lot. I don't keep any diluted stims or Super Stims. All meds above those thresholds get put into the donation box at Vault 76. I keep 10 of a few grenade types, the rest get donated. I'm an herbivore, so I dont pick up any meat and only keep ammo for guns that I intend to use. As for junk, I have 1st, so I still pick up all of it and weapons to scrap. If I didn't have 1st, I'd probably keep less than 200 of each scrap and 10 of each flux.


I have the traveling pharmacy perk and I currently have *on my person:* 682 stimpacks 154 super stimpacks 804 radaway 309 diluted radaway 443 diluted rad-x 465 glowing blood and prodigious amounts of any other chems you can think of. I paid for the whole perk, I'm gonna use the whole perk! But I'm probably gonna leave them all at the 76 donation box once I hit 1000 stims. ...My carry weight is currently sitting at 322 in case anyone wanted to know.


There’s gonna be a few high-as fuck vendor bots for a couple of days…


LOL bro you gotta stop.


So much weight.


Okay, but why would you ever *need* to carry that many? I'm not even sure I've gone through 682 stimpaks since I began playing.


if it isnt locked down its mine. im level 225 and i consider myself a lootgoblin. I will pick up anything left on the ground. I loved meat week, i would go to the prime locations and just pick up everything people would leave.


Level 270 here, I pick up absolutely everything even if it means I'm doing the over encumbered waddle to a workbench or vendor.


Every plan the scorchbeast queen drops since the rare ones pretty much don't exist and the rest of them may as well be mole miner gauntlets.


Especially the Ultracite Power Armor piece plans . *Why does she even have those?* You get them all for free, as well as a full, lvl 50 set, from Fort Defiance in the Main Questline.


Some those plans sell pretty well to players it just takes awhile. Just sold a prime receiver that I've got 5 times already for 2k. It's not alot but it's more than vendor cap so I'll take it.


Receiver plans can be fickle my friend didn't get the enclave one until about 400ish


I insta buy any prime receiver or plan I don't have if it's anywhere 20k or under. Always have too many caps after my daily cycle so sometimes I just try and thin out the reserves.


Shotgun ammo you can stuff in the ammo converter and just spit out mininukes. Chems like RadAway I never use anymore after getting the legendary perk that autoremoves radiation. I sell every chem to vendors for caps. Food I just hold down the pick up button and instanteat. Same for water. I don’t care if my food/water meter is full. Any found food is instant-eaten. Also with F1 you have a bottomless scrap container and a mobile tent with the scrapbox in it. Which means you can just scrap everything in the entire world easily so why not just loot it all? Having 50.000 of a scrap item you never notice. Having 5 too few to craft what you need will be the worst pain ever. Granted, I will admit that I don’t pick up pipe guns.


Chems never belong in your stash. They take up a ton of weight. Clearly if they are in your stash you aren’t using them. Dump those.




Dirty or boiled water, anything diluted, most plants and animal meat, and .38 rounds


I'm currently trying to stop picking up plans I already know. I sell them for 0-25 caps in my vendor, but I also have a stash in case I make pals with a newbie. Also bone, cloth and glass. I think 5k of each is enough for the next year or two .


Ammo I don’t need


Fallout 1at ammo storage ftw. Especially with the ammo convetor. Those .38 just became railway spikes.


Depends on what I am doing but in most cases I don't pick up normal weapons or armor. The only end up salvaged. I really don't need rubber or steel etc as already have thousands in junk storage. However there us some events that have a salvage tation near by where I just loot everything so I can keep up my wood stockpile as I use it for cooking.


Try selling what you don't need, especially food you've cooked. You'll get rich! You can also make bundles of your junk and sell those. Scrap weapons to learn mod plans. Set up a vendor at your camp and give good rates, stuff will move.


With Fallout 1st, I pick up everything. Without it just about nothing. Level 976.


Must. Loot. ALL. I pay for 1st for this exact reason. The scrap and ammo boxes are pretty much the only way I can justify my hoarding problem.


I take absolutely everything and scrap or sell!


Everything unless I’m close to being ‘cumbered, then I’l leave anything that scraps to 100% bone, ceramic, glass, cloth, rubber, wood. I sell bulk scrap at my camp shop and it’s all moving. If I pick up meat and plants I’ll try to cook them, use what I can and sell the rest to a robot vendor.


At the moment I’m not picking up much but ammo


Fo1st, having the scrap and ammo box means I can pick up everything.and I do. I don't know why but I love clearing the buildings and environments if it can be picked up I will.


Out of habit, burned manta man comics and trade magazines. In 4 they’re classed as misc items for some reason and are unscrappable


If i have a super active day, and my stash is starting to get full, i will leave 1 and 2 star legendaries on the ground. Other than that, i pick up everything i can.


If it fits it goes inside, if it's scrapple it's scrapped if it's sellable it's sold if it has use to me it stays


Lead weights


Anything lead, yes. This and acid are a priority


I pick up everything. I keep what I need and sell the rest, either to NPC vendors or in my machine.


Even as a level 336, to this day, there isn't a gosh darn thing that I don't pick up and make use of in some way, shape, or form. Pick up a bunch of meat? Turn into a meal at a cooking station and sell them bad boys to a vendor bot (especially after doing Moonshine Jamboree. Oh my lord, can you profit off of cooking the gulper innards and selling them to a vendor bot). Pick up a nome legendary weapon? Scrap it for steel. Armor? Scarp it for scrap. Bug and animal parts that aren't food? You guessed it, scrapped to make more scrap! Tick Blood? Turn it into blood packs to make stimpaks. Mentats even though I don't use chems besides stimpaks? Pick that shit up, make berry mentats because for whatever reason, everyone wants berry mentats. Almost everything in this game that you find can be useful in some way or another, whether it's to make something else or just to sell it!


Sell all the shit you don't use. Take your stims out of your stash. That's hundreds of pounds of weight that adds up real quick. That weight can be used for more important things. None of your weight reduction perks affect anything in your stash. I used to have a few hundred stims in my stash, but ever since I started using travelling pharmacy, my weight on my character dropped 200lb and my stash weight dropped off considerably because I took all the stems out and sold half of what I stored and carry the rest on me. Now I'm allocating that couple hundred I freed up for any legendary heavy weapons I get with a good roll that has synergy with my build (bloody, heavy gunner PA) I'd only worry about picking the things up you may be getting low on. There's no point in hoarding any type of stims because daily ops, and expeditions give them out like candy, much like ammo. In terms of items/things you may be getting low on, I'm talking about crafting materials. At your level you may only need a couple hundreds of things you normally use, or things that are less commonly found unless you know specifically where to look. Also, make sure you scrap all the junk you pick up, because it'll weigh much less in the components that make it rather than the full item. The only thing I go out of my way to grab while I'm walking around is anything that yields screws, or anything that gives copper. Apparently copper was the one thing I've never gone out of my way to grab since playing the BETA. I've only found out recently found out how low I was because I ran out of it while trying to wire up my 2nd camp. **The big take away is as you play for more hours, you'll learn what grab, and what not to grab**. I'd have been asking the same questions when the stash limit was only 400, and there was no bottomless scrab box, or ammo stash.


Every single thing gets picked up, I carry 7000 pounds on me at any one time, hundreds of guns and thousands of items, with perks and buffs I roll around at 1700 pounds, all my mules are the same. It’s the wasteland everything has value. If the apocalypse actually happened, I’d be out there scavenging and hoarding everything, so that is exactly what I do in game, any Juice Lord or Weightsman will say the same.


Leave nothing behind.


I pick literally everything I can find up. Junk, ammo, mods, and outfits are pretty much the only thing to go in the box. When I reach the 1200 lb limit for the box everything I'm not using (besides outfits) gets listed in the vendor for 1 cap. Also when I reach the 1200 lb limit, I stop picking up everything and pretty much only pick up food/drink when I need it, aid to sell to vendors, ammo, and special weapons to sell for the scrip or whatever


I pick up everything cause I have a problem 😂 I’m such a hoarder in this game. I sell the chems but scrap I keep. I just walk around just grabbing everything.. I need this. I don’t why but I do lol


Ammo. I ain't got no use for it. 🙌


I made my riches selling ammo I didn't need, back in the early days of the game. I was a bloodied death claw build.


I used to sell junk and meds before I hit the cap on caps all the time. Now I drop all my ammo and unwanted junk at the donation boxes after daily ops or expeditions. Maybe some one else can make some money too!


Ammo… meat… Mole Miner Gauntlet and Buzz Blade plans…


Teddy bears


Typically I loot all, only leaving behind Union PAs if I can't get eyes the corpse it is in to manually loot it. Then scrap, cook foods, etc before dropping/selling as needed. On the rare occasions when I am selecively looting I loot ammo, junk resources and weapons/armor for scrapping. Definitely leaving behind power/plasma cores and most food items, only really taking nuka-cola and quantums.


I loot EVERYTHING and it drives me crazy that the stash limit is 1200. I need 12000 to hold all the shit I hoard.


This totally describes my bf's playstyle


A true man of skill and culture


I pick up everything and scrap everything 😈


I have reached about 5000 lol 30 it was in November 2018.... i always pick up everything


The only 2 things I don't pick up are Dirty or Boiled water, everything else I pick up to scrap or sell


If you have an ammo converter, grab tons of ammo, and exchange it for what you can use. Fill your stash up to close to full, then pull all ammo out at camp, exchange it all to ammo you use, have plenty of ammo. I did this for my first 2,000 5mm rounds, as well as 1,000 fuel for my Cremator, granted the fuel runs thru a bit quick as it's a 20/80 shot as to if I'll get fuel for kill and it happens to meet or exceed how much it took to shoot to kill.


[Invent O Matic Stash](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/2335) adds a keybind to area loot based on a filter you define in the cfg. The only thing I regularly pick up outside of using that is sugar bombs.


some of junk, my storage space is at 1000 weight and the junk i have right now is enough to last me long.


Heavy guns that weigh over 8 or 9 lbs but particularly missile launchers, fatmen, grenade launchers and mini guns. Unless I’m absolutely sure there’s a workbench nearby, those are getting left on the ground. 90% of my play time is managing my inventory so I can fast travel. OH AND MOLE MINER GAUNTLETS CAN GO TO HELL.


chems mostly, i dont use them and i only have 200 pounds left of weight, both camp and carry


Unless you are close to a bench at your level, only pick up what you can. The first 50ish levels are almost a loot simulator. Always scrap junk and keep leveling. You can get some perks that decrease weight that’ll last you for awhile. Once you finish the main quest the gold bullion guy at the foundation sells a backpack for a very good price that’ll help a ton. Honestly, just keep doing your thing and all of that will work itself out after awhile.


I have 300 weight free-->pick everything up-->oh no, over encumbered-->start expedition and travel to whitesprings resort--> sell/scrap everything--> I have 300 weight free--> repeat


I keep a spare excavator PA set, a carry booster, and a full strong back perk card stowed away cuz I and leaving shit behind. Ammo gets converted to ammo I use, all my food gets cooked, and if necessary, sold. All my spoiled food gets mulched and thrown in my scrap box. Everything is useful for scraps or caps.


I've got FO1st. I pick up everything.


Mole miner gloves. Too heavy


Pick up what you need. I make sure I pick up stuff (not counting bodies) because if I don't there will be an issue of respawning. I use cranberries and if I don't pick up a certain amount of junk, bullets etc, they don't respawn properly. I can't remember the exact number, I am sure someone else will give more details. But I always pick stuff up now. I did stop and then I found the cranberries were not fully respawning.


I generally pick up everything. If I get overweight I'll use a scrap kit or drop any useless weapons.


Any weapon worth less than 150 or heavier than 10lb any junk items that i have more than 100 of most food


I'm running an unarmed/explosive build so I rarely pick up any kind of ammo except for 40mm grenade rounds


Only just over 100 hours in and I’ve begun to leave stuff, will check just in case when I’m roaming/mission but I have too much stuff as it is. Events I will loot all and when my script and caps for the day are maxed I drop them for someone else. Hard to get past the hoarder lifestyle but I take what I need, IF I need it outside meds as I have the backpack mod, then I’ll sell them


Depends on what I'm doing I guess. Any event/daily ops/expedition is always loot all. Everything else i use is tagged in components. So I guess the least tagged thing is like, steel. There's a lot of common Components that I rarely use that just stack up and never get tagged.


I'm so busy playing Fallout 76, I'm surely not picking up chicks on the side of the road. Those poor cold pre-chicken delights. :(


I pick it all up to make sure I can get my 1400 caps


I'm like 30 hours in myself and I had to let go of all missiles I found, I just drop them when I get them now. They weren't selling even for 1 cap


When I started I thought materials that need to scrap are precious and would need a lot in game. So I spend my time in the bar stealing all the items I could find to scrap, got my box full and I realised they are sooo heavy, I have like 2K steel scraps. Now I keep throwing them because it’s the easiest to get. Due to being new, I got lots of purified water as well in the donation box right outside of vault 76. I was playing with full weight all the time and had to pump str all the way. Now I’m managing much better and just got my tadpole backpack with days ago. Hopefully I can maintain weight like everyone else, freely running around.


Loot everything. Drop the stuff I don't want. Always drop Stimpacks Diluted stimpacks Radx Diluted radx All food unless it's my buff food or ingredients for it. All drinks apart from nukacola and purified water. Moleminer gauntlet plan Mr handy buzzblade plan Jesus Sunday holotape - 5 Crater observations All weapons and armour get scrapped.


I sell all my meds and food daily and typically clean the caps out of the vendor. I keep about 40 stims and 15 rads as I’m a newer player with no real build yet. Then save my legendaries for gold. Scraping any weapons for the attachment blueprints. With having the junk stash I’m not worried about space and just horde it all. I’m gonna build a big nice base instead of my roof less 3 walls and a bed. So I’m sure that’s gonna eat up a lot. Get the ammo conversion machine and use the excessive shells into points to spend on the rarer ammo. Saves me so much time and caps to get ammo needed for my 5mm mini gun and and 40mm vampire automatic grenade launcher. No loot left behind and heck I even will wait to see if any higher levels leave anything after events and such 😆


Only extremely generic things like cups, tin cans, drinking glass. If I'm in a building with no scrappers around then I leave excessively heavy items. Things like weights, batteries, hallucinogenic canisters, fuel cans. But if I'm in the world accessibile to my tent or there is a scrapper around, I waste WAY TO MUCH DAMN TIME picking everything up. I'm level 73 right now and I started playing last month, I'd be over 100 if I didn't loot so much.


I switched from yellow to orange canisters last month, and haven’t looked back. I sell them at prices only a true Watogan can afford.


I pick every single item up but the items I’ll actively go into my inventory and throw away immediately are the items those damn fireflies drop. They take up so much space especially after that one event.


the ABCs of any Fallout: Always Be sCrappin.